Frivolous Fantasy Diary - Babysitter

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The Frivolous Fantasy app makes all your dreams come true...
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Frivolous Fantasy

The FrivolousFantasy app was a simple idea. Download and create an account then choose to be either a host or a provider.

Hosts paid good money for an anonymous provider to meet with them to deliver whatever sordid fantasy their mind could create. The address, date and time of meeting, along with any special requirements, appeared on the provider's account allowing them to select one that appealed to them. Then all they needed to do was arrive, as per the request, to fulfil the host's lustful desires.

And the hefty price tag made sure to attract only the most affluent and sordid customers...


April stepped off the bus and made the short walk round the corner where she crossed over the road and headed for the address on the request. As she made her way up the path, she noticed the front curtains twitching. A head was peering through the gap like an excited puppy waiting for its owner to return. It disappeared as she approached.

She reached out to press the doorbell, but the door flung open before she could make contact.

'What time do you call this?' A handsome male, early-twenties, waved enthusiastically for her to come in. 'I've been waiting nearly an hour for you.'

'Err...Nine?' she replied checking her watch. That was the time on the request, she had planned her journey to perfection.

'Dad's gonna be pissed. You should have been here at eight.'

'The message said nine.'

'Well, he's already left, but he wanted me to give you some instructions.'

'What instructions?'

'I dunno. I didn't listen. Something about not drinking and him being back around two.'

'Next time someone gives you instructions, listen to them.'

'Yes, miss!' He made an exaggerated salute towards her. 'Thought you were the babysitter, not my bloody teacher.'

'You're the baby?'

'Piss off!'

He was anything but. Slightly taller than she was wearing dark jeans and a tight-fitted heavy metal t-shirt.

'While I'm here, I'm in charge,' she said sternly.

'And what about when you leave me home alone?'

'You seem to have survived.'

'Anyway, the instructions were for you, not me. In here.' He flicked his head as he pushed open a door and made his way in.

She followed him into a fairly standard lounge: three-seater along the left-hand wall, armchair behind the door, large coffee table in the centre of the room. The only element that took her by surprise was the porn film playing on the oversized television in the far corner.

'Have I disturbed something?' she said.

'What's wrong with a teen watching a bit of porn?'

'Nothing. I... Teen?' She gave him a closer inspection.

He was cleanly shaven and would easily have passed as mid-twenties, but his eyes did still have that boyish glint. She glanced at his wide chest stretching his t-shirt and his thick arms bulging out of his sleeves.

'Alright, I'm twenty-two. I look old for my age. They reckon it's all the weight training I do. Sit down. I'll get you a drink.' He left the room.

'Tea, thanks,' she called after him.

She slipped off her coat and lay it over the back of the chair then sat at the nearest side of the couch. Naturally, her eyes were drawn to the action on the television. She watched for several moments intrigued by its artistic style. It wasn't the frantic fucking or rough humiliation she knew a lot of horny lads were into. The characters were gentle, sensual. And there seemed to be a realistic storyline. They were actually having meaningful conversations.

He returned and held out a mug of champagne. She peered in and took a sniff. 'I said tea.'

'Do I look like I know how to make a cup of tea?'

She held it on her lap as he slumped at the other end of the couch and took a long swig from a bottle of beer. 'She's fucking Brad's girl,' he explained.

She nodded, clearly picking up on the plot.

'He's gonna be pissed when he gets home. Bet he fucks them both.'

She turned and gave him a look. 'Typical!'


'It doesn't always have to end with a rough shag, you know.'

'It usually does.'

'This looks...different.'

'It's not my usual go to, to be honest.'

'Thought not.'

'What does that mean?'

'It looks a bit more...intimate than I would have expected.'

He faked a look of shock.

'Passionate sex. Where they actually care about each other.'

'I can do passionate.'


'I'm sure my previous conquests would agree.'


He smirked.

'And how many of these...conquests have there been?'

'Stopped counting years ago.'

She raised an eyebrow.

'Alright. Three. If you're counting blowjobs.'

She laughed. 'I wasn't.'

'Chuffed I've had any action.'

'There's plenty of time. You're...a good-looking lad.' She held his gaze as she took a drink trying to weigh up whether he was the actual host or not.

Babysitter fantasies were common on the app, but the baby was always imaginary or just a doll, and it was the father or mother returning from a disappointed evening who was the host taking advantage of the situation.

'What about you?'

'How many do you think I've had?' She took a sip of champagne from the mug.


She laughed.

'It was either that or close to a hundred.'

'That's more like it.'

'Wow! Randy little thing, aren't we?'

'Can't help it if my talents lie in certain fields.'

'Loving the confidence. Ooh! Here he is.' He flicked his head towards the television.

She swallowed more champagne as they watched Brad storm into the room and rage about what was going on. His girlfriend told him she didn't love him anymore because she had fallen for her best friend. Brad eventually started to cry and left.

'Aww! What a shame,' April said with a hint of sarcasm.

'What the hell was that? That isn't supposed to happen.'

'Told you. It isn't all about rough shags in male dominated porn anymore. There's an uprising on the way. At least we'll get some action from these two now.' She turned and smiled to see their soft kisses.

'You like all female, I see?'

'Who doesn't? More elegant. Tender. They know what feels good. How to properly turn each other on.'

'I could teach you a few moves.'

'Loving the confidence, Mister Pornstar.'

'It's Cal, actually.'


He nodded.


'Bollocks!' he fired.

'Do you think I'd make that up?'

'I think you'd be better making one up.'

'Cheeky git! It's after my mum Angela.'

April had always thought about changing her name in her mum's honour after she passed away when she was younger.

'Thought you were gonna say your dad thought you looked like an angel,' he said grinning.

'And why wouldn't he think that?'

He shook his head. 'More champagne?'

She downed the rest of her drink before handing him the mug.

'Let me know how they get on.' He flicked his eyes towards the television before leaving.

April kicked her trainers off and watched the females' delicate play. She blamed her mum for her interest and curiosity. Not in a bad way, though. The abrupt lack of her mother's love as she grew up seemed to make her crave it from others all the more. She loved her father to bits, and he had done more than a decent enough job, but she had really missed her mother for those special moments in her life: when she started her periods; going shopping to buy her first proper bra; bitching about how shitty all boys were after being dramatically dumped.

Cal returned, glugging more champagne into her mug, then he sat on the couch and took a long swig out of the bottle. 'A bit shit, but it'll do the job.'

'I'm more of a gin girl.'

He laughed. 'Not in this house.' He put on a deep voice. 'You'll drink whisky under my roof, boy. None of that watered-down shit.'

'Where'd you find this, then?'

'Mate works in the corner shop. He's a bit...light-fingered.'

The jury was still out on whether he was the actual host.

They chatted and drank the champagne as they watched the movie to the end before another began in a similar style. Cal suddenly jumped up. 'Right. I'd better get to bed.'

'Oh!' April checked her watch. Eleven-thirty. 'Want me to come up and tuck you in?'

'You can come up if you like. Won't take me long to get ready.'

She had expected a more enthusiastic response than that.

She followed him upstairs casually checking out his room while he used the bathroom.

After a couple of minutes, he entered the bedroom, took off his T-shirt and threw it into a wash tub in the corner, then he slipped his trousers down and hung them over the back of his chair before grabbing some clean shorts from his drawer.

He turned away and removed his shorts before throwing them into the tub. April watched his every move and took the opportunity to check out his rear, dimples forming in his buttocks as he moved.

He pulled on the clean shorts and slipped into bed.

'Bedtime story?' she said sarcastically.

'I'm good thanks. Bit of music and I'll be out like a light.' He tapped his phone which began to play some soft pop.

She perched on the bed beside him and tucked the duvet around his shoulders. 'Can anything before I go down?' She leant in giving him the perfect opportunity to kiss her. She was surprised that he hadn't actually tried anything on with her all evening, especially with the porn taking centre stage. She was there for sexual gratification, even if he hadn't organised it, and she would have given him at least a handjob, had he shown even the slightest hint of interest.

'Good thanks.' He shuffled down and rolled onto his side, fluffing the corner of his pillow before closing his eyes.

She held in her disappointment as she edged her way to the door, hoping for a sudden request of gratuitous sex. She turned back as she placed her finger on the light switch. A quick shag before dad gets home? She flicked it off. Blowjob to help you sleep? She took the door handle. Handjob? She gently pulled it to. Not even a kiss?

'There is one thing.'

'Yes!' she replied rather too enthusiastically.

'Leave the door open a bit.'

Seriously? She pulled it almost to, hoping she had got it wrong and that he would have to deliver a suitable punishment. 'Like that?'

'Perfect thanks. Night.'


She paused on the landing hoping for a call back, but it appeared as though she would have to wait for the father to return. She only hoped she wouldn't have to wait until two like Cal had said.

She collected the empty bottle and mug from the lounge and headed into the kitchen still miffed as to why he hadn't taken advantage of the perfect opportunity laid out before him. There were more than enough horny teens out there who would have tried every trick in the book to get a little action with their cute babysitter.

She hid the bottle at the bottom of the recycling bin then washed and dried the mug before making herself a tea and heading back into the lounge.

After taking a sip, she placed it on the table and began to search for the remote. She didn't have a problem with porn, especially the type being played, but she couldn't help but feel somewhat rejected. Let down almost by his lack of advances.

She searched the whole room methodically: under the cushions, down the back of the couch, beneath the armchair, amongst the magazines on the coffee table. Nothing.

She blew her hair out of her eyes, picked up her brew and a magazine and sat on the couch flicking through the pages. She wasn't particularly interested in the articles, but she needed something less stimulating than the porn to pass the time until the father arrived home to deliver whatever sordid fantasy he had in his mind.

All the while, her eyes were drawn to the characters on the television. The sensual acts of love that the two females were performing on each other began to awaken her senses once more. She threw the magazine onto the table then shifted down in her seat to drink her tea, her mind pulling her into the acts playing out before her.

Once she had finished, she reached forward and placed the mug on the table, then lay back on the couch and pushed her hips to the edge. The images and sounds were stirring her need and the anticipation of what her host had planned for her when he arrived home kept bounding round her head. She also toyed with the idea of running upstairs to seduce Cal.

The groans from the television grew more intense and she couldn't resist unbuttoning her jeans and sliding her hand in to receive some of what she was craving.

She ran her fingers over her panties exactly as she liked, matching the rhythm of the sensual performance before her.

It wasn't long before she slipped her fingers under the band of soft material and pushed them in, brushing and circling her mound before reaching further to caress her folds. She didn't care about the father walking in. She knew it would be more than enough of a turn on for him, perhaps even better than what he had planned, but she was currently more focused on her own desire. It would give her a small appetiser before the main course, knowing it would make whatever was served later all the more delicious.

She reached her opening and pushed her finger in, her slick arousal begging for her to add a second. Of course, she obliged.

She stroked along her sweet spot perfectly matching the movements she was fixated by on the screen. The thoughts of what Cal might have done had already begun to awaken her need and the action before her allowed it to quickly gather pace. Her mind continued to paint the pictures of what might follow, torn between the father's lustful approach and momentarily wishing it was his mother returning from the evening out. There was always the chance it could be both!

'I'm gonna come!' the female on the screen groaned.

April moaned in relief. Me too! She had been edging for a short while now, not that she didn't enjoy doing that, but she was longing for the figure on screen to reach their point of climax so that she could join them. The sight of the facial twitches, the arch of the back, the roll of the eyes, the deep groans growing in pitch and volume until the squeal of the orgasm came would all add so much pleasure to April's orgasm.

She clenched every muscle in her body and fired her hand vigorously as she thrust against it. Her groans fused with the figure's, their pleasure and delight becoming one. The wave reached its peak and--'

'Whatcha doin'?'

Shit! She glanced to see a figure standing in the doorway, her mind spinning from being so lost in her own pleasure. 'Cal!' She tore her hand out and fumbled to fasten her jeans, sliding herself up on the couch. 'Bloody hell!' she panted, her face now burning. 'You... Shit! You--'

'--disturbed something?' he said calmly. 'Sorry!'

She flicked her fringe straight and glanced at the large grin on his face, but her eyes were drawn to the large bulge protruding from under his abs.

'Don't let me stop you.' He glanced down as if wondering what she found so interesting.

'I was...just about to put the kettle on,' she said, flapping her t-shirt over the front of her jeans as she rose from her seat.

'That's exactly what I was going to do. Can't sleep. Things on my mind.'

'Anything I can help you with?' she fired inadvertently, her panties throbbing and crying out for a certain reply.

'Brew would be good.'

She entered the kitchen and placed her hands on the counter then took a deep breath. She wouldn't usually be so embarrassed at getting caught whilst masturbating. It had been a part of many a fantasy that she had delivered through the app, but there was something about the intimacy of those final few moments right before your orgasm struck. Your thoughts becoming so distracted that, for several euphoric seconds, you didn't exist in the real world. Your mind and body taken to a place where only sheer pleasure existed, time becoming irrelevant. He had caught her off-guard. That's all.

As she filled the kettle, she wondered whether he might have followed her into the kitchen and finished her off before she had even flicked it on. He didn't.

She returned to the lounge with two mugs, handed him one and joined him on the couch. 'Decaf. It'll help you sleep. Now, what can I help you with?'

'Been thinking about getting my nipple pierced.' He ran his fingers across his bare chest.

That wasn't the response she expected, but she took the opportunity to gaze at the nub of flesh jutting out of his smooth pecs. 'Hurts like hell.'


'I'm not gonna joke when it comes to pain.'

'I mean, seriously, you've had yours done?'

She smiled and took a sip of her tea, wincing from the heat.

'Let's have a look.'

'Get lost!'

'Just to see what it looks like.'

'Never heard of the internet?'

'Of course. Just...never seen one in real life.'

She blew across the hot liquid.

'Rings or bars.'


'In both?'

She shook her head. 'Like I said, it bloody hurt.'

'It feels good though, right?'

'Yeah. When I'm in the right mood. And it's treated properly.'

'I've heard it's a whole new level. Unless your nerves get shredded and then you just feel nothing.'

'Thankfully, that didn't happen.'

'I'm thinking gold ring. Little one on this side.' He pinched himself gently causing it to stiffen.

'That would be cute.' She caught glances as he circled it delicately with his finger.

'Love nipples. Ripe and puffy. So erotic in the mouth. The way they stiffen. The sensation of a soft wet tongue brushing over them.'

She was torn between his sensual display and the act on at the television. The female who had just come was lapping at the other's breast now as she stroked her fingers through the mat of hair on her freshly trimmed mound.

April half wanted him to clear off back to bed so that she could finish herself off properly, hopefully this time synchronising her orgasm with the second female's, but she couldn't deny that talking to him as he fondled his own nipple was definitely having a positive effect on her arousal. Her mind began to wonder whether Cal was the host and his apparent lack of interest in her had always been part of the plan. Put me out of my misery, please!

'Let's have a look at yours. It's not like we're gonna see each other ever again.'

The comment hinted at him knowing that visits were a one-off - a strict rule laid out in the agreement of using the app. And that strengthened her thought about him being the host. Pulling the trick of going to bed then coming back down unable to sleep was certainly a rewarding game to play.

She reached to place her mug on the table then twisted her body round to face him. She grabbed the bottom of her t-shirt and lifted it up to reveal her bra, then she reached under her top and flicked her bra strap off her shoulder so that she could peel her cup down to expose her breast.

'Nice!' he gushed. 'Now I like that.' He leant in closer to inspect the glossy black bar. It had small ridges along its length and purple gemmed caps at either end.

'The bumps make it feel good, right?'

'It feels so damn good when it slides side to side, especially inside someone's mouth. And the colours--'

'Make you look fucking sexy.' He shifted in his seat, hooking his foot under his body so that he could move even closer.

He stared at it for several moments, his warm breaths crawling over her skin and making it tighten. She was about to cover herself up when she noticed him holding the bulge in his shorts which had now tripled in size. She opened her mouth to playfully scold him about touching himself when she noticed that he was actually trying to hide it from her, and his little squirms were more from the strain of holding his lust inside.

'Can I touch it?'

'No!' she fired instantly.

'Please! Just a little feel.'

She watched him twisting and cocking his head like a ravenous bird eyeing up a juicy worm before deciding to make its strike. He was almost infant-like in his fascination, his eyes fixated on her flesh, occasionally glancing up at her, as if requesting permission.
