Friends Helping Friends


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It did not escape me that he glanced at Sara as he said that.

"Anyway, if I just wanted sex, there are always students in my classes who would be happy to comfort the prof." He was right about that. Eric had scored more than once with willing co-eds attracted to their handsome young instructor. Matter of fact, that was how he had wound up with Pam. After that encounter, he sort of majored in Pam. Too bad for him that she changed her own major to another instructor at the college.

We let the Joy topic slide, and just stretched out on the flat rocks, enjoying the late afternoon of another fine spring day. Eventually Sara got up to go into the house to prepare dinner. Eric watched as she walked away, buns swaying side to side.

"She is one fine woman," he commented drowsily. "She always looks good, walking toward you or the other way."

"She appreciates you too," I told him. "She told me you caught her attention last night, dancing nude."

"I don't know how she could see much in the moonlight," he said, smiling. "I know I couldn't see much of her, and it wasn't for lack of trying." He paused. "What I could see was stimulating, however. If you ever need help keeping that woman happy, count on me."

I laughed. "Were you listening to our pillow talk last night?"

"I heard a bed in the room above bouncing around, but no talk."

"Well, your name came up as we got into an intense workout. Sara admitted she gets a little stimulated thinking about you."

Eric propped his head on one elbow to look at me. "She said that?" I nodded. He was silent a moment. "Well, we're all subject to stimulation, but while Sara and I joke around and dance close once in a while, she's never made a move, and all kidding aside, you know I wouldn't try to do an end run around you, right?"

"I believe that," I said, returning the direct gaze. "But I have no worries. I'm going to tell you just what I told her. It certainly would add a new dimension to our relationship if you two hooked up, but I don't think it would be a bad one. You're a good friend. She's a good woman. Long as you treat her right, I think I could share her with you and still be friends. Honestly, it might even turn me on."

His eyes widened. He was silent a moment, then asked, "It would turn you on?"

"Yeah, call me a pervert."

"Well, if you are, you're not alone," he laughed. "When Pam was still around, a couple of times we spiced things up fantasizing that she was doing you while I envisioned balling Sara." We both laughed.

After a moment, his expression turning serious, Eric asked, "Are you for real that Sara and I could hook up and you'd be okay with that?"

I envisioned a jet pilot honing in on a target, asking for clearance. It was time to find out if I had the courage of my convictions. I nodded.

"No reservations?"

"A few butterflies probably, but they'd fly away."

"But you would tell me if you did have second thoughts? You wouldn't bash my brains out or even worse, make me shop around for someone else to beat so easily during weekend tennis?"

I laughed, making a sign like baseball umpires do when a runner sliding in is safe. "And I'd also miss beating your ass on the tennis court."

"This might be an interesting evening," Eric said.

Changes in interpersonal dynamics often seem to permeate the atmosphere. Even without being directly summoned, they take on a presence that infiltrates the psyches of all around. At dinner that evening there was no conversation on the mutual attraction between Eric and Sara. She and I had discussed it between us, and he and I had touched on it, but they had not talked directly with each other. Yet, it was there, hovering about, influencing the way they looked at each other and talked over dinner that evening. There was an unstated intimacy just in the manner she dished out the casserole on his plate, and the meticulous way he filled and refreshed her glass with the good wine he had brought.

Afterward, Eric selected another play list, with less blues and more romantic music. He and Sara resumed the dance, and with a new intensity. They were virtually grinding during "Wanna Make Love To You," Sara doing a 180 and rubbing her curvaceous butt against Eric's groin a couple times. Their legs intertwined and midsections meshed as they went "Knocking on Heaven's Door." When "Tears in Heaven" came on, they caught their breath, Sara putting her arms up and around Eric's neck as his went around her waist. Her head on his shoulder, they waltzed slowly in place, her swimsuit-covered boobs in close contact with his bare chest. Halfway through "At Last," she looked up at him tenderly, an invitation on her face, an ardent expression on Eric's. Their lips joined in a passionate kiss, which seemed to last almost as long as the song. Their hands began lightly caressing each other, Sara on her tip toes as they ground their waists tightly together.

Due to my earlier conversations with each of them, I was not caught totally off-guard, but still felt my heart rate pick up and my stomach flip like when a small plane took a sudden drop.

They seemed completely oblivious to me. It was as if I was invisible. Which was fine, up to a point. I could just look on, and despite the stomach sensation, it was not unpleasant. My dick was as hard in my shorts as Eric's undoubtedly was in his -- actually, he was still wearing my spare swim shorts. What a metaphor, I thought -- Eric was stepping into my pants, and from what it looked like he could soon be stepping out of them and "slipping into something more comfortable." Best friend and best woman about to get it on. And not behind my back. No blindside, as had happened to Eric with his girlfriend. No, it was not unpleasant. It was actually exciting.

As it went on, my comfort level dropped, however. I began feeling like a voyeur -- out of place, an intruder in my own home -- and I also felt my presence would make them uncomfortable once they remembered I was there. Thinking back on my own experiences, I realized most lovers like privacy, new lovers especially. So I rose from the couch and left the room for my office. Sara was facing the couch, and my movement must have registered with her, involved as she was. Her mouth was still joined with Eric's, but her eyes took on a questioning look. Something must have registered with Eric too, as he broke the kiss and followed her view.

"I have something I have to get to," I said, smiling, giving them a thumbs up, and exited the parlor.

It felt like a clumsy exit, but... Anyway, it was done. Now what? I could work on architectural plans for a client that were due soon, even though my head sure wasn't into that. I took my laptop, found a seat in the sun porch on the other side of the house and thought about surfing the net. But I had little interest in that either. Curiosity was pushing everything out of my mind. I wished I had stayed, after all.

Then I had an inspiration, and became a voyeur for real. As part of our home security system, there are mini-cameras stationed at various points, primarily to observe doors and windows and valuable possessions. The cameras send images to a receiver and app, which makes them visible on an in-house monitor or via computer. I booted up my laptop and activated one of the parlor cams.

As I tuned in, Eric and Sara were side by sideon the couch, she facing him. The mini-mic caught her voice.

"Again, I don't think he's upset. I think he's giving us some space," Sara said. "He doesn't want us to be self-conscious, and the thumbs up was telling us this is okay with him. It's thoughtful. It's just like my Ryan."

"If it was me, I think I'd want to be there if my woman and friend seemed about to get into something." Eric said. "I'd be too antsy to just walk out."

"I'm sure he's dying to know what's happening. He's fired up and wants to feel our excitement, and his imagination will work overtime. But he knows I'll tell him everything later." She stroked Eric's leg just below the shorts. "Meanwhile, he's giving us privacy so we can figure what comes next."

I was excited hearing my wife be so candid with my friend, but also felt a pang of guilt, spying on them when they thought I was so nobly removed.

Eric looked doubtful. Sara cradled his face with her palms. "Look, trust me, he's okay. If this works out and we go for reruns, I'm sure he'll get more involved. What we have to decide now is obvious? Do you want me as much as I want you?" Not only my stomach reacted -- my hard dick felt like it also did a flip flop in my pants.

"Yes," Eric answered decisively.

They locked lips in another passionate kiss, their caresses going further than they had when I was in the room. Eric rubbed her boobs through the top of her two-piece. She let her hands fall from the sides of his face down to his middle and pressed on the bulge in his swim trunks (actually my trunks). Then she inserted a hand inside the elastic waist band. The small cam which was situated on a book shelf 15 feet away left something to be desired, but it was evident she was fondling him. Eric found the drawstring for her top, and it fell away from her luscious boobs.

Any guilt I felt at spying was now completely forgotten. This action between my wife and my friend was more erotic than any porn I had ever seen. I suddenly remembered the record command on the app, and pressed it.

Sara was tugging at Eric's trunks, and he lifted his butt. She pulled them down his outstretched legs, shifting down toward his feet to remove them. Eric was now naked, his erection standing straight up, bobbing excitedly. Sara did not waste any time, leaning down so she was face to face with his hard dick, then licking the underside of it from nut sack to tip, and began playing with her tongue around the hood. Some more stomach flips for me. Eric murmured something, and I could identify with the pleasure he had to be feeling as I knew my wife's oral skills. She wrapped her lips completely around his dick and lowered her head, taking more than half his nearly eight inches into her mouth, then began raising and lowering her head. Eric watched her do it, his face showing rapture. I felt that sensation in my stomach again, even as I extricated my own hard dick from my swim shorts, wrapping my hand around the hood and squeezing.

The delicious blow job went on for over a minute. The security system had only a thin mic, but I swear I could hear the sucking sounds through it, and Eric's moans came through clearly. "Whoa, that's enough," he nearly shouted. "I'm about to lose it." Sara's head rose, freeing his dick, which shone slick with saliva and pre-cum, a small strand of it clinging to her lips.

She stepped onto the floor. Standing with her back to the camera, she slid the bottom of her two-piece down her legs and stepped out of it. Eric stared at her sculpted bush, getting the full view that had been obscured by moonlight the previous night. He quickly wrapped both hands around her curvaceous butt, pulling her closer to him, then leaned forward. The camera angle would not let me see his face making contact with her clit and labia, or the pleasure that must have been on her face, but judging by the tightening of Sara's butt muscles, a slight spreading of her legs and a nearly inaudible moaning, Eric must have been adequately returning her oral favors.

I continued squeezing my dick, wishing I could see better. Then I remembered there were also two other mini-cams in the parlor, and activated one for a different angle. A side profile view emerged of Eric's tongue exploring Sara's pussy, and the look of pleasure on her face. His dick was standing up from his lap, ramrod stiff.

Sara's vocalizing grew in pitch, until she orgasmed, giving a loud scream that I could have heard at my end of the house without the help of the mic, which nevertheless amplified her heavy breathing as she stood there, coming down from the heights. "I want you in me," she gasped, pushing his shoulders back and virtually jumping onto his lap, her knees on either side of him. She grabbed Eric's hard dick, positioning it at the entrance to her love box, and I watched it disappear as she lowered herself onto it. My stomach was flip-flopping in overtime.

There were muffled sounds from both of them as she began rising and falling. I switched to the other camera and observed from the rear as they settled into a rhythm, the lower part of Eric's shaft visible for an instant, before being swallowed, his scrotum camouflaged by her butt, then reappearing as she rose. Sara leaned forward, her chest against Eric's face, and I switched to the other camera -- actually had both views on split screen -- watching as he sucked on her left boob as their middles clashed together.

I was stroking now, matching my own rhythm to theirs. The elastic band of my swim trunks was pressing uncomfortably against my balls, so I adjusted it without missing a stroke as I watched my wife and friend fuck furiously.

I remembered the zoom feature on the remote camera and zeroed in until I had a closeup of Eric's nut sack and stem just visible below Sara's beautiful twerking butt. This went on for a while -- them fucking and me stroking in time. I wish I could tell you that I successfully coordinated my own release with those of my woman and friend, and that we all came together in a symphony of exclamations, but things rarely work out so perfectly in the real world. It was close, but my dick suddenly spurted globs of cum, which I tried to catch with my free hand while raising my knees to stop the laptop from falling off my lap. A gob or two of cum landed on the keyboard.

As my climax ebbed, Sara had another orgasm, judging by a scream as she looked straight up at the ceiling, her boob falling from Eric's mouth. Eric yelled a few seconds later, signaling that my friend's cock was pumping ropes of cum into my wife's vagina. Their movements gradually died down to a standstill. She laid her head on his shoulder and her arms draped over the couch behind him as he gripped her back, and they stayed still for a long while, his nut sack barely visible, hugged by the crack of her butt.

I moved the laptop to a more secure perch on a table, and made my way to the nearby half-bath, where I procured a couple tissues and cleaned myself up as best I could. Globs of cum were on my stomach, even my chest, not to mention my hand, and staining my swim trunks. Then I returned to the computer to wipe the keyboard and look at the screen. The lovers were stirring now, looking at each other. Wanting to see their expressions more clearly, I switched camera angles again to the side view, and used the zoom. Sara was stroking Eric's brow. He was smiling, looking happily exhausted.

"Damn, but that was better than all the fantasies I've had about you over the years," he said.

"Years?" she asked. "Really?" He nodded affirmation. "Oh, I have to confess I've had my share of fantasies involving you too," she said. "Why did we wait so long?"

"Ryan," he answered. "It was a matter of sublimating desire in order not to hurt a friend. And, I also had Pam and other women. But I still thought of you, over and over, fantasizing what it would be like."

"Ryan," Sara said, nodding. "Yes, he's why I didn't pursue anything with you, and isn't that ironic, because all that time he probably wouldn't have minded if we hooked up, maybe even liked it."

They both laughed lightly.

"Where do you think he is?" Eric asked.

"I'd bet at the river," Sara responded.

"Why don't we join him there," he said. She nodded, and putting one foot on the floor, rose on the other knee, freeing Eric's cock from her vaginal embrace. The camera zoom brought the picture close enough for me to see whitish fluid dripping from her snatch. She cupped her hand at the opening to catch his cum as she went toward the lavatory off the parlor. Eric sat there momentarily, a satisfied smile on his face. He wrapped a hand around his shiny but deflating erection, squeezed lightly and gave a celebratory tug before reaching for his (my) shorts.

It was time to shut my voyeur-cam down, which I did, stashing the laptop in a cabinet, then grabbed a flashlight and quickly exited through the sunroom door, making my way down the path to the river. A short time later, I saw the bobbing light of another flashlight, as the new lovers approached. Eric had the swim shorts back on and Sara was wearing a robe, which she took off at water's edge to reveal her beautiful naked body, no swimsuit.

I entered the water, and she placed her hands on my shoulders, using me for leverage as she hopped in, landing with her obligatory scream and cry that the water was too cold. She kept her hands on my shoulders as we faced one another. The moonlight was strong enough that we could see each other's face fairly clearly. Our mouths joined in a deep, passionate kiss.

"I love you so very much," she said, as we unlocked lips. "We'll talk about it later."

Eric had made his way into the river too. "Everything good, bro?" he asked.

Everything's good, man," I told him, as we bumped fists.

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irinmikeirinmike7 months ago

another worthless story with a husband willingly letting his wife get it on with a friend.

shadrachtshadracht11 months ago

FYI - at the end (chapter 8) she leaves him for Eric. Continue or not at your choosing.

lc69hunterlc69hunter12 months ago

@anonymous, we don't like your little BTB morality tales here either. Go create your little fascist incel group so you can sit around and circle jerk over BTB stories

StubbyoneStubbyone12 months ago

Simply WOW !!

One of the most erotic short stories about wife sharing that I’ve read. Loved your descriptions, especially the build up and the interaction between husband and wife prior to the sharing. Good plot, writing and editing. An easy 5-😊😊😊😊😊’s

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

"Why do the haters of tagged cuckold stories continue to read them whine and cry about them?"


Personally, because I actually have to read a story to know what is in it. If I can tell what is in a story without reading it, that's ample evidence it sucks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


"Why do the haters of tagged cuckold stories continue to read them whine and cry about them?"

Because, asshole, we don't want such stories to appear here at all! Create your own secret groups and exchange your stupid stories only with each other via email, fucking perverts!

olblueyesolblueyesover 2 years ago

not into cuck stories, i thought i had punched up "nudity",,,when i was married, we never played with friends, always strangers and always out of town if possible. couples only.

bluepixiegurl316bluepixiegurl316over 2 years ago

Great story. We'll written.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Except for the sick friend comforted by the whorewife, this is the lamest excuse for a cuck story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Excellent writing! Very realistic, I know, because I have been there. I wish these insecure idiots would pay attention to the preview and classification of the stories, and just avoid stories that upset them. Keep writing, please!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

A well written story.

Thank you.

Why do the haters of tagged cuckold stories continue to read them whine and cry about them? If the stories are tagged cuckold just dont read them and your feelings wont get hurt.

to mattenw, yep yur still here

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Well written story . The gist of the matter though is sadly it’s toll on the relationship . There is very rarely a happy - happy - happy ending when three people enter into a sexual trifecta . Invariably the dynamics change the desires continue but flow openly and unevenly , the subconscious effects slowly erode the dynamics and negative thoughts and feelings become the new norm which in turn feeds the poisonous powder keg and eventually the relationship becomes too poisoned and toxic to continue . My saying that always happens but it is the majority of the time !

Impo_64Impo_64over 2 years ago

"I love you so very much,"..Of course she does. Not! 1*

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Yuu cucks really need to just go find that cock you so desperately desire and leave this idiocy in you warm safe spot in that closet.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle66over 2 years ago

Great story!

What ignorant couple hides the fact the wife and/or husband looks around and thinks about fucking others? And their marriage is either strong enough to survive, or it's going to eventually fail from some other jealousies, secrets, or ownership issues.

I liked the way you portrayed the husband's initial reservations as he gave them space and the wife reassured Eric. Either you have a great imagination, or you and your wife have been there!

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