From the Mouth of Babes Pt. 02

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A child speaks to truth.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 12/18/2023
Created 12/12/2023
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I began this story to see what kind of reaction I would get from other LW writers to the concept of a young lady exposing the infidelity and disrespect shown by the elder females of her family towards the husbands (I.e. her father and grandfather) they were supposed to love, honor, and be true to 'forsaking all others'. At the beginning, the poor child is forced into counseling because of the pending divorce of her parents due to her mother's adultery. In order to leave the format as open as possible, I chose not to give the characters specific names, but to leave it available for other writers should they desire to continue the story. I am extremely surprised and greatly appreciate the many favorable comments my story has received.

Now, rightly or wrongly I write my stories as they come into my head, and, although I had initially intended for the main character to be the grand daughter, the story evolved with the MC being the grandmother instead. It seems logical to me that this is so, since the grandma appears to have been where the cheating wife behavior started, way before the grand daughter was ever born. To those who question how the parents have the same boss; easy, the wife is the senior partner's 'executive assistant' (secretary) and the husband is a tech rep whose immediate supervisor answers to and is ordered to schedule trips away by that same senior partner.

I begin part 2 at the point where the counselor moves the grandma and her daughter to the waiting room and leaves to complete the session with the grand daughter.


In the waiting room

As my daughter and I sat crying and waiting for my grand daughter's session to end, we faced each other, neither knowing what to say or do after the revelations we'd just heard.

After a long period of silence I finally sobbed and said, "Well, I guess by my behavior I've pretty much screwed up our entire family." I sighed.

"No mom," my daughter said as she dried her tears. "I'm to blame for the destruction of my own marriage and family. My daughter is right, I made the decision to have an affair and to bring it into my own home. I got caught and I'll take full responsibility for my actions. I just don't know what possessed me to feel I was so entitled, or that I could get away with it with no consequences." She started crying again.

"That may be true, but, as much as I would like to blame everyone else, I was the one who started screwing around on your father and didn't realize my obvious cheating was discovered by him years ago. I was so blinded by my selfish affairs I didn't even hear my own husband crying himself to sleep for years. I feel so ashamed."

"Mother, I've been thinking about that for some time and wonder how did dad find out you were cheating? I certainly didn't tell him, yet like my daughter now I wish I had. I can imagine what he'll think of me when he finds out I knew you were cheating all along. But why didn't he do anything to stop you?" she asked.

"Well, after you said that it was obvious what I had been doing by my appearance when I finally did come home from my 'dates', it isn't hard to determine that your father would come to the same conclusion. He's trusting, but he isn't a complete fool. As to why he hasn't dumped my cheating ass, I don't now. Guess I'll have to ask him wont I."

"So you're going to try marriage counseling with dad?" I nodded, she continued "Don't you think that might backfire and end in dad divorcing you?"

"Yes, that's a high probability, but since your father has chosen to stay with me even after you've 'left the nest' I am reasonably sure I can get him into counseling."

Still I was becoming more concerned when she dropped the bombshell question, "Also, since you started cheating on daddy before I was born, is there any chance that dad is not my biological father?"

I was totally shocked. "Oh my God no! ... I don't know ... I guess it is possible ..." I stammered and stuttered, horrified at the possibility of what further damage I may have done to my husband. I truly do love him, but now I may be faced with the fact that not only had I cuckolded him for years and with numerous partners, but he might not even be the father of our only child. I started crying in earnest because, if true, that fact alone would end my marriage. And rightly so! If my husband wasn't our daughters bio-dad, then our grand daughter wasn't his either, and that would just kill him.

That's when I decided that before I confessed my serial cheating and begged for forgiveness and counseling, I would need to get DNA tests done to determine the true situation. Also, I needed to start speaking with a marriage counselor and/or a lawyer on the QT to determine my options. I'd have to frame it in a way so that my husband would think I was going there in the guise of helping our grand daughter through her counseling. Yes, I'm still thinking in terms of covering my own ass first. Bad habits are hard to overcome. At least, with my grand daughter's action forcing me to see the damage I've done to both families, I've come to the conclusion that my cheating days are over. Yes, 'too little, too late' may be true, but 'better late than never' is also true. I may be able to save my marriage after all provided my husband is in fact my daughter's bio-dad.

While I was pondering my next moves, my daughter said, "At least that's not my problem. There's no question my husband is our daughter's bio-dad. And the divorce court has already decreed twelve marriage counseling sessions we are required to attend and participate in to try to save the marriage.

"My problem is the total lack of love and respect I showed on multiple occasions by actively plotting with and allowing my boss to screw me in our home in our marriage bed. Even though that was at my boss's urging, that's no excuse for such blatant bad behavior. My husband didn't deserve that level of disrespect. Further, my lawyer says that since I committed the adultery in our home with our daughter present just rooms away, which in fact forced to listen to our lovemaking, the court may very well consider me an unfit mother and give primary custody to my husband. This would mean I'd have to move out of our home and probably be required to give child support to my husband."

While I was thinking my own thoughts I caught the last statements my daughter made and asked "Are you more concerned with saving your marriage or with screwing your boss? Are you still screwing your boss after all that's happened? I would think you'd at least stop your adulterous affair until the divorce is done."

She turned on me almost shouting "Don't you think that's 'the pot calling the kettle black' so to speak? Besides, after my husband found us screwing at home and kicked me out, I had no place to stay and at my boss's insistence moved into the company apartment used for visiting clients."

I shouted back "No I don't. The men I cheated with all started as strangers I met through work and I never brought any of them into our home. In addition all my affairs were short lived. Whereas you actively colluded with your boss to have your husband sent out of town and betrayed your family in your own home and your husband in your own marriage bed. Don't you realize that your boss only suggested you stay in that apartment so he kept you in an environment he had full control of and could continue screwing you!"

At this exchange the counselor's receptionist stuck her head into the waiting room and scornfully said, "Ladies, and I am using that word very loosely, please quiet down and curb your tongues, there are children present!"

At that, we both hung our heads in shame and sat down lost in our own thoughts. It occurred to me that I had done a terrible job raising my daughter and I had no one to blame but myself.

The grand daughter's counseling

Two weeks later I learned from my grand daughter what she and her counselor discussed during her one-on-one session after we left. The three of us were in another joint session, when her counselor asked my grand daughter to explain our current situation from her point of view.

She began "Well, it is apparent that the direct confrontation two weeks ago didn't seem to work as grandma still hasn't made any move to mend her relationship with my grandpa, and my mother has continued her affair with her boss. I now fear that my shaky relationship with my father may never improve and my relationship with my grandpa is doomed to failure as I will eventually be forced to confront him with the truth as I know it."

I started to interrupt when the counselor raised her hand to stop me while my grand daughter continued.

"During our joint session with my father three weeks ago he explained how when he found my mother and her boss screwing in their marriage bed and threw her ass out of the house, he immediately quit his job and informed IA exactly why he quit citing the adultery and naming names. He then filed for divorce and easily got a restraining order keeping my mother and her boss away from our home.

Then, a month after discovering mother's betrayal, he was still so devastated he knew he needed to confide in someone he trusted. As his parents were too far away, the only family he had left was my grandma, grandpa and me. Yet how could he go to his wife's parents when it was their daughter who was doing the cheating and talking to me was simply out of the question. He wanted to spare me the heartache.

It was during that month that I heard my father crying every night at the loss of his family and the woman he so loved and cherished. At this point in an effort to show my love and support for my father, I confessed to my dad that I had known what my mother was doing for weeks but was afraid to tell him as it would destroy our family. Little did I know at the time how my confession would further hurt and anger my father and deepen his humiliation. My fathers reaction was swift and devastating, to me at least. He scheduled me for counseling and took me to stay with my grand parents as he considered my reluctance to tell him the truth as another betrayal from the last person he had that he loved unconditionally.

It was then that I began to see the similarities in my grandpa and my fathers reactions to severe betrayal and my counselor and I began planning a confrontation with the 'ladies' to force them to see and feel the hurt they had and were still causing to the men and family they said they loved."

As she paused for a drink of water the counselor asked "So why do you feel that the confrontation failed?"

She looked directly at me as she said "Well, neither of them has made any move towards their husbands that can even be remotely considered as a possible admission of wrongdoing, much less requesting them to attend marriage counseling." then she looked at her mother and said "Mother still hasn't ended her affair with her boss. As a matter of fact up until this week they've been sharing a company apartment together, even though she's attending court ordered marriage counseling at her lawyer's insistence. How do you reconcile that irony Mom? Oh, and how does your boss's wife feel about your affair?"

My daughter lowered her head and in a whisper said "I had no other place to go, She didn't know until this week when the company 'shit hit the fan' so to speak."

"Bullshit You should have dropped that POS like a hot rock and could have moved in with your parents. That way dad would not have had anywhere to send me away after he found out I knew and didn't tell him. I could still be at home where I could convince him of my love and that I never intentionally betrayed him. Your actions show how little you care for our family and the destruction you've caused us, but how are you feeling now that your actions are destroying another innocent family?"

As my daughter cried, the counselor asked about events with the company.

My grand daughter replied with a smile "It took them long enough but we all know how the company's legal staff handled that cluster fuck.

 Mother and her boss/lover were both fired and given no references,

 Mother was forced to move out of the company apartment she'd been sharing with her boss,

Dad's supervisor who had sent him on all those out-of-town trips was demoted and transferred to another state,

And my dad was rehired at a higher salary and a better position.

Finally there's been some small justice from the crap mother's affair has caused my family. In addition, it seems that with the company firing him for an inappropriate relationship with a married co-worker, her boss will not get the 'golden parachute severance package' normally provided upper administrative staff. And, as an added benefit, his wife has filed for divorce citing a prenup agreement with a hefty infidelity clause." she chuckled as she added "Serves the bastard right. I'm hoping he'll be too busy covering his own ass with his divorce and searching for a new job, that he will not have any extra time to continue screwing any married/separated/divorced women who may cross his path."

"And where does this leave my 'faithful' mother? Out in the cold, by herself. With no one to love, no place to live, and a severely screwed up family. Serves the bitch right, too. As they say Karma's a real Bitch."

End of Part 2


I'm well aware that grandma's situation needs resolution, but this section took longer to complete than anticipated. Be assured that I will be adding a final chapter correcting this issue. Thank you all for coming along on this journey with me. It is greatly appreciated. Rlmdad.

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phill1cphill1cabout 1 month ago


I finally figured out why I dislike stories like this: it's as if it comes with an "approved by the Christian Church" sticker, which makes me kinda wanna puke. Either be sexy or be dramatic, but when you're kinda neither and choose to just make it a "this woman done done wrong..." story, it's a little lecturing and who wants that?

GardenshedGardenshed6 months ago

Good continuing saga of a family of cheating mothers. I like the emotion that is written into the story.

WargamerWargamer6 months ago

Good stuff, what a mess


26thNC26thNC6 months ago

Enjoyed this, but the mom and daughter cheating bitches haven’t suffered enough yet. Need another chapter where Dadand Gramps get there manhood back.

JensensloverJensenslover6 months ago

"In order to leave the format as open as possible, I chose not to give the characters specific names, but to leave it available for other writers should they desire to continue the story"

No! It's YOUR story! Lit needs to put a stop to authors giving blanket permission like this.

Not giving your characters names is just lazy, saves you having to get the names right through the whole story, but made it hard to understand which character was speaking. I'm also not sure how old the daughter is? did you state how old the 'youngest' character is.

Ain't no way the grandfather knew that long and cried EVERY night in bed without the cheating wife noticing ALL the crying. Makes no sense, 40 years, always cheated on him, his daughter might not even be his, FFS, did you read this yourself?

This could have been good if you had character names and actually took the time to read your own writing like it wasn't yours and saw all the flaws of YOUR own writing.

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