Frozen... And Then Thawed

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A son's unexpected return disturbs two sisters.
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I went to Highbury Stadium in the car with Dad and my Uncle Jack; it was a Tuesday evening game in February between Fleetwood town and Exeter city and freezing bloody cold! Once at the ground we separated, Dad and Jack to seats in the Parkside Stand with me heading off to join my mates in our regular spot on the terracing behind the goal; I have a season ticket there.

The game kicked off as planned, but a player got hurt after only a few minutes and the referee abandoned the match. It should never have started in the first place, the pitch was frozen solid; I imagine they only tried to play the game because the Exeter team and supporters had travelled so far. It was barely eight o'clock when I met up with Dad and Jack again, outside the stadium.

They explained that they were heading to the pub for a couple of drinks and that I was welcome to join them; the look in my Dad's eyes when he made that invitation guided my answer: I thanked them, but said I was going to catch-up with my mates for an odd beer instead and would get myself home on the nine-thirty bus; Dad's smile confirmed that this had been the correct answer.

As they turned to go, Dad called out "When you get home, tell your Mum and Aunt Judy that we'll be back about eleven."

"You've got a phone dad, you could ring-up and tell them yourself."

That drew another smile "No... I could ring her and debate what time we'll be coming home, or even if we are allowed to leave you here and go to the pub at all... So you just tell them for us."

I was trying to guess which pub my mates would've chosen as Dad and Jack walked away, it could be one of three or four. I was still pondering that question when I saw a B3 bus roll to a stop; it was the eight-thirty service and would take me straight home. Sod it, I was bloody cold already; I sprinted over and jumped on before it pulled away.

During that journey home I pondered the school homework that was waiting for me there; I'd just turned eighteen and my A-Level exams were only a few months away. Those thoughts occupied me for about two minutes, whereafter I moved on to a more important contemplation: My mate Jeff had sent me a link to a free porn site which he reckoned was seriously raunchy.

I was walking in the front door soon after nine, a good hour earlier than I might usually get home. Having had something of a preview on my phone screen I was eager to get up to my bedroom and open Jeff's recommended porn-site on the twenty-seven inch monitor. Before doing so, I needed to stick my head into the lounge and pass on Dad's message.

Ten seconds earlier I would've deemed it impossible for anything to distract my attention and intentions from Jeff's website, but I stepped through the door and got as far as "Hi Mum, Dad and Ja..." before falling silent and frozen to the spot. Mum was laid on the carpet in the middle of the floor, flat on her back and stark naked!

I say that, but I was only assuming it was my mother; I couldn't actually see her face. That was obscured by Aunt Judy, mum's younger sister! Judy was equally nude and on her knees be-straddling Mum's head, her own face between mum's thighs; a classic 69 pose! Even as I began to speak, Judy's head was lifting; mum's juices glistened on her cheeks as she spoke:

"Is Claire about ready for some cock now?" Without waiting for a reply, Judy's left hand rose up from beyond mum's thigh, a bloody great cucumber grasped within it. An instant later Judy speared that between mum's open legs providing me with a clear view of its whole length disappearing inside her pussy.

The ease with which that cucumber penetrated suggested that Judy had been right... Mum was more than ready for it. The fireworks began an instant later; mum had registered my arrival on the scene, even if Judy hadn't! Mum gave a squeal, threw Judy bodily aside, leapt to her feet and squealed -- louder! - for a second time; that throw struck me as a hell of a feat of strength, the power of adrenaline?

Judy was still on the floor trying to work out what had happened, while mum resembled a cornered fox, glancing left and right in search of an escape route. I was still standing agog in the doorway, blocking mum's only exit; God knows where her own or Judy's clothes where. In the end, with yet another squeal, Mum threw herself into a chair in the farthest corner of the room.

Once there mum hunched herself into a foetal ball, thighs turned to one side to hide her pussy and arms wrapped protectively about her breasts; mum's eyes locked on me, she looked mortified! My own gaze flicked back and forth, between those eyes, set in mum's pussy-juice coated cheeks and lower... Mum's thighs glistened similarly, but more eye-catching was the end of that cucumber, still buried in her pussy.

Either mum eventually felt the cucumber's presence or my eyes drew her attention to it? Whichever, accompanied by a fourth and the loudest squeal yet, mum snatched it from between her legs and hurled it across the room. Judy was by then regaining her feet and the cucumber caught her a glancing blow on the arm as it passed.

Silence befell the room for a few seconds as all three of us watched the cucumber land on the floor and roll beneath the couch. Judy was the first to regain her composure, now upright with hands on her hips, brazen in her nudity, she turned in my direction and enquired: "Rob, what brings you home so early; are you on your own? Claire said that you'd not be back until after ten o'clock."

While Judy appeared totally unperturbed by my intrusion, I was almost as discombobulated as mum and struggled to reply; Judy's full frontal display was providing me with a third point of distraction and it was a major distraction. Aunt Judy's could easily have been the image that sprung to my mind the first time I heard the term MILF explained; I'd certainly whacked-off with Judy in mind more than once since then.

The crazy thing was, tonight was the first time that I'd ever appreciated the similarity between Aunt Judy and mum. Judy's arse and tits were both perhaps a little bigger, but the bottom line was that both women were tall, slim, ash-blonde MILFs. I'd long perceived Judy as a MILF, but until a few moments earlier, my mother had always just been... Mum.

Judy remained silent as I stumbled out an explanation of why and how I'd come home so early and where dad and Jack had gone. It wasn't easy, I was physically incapable of keeping my eyes up to meet Judy's while I spoke. When I eventually fell silent, I was startled by the reply; it came from my mum rather than Judy:

"Oh God; this is a disaster! Everybody's going to know... We'll never be able to hold our heads up in public again! And what about Ron and Jack; what will they say... Will they ever forgive us? God, it's a disaster!" Mum was frantic, tears were streaming down her cheeks; perverse as it may seem, I focused on the twin tracks those tears washed through the sheen of pussy-juice on her face.

Judy finally chimed-in, taking command once again: "Oh do be quiet Claire! And calm yourself down, nobody outside of this room's going to hear a thing about it... Rob's not going to breathe a word to Ron, Jack, or anyone else. Rob's worked things out already... I can see it in his eyes; he's far too clever to blab."

That was news to me, but Judy's sharp words seemed to calm mum down significantly and both she and I stared... questioningly towards Judy; her words even managed to draw my eyes away from her sparsely haired pussy. "It's obvious that Rob's worked it out Claire, just look at the expression on his face... and that bloody great bulge in his jeans."

"If Rob reveals our secret the shit hits the fan for us, but all Rob gets from that is a few laughs with his mates; but if Rob keeps shtum... Well, we'll owe him big-time; Rob will have us over a barrel... Or indeed anywhere else he chooses and provided that he's discrete, Rob has us there forever. A fuck, a blowjob, even another girl-on-girl show... Whatever he asks for; we'll never be able to refuse him."

Judy had been right about the erection in my jeans; it was bloody painful in there and my gob had never been more smacked! My mouth was too dry to speak and glancing in mum's direction, she appeared no better; mum was trembling like a leaf, too discomposed to even remember about covering her tits. Mum's arms had fallen away; her tits were smaller than Judy's, but mum had the bigger nipples.

Aunt Judy continued to lead the way "So what's it to be first Rob, a blowjob? (Judy licked around her lips lasciviously) Or a fuck? (her fingers trailed invitingly up and down her pussy) Or maybe both? And of course... Which of us do you want first; or maybe that's going to be both too?"

I was still dumbstruck, but the last released mum's tongue quickly enough; "No he can't! I can't! Rob's my son... that's... that's... that's incest!"

Aunt Judy burst out laughing. "Say's the lady who's spent half her life tipping the velvet with her little sister, not to mention... well, we don't mention that. I think it's a little too late for you to be playing the incest card Claire."

During that discourse I'd managed to produce some saliva; my voice wasn't as strong as I would've liked, but I got the words out: "A blowjob... I want my cock-sucking and then a fuck after that... and I want to come inside your pussy."

That put a wicked smile back onto Judy's face. "That's what I like... A man who knows exactly what he wants..." Judy threw a glance towards my mum before adding "And how about you fuck me this first time? Claire can just watch us... Give her time to get used to the idea before she has a turn herself." Mum's response was an incoherent garble.

Judy sank to her knees before me, her hands working on my belt buckle before she'd even reached the floor; releasing my cock from the constraint of my pants was a good start in itself. As my prick sprang free Judy shrieked her delight: "Ooh aren't you the lucky boy Rob, your Uncle Jack can't match that... What do you say Claire, how does Rob compare to his Dad?"

I've no idea if mum even looked, but she uttered another of those unintelligible squawks; I didn't make a deal more sense myself when Judy's fingers wrapped around my cock. I gasped as Judy rolled back my foreskin and suspect I intended following that with 'oh fuck yes' or similar, but Judy's tongue swept across the crown and I too lost the power of speech.

Moments later Aunt Judy rocked back on her heels and purred "I think this calls for a change of plan..." That didn't sound good, but Judy didn't give me much option, she continued to roll backwards until she was laid flat on the floor, knees raised and thighs splayed wide; with Judy's hand was still wrapped around my cock, I had to follow.

As I sank to my knees between Judy's open legs, she drew me forward, crooning reassurance: "Don't worry Rob, you'll get your cock sucked... But not just yet." 'Worrying' was the last thing on my mind, the direction Judy was leading me and more importantly my cock, looked just fine!

I pressed forward and didn't even need to check my movement, Judy steered my cock unerringly through the delicate leaves of her labia and I sank inside her to my full length in a single, easy stroke; Christ but Judy was wet... And burning hot too! As I bottomed out and paused, I finally managed to get that "Oh fuck yessss." growled out.

A few seconds later I thought I was going to lose it. While I would've fought to the death any mate who dared suggest it, this was the first time that I'd actually had my cock inside a woman. The sensation was overwhelming, I went as taut as a bowstring, my breath racing, heart-rate and temperature going through the roof and my cock pulsating inside Judy's pussy.

In that moment Aunt Judy's legs locked around my arse, holding me deep inside herself; at the same time her arms wrapped around my neck and pulled me down; I assumed to share a kiss? We did, but only a reassuring peck on the lips and even that not until afterwards: Judy's lips landed beside my ear from where she whispered advice and instruction:

"Relax Rob -- don't try to move -- just get your breathing under control -- slow, deep breaths -- that's it; in, hold... and now release -- all the way out, empty your lungs -- yes, just like that; now breathe in again." Judy's arms and legs held me so tightly I couldn't move! But the breathing exercise worked; my body relaxed and my cock's pulsations eased to a tremor.

"That's it Rob -- you've got it now -- keep breathing slowly, concentrate just on that..." Judy's clenched legs eased their grip and then released completely. "OK Rob, now forget anything you've read or heard and fuck me very gently and very, very slowly -- just like your breathing, make it slow and deep - pause between each stroke."

I followed Judy's instructions to the letter; they worked! I'd like to tell you that I fucked my aunt for the next thirty minutes, but I only managed seven; I counted every one! It wasn't even the minutes that I was counting, it was penetrations... I was only half-way into my seventh stroke when I lost it; no warning, I just released a throaty growl and my balls exploded!

Judy's legs were back around me before that first gout of semen had reached the tip of my cock; she pulled me fully inside and held me there, her voice whispering in my ear once more: "Ooh yes, that's it Rob -- Don't fight it now, just let it all go -- you're coming in Aunt Judy's pussy... like you wanted to... let it all go, give it all to Judy."

I followed Judy's instructions once again; hell I'd no choice in the matter! I probably pumped come into Judy for longer than I'd been fucking her; I certainly spent far longer laid atop Judy recovering than I'd spent fucking her. It'd been awesome! Even better than I'd imagined! But on reflection... slightly tempered by the realisation that I'd messed-up... Shot my wad in thirty seconds rather than thirty minutes!

Judy picked-up on my disappointment, she pulled me down and that's when I received that small kiss on the lips, followed by a broad smile. "Don't beat yourself up Rob; you lasted very well for your first time; your Uncle Jack didn't even get inside me before he came. Besides, we can get you hard again all the sooner and I just know you'll last longer the second time "

I didn't admit to it being my 'first time', but I didn't dispute it either. Another and much juicier kiss from Judy was concluded by further instruction: "Get up and sit yourself on the couch; I want your cock hard again and I'm sure you still want it sucking... I'm sure those two ambitions will prove compatible." As ever, I complied with alacrity.

I caught sight of my mother as I moved to the couch, but avoided eye contact. Mum was in the same chair, but now sat upright and watching Judy and I beneath half-closed eyelids. In that new position mum's breasts were fully exposed; I'd been right about her nipples, they looked even more... chewable. I turned away quickly before mum realised I was perving on her.

My cock wasn't entirely flaccid and it glistened with the lubricious combination of pussy-juice and semen which coated it. Neither deterred my Aunt Judy, its crown and half the shaft were inside her mouth almost before I'd sat down. I was eighteen and naïve, but even today, with the benefit of experience and hindsight, I can still appreciate that Judy was a seriously talented - and enthusiastic! - cock sucker.

Any disappointment regarding the brevity of my performance between Judy's legs was quickly wiped away by her eager lips and probing tongue. In those first moments with half my cock newly arrived between Judy's lips, her fingers rolled back my foreskin and Judy's tongue lashed powerfully around the whole circumference of my cock head.

That act drew the first of many febrile groans from my own lips and proved to be just the beginning. Judy really went to town on me with her lips, tongue and fingers; she even took my balls into her mouth! I've no idea how long Judy's performance lasted, probably not that long; as Judy had predicted, I was soon bar-hard once more. I more clearly remember the conclusion:

Judy had begun sliding the whole length of my now rigid cock into her mouth; taking it into her throat like a circus sword-swallower. Judy then rocked back and jerked her eyes hard to the left two or three times; not turning her head, just the eyes. I tracked the direction of Judy's eyes with my own and yet another of those bestial groans immediately rumbled out of my throat.

Though it wasn't Judy's mouth on my cock this time; what caught and held my attention was the sight of mum: Still in that same chair, but now leaning forward and openly staring at Judy and myself; not wanting to miss a thing! Mum's thighs were spread wide, one hand working frantically inside her pussy, the other at her breast twisting one of those chewable nipples.

It took every ounce of self-control not to turn and openly stare; another few moments and I would no doubt have strained my eye muscles permanently, but once again Aunt Judy saved the day: "You can stop that right now Claire Kennedy! If you want an orgasm you can get over here and share it with us! I said half an hour ago that you were ready for some cock!"

Mum responded with another of those girlish squeals, but while her hands... eased-off, they continued to tease at her nipple and pussy; mum also voiced a coherent reply. "I can't... Rob's my son... And he's your nephew too, so you shouldn't either."

Judy was on the move even as she spoke "Don't be so bloody silly Claire! Rob's not looking at us and thinking 'Mum and Aunty'; all he's seeing are 'Claire and Judy', a pair of middle-aged trollops that he can treat as his personal fuck-toys..."

Judy had grabbed mum by the wrist, jerked her onto her feet and begun leading her back across the room before continuing. "...I can see you need it even more than I do Claire, so Rob can fuck you first while I make do with you eating me out; I'm soaking wet and full of yummy-cum... just the way you like it."

Arriving back at the couch Judy dropped onto the seat beside me, spread her legs wide and drew a couple of fingers lewdly across her exposed snatch, before popping them into her mouth to lick clean. I was back to open-mouthed silence mode when Judy turned in my direction and added "Once Claire's on her knees you get in behind and fuck her doggy-style... Claire's like a bitch in heat already."

There was a silent, perhaps disbelieving hiatus and as ever it was Judy who broached it: "Come on you two. Chop-chop, both on your knees... we haven't got all night!"

Mum... No... 'Claire' - I needed to remember that -- was the quickest to move; I was perhaps still in disbelief? Claire dropped like a falling stone between Judy's thighs and pressed her face forward to begin feasting on that inviting pussy; a pussy that I'd been inside so recently and which I knew to be flooded with my cum.

I was a few seconds slower and approached with more caution... Hesitant; I shook my head once again to clear any thoughts on mum, reminding myself that the dripping pussy I was staring at belonged to Claire, a MILF slut who was gagging for my cock. I was rock hard as I shuffled forward, but it was a shaking hand which steered my cock between the parting curtains of Mu- Claire's vulva.

I almost made it, the first couple of inches of my cock were resting inside Claire's pussy when that tremble in my hands spread to the rest of my body and my advance stuttered to a halt. Judy's eagerly nodding head,and mouthed 'Go on... Do it' failed to break the conflict within me. I've often wondered if despite my pulsing cock, could I have broken that greatest of taboos unaided?

I'll never know, I was still prevaricating when Claire's pelvis jerked backward, driving my cock deep into herself, a penetration Claire concluded with a bestially groaned "Do it... ride your fuck-toy hard... spread Claire's slutty-cunt with that fat cock!" I exchanged grins with Judy; things had suddenly got easier, mum would never use language like that... It was Claire, a middle-aged tart beneath me.