From Housewife to a Slut Ch. 03

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Descent of a housewife.
1.2k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 05/09/2022
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It felt like a long time, Vijaya had no way of knowing how much time was left on the timer. She was getting aroused, her nipples hard, wetness has started to run down her thighs. She dreaded the day her family will find out what a slut she has become. Married, respected, and loved but unknown to them she was a whoring and debasing herself every day. She loved every moment of it now, Aryan has turned her into his free-to-use slut. All holes are ready and available for his use and at his command. Her thoughts went back to the day he made her strip in front of him and guided her to cross the line with another man she never thought will cross.


Aryan was already at the shop and had a few dresses selected for her. He escorted her to a large dressing room with a chair in the corner.

"Go on try these on, I assume the size should fit," he said and sat on the chair.

Vijaya was confused, she thought he will be going out, and she was not ready to get undressed in front of him. But she could not build enough courage to do so. To her horror, her body was getting excited, and her nipples were getting hard.

While Vijaya was hesitant Aryan was enjoying himself. He would have walked out if Vijaya could work up some courage and ask him. But if she did not, then he had her where he wanted. He wanted to take her down this path but he needed to know if she wanted it. In the end, Vijaya made up her mind.

With trembling hands, she started undressing in front of him. When her hand went to the first button of her shirt, she looked up at him as if making an invisible half-hearted plea, but she knew from his eyes that he was seeing through it. She wanted it, or her body wanted the excitement of getting naked in front of a stranger and what will come after. For a short moment, her mind went to her Husband, here she was cheating on him and enjoying every moment of it, what has she become she wondered. She tried to turn around from him but she stopped her with a commanding voice.

Her body won over her mind, she started unfastening the buttons. Reluctantly she peeled her shirt from her body, presenting herself in her bra to him. Instantly her hand went to cover up her nakedness, but a sharp "click" from Aryan stopped her mid-way. She wanted to quickly wear the top he had chosen, but he had other ideas. She was asked to remove her jeans.

"Why did I choose the remove my shirt first," she thought as she bend down to remove her jeans. Her whole breast was on display to him. She would look like a whore trying to seduce a customer she thought. She stood back up in her panties and matching bra as he scanned her. She stood their hands on her side, chest heaving and panties visibly getting wet.

He was aware of her arousal, the whole room started smelling of wet pussy. She was ashamed of how her body was reacting to this humiliating episode. She was asked to strip and present herself to a man younger than her. Even though, married she was always shy to get undressed even before her husband, but on his command, she has just degraded herself to a low-life slut on display. She was most disgusted by how her body was enjoying it, the wet spot on her panties was getting bigger while her boobs have become perky, areola outline could be clearly seen.

Dazed in her arousal, she stood there waiting for his permission to wear the dress he has chosen for her. Arayan though was in no hurry, he wanted to see how far she was ready to submit and respond to non-voice clues. He gestured her to turn around, as if on auto-pilot she just turned, presenting her naked back and pantie-clad ass to his inspection. To her dismay she found herself facing her reflection, it was humiliating for her to see herself naked in front of a person she met weeks ago, cheating on her husband and family. She was appalled by how much of her arousal was visible to him.

When he gave her permission to she was relieved, but it was short-lived, dresses he had chosen were a perfect fit, they showed off her body and curves. The top was hugging her so close that her bra lines and hard nipples could be clearly made out.

She felt her ass was on display through the pants he had selected for her. Part of her wanted to object, but she liked these new dresses.

"Ah that looks perfect, we will take a few of these of the same size, you can choose what color or pattern, let me help you with taking it off," he said as he walked toward her.

For the first time she felt his hand on her navel, even over the dress it felt like he was touching her skin. He skillfully pulled over her T-shirt and to her amazement tied both her hand behind pushing her boobs out more. He had her face the mirror so she could watch what a slut she was becoming. She watched with excitement as his hand moved towards the boobs, with one strong tug snapped it, her boobs were finally free, stood in attention. While his one hand was having its way with her boobs, the other was in her pussy rubbing her clit. Her legs were getting weak, she melted into him and she could feel his erection forcing into her ass crack. She wanted to close her eyes, and just pretend it was a dream and enjoy it.

"Keep that eyes open slut" he said with such a force she trembled. She knew she could not keep sane for a long time, an orgasm was building up in her. His hands were skillfully rubbing her clit at the same time getting much-needed attention to her breasts. To her shame, she watched her enjoyment as she thrust her pussy into his hand and pushed out her boobs as if needing more. The depravity of the situation excited her even more, her body has won over reason, and she was enjoying it as she could see from the reflection. She came with a shudder holding on to him and digging her nails into his strong muscles.

She could not look at anyone in the shop as they exited the dressing room. She felt everyone knew the debauchery she has just committed. She went meekly to choose the different colors, but she could feel the wetness in her panties and the smell of sex around her. Humiliating as it was, she was forced to do the shopping wearing the dripping panties in to which she has just come. She had no bra under her shirt, two of the buttons were undone as he instructed and due to her constant arousal, her nipples were poking out of the thin material for anyone who cared to look. Contempt on the face of the cashier was evident when she went to pay for the items.

To be continued.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Short yet compelling and on fire. Keep posting at a quicker pace.

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