Fucking Magic - A Potion Problem Ch. 08

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Where I "watch" another person's incestuous threesome.
6.3k words

Part 8 of the 15 part series

Updated 11/23/2023
Created 04/16/2021
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From the Author

I tried to format this a little differently than the last one. To "break up" the Main Character from the person he was using the USB on. Hopefully that makes for a little more cohesive tale, as some of the readers were thrown off by Westley being so 'active' in another person's thoughts. It's a return to Incest which some of you might like. It's also probably the last of the USB POV stuff.


Fucking Magic: A Potion Problem

Part 8 - Memory Inception

My first instinct was to drive them home and leave the car in the driveway. But then I saw the garage door clicker clipped to the dash, which meant I could get them in without being seen. So when I got to a stop sign I almost started rooting through his glove box, knowing his car insurance or registration would have their address. I didn't get far, didn't have to, reaching that way with my right hand. The hand with the new USB 'tattoo' on it.

"Might as well." As soon as I thought that the thing popped out of being 'ink' and went to being very real in my palm. It was creepy. I checked the rearview to make sure I wasn't holding up traffic, before I could look back I was already plugged into Jessica. The thing had snaked back into her dangling leg. The way to their home springing to my mind from hers, the alarm code, there was no dog or other surprises to worry about. "Perfect."

The fact that it had an alarm was funny, it was perhaps the only house on the block that I wouldn't rob. If I was a robber. Like the shed out back that I had seen in Jacob's head they hadn't painted it in a long time. I sensed from Jessica that she had denied her husband. He wanted to put up new siding, but she didn't want to spend the money. He wanted to scrape and paint, but she wanted him to cook, clean, and watch the kids when he got back from work. She told him that she was tired from cleaning and watching the kids all day but besides when they cried, she really didn't pay them much attention. Not that she really thought of it that way. Still, I was really feeling bad for that gut punch I'd given Jacob. Especially as I thought about how far I'd thrown that rock.

Keeping low in case of the neighbors I pushed the button, rolled into the far spot in the garage. Closed the big door behind us before rushing into the house to turn off the alarm. It had come with the house, not a purchase Jessica would have allowed. Once that was done I scouted the place, empty. Jessica had "told me" there were no cameras but as I carried her to her bedroom, naked I wondered if magically in love and clearly suspicious Jacob had some.

So I plugged into him again after carrying him into their room, dropping him on the bed. Only realizing then I could have had them walk this entire time by plugging into them. He instantly let me know he did indeed have two cameras hidden in the house they fed to his computer in the basement, he "gave me" his password. With my plan in mind I thought, "Gross I'm going to have to strip him!" But plugged in and under my control he stood up and started stripping himself. After he finished he fell back into bed.

"How did you get here?" I asked myself, there was zero information that came from Jacob. That didn't surprise me but I felt his brain trying to answer it, even though it had been rhetorical. Sighing, I had never liked Jacob in high school, he had been a preppy fucking asshole. A douche but not a... go out of his way and tease you sort of asshole, just a nose turned up and eyeroll sort. "If I find a cure for them, I'll... Try to get you one too."

It was bad enough that the potion was making mom and my aunt fuck me and think about running away with me. That it was making them become my devoted LITERAL sister wives. Jessica hadn't known that it was the magic potion but she had taken more and more from him, that the potion assured he would always forgive. He was basically a servant. She was a queen. If she had known that he was totally under her control it would be a thousand times worse, and it was already pretty bad. I didn't want to do that to my own relatives, I didn't want to have that sort of control over anybody. Which made me look at the USB and realize how much control I did have over everyone with it. I could make these two work-a-holics. Sixteen hour days and send me everything they didn't need to sustain themselves.

I didn't. I wouldn't. I would already feel bad that if I cured Jacob I could be breaking up his family, but it was the right thing to do. I had to balance my karma.

Shaking all that away, I planted the idea that they'd had a huge fight. Over money, which they had a right to fight over because fucking Jessica had insane spending habits. Like thousands of dollars on "in game" purchases for the dozen phone games she wasted away her days playing. The brand new cars that she seemed to value over fixing up their house, and weekend trips to spa resorts.

After the fight that I implanted in their heads, I put in that they made up with some wild sex. I was a little creeped out as Jacob popped an erection at the implanted memories. Jessica's mind reacted differently. Maybe it was how a woman's mind worked, maybe just her. She instantly spun up what I thought of as, "Was it like this?" requests. Bringing up past memories of her and Jacob, which meant that the one that was not like the others stuck out to me vividly.

Which I fell into...


"We had a fight." Jessica said, letting out over the top sobs as the door opened, but not actually crying.

"Oh my god! You poor poor thing." It was Jessica's best friend, Sam.

This was almost two years ago. This was the affair, I guess Jessica wasn't too horrible of a person because it was the ONLY one until me. I didn't need Jessica's mind to tell me this was Samara Aquilo, even though, like her best friend, she'd dropped the goth look. The naughty younger me had always hoped Samara would join us for our "fun". The goth look didn't ring that nicely on the latina as it did Jessica, but I wasn't picky. That fantasy wasn't born from nothing, I wouldn't say she "watched" us, but from time to time she'd been in the room, car, or meadow when Jessica and I messed around.

She'd never had a boyfriend. It had always been in my head that if I had been a hint cooler, slyer, or even bolder I could have gotten both. Jessica's brain told me no, not because she thought Samara wouldn't do it. Nope, but because of her, she wouldn't have shared me. Even after it was over between us and she knew we'd be good together she would have forbidden Samara, not that she would have tried.

Dropping the Goth thing was a good move for her. Jessica's mind telling me it was only recently that Samara had gotten used to a subtle make-up application. She was looking very pretty here, long dark brown hair straight and well past her shoulders. Bangs but longer and swept to the side out of her face. She was still in her nurse's outfit, the logo of the only old folks home in Defluer on her breast. Her grandparents were in there, Jessica's mind supplied, she worked there to pay for them since none of the rest of her family could chip in more than twenty bucks here and there. It was why she'd given up the goth thing a little past graduation, to get and keep that job.

She had traded the goth look for just too much make-up for several years. Despite finding a good stride over the last couple it was because of her grandparents that she still didn't have much of a life. She worked long hours to make enough that they had a place to live and be cared for, plus for herself to have a small place that she didn't end up spending much time at thanks to all the work. Jessica had always wanted to tell her she should make one of her other relatives do it. Those long hours meant she didn't have time for a boyfriend. The poor thing had gone from being a relative outcast in high school, (I think I was her only other friend. We talked now and again after the breakup, always in secret because she didn't want to piss Jessica off.) to being overworked after.

"Oh my god! Come in! Come in! No kids?" I could see that Samara would have been excited to see her adopted niece and nephew.

"I left them with HIM." Jessica growled as she came inside.

"What happened?"

"He found my phone, found that I was talking to that guy through my game." It wasn't an innocent chat, the game only kept the last twenty messages, which had been overly friend and flirty but not the sex chat that they had done. Jessica hadn't told her friend of the near nightly masturbation sessions she had while messaging and sending pics with the guy. She also didn't think of that as cheating, although I did. I did and infused it in her, dialing up the tiny seed sized bit of guilt she felt at doing it. "He got so pissed! But it was just... We were just friends, nothing else." She lied to her friend. "He got so mad!"

"He's jealous, he's always been jealous. Remember that time we ran into Westley's mom and she told us how good he's doing in University? He was angry the whole car ride home." Samara said giving her friend a comforting hug. He had a right to be, I realized because one of her ways of hurting him was telling him that she should have married me. She didn't really mean it, she was 'happy' with him, didn't tell him that I'd had a tiny dick that barely did anything for her. "But.. Knowing that maybe... You shouldn't talk to guys like that?"

"I can't have guy friends?"

"I'm not saying that, I..." But Jessica was staring past Samara at a boy that she'd cheated on both me and Jacob with, of course she thought of them 'funny' and 'innocent' make out sessions.

"Hi Marco."

"Hi Beautiful Eyes," he said it in spanish but Jessica knew what it meant, he had told her. She smiled and batted them for her best friend's cousin before running to him. "Oh what is the matter?"

"Jacob and I had a big fight. I think it's over!" She did not think it was over, she did feel a bit guilty for saying that, maybe mostly because Samara had heard.

"Oh! Oh no!" Marco was handsome, if Jessica hadn't magically attained the second best looking guy in school I would have said he was the hottest thing she would ever get. Because she could get him, did get him, he kissed her forehead as he held her. Let his hand fall from it's marriage respecting place on her lower back, to where her ample ass started. Jessica feeling a spike of happiness, knowing she had gained weight, that Jacob was required to say she was still beautiful. Marco still seem his normal flirty self with her. "The good news is you will not have to be single long before you have six or seven guys lined up for your Beautiful Eyes."

"I've got two kids and..." She did not say extra weight, thinking (stupidly) maybe he had not seen it. "And I doubt any guy will want me."

"Are you kidding? I would take you." The hug had broken but they still touched. He reached up brushing her hair that she had wished she had done something with it, (I saw the braid she'd done her hair in for me as what she would have done had she known he was here.) out of her face.

"You would?" She knew he had made pretty decent money, traveling around the country playing guitar for different bands, at events, and only occasionally coming home. She also knew from Samara that he had a gambling habit, still Jessica was already imagining herself married to him. It was a tantalizing fantasy to her, if she could just get that gambling habit taken care of. He made twice what Jacob did, sure he wasn't home a lot but... ALL THAT MONEY! And... he was as fit now as he had always been. "I should have dumped him when you told me to. Shouldn't I?"

"Yes, women should always listen to me." Marco smiled, playful about it. "I was just telling Samara that she needs to find a nice man."

"Easier said than done." Jessica frowned at him for including her friend, bringing her into their little conversation made it feel less... Like she might be his sole focus at the moment. Samara popping up right there beside them, looking as if she wanted to push between them. Shaking her head she frowned, "Not like I'm actively avoiding boys."

"So you say, but you are a beautiful woman. Is she not Jessica? Is your friend not a very very beautiful and sexy woman?"

"I'm your cousin." Samara sneered.

"You weren't concerned about that when we all played seven minutes in heaven that one time." Jessica pointed out.

"Si, I remember that very well." Samara was the only one of the three who blushed at that memory, the three of them had played it one Saturday night while Marco's family was staying with Samara's, way back when we were together. After sliding his arm over Jessica's shoulder he whispered, "That was one of our favorite games, was it not? Even if it was just the two of us." He reached over, sweeping his cousin's hair aside, as if it had been in her eyes more than it was. I knew why and Jessica's mind confirmed it, he used to do that to her when Samara was in goth mode and had kept her bangs in her face most of the time. It was a loving and intimate gesture. Samara frowned but she did not twist away, at the sweep or as Marco's fingers traced over her cheek, down to her chin. "Remember when I gave you your first orgasm? You kept telling me to stop that you thought you were going to pee yourself, but I knew."

"Marco gave you your first orgasm?"

"It was so long ago." Samara blushing.

"Si, but I remember it like it was yesterday."

"You never told me that." More than a bit upset with her friend but she could see the rare stubbornness in Samara's dark eyes, plus didn't want to call her down. She would do that later when Marco wasn't there. So instead she said, "We could play it now." With a giggle like it was a joke. Then, "We should play it now. Why not?"

"We could, you are basically single now that your stupid husband has sent you away. Samara still has never had a boyfriend, and the girl I thought I was in a relationship with here in Defluer, turns out she is engaged." He shrugged, the fact that his Defluer Love Interest had moved on was a joke to him, no hurt feelings at all.

"You're both crazy! That's... We're adults now and..."

"And?" Marco asked with that smile that for sure made Jessica's heart beat faster, Samara would probably deny it but the way she looked away said it sparked something in her too.

"And! And it will be fun! I need to have some fun to forget..." Jessica pulling in some ragged breaths, convincing both of them that she was near tears again, even though she wasn't. "Forget... You know."

Samara made some soothing noises, stepping forward to stroke her friend's shoulder, her cousin was now warmly embracing both of them. Jessica was only looking for Samara to agree, thinking of ways to dial up the sadness until her friend did. Didn't see the pining look the female cousin gave to her male one. Or saw and didn't register.

"Okay, you two can..."

"No! It's more fun with all of us. Like the good old days, you know?" Marco spoke before Jessica could say she was happy with it just being her and Marco.

"Yeah." Jessica agreed but hoping, or rather was fairly certain, that Samara would stick to her disinterest in incest.

"I uh... Okay." Samara shocked Jessica by agreeing, the married woman cursed internally but Marco took both their hands. "I just finished a beer, I will get the bottle, the two of you go into the bedroom where we can play on the bed."

Neither Samara or Jessica denied him, they let him lead them the short distance to the hallway, where he veered into the kitchen and they went down it to Samara's bedroom. There were zero frills in here, all the furniture was thrift store, nothing looked new. It was all clean though. Jessica rushed to her friend's bed, no qualms about jumping on it. Hoped she would scare the Latina off by lounging in it rather luridly. Samara went to the night stand, pretending it wasn't weird that she would take so long to plug in her phone with her own charger. Jessica ignored her friend completely only trying to find the sexiest pose for Marco to find her in.

"The bottle." He said, grinning smoothly at the two of them. Striding right in to sit at the foot of the bed, putting his hand onto Jessica's calf as smoothly and confidently as I'd ever seen. Jessica fighting a grin. As well as her arousal. To his cousin he said, "You spin first Samara, it is your house."

"I... Okay." Embarrassed but clearly the years of being single and lonely were motivating her.

She knelt on the bed, took the bottle, then a deep breath, and gave it a... Well, not a spin because it was on a mattress shifted by the weight of her cousin and best friend. But it turned past herself, stopping dead on Jessica, not a full three hundred sixty so there was no moment of anticipation. Just a start and abrupt stop. Both her and whose view I was watching it from were about to protest when Marco clapped.

"Oh yes, I very much enjoyed this. You two acting all shy about kissing and touching at first, but by the end you have forgotten and I would think your tongues and bodies would never separate from how entwined they were." Neither friend looked at each other, Jessica remembering very that it wasn't JUST him that she had been aroused by. "Go on."

Poor Samara! She gave a sheepish shrug to her friend, both of them sharing a look that said they were just giving him what he wanted. That neither was into it. Jessica closed her eyes after Samara did, but her friend went from an awkward press of mouths, to some experimental movements, to full on make out in maybe seven seconds, not minutes. Cupping her face and tipping her backward onto the bed. Jessica letting out a moan mostly of shock into her friend's mouth.

But there was pleasure! Oh yes!


I stirred out of the memory for a moment at that. My cock so fucking hard as I was turned on by what felt like the fabled VR experience that still hadn't come. Not just watching a porn from a POV shot but feeling it as well. I found myself very tempted to fuck Jessica again as I felt her get aroused too, at the vividness of the memory I was bringing up. She wanted it but... No, maybe even if it was a yes it was too late. The memory rolled over me again.


Her hands went up, hesitating a second before giving in, not exactly for the hot male watcher's sake either. Sliding her own tongue out to meet Samara's, remembering having the same thought as her friend got a little more atop her. Before and then again, "Why don't we do this all the time?" She asked herself, because it felt so good and so hot and so right!

"Uh!" Samara breaking the kiss, her brown eyes wide. Jessica was a little miffed at the interruption until she spotted Marco was not just watching. He had not only pulled his cousin's scrub pants down, but her panties as well. As he shifted from sitting to kneeling Jessica noticed that his hand stayed, his fingers were INSIDE his cousin. Who huffed in shock but made no move even near stopping him, "Marco!"

"This is what I was too cowardly to do before. I am no coward now." He told them both, undoing his own pants.

"Oh my god!"

"I need this! You need this! We need this!" Jessica told her friend who looked ready to freak out, both of them seeing Marco's cock as it sprang free, knowing what he was going to do with it by how he had positioned himself behind is cousin.

"You'll still..." Samara worried over Jessica's reaction, Jessica who was so inside her own world it took her way to long to realize that incest might... should be weird to them.

"No judgements. EVER!" It had been something they'd said to each other, but not always practiced.

"Thank you."

"You are so wet!" Marco said a moment later, Samara nodding before crying out as her cousin found his way inside her.