Full Moon- A Twilight Story


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"Ah, but I did. Don't you think I want a child as well?"

"But it wouldn't be your child. Not biologically."

"Do you doubt that Carlisle is my father and Esme my mother? Yet there's no biological connection between us. Any child that my wife bears will be my child. I love you, Bella, and if I can't father a child myself the next best would be to have a child with you as the mother."

"You're serious, aren't you? You actually want me to have a baby with Jacob?"

"I actually want you to have a baby. And it appears that is the only way it can happen."

He put his arms around me, and I curled up against him, my head on his hard chest. He wanted a child as badly as I did. So why had he allowed Carlisle to take the baby? I could have survived that pregnancy. I might have had a few broken bones, but I could have survived, and then Edward and I would have had a child of our own. And once I'd healed, Edward could have turned me.

But even as I thought it, I remembered the excruciating pain of the baby's growth, stretching within a few weeks something that was meant to stretch over nine months and breaking the bones that hadn't realized they needed to move. I'd thought having Edward's child was worth the pain, and I still believed it would have been, but I did question whether I would have been alive to see the child after it was born.

Edward was right. He could father a child with me, but it would likely kill me. If we wanted a child, someone else would have to father it. And Jacob was the only other person I loved and trusted enough to allow it.

"I'll do it." The words were out; I couldn't take it back now.

Edward kissed the top of my head. "Are you sure?"

"I want a baby, and since you've said you do too, yes, I'm sure."

"Bella." Edward slid down from his half-sitting position so that we were lying down side by side. "I love you, darling."

"I love you too."

He kissed me, a deep, passionate kiss that brought to mind all the lovemaking we'd done on our honeymoon before it had been interrupted. His hand found my breast, and my body responded to his touch. It seemed so long since he'd touched me this way, though it had been only a couple months. I wanted him badly; I hadn't realized how much I'd missed feeling him against me, feeling him inside me, while I'd recovered from the pregnancy.

He broke the kiss. "Bella," he said hoarsely. "Oh, how much I want you."

"As much as I want you, I'm sure. But is it safe?" I meant was I healed enough, but I was also concerned about the risk of another pregnancy.

As often happened, he seemed to know exactly what I was thinking. "Carlisle said last week that by this time you should be recovered enough for us to resume sex," he said. "If you feel any discomfort or pain, tell me immediately. As for pregnancy..." With a sheepish look, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small square. "I never thought I would have need to walk into a pharmacy and purchase condoms. There's quite a large selection available."

"Um, yeah." I laughed and blushed at the image of my ageless, vampire husband going to a drugstore like any teenage boy to buy condoms. "So what kind did you get?"

"Ultra sensitive." If he could have blushed, I would have sworn he was. "Shall we see if they live up to the advertising?"


Edward wrapped his arms around me and kissed me deeply, a kiss like he'd given me on our honeymoon. It brought back the wonderful memories of the brief time before the pregnancy had intruded on our plans, and for once I was able to think of the baby without feeling as though I was being stabbed in the heart.

I wore a nightgown with a robe over it. As we kissed, Edward eased the robe from my shoulders and off my arms, letting it fall to the floor. He ran his hands over my breasts, sending shivers through me. "Bella, my beautiful wife," he murmured.

"Edward." I pushed up the T-shirt he wore so I could touch his bare chest. "Make love to me. Please. I need to feel you inside me."

"Gladly, darling."

He gathered up my nightgown, and I raised my arms so he could pull it off over my head. I slipped off my panties, and stood before my husband completely naked.

I didn't think I looked as good as I had before the pregnancy. The rapid growth of the baby had stretched my abdomen, and even though it was nearly flat again now, the skin was still stretched and covered with marks. But Edward bent and kissed me just above my navel. "You're lovely," he said. "My Bella."

"We have a problem," I said. "I'm not wearing anything."

"And I am. That is a problem." So quickly I barely had time to blink, he removed his clothes. "Is this better?"

"Much." My eyes drank in the sight of my gorgeous, naked husband, from his hard, muscular chest to the hardness between his legs. "Make love to me."

"Of course."

Edward put on the condom and lowered me to the bed. He positioned himself on top of me, using his arms to keep from putting his whole weight on me. "Remember, tell me if anything hurts you."

"I will, but I think I'll be fine." I wanted him so badly that even if it did hurt, I didn't think I would notice.

"All right."

He entered me. After a momentary discomfort, all I felt was the pleasure of having him inside me again. Although I knew how difficult it was for him, he thrust slowly, gently, restraining himself from the passion he'd shown on our honeymoon. Although I wanted it faster, I knew he doubted his ability to control himself. I held myself back as well, matching his pace, until both of us reached the peak. When our orgasms came, I met Edward's eyes and saw in them so much love that I forgave him everything.

He moved off me and lay beside me. I curled against him and rested my head on his chest. "I love you," I said.

"And I love you. How do you feel?"

"I'm fine. You were perfectly gentle, and it felt in some ways better than when you aren't."

"I'm glad." He kissed the top of my head. "Have you forgiven me?"

"Yes. I can't stay angry with you."

"And you'll have a child."

"Yes. If Jacob will agree to it."

"We'll speak to him tomorrow. For now, you should get some sleep."

"Yes, I think you tired me out a bit." I closed my eyes. "Good night, Edward."

"Good night, my Bella."

* * * *

Although Jacob was reluctant, he did agree when Edward and I spoke to him. Carlisle assured us that, based on his research, there would be no physical danger to me from any baby that might result, though he recommended caution during the act itself since it would be very possible for Jacob to lose control and shift form.

Carlisle also examined me to be sure I was fully recovered from the lost pregnancy. "Pregnancy puts a huge strain on a human body," he explained. "If there's a broken bone or any other injury that hasn't completely healed, a new pregnancy could make the injury worse, and risk you and the baby."

"What do you think about this?"

"I think it's between you, Edward, and Jacob." He smiled, and I knew he meant it. "We've never had a baby around here. It might be nice."

"It would be nicer if it were Edward's, though."

"It will be nice because it will be yours, and if Edward accepts it as his own, so will the rest of us. Don't worry, Bella. Just do what you and Edward have agreed is the right thing."

As it turned out, not everyone was as accepting of the idea as Carlisle. When Jacob showed up on the day we'd agreed on, two weeks after I'd decided to take Edward's suggestion, the entire family turned out to say hello to him before we went to Edward's and my room. Emmett met him with a sneer. "You're a little too much of a puppy to be a father, aren't you?"

"I'm eighteen now," Jacob said. "And I'm only going to be the father biologically. I'm certainly old enough to manage that."

"I wish I knew what you and Bella were thinking, asking this dog to father her child," Emmett said to Edward. "Honestly, if you can't make her pregnant without killing her, maybe you should take that as a sign."

"She wants a baby," said Rosalie, who was standing beside him. "But I agree." She wrinkled her nose. "If this even works, I hope the baby won't smell as bad as the dog does."

"Stop calling Jacob a dog!" I said. "Why are you two even here if you're so against this?"

"Because we wanted one last chance at talking you out of it," Emmett said. "But apparently that isn't going to work, so have at it. Just don't blame anyone but yourself if you end up being eaten."

Jacob glowered. "I would never do anything to hurt Bella. If you don't know that by now..."

"Stop," Esme said. "This is no one's business but Bella, Edward, and Jacob's."

"And upsetting Bella isn't going to make things any easier," Alice added. She hugged me. "I'm not sure I understand why you and Edward are doing this, but if it's what you want, I'm on your side. And it will be fun to have a niece or nephew to spoil."

"I'll be sure to let you choose the clothes."

"Smart girl."

Edward put his arm around me. He was tense, which wasn't a surprise given what was about to happen. "We should go upstairs."

"Yeah, we should." Jacob glanced at the others. I could only imagine how he must have felt, being faced with a group of vampires who knew he was about to have sex with the wife of one of them. But he didn't show any sign of being worried or intimidated.

Edward kept his arm around me until we got to the bedroom. He closed the door behind us and said, "You understand how this will go?"

"Yeah. You're using me as a stud." Jacob rolled his eyes. "Just reinforces the whole 'dog' thing, you know."

"Jacob, it isn't like that," I said.

"Yes, Bella, it's exactly like that. I'm your friend, and that's all I am to you, but I'm fathering a child for you and your husband here to raise."

"If it bothers you that much, why did you agree to it?"

His eyes filled with sadness. "Because I love you and I want you to be happy. And alive."

"Jacob, you're doing a great favor for both of us," Edward said. "And we will want you to be part of the child's life. You're Bella's friend and that's enough to make you part of this family, even if the other Cullens disagree."

Jacob studied him. "Thank you. That means a lot."

Edward inclined his head. "What you're doing for us means a lot as well. I'll be in the room, but please don't let that inhibit you. I'm here only to ensure Bella's safety."

"Yeah, that's not inhibiting at all," Jacob muttered.

Being a werewolf, Jacob was comfortable naked, since he couldn't shift in his clothes. He undressed quickly. I was more hesitant. I was still becoming comfortable being naked with Edward, and now I was expected to show my body to two men?

And somehow Jacob seemed even bigger without his clothes on. He was huge anyway, over six and a half feet tall, but without clothes constraining him I'd have said he was at least seven feet. I'd seen him without clothes before, since I'd seen him immediately before and after shifts, but I was more aware of it now, given the purpose of his nudity. I was more aware of a part of him that I'd avoided looking at before. That part was large, like the rest of him, and when I saw it I was considerably less convinced than I had been that this was a good idea.

Both Edward and Jacob realized where I was looking, even though I turned away quickly. My bright red face probably helped them figure it out. "Bella, you can still change your mind," Edward said. He knew he was the only man I'd been with; he'd taken my virginity on our honeymoon.

"Of course you can," Jacob said. "But I'll be slow and gentle. You know I'd never hurt you, Bella."

"I know." But I was definitely having second thoughts. This was just wrong, making love to Jacob while Edward watched. How could I have agreed to this? I wanted a baby, but did I want it this badly?

Edward came to me and put his arms around me. "Bella, darling, do what feels right to you. I'm here whatever you decide."

"We'll still be friends, no matter what," Jacob added.

"It's up to you, Bella," Edward said.

Great, because I was so good at making decisions. I wanted to be a vampire so I could spend eternity with Edward. I wanted a child; didn't married couples usually have children? Emmett and Rosalie didn't, and neither did Carlisle and Esme, but that was because they'd been vampires when they met. They hadn't been able to have children. Though Carlisle and Esme considered the others to be their children, and Edward and I would be able to form a family that way if we wanted to.

But during my brief pregnancy, I'd realized that I did want to experience being pregnant and giving birth. I took a deep breath, looked from Edward to Jacob, and nodded. "All right. Let's give this a try."

Jacob stroked my cheek with one large finger. "It'll be all right."


I turned to face the wall so I wouldn't have to see either of them looking at me as I undressed. When I was naked, I turned slowly, unsure of where to look. Edward embraced me. "Don't be nervous, Bella. This is what we both want, right?"

"I guess so."

He kissed me, then stepped aside so Jacob could fold me into his arms. "It's all right," he whispered. "If you change your mind at any point, just tell me. I'm doing this for you, and if it isn't what you want then that's okay."

"It is what I want. I think."

He laughed. "Okay. You know, I've never done this before, so you're going to have to help me out a little." He moved me to the bed. "I think lying down's probably a good place to start."


We lay side by side on the bed. Edward stayed by the door, an unreadable expression on his face. I wished I knew what he was thinking; was he upset about this? Happy? He didn't meet my gaze, just stared at the floor, which made it even harder for me to judge what was in his mind.

Jacob kissed my cheek. "Are you ready?"

"A woman isn't ready immediately," Edward said. "Haven't you ever heard of foreplay?"

Jacob bristled. "I just said I've never done this, didn't I? I thought you were just going to stand there. I can do without the comments."

"Stop it, both of you," I said.

"Sorry," they said together.

I kissed Jacob's lips. Unlike Edward's, they were warm and soft. I preferred Edward's. Jacob caught on quickly and the kiss deepened, becoming more intense. As though moving on its own, his hand found my breast; he gasped into my mouth when he touched it. Still kissing him, I touched his cheek to reassure him that it was all right.

Evidently that was all the encouragement he needed. His hands explored my body, bringing me sensations that until now I'd only felt with Edward. I felt moisture between my legs, which hopefully would make it easier for Jacob to enter me when we were both ready. Though I wasn't sure I could be ready for something like this.

After a few minutes, he broke the kiss and asked, "Can I...?"

I nodded. "Go ahead."

Jacob looked at the absurd comparison between the length of my body and the length of his. "Maybe you should be on me," he suggested.

"Yeah, that might work better."

I straddled Jacob, careful to avoid looking at Edward since this position put him in my line of sight. Even though he'd said he was okay with this, I was afraid of what I might see on his face now that it was actually happening. It still astonished me that he was willing to let this happen, that he wanted a child enough to let another man father it. Then again, it astonished me that I wanted a child this badly.

I positioned myself so that I felt Jacob's hardness pressing between my legs. "Go slow, Bella. You're in control."

Yeah. I moved down and felt him begin to enter me. I had to stretch to accept him, which wasn't exactly painful but wasn't quite pleasant either. Slowly, I took more of him into me, until it did become painful and I stopped. "Are you all right?" he asked.

"Yeah." I took a couple deep breaths to relax myself, hoping that would help. It didn't much; I couldn't relax completely with Edward watching. Experimentally I moved on Jacob and decided I could manage it, though I knew he wasn't fully inside me. I didn't think I could take him completely, and I didn't want the pain of trying.

He moaned. "That feels nice, Bella. Does it feel okay for you?"

"Yes." It did, despite the stretching; it was nice to be so close to Jacob. "You can move a little too, just keep it slow."

"You set the pace. I'll do what you do."

I moved a little faster; Jacob matched my speed. Before long, pleasure took over from discomfort. I almost forgot that Edward was even in the room as Jacob and I moved together. Then the pleasure broke over me and I cried out so loudly I was sure the other Cullens must have heard. Jacob let out a loud groan and I felt his seed filling me. We were both still.

After I caught my breath, I lifted myself off him. I wanted to lie next to him for a moment, to feel him holding me, but Edward came to the bed and put his arms around me. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes." I looked into his eyes, hoping for some sign of how he felt about this. "Are you and I okay?"

He kissed my forehead. "Of course we are. We agreed to this." He looked over my shoulder at Jacob. "Thank you again. We'll let you know when we find out whether Bella's expecting."

"And so I'm dismissed." Jacob dressed as quickly as he'd stripped and leaned down to kiss my cheek. "Thank you, Bella, for letting me be part of this."

"Thank you for doing it. I'll be in touch soon, okay?"

"Yeah." He glared at Edward. "Guess I'd better go. Talk to you later."

He walked out, closing the door behind him. Edward lay down with me. "Do you think it worked?" I asked.

"I hope so, because I honestly don't believe I could stand seeing that again. I'm jealous, Bella. I thought for this purpose I could handle it, but I had to force myself to keep from ripping out his throat when you and he were... I hope it worked."

"Yeah. So do I."

He stroked my hair. "Why don't you get some sleep, darling? I'll be here."


I closed my eyes, but doubted I'd sleep. Edward's arms around me weren't as comforting as usual. There was a gap between us, a distance that I knew was because of what Jacob and I had just done, even though he had encouraged it. And because of his reaction at the end, there was now a distance between Jacob and me as well.

I almost hoped Jacob hadn't succeeded in impregnating me. If he had, I was afraid I would find myself and the baby alone.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I wish the sex scene with Jake was longer, but this was a decent read

LovingMe23LovingMe23almost 5 years ago

I didn't think this would be that intense! I think it would have gone better if Edward and Bella fooled around until she was ready while having Jacob watch and then he come in and finish the job. Can't wait to see what happens next. This is a total favorite of mine now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
good job it was fabtastic

That was great it matched the series please write more I'll be watching . Thanks for taking the time to write it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
Don't listen to one ridiculous comment

I thought Edward was so in character throughout the story. He will do absolutely anything for Bella, Yes, it was a little unconventional, but she's married to a vampire and best friends with a werewolf. So pretty much everything surrounding her is highly unconventional. Jacob was spot on as well. He is her best friend. And best friends always try to be there for one another. I understood why Edward felt he needed to be there, and he would especially insist on it if Carlisle thought there may be a risk of Jacob shifting into his wolf form.

All in all, I thought the story was very interesting and quite plausible given the unique nature of the world of Twilight. Please don't let one idiot who is to cowardly to send their name along with scornful, an unhelpful critique make you stop writing this fic, or others similar to it.

Thank you for posting this!

-Sara G

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

edward there was creepy... not good. AT ALL

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

I see you never read the books OMG BELLA LOVED JAKE even thoiugh she loved and picked Edward

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

This story had so many possibilities!! Why end it like that??? Come on now! If you read any of the books you know she was turned on by Jacob! Argh

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
last part sucks

the last part was quite dumb! edward would lose a match against jacob

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
This is their only option, really?

They could've used artificial insemination, you know. They're living in the modern world already so there's no reason why they couldn't have used that method. Besides that, the story was alright overall.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

so is she pregnant or not? i want an answer. but i felt emotional reading this, good job. i'm team edward so it was interesting. good job though!

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