Fucked Up Family Pt. 03


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Molly's legs snapped around her father's hand. James had watched his daughter finger herself so many times now, he understood her rhythm. The timing it took to go from touch to over the top. Rubbing Molly now was like hitting the fast forward button. She went from nothing to full on cum in seconds.

"Ohhh fffffFUCK! Daddy!" Molly cried, a mirror of her exclamation when he'd spanked her. Her whole body trembled from toes to hair and she went limp.

Molly slowly sat up. James let his fingers escape from her sex. She was kneeling over his lap now. Without a word, James' precious baby girl reached down and unzipped her father's jeans. She pulled out his dick -- as dark purple as her own pussy and clearly just as needy.

"One more punishment," Molly said, "To help me remember to be a good girl." She dived down and swallowed James' cock in one go.

James groaned. He couldn't get the words out to make his daughter quit. He didn't want to. Frankly, if he'd been able to speak, he'd have told her to stop sucking, alright -- stop sucking and stuff him in her pussy instead.

Molly went down on her Dad with abandon, like a wild woman desperate for sperm to survive. She didn't pause, didn't grunt or groan. James wasn't even sure she was stopping for breath. Molly's giant tits swung as she sucked. Her hair tickled at his shaft. Her big gray-blue eyes alighted with pleasure and desire.

In record time, James felt his orgasm begin to rise.

"Baby, I'm going to..."

Molly reached up and grabbed her Daddy's balls, like encouraging them to release their precious fluid. James sack jumped in her hand, his essence spouted up his shaft, and filled Molly's cute, little mouth.

The blonde girl coughed -- oh, that amazing sound, how James had missed it -- then gulped, hungrily. James cock fired out like he hadn't cum in weeks. Each burst felt like a full mouthful of semen that his daughter then dutifully swallowed down.

The pleasure of it, the ecstasy, overtook him, and James found himself drifting off. He was vaguely aware of what his body was doing. Of his daughter caressing him as he came. Her massive breasts pressed against his body. Her blonde curls hanging over his thighs. That was happening, definitely. But that was far away, and he was in another place -- wrapped in happiness, cocooned in warmth, suffused with satisfaction.

James blinked his eyes open. He was sitting on Molly's bed, his daughter's arms wrapped lovingly around his neck. She was lightly kissing his cheek and smiling.

"I'm sorry I yelled, Baby," James said.

"It's OK, Daddy," Molly said, "You scared me at first, but this was fun."

Fun? Getting beaten on the backside was fun? James laughed and his daughter joined him. He quickly sobered.

"Is there something wrong with us, honey?" he asked, quite seriously.

"Wrong?" Molly asked back.

"The others. Mom, Austin and Lexi. They all seem to be doing so well. And here we are."

"I don't know about them," Molly said, "I can only know me. And I don't want to feel bad about feeling good."

"But, honey."

"We need to get better, yes," Molly said, "We're working at that. I'm working at that. And that's all I care about."

"Do you? Do you feel like you're getting better?"

Molly leaned over and kissed her father on the lips. She tasted like cock and cum.

"Oh yes, Daddy. Much."


"Austin, I need your help with dinner," Christine shouted from the kitchen.

Austin was sitting on the living room couch playing Mario Kart. He paused his race and sighed. Ordinarily, or at least the ordinarily of a few days before, Austin would have felt frustrated by his mother's request. Especially if he had been in the middle of a game when she asked. Of course, Austin loved being in the kitchen. He found a unique joy in preparing food. But there was a difference between the career he was pursuing and the work his mother was asking him to do.

Now though, after everything that had happened, Austin leapt off the couch like Christine had offered him an ice cream sundae, a slice of chocolate cake, and a batch of homemade cookies. Although, to be fair, what Austin's Mom was really offering might be even better than all those things together. Austin practically skipped into the kitchen.

"Thanks, baby," Christine said as Austin came into the room. She was standing over the cooktop, adding ingredients to a giant, cast iron pot. Austin sidled over to his mother and planted a kiss on her cheek.

Christine was wearing a pair of high waisted jeans and a pink, short sleeve blouse. Over it, she had on an apron that said, "Kiss the Cook." Austin found that hackneyed sentiment very suggestive in the moment. Instead he focused on the task at hand.

"What can I do for you, Mom?" he asked. Austin wanted to flirt more, of course he did. He wanted to do more than flirt, in fact. But he still didn't know where the boundaries were. If he grabbed his Mom and bent her over the sink, would she scream in the good way or the bad way?

There was something fun, though, in the not knowing. Austin had had girlfriends before and when they reached the point in the relationship where sex became expected it took a lot of the fun away from it. With his Mom (and Lexi, as well, Austin reflected) there was always this level of wrongness that suffused every sexual encounter. It was never permissible, what they were doing. Yet there were these little stolen moments where it suddenly became OK. Austin never knew where he'd find them, and he had wonderful fun in searching them out.

Austin knew he should be looking to avoid these situations, not create them. His sister-showers and Mom-missions were supposed to be errors. Forgivable, sure, but also a sign that he had to try harder. More and more, though, he was starting to wonder why. Why was it so bad for consenting adults to do something they all enjoyed?

Besides it felt so good. Sex with Lexi was better than anything Austin had ever done before. Sex with his mother was even more amazing than that. Sure, Austin had moments (usually post-orgasm) when he'd look down at what he'd done and feel terrible shame, horror, at what he'd become. But a few hours later he'd see Lexi or Christine and he'd be overcome with desire all over again.

Was that such a bad thing? Austin wasn't stupid -- he knew sex could have consequences if he wasn't careful. Obviously, everyone involved needed to be a consenting adult, but they already had that.

Of course, the real problem was potential pregnancy. That would be unthinkable. Even ignoring the fact that Austin was young, financially insecure, and barely competent at taking care of himself. Making a baby with his own sister -- with his own mother -- that was like playing Russian roulette with five of the six chambers loaded. But Christine had her tubes tied over a decade before and Lexi was taking the pill.

Was that why Austin hadn't even tried with Molly? Had the fact that she was fertile kept him from diving down that same deep hole with his younger sister? Molly was definitely attractive. She wasn't his type -- Austin liked tall, athletic girls with tight, little titties and firm, perky bottoms -- but you'd have to be dead not to be attracted to a busty, hippy blonde girl like his baby sis.

Of course, Austin's father felt the same way. Maybe that was part of it too. James had kind of 'claimed' Molly for himself. Tribal coding runs deep in the human genome, after all. But then how did that explain what Austin was doing with Christine?

Ugh, all of this was way too deep for a boy who'd barely gotten through high school on good looks and teachers' goodwill.

In any case, Austin decided he was going to enjoy all this, whatever it meant. But he knew the rest of the family didn't feel the same way. So, he resolved on two things: one, he was going to let the girls come to him. He was more than happy to indulge their urges, but he wasn't going to be the devil on their shoulder. Just the dick in their pussies. And, two, Austin was going to keep his decision to himself. As far as the family was concerned, he was on the same road to recovery as they were. The pretending could only protect everyone involved. Lying would hurt way less than honesty.

That didn't stop Austin from eyeing his mother's tight bottom in her Mom-jeans. It didn't keep him from looking at her face and remembering what it looked like as she came. How it contorted with pleasure as she rode his cock. What was the old song lyric? I'll repent, but not just yet.

"Austin?" Christine asked. She'd caught him daydreaming, "I appreciate you, ummm, appreciating me? But the table still needs to be set, and I also want your help chopping these vegetables."

"On it," Austin said. He saw a little smirk cross his mother's face. He knew she was enjoying how domesticated he'd become. He knew it should have bothered him, the whole alpha male thing, but he couldn't care when the rewards were so great. If being 'a man' in the culturally accepted sense meant doing things that kept him from getting laid, then being 'a man' was so very, very stupid.

Austin started by chopping the vegetables. It was pretty easy considering that was his job at the restaurant most nights. In fact, Austin found he was enjoying the menial task. As much as I needed this break from the real world, I kind of needed this too, he realized. He found himself trancing out in the action. His mind going blank. Not thinking, not worrying, just him and his task. His body settled into a sense of rightness. This isn't what I do, Austin thought to himself, it's what I AM.

Austin had set up the cutting board over by the sink. That way it was easier to wash the veggies before slicing them. While he was lost in his task, Christine came over to wash a bowl. Playfully, she hip-checked her son's hips with her own -- a flirty little shimmy. Austin bumped his mother back. Christine giggled. A high, jingly sound that Austin would have sworn his mother was incapable of making.

"That's a pretty big carrot you've got there," Christine said, side eyeing her son as she stood over the sink.

"This is a green pepper, Mom," Austin said, holding it up.

"I wasn't talking about the vegetable, dear," Christine said. Austin felt his face flush.

"You're saying you'd like to add some new ingredients to your salad?" Austin asked. His voice cracked as he said it. Being flirty like this with his mother was still a new experience. Weird to be nervous after everything they'd done, yet there it was.

"Perhaps," Christine said, now full-on smirking at her son, "With a bit of your special, creamy dressing? You know the one I like."

"I could start on that," Austin said.

There was a loud scraping noise from behind them. Mother and son both jumped in surprise.

Austin turned back and saw his sister, Lexi -- her hair still wet from a shower -- sitting down at the kitchen table. The lithe, tall brunette was wearing a baby blue tank top and a pair of running shorts: her standard uniform apparently. Gods, even her bare shoulders were hot. Lexi primly folded her arms as she sat, eyeing them both suspiciously.

Bad enough that I'm hitting on Mom, but the only time I stop is to perv on my sister? Austin wanted to chastise himself, but he was having way too much fun checking out both family members to stop. Still, he realized that maybe Lexi was better off not knowing about Christine and vice versa.

Austin took a definite step away from his mother and went back to chopping. Mother and son went silent.

"Dad's up in his study on another call," Lexi said, "And Molly's in her bedroom listening to music." She said this very deliberately, like it was an announcement. Like she was over the PA, telling them the Seahawks had made a first down on a pass to Tyler Lockett.

"Good," Christine said, absently. She grabbed the vegetables that Austin had chopped and dumped them into a large pot. Then she gathered spices from the cabinets. Austin started to set the table. He saw Lexi eyeing him as he placed the plates. When he passed behind her, she leaned back.

"Missed you at my workout," Lexi whispered, "Especially the shower after."

Austin nearly dropped the plate on the ground. He looked up at his mother, who was still ransacking the cabinets. If she heard the siblings, she didn't respond.

"I was playing Kart in the living room," Austin said.

"Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" Lexi whispered back. Austin put out the silverware while his sister continued to banter playfully with him. Austin didn't have any smart responses, he kept glancing up at their mother, nervously. Christine was still busy on dinner and either didn't hear them or didn't care. But it didn't stop Austin's stomach from flopping every time his sister spoke.

"I was very slippery today," Lexi said, "Just dripping. The workout really got to me."

"Uh huh," Austin said, unable to say anything else.

Christine knew he'd been with Lexi at the campsite and vice versa. They'd all been together in the tent. And in the backseat of the car when the cop pulled them over. Yet Austin still felt a need for secrecy with what had gone on since the family had gotten back home. He didn't know, exactly, what he expected to happen. For whatever reason, Austin felt that if Lexi knew about his shopping trip with their mother, or if his Mom knew about him and his older sister in the shower, that there would be serious trouble. What form that would take, Austin couldn't imagine. He decided it was safer to simply escape.

"Table's set," Austin said, "I'm going to go back to my game."

"Oh, don't be a spoilsport," Christine said, "Stay and keep me and your sister company."

"Yes, little bro," Lexi said. She patted the seat next to hers. James eyed both women warily. This could be good? Maybe?

Austin sat down and watched his mother while she cooked. Stirring the big pot, tasting, spicing. He'd always wondered where he got his knack for cooking and he was starting to see it in his Mom. He had to admit, Christine looked good doing it, too. Although, honestly, she could have been cleaning out a cat litter box and she'd make it sexy. Her body was that incredible.

Austin felt a hand grip his thigh. He looked over at Lexi warily, but she just winked at him. Her hand slowly slid up Austin's leg under the table, till it bounced against his rapidly stiffening member. Rather than pull away, Lexi reached around his cloth-covered cock and squeezed it tight. Austin tried to swallow his groan as his sister gripped him.

"I really did miss my usual post-shower workout," she said, looking at Austin meaningfully.

"Oh?" Christine asked. The blonde mom wasn't looking their way at all. "Like what?"

"Oh, you know, just some stretching. Low impact stuff," Lexi said. She squeezed Austin's dick on the word impact. "I find I feel so energized afterward." Another tight clench. Austin gulped.

Again, he felt the danger of what they were doing. Lexi's handiwork was under the table; their mother wasn't looking their way. But still. Christine was under the impression that Austin has on his best behavior. He wasn't sure what she'd do if she saw what her oldest daughter was currently doing.

"Sounds nice," Christine said.

"Austin and I usually do the workout together," Lexi said. She deftly unsnapped Austin's shorts. She unzipped his fly. Tooth by tooth.

"Well, I hope I'm not keeping the two of you from your routine," Christine said, genuinely.

"It's fine," Austin said. He practically choked as Lexi reached right into his boxer briefs and grabbed his bare penis. She held it tight, like keeping it from escaping. Then she slowly slid her fist up and down.

"What's that honey?" Christine asked. Her focus was still totally on food prep.

"Oh, Austin was just saying he was tired from such a long day," Lexi said. "Although I can't see how that can be, seeing as he skipped our workout." She glared at him and slowed her stroking.

"Mom's right there," Austin whispered. Lexi didn't even blink. Austin decided that the only way to win was to get his sister just as good. That's how the rivalry had always worked between them. He reached over. Lexi's little shorts didn't have any snaps, but Austin could easily slide his hand up her leg. He gasped. No underwear!

"What are you two up to over there?" Christine asked. But she didn't look back.

"We're fine, Mom," Lexi said. She went back to working her brother's cock. Austin dipped his finger into his sister's opening. She was already soaking. He reached his thumb up and found her clit. Now it was Lexi's turn to gasp.

"I swear, what is going on with you two?" Christine spun around. She stared right at the siblings and folded her arms under her breasts. She tried to look stern, but a little smirk played on her lips. "I see," she said, pointing her chin at where Lexi and Austin were clearly working each other off. "Couldn't wait till after I finished dinner, could you?"

"You're more than welcome to join," Lexi said. She didn't pause rubbing her brother. Austin looked over at his sister, both impressed and also slightly terrified. Sex kittens were fun, but you never knew when they would scratch. His sister was like some other being, so bold in that moment. Practically daring their mother to join in their illicit stroke session.

"No can do," Christine said, casual as anything, "I have to keep my eye on dinner."

"I'm sure the cooking could wait a little," Lexi said.

"Yeah, come on, Mom," Austin said, "It'll be fun." The idea of their mother joining them suddenly turned him on even more than his sister's handy. Now that he saw he wasn't in trouble, well, it was easy to get caught up in the kink of it all.

"I don't think your father will appreciate my explanation for why dinner was burned," Christine said, "I need to keep stirring this or it's going to be black on the bottom and raw on top."

"Oh, well you can still do that," Lexi said. She leered at Austin and stood. The tall brunette dragged her brother over to the counter by the penis. Christine watched them both with barely concealed amusement. "Come on now, go back to your precious dinner."

To Austin's surprise, Christine did exactly as she was told. She turned around and rested her arms on the counter. Lexi smirked. "Stay," she told her brother, "Good boy."

His older sister reached around their mother's waist. Christine gasped and wriggled a little, but she didn't say anything. Lexi unsnapped her mother's jeans and pulled them to the floor, dragging her little navy panties down with them. Their mother was now bottomless in the kitchen. Wearing a "Kiss the Cook" apron, a pink blouse, and nothing else. Christine's muscular ass poked up at both of her children.

Christine started to turn, but Lexi held her mother in place. "Just keep stirring," Lexi said.

She reached for Austin's cock again. It was so straight and stiff, he swore he could hang towels off of it. But Lexi had a different plan for her brother's tool.

She guided him forward, pushing his penis up against his mother's bare bottom. Austin looked over at his sister, surprised.

"You'll get me next," Lexi said. She knelt down and adjusted Austin's cock till it was nestled right in his mother's blonde snatch.

"Hmph," Christine squeaked. She moved her bottom back to give her son better access.

Well, Austin knew better than to look a gift Mom in the pussy. Better to fuck her there instead. So, he grabbed his cock to make sure it stayed in place and pushed forward. To his shock, his mother's cunt was already quite ready for him, dripping and open. One thrust. Two. He was back to being buried completely in his own mother. His penis filling the space from which he'd once emerged into the world.
