From Marriage to Conjugal Disorder


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"I'll explain it to you," Carole muttered, more and more under the influence of her cannabis cookie. "I'm getting high. I think I'll have another little nibble before we start. How about you?" She pulled out a cookie from her purse and broke it in two. Roger readily stuffed it in his mouth and croaked "Yahoo! The more the merrier!" while Carole chewed slowly on her half.

"But let's not get too high," Wilbur warned. "We'll wind up doing some pretty crazy stuff. We have to pack tomorrow."

Carole nodded and asked Wilbur to stretch out as far as he could on the bed. "Here's the deal..." Carole began to outline the various steps of the sex game that Cathy had described in detail.

"The purpose of this approach is to emphasize spontaneity within the context of rules that limit body exploration. First of all, there is a time limit of 20 minutes for the initial exploratory phase. Each partner must bring the other to orgasm by using only the mouth or hands. No normal penetration of bodily orifices is permitted: the penis can only be used to caress or rub against the body or genital area. Hands may of course be employed to stimulate the erogenous zones at leisure. The person who achieves full orgasm first of all loses the round. That person must offer the other a deluxe dinner at a classy restaurant and pay with his or her credit card."

"If no one has reached orgasm within twenty minutes," she continued, "there will be an overtime period of an addition ten minutes. During the overtime, playful innovation is encouraged, but only hands and mouths can be used. After this period, the participants are free to seek orgasm by aggressive masturbation without touching the other partner. Once again, the first one to orgasm loses. There can be no rest break during actual physical contact. This contest emphasizes creativity and deliberate manipulation. Do you understand, my dear one?"

Roger nodded in the affirmative, although he recapitulated for clarity's sake: "This is pretty weird. We both go at each other with hands, lips, tongues, and--for me--penile shaft for twenty minutes trying to make the other one get off. If not, ten more minutes of creative techniques, still with only the mouth and hands. No vaginal penetration--or anal sex is permitted. Licking, sucking, and jerking off are the techniques--am I right?"

"Bravo. You are one smart intern. One last comment: we begin this contest with the French specialization (perfected on Benjamin Franklin when he was ambassador to France by an oversexed French noble lady) of soixante-neuf or 69. This initial position must be limited to no more than ten minutes."

Carole then asked Wilbur to set the time mechanism on his wrist watch for ten minutes. She lay next to her husband with her mouth around his penis and his lips and tongue were applied to her vagina and clitoris.

"This seems a little unfair. I don't think I can last a full ten minutes with what you're doing to my cock. How about slowing it down?" Roger complained. Carole laughed and submitted to his request. She limited herself to deep throat stimulation followed by a light sucking on the tip of the penis. Roger, in turn, licked her clitoris for a minute or so and then transferred to her labia. Both husband and wife began to breathe deeply, determined to control their orgasms.

"Are you getting high, sweetheart?" Carole murmured as she stroked his very stiff penile shaft. "High?" Wilbur exclaimed. "I'm over the moon. This is incredible!"

Their bodies rolled back and forth until the wristwatch alarm went off. "Stop! Rest time." Carole called out. Roger admitted he was very close to exploding.

"Now, let's see how we can do in a more normal position." Carole continued to fellate her husband and his hands explored her body and genital area with expertise. She felt herself shifting into a higher level of excitation. She was making her classical low moans of pleasure.

"Slowly, slowly. Ten minutes to go!" They both sought out erogenous zones with dexterity and familiarity. Sexual tension increased with each touch of the tongue or hands. Carole increased the pace of her stroking and she could feel Roger's penis grow harder. A pre-orgasm emission covered her fingers and she knew she was going to win.

However, with equal assiduity, Wilbur pushed on her labia and sucked her clitoris to the point that she emitted small cries and moans that preceded her orgasm.

"God, I can't hold it anymore," Wilbur cried out. Carole let out a raspy breath of sheer pleasure. He could feel her body beginning to tense up; her legs were raised as a sign of heightened pleasure and she grasped her knees. Both spouses uttered wild and piercing cries as they came almost together.

They rolled over and embraced each other with fervor. "Damn," Wilbur exclaimed. "No overtime. We went at the same time." "I'm not so sure," Carole objected. "You ejaculated all over me just before I came. There was a fifteen second gap. I won." In a gentlemanly way, Wilbur conceded defeat and promised her the deluxe dinner at an upscale restaurant back home.

They began to laugh and were amazed by the effect of creative sexuality on their mood and newly discovered closeness. The internship had unlocked potential they were not aware of. "Thank God Clayton didn't drop by. How could I possibly explain what we were doing?" Wilbur squeezed her hands and wrapped his arms around her body. He yawned and was asleep within two minutes. Carole reached up and shut off his wristwatch. Tomorrow would be a very busy day.

Part V:

Wilbur, she knew, was now being considered for a promotion. His charm and personal skills were assets that blended well with his knowledge of company strategy and goals. She remembered the vice-president's words as he escorted her back to the table after their dance: "Your wife is indeed a very charming individual, Wilbur." In a way, she had passed the initial test of social graces. She had proven worthy of representing the company as Wilbur's spouse. They were most likely on their way to better things.

Returning to her elementary school was both refreshing and disconcerting. It was obvious that her colleagues were jealous of her preferential treatment--getting a leave of absence in the middle of the spring term: how did she manage that? What type of relationship did she have with the principal? The open and friendly camaraderie she enjoyed before the internship had somehow changed; she sensed there was a distant if not hostile feeling in the way she was being treated by her fellow teachers.

The children, however, were delighted to see her again. They had questions about what she had done, the Space Needle, the coastline, Puget Sound, Vancouver....she was surprised to learn that some of their parents had been through Seattle on a package tour that included visiting the near-by Canadian metropolis.

No, she explained, her husband was very busy and they didn't have enough time to tour the surrounding area at leisure. Well, what does he do? Is he good-looking? How did you meet? Carole had the impression she was at a press conference. She laughed and said she would have to answer all their questions later because there was a lot to do today.

The house was in good shape although the tenant had not mowed the grass as required. It was obvious from the garbage can that he had entertained some friends in their absence. Wilbur almost regretted going back to the routine of the office after the excitement of the internship. Carole had to get used to her morning chores of readying the children for school and child care.

Their first night back was filled with getting things in order. They chatted at length about the future and how things had gone out West. They lay side by side with little concern about sexual games or exploring new erotic avenues of pleasure. Life had washed over them with its prosaic demands and responsibilities. They were back again on the treadmill of repetitive days and nights.

As it became more and more evident that Wilbur would soon climb into the upper echelons of the company, Carole began to reconsider her wild and self-centered past. They would most likely be invited to executive cocktail parties where sex games or nudity had no place at all. Carole even had doubts about her relationship with the MacIntoshes. They were wonderful people but led a free-wheeling and socially marginal life. She was very fond of Cathy but her influence was problematical. Her friend came from the "if it feels good, do it" generation. Carole found this "no boundaries" culture tempting, but it belonged to California and not to the uptight Easterners in Wilbur's company.

How was she going to handle the situation without hurting Cathy's feelings or seeming to be ungrateful? Carole was embarrassed that she now considered Cathy an albatross hanging around her neck.

She was tempted to discuss these issues with Wilbur, but this was the last thing she should burden him with at this time. He was concentrating on his career and increased responsibilities. Having to deal with naturists and his wife's licentious youth were not appropriate topics; she would have to solve her own problems.

Shortly after they had come back from Seattle, Carole got a call from Jessica Ramos. Carole was surprised but very happy to hear from her. Jessica was now a member of the financial committee for their sorority and was soliciting contributions for socially acceptable projects they were involved in. Sororities and fraternities were under the gun as being snobbish, racist, and politically incorrect associations that many universities were banning from campus. Jessica and her fellow sisters had joined in an effort to offset this bad publicity by promoting socially constructive ideas and getting current members involved in community projects to improve the lot of the disadvantaged in their areas.

Carole said that she would be glad to make a gift to this worthy cause. Jessica said to watch her mail: there would be information and forms for making a contribution. After chatting for a while, Jessica's voice became focused and concerned. She had heard, from various sources, that their notorious sexual orgies on campus of years ago were now available for viewing on YouTube and other Internet sites.

When she checked, Jessica was stunned to find out their encounters had received over 2 million "hits." In a sense, they were a virtual group sex phenomenon that reached across the planet. "Carole, I'm so sorry to bring this up, but I thought you should know. Hopefully, in New York, these things are no big deal but I am concerned for my job. I have custody of two children and I desperately need the income."

Thank God, she continued, hair styles were a lot different and they were much slimmer. It could be they wouldn't be recognizable but she was still on pins and needles. She had consulted a lawyer, but he said it was very difficult to force YouTube and other Internet providers to take down scenes of consensual sex acts. They could pursue the photographer but that would be lengthy and expensive.

There was an extended pause on Carole's end. "Jessica, do you have the online URL I could use to see these clips?" Jessica said they were graphic although the photography was not professional quality, thank God. Jessica lamented: how could we have done this and not think it wouldn't be aired somewhere? Carole scribbled down the online address and was getting ready to hang up when Jessica added: "Carole, I don't want to ruin your day, but guess who called me yesterday?" Carole took a deep breath and waited. "Greg Saunders! You remember him, I bet. You two were a number for months. In fact, I thought you were going to get married. Well, it seems he's now divorced and was looking for your number to call. He's eager to get in touch and see how you're doing."

"You didn't let him know did you?" Carole was listed in the telephone directory under her married name which Greg didn't have. "Oh no! I wouldn't do that. But I thought you should be on the lookout."

Carole thanked Jessica heartily and told her that she didn't want to contact Greg. She had just gone through a marital reconciliation of sorts and didn't need any more "mierda"--a word she remembered from her Spanish 101 days. Jessica laughed and reassured Carole that she wouldn't add any "mierda" to "tus problemas."

Afterwards, Carole fell into a depressive state reminiscent of her pre-internship days. How could all this be happening now? She and Wilbur were getting their feet back on the ground and the future seemed so bright! What could possibly happen next?

A few weeks went by and Carole held her breath, waiting for the next shoe to drop. Their daily routine was punctuated by occasional social gatherings and school events they attended, especially Clayton's "graduation" from kindergarten. Even their sex life, that had been temporarily interrupted, was getting back to normal---with a few twists and turns for novelty's sake. Maybe, Carole prayed, the worst was over.

Misery always comes in threes: Carole was beginning to think that was a silly proverb when she received a call from Cathy MacIntosh. Carole apologized for not getting in touch, and explained that Wilbur's internship had taken them "out of action" for weeks.

Cathy said she understood; she remembered the long stints of being a single mother during Roger's naval days. She wished this could be a social call but she had some bad news to pass along. Carole's hand gripped the receiver and she felt slightly out of sorts. My God, what now? "Derrick has been arrested!" Cathy spit out her words like a nightly news item of extreme importance. "It seems he was using scenes he had filmed from his surveillance cameras to blackmail wealthy clients. In the meantime, one of the women had access to a top-notch law firm that filed a criminal complaint against his business. He was taken into custody a few days ago. Jarred and the other 'therapists' had disappeared, probably out of state."

Cathy went on to admit that she had been "serviced" by Derrick and his associates multiple times. If this came to court, she would probably be called as a witness. It would become the scandal of the week or month on local television. She remembered how Carole had participated in a "session" with Jarred, all captured on film.

Carole could hardly catch her breath. At first, she was furious with Cathy for getting her involved with such sleazy characters; suddenly she realized, in addition to the college sex orgies, there was yet another visual reminder of her sexually perverted tastes on tape and now it was in the hands of the police!

Cathy suggested they get together to discuss a common strategy; Carole said she would get back in touch after she had talked everything over with Wilbur. She thanked Cathy and hoped something could be arranged. Cathy agreed but sounded very negative. "We have to do something right away, Carole. You can't put this off." Cathy's words sounded almost threatening.

Cathy was afraid this would negatively impact Roger's professional status and jeopardize his job. They had three children and if things went awry, the kids could be dragged into this mire as well. That could not happen, she stated with repressed anger. Derrick seemed to be so professional and a trustworthy type...Her voice trailed off.

Carole put down the phone and cried. Her frustration had attained its limit of tolerance. Her impulsive acts with strangers and her uncontrolled sexual appetite had now come to the forefront. Wilbur's career would be put in jeopardy if this were exposed in the press. There would be no way to explain her motives or acts to a puritanical corporate management. Everything they had worked for would implode in the blink of an eye. She would surely lose her job at the elementary school...and then what?

She picked up the children according to her normal schedule. Even Caroline was becoming more and more inquisitive about the world around her. She had spoken a few words recently and it had been a celebratory moment for her parents. Carole and Wilbur had photographed her first tentative steps with applause and mutual hugs. Everything seemed so normal, so ordinary. This was contrasted with the ominous storm she had created through her irresponsibility and reckless attitude toward accepted standards of conduct.

Was she really that bad--a real putana, a whore who pretended to be respectable but then dragged her loved ones into a maelstrom of social conflict? She loved her husband more than ever, but if she explained everything she had done, would he stand by her side and "weather the storm?"

Wilbur, she knew, had been sexually active prior to their marriage, but he had forsaken his many female partners to be uniquely with her. Because she was unhappy, she had thrown all caution to the winds and satisfied her primary instincts with a well-hung sexual predator...just to feel better? What jury would feel pity for her? She was now a trapped animal...guilty of lewd sex orgies in college, consorting with a male prostitute, and freely having premarital sex with her many lovers of the past who could, at any moment, resurface to testify publicly to their sexual trysts with the beautiful libertine who suffered from an insatiable desire to be loved, physically and emotionally.

And now, Greg Saunders, hot in pursuit of his passionate lover of yore...How could she face her son and daughter with such a past? And her in-laws? Wilbur's father was a respected lawyer.

How could she explain any of this to her family: her mother was a traditional church choir member, with a beautiful alto voice; her father was almost retired from his position with an insurance company, not to mention her brother and sister who were straight arrows. She had to do something, as Cathy mentioned, and fast. Her carefully constructed life was coming apart piece by piece and there seemed to be no turning back.

There had to be a way out.

Part VI:

After Wilbur had gone to sleep one night (following a strenuous sexual encounter they both enjoyed), Carole had slipped out to the computer and typed in the URL of the orgy scene. She had put this off out of fear of being discovered by Wilbur and shame at what she would see.

What she did see made her quiver with discomfort and humiliation. Young college boys and girls, sophomores and juniors for the most part, were cavorting in the nude on mattresses strewn on the floor, pretending to be sexual sophisticates. They were involved in a wide variety of sex activities, primarily fellatio and cunnilingus.

There were scenes of nude female students squatting on erect penises and moving with abandon. Spectators were screaming out encouragement to do more and more. One girl with long brunette hair, full breasts, and a trim figure was openly having sex with an athletic-looking male in the missionary position--her hips wildly moving up and down. She was grasping his back and crying out with pleasure. There was even a close-up of their genitals rubbing together.

Carole reacted in shock: that was her, fully exposed, and obviously enjoying her frolicking antics. Maybe someone wouldn't recognize her from the grainy film...or maybe they would. She thought she saw Jessica in the background fellating her companion with abandon. She even recognized a few other sorority sisters being penetrated from the rear, doggie style. How were they taking this revelation?

These were slightly blurred images but some of the participants might be encouraged to say who was who if asked by an investigative team or the police. She decided to get in touch with Cathy after all. Cathy was a very experienced woman who had probably dealt with matters of this sort in her life and could advise her.

For several days, Carole struggled to go to sleep, even after her typical sexual encounters with Wilbur whose appetite had increased since their openness to a "new" sensuality, enhanced by cannabis (that she was no longer using). One of these days, she would have to explain that sexual frequency and quality were not synonymous. At least his embrace was something she could look forward to and be comforted by.
