From A to Z Ch. 02


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"Yes, thanks for a lovely evening Zack."

"Adele...I just wanted to say these past few weeks have been amazing. I've really enjoyed working with you, spending time with you and getting to know you better."

Adele smiled shyly and ducked her head as she lowered her eyes. "I've liked it too Zack. Thank you for everything." She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a soft, lingering kiss. Zack's hands went to her hips and pulled her closer as their kiss became hungrier and more urgent.

Adele pulled back, gasping a bit. "I'm sorry Zack, I have to stop now. I can't...I'm not ready for this yet. I'm really sorry." She said with tears welling in her eyes.

He caressed her cheek softly and nodded, "Okay sweetie. No pressure, I promise. Could we maybe watch a movie tomorrow? I'll behave."

Adele smiled shakily and nodded, "Okay, I...we...yeah, tomorrow's fine. 'Night Zack. I'm so sorry!"

She turned and entered her apartment and locked the door. Adele walked to her sofa and sat down. She was in such turmoil, she didn't know what to do.

She sat and cried for a while, trying to get her head around what she and Zack had done. What had started off as a gentle kiss suddenly became a rampaging desire. She wanted to devour him, to touch him and love him. Her body had betrayed her mind. She couldn't trust herself again. She wasn't sure of anything anymore.


Zack was furious with himself, he'd pushed too hard too fast. He knew he should have let Adele take the lead, but he couldn't help himself. He wanted her. No he needed her, he'd invested so much of himself into helping her heal, she had touched him so deeply that he knew he would always love her.

When he got into his unit he threw his keys across the room in frustration. 'Damn it you're not some horny fifteen year old kid Zack!' he thought to himself. 'You knew going into this that she needed time! Then you pull a stupid boneheaded move and now you've scared the poor girl to death!'

Zack went to bed totally disgusted with himself.


The next morning Zack went in to work expecting the worst. He thought for sure that Adele was going to be a no show. He was surprised to see her waiting in his office with six more notebooks on her lap.

She smiled shyly at him, "Hi Zack, I've got six more stories to show Oscar."

"That's great Adele! It's good to see you. Look, about last night, I'm sorry. I pushed too hard too fast."

"No Zack, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I was leading you on, I knew I wasn't ready but I kissed you anyway."

Zack shook his head. "Adele you've kissed me before and nothing like last night happened. It was my fault."

Adele slashed her hand in front of herself. "Regardless of who's fault it was Zack I think maybe we were both over-excited about finishing the book and everything else that happened yesterday. Let's just start fresh and move forward from today okay?"

Zack was taken aback by the sudden forceful energy that Adele was showing. He smiled at her and nodded, "You're right sweetie, I think we both just got caught up in the moment. Are you still up for a movie tonight, if not that's okay."

Adele nodded and smiled, "I think I'd like that Zack, but no kissing okay?" Adele knew that if they kissed again so soon she might not be able to keep control.

Zack nodded and smiled, "Okay no problem. You're the boss Adele."

That night Adele knocked on Zack's door. Zack welcomed her into his unit and asked her if she wanted anything to drink.

"Not right now thanks Zack. I brought some microwave popcorn. So what movie did you want to watch?"

"Don't laugh okay?" Zack said with a smile.

Adele smiled and promised Zack that she wouldn't laugh.

"I was thinking maybe 'Singing in the Rain'? It's kind of a neutral, feel-good movie."

Adele grinned at Zack and tilted her head to one side as she tried to contain a giggle.

"Okay and it's one of my favourite movies." Zack said with a wry grin and a chuckle.

They made their popcorn and watched the movie, sitting at opposite ends of Zack's sofa with the bowl of popcorn between them.

Over the next several months they made Saturday night a movie night. Sometimes at Zack's, sometimes at Adele's. Zack backed off completely and let Adele call all of the shots.

She slowly worked them up from sitting apart to holding hands, then sitting together and finally cuddling together. Adele eventually felt that she could finally trust herself to kiss Zack again without scaring herself.

They continued working together on Adele's other books while they waited for their first book to hit the stores.

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caramelcreamcaramelcreamalmost 13 years ago
Thank you for the edit

I really appreciate the additional background on the transformation of Zack and Adele's relationship. It adds depth and genuineness to the characters and their interactions. Thanks :-)


caramelcreamcaramelcreamalmost 13 years ago
I'm feeling a bit disconnected from the characters....

Firstly, just as I said in my comment title, the story seems rushed. I can see that Adele has worked through some big things for herself, if she's decided to take the "leap of faith" and invite Zack into her bed, but we (the readers) missed out on the entire mental and emotional journey that she took to get there. There's a sequence to be followed to get from "A to Z," and this chapter has skipped quite a few letters of the alphabet. After all, at the end of the previous chapter, they were only going to get coffee... I feel amazingly left out, and while I'm happy for Adele, I am unable to be happy *with* her, due to the speed things progressed....

Secondly, Zack's sister, while she seems to be nice, I don't really care for her actions/attitude. It was very strange that she demanded (though she was nice about it, it was still a demand), to see Adele's scars--especially in the first five minutes of meeting Adele. Also, I think her comments about Zack and Adele's nighttime activities and their "break-through" moments were highly inappropriate, and could very easily have caused Adele to retreat back into her shell. I'm surprised that she didn't. I understand that not every person has studied psychology or is a psychiatrist and knows exactly how to interact with a trauma victim, but Sandy has been painted as insensitive and overbearing. That may or may not have been your intention--I'm not sure, but that's how she came across. That being said, I was disappointed by Adele's reactions to Sandy's statements and actions, too. They did not seem quite right. That could be part of her work-through, but again, the readers missed out on that part, which presumably occurred in the unknown six months of her life. To sum it all up, I just need more, and I'm sure you can provide it--you are very skilled. Keep up the good work.

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