Future History


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"Levin!" Tim shouted his voice echoing around the cavern.

"Sir!" shouted Levin running to where the General was.

"Captian Strong!" shouted Tim once more.

"Here, sir," said the Captain as he stepped in front of Tim.

"You two are with me."

They both nodded and fell in behind John and Tim.

~ ~ ~ ~

The General and Colonel Johnson were now back in the cavern along with Sergeant Levin. The General was still stunned by what he had seen, up in the command center. John had shown him the floor plans of the entire base. He was now running plans through his head. John pulled him aside.

"You do know that you can't use this stuff until we have a unified plan of attack. You and Ed can communicate via the network without the Chicoms even suspecting."

"I assumed something like that, yet..."

"Here are your orders, sir," said John pulling an envelope out of his pocket.

"Ah, yes, orders. Do you know what's in them?" asked Tim.

"Not really. But I have assumed that they are just like what they are now. Wreak havoc on the Chicom until the day we can just wipe them out or kick their ass out of our country," replied John. "Only that last part is now closer than anyone believed a day ago," said John winking at Tim.

"Truth. Where are you off to now?"

"Eastern South Carolina Free Militia," said John. "If you could send some people to Western North Carolina?"

"Sure, but..."

"It's all in the computer. Print out a map and a floor plan. On the floor plan, the entrances will be marked and the operating points displayed. My people and I have been away from what we now call home for too long. One of them has children she hasn't seen for a long time."



"And yet she volunteered for this?"

"She did."

"Okay, I'll send a platoon..."

"We have found that a squad would be better and make one of them a scout sniper."

"I see. Yes, that would be better. Okay, consider it done."

"When are you four leaving?"

"We'll stay the night here in the base. It's been a while since we've been able to shower and eat a decent meal."

"I wasn't going to say anything," said Tim laughing and waving his hand in front of his face.

John laughed along with him. So it was that the General stayed at the base and sent half his platoon back to pack up their camp and come here. While John and his people showered, ate, and slept. The next morning they were off to South Carolina where John knows the colonel in charge. It should be an interesting trip.

Chapter 43

Eastern South Carolina Free Militia

At each camp the four came upon, the doctors would give everyone a check-up. There weren't that many doctors out in the wilds of the U.S. This did slow them down a little, but it ensured that the fighting men and women of the U.S. were in good health or at least healing from whatever wounds they received. So, even though they were close to their next stop, it took them a couple of days to get there.

~ ~ ~ ~

Vicky Lister watched the four people carefully walk along the roadside as they made their way toward her. She would be moving in just a few minutes so as not to be found, yet, she wondered what they were doing out here. She could tell they weren't Chicoms. But were they collaborators? That was the question she had in her mind. Then she spotted a squad of Chicom pop out of the woods onto the road. The four she watched halted and slowly took cover in the brush alongside the road.

The squad of Chicoms were going away from them, toward Vicky. She smiled to herself as she lined her sights up on the Chicom with silver on his collar. She flipped the safety off of her rifle and squeezed the trigger just like her uncle John had shown her oh so long ago. The Chicoms disappeared back into the brush alongside the road, yet from Vicky's vantage point, they were still visible. She got two more before they disappeared into the forest. Smiling she packed her things and headed away from the road so she could get closer to the four hiding in the bush.

An hour later Vicky was slowly closing on the four when she stopped dead in her tracks. There to her right stood her uncle John. She gasped as he stepped out from behind the tree he was using to hide from her. When he saw her face, he rushed to her and hugged her gently. She was crying with joy at seeing her uncle, the other four had come back to join them.

"I take it you know her?" asked one of the women.

"John? JOHN?" said the other woman loudly.

John stepped back from Vicky looking into her eyes. They were filled with tears just like his were.

"Susan, Michelle, Kendal, I would like to introduce you to my niece, Vicky Lister, whose father we are on the way to see."

"You have a brother?" asked Michelle.

"No, my wife had a brother. It's so good to see you, Vicky. My how you have grown? And a sniper to boot. That was some pretty good shooting, my dear."

"Just how you taught me, Uncle John. Oh god, I've missed you. What are you doing in these parts?" Vicky asked.

"Looking for your father. Can you take us to him, please?" asked John.

"Sure, follow me," said Vicky trying to remove her gillie suit as she walked.

"Here, let me help you with that," said John grabbing her by the shoulder to stop her.

She smiled up at him as he helped her shimmy out of her suit. She stuffed it in her pack and they were off, Vicky in the lead. John did notice she stayed off of trails that crossed their path, always opting to take a route through the woods instead of along a path. Someone had taught her well. And John bet the route they took would get them to her camp faster.

~ ~ ~ ~

Hank Young was on overwatch. He spotted the five people walking toward him. They were still too far away for him to recognize them. Yet one of them seemed familiar. He felt he should know who it was but just couldn't put his thumb on it yet. He would keep an eye on them as they approached him. Meanwhile, he had to keep an eye open for Chicoms coming from several other directions.

By the time he got back to the five strangers, he was very surprised to see Vicky leading them. All were alert to anything that might be around them. He could also see the other four weren't Chicoms. He let them come never letting them know he was there, except Vicky probably knew, yet didn't give him away. Hank Young went back to watching for anyone who didn't belong around their camp. He did radio base, that five were inbound.

"See, I told you someone was watching," said Michelle.

Vicky giggled as she led them on.

"You did, dear," replied John.

Susan just grunted shaking her head. Kendal just brought up the rear trying to watch everywhere at once.

Chapter 44

As the five of them entered the camp, everyone there looked up and watched the four unknowns as Vicky led them to the Colonel's tent.

"Wait here," said Vicky as she entered the tent.

"Vicky? What are you doing back so soon, girl?"

"Dad, I ran into some people who are... well, one of them is a friend of yours," Vicky said. "Uncle John is here," she whispered.

Colonel Dennis Lister's eyes widened until they could open no farther. His mouth hung open, his hands grabbed the arm of the chair he sat in.

"Now Uncle John," called out Vicky laughing at her father.

John stepped into the tent quickly. He started laughing as he looked at his friend's surprise.

"Close your mouth Denny, something might fly in there," said John as he walked around the desk.

Dennis stood quickly and the two old friends embraced.

"Holy crap Gunny, I thought you were dead," yelled Dennis.

"Almost, a couple of times, but no, I'm alive and kicking, sir."

"Gunny or I should say, Colonel, what brings you to our part of the war? And who are these people with you?"

"We'll start with this little spitfire, Captain Michelle Johnson, MD, the brunette next to her is Captain Susan Bajek, MD. And last but not least, Lieutenant Kendal Biscup, USAF. Michelle, Susan, Kendal, my brother-in-law Colonel Dennis Lister US Army," replied John.

"And?" Dennis asked.

"Oh, yeah. We're here to tell you about this," John said pulling a map from his thigh pocket.

As he spread the map on the desk, Denny and Vicky watched intently. Once spread out, they realized it was a map of South Carolina. John put his finger next to a red dot.

"This is where we need to go. How far?"

Dennis leaned in scrutinizing the map. Vicky also took a close look.

"Dad, that Elders Peak, here," she said putting a finger on a spot on the map. "And that's where we are now," she said moving her finger next to John's finger.

"Well, I'll be darn," said Dennis as he stepped around everyone and stepped out of the tent.

John and the rest followed him. Dennis stopped, turned back toward the tent, and pointed uphill. Everyone turned looking where he was pointing. John gasped as he saw the distinctive slab of rock on the side of the hill.

"Well, I'll be... follow me," said John as he started up the hill.

Dennis, Vicky, Susan, Michelle, Kendal, and four of Dennis' men followed John. He waved Dennis over and showed him what he needed to do to open the place. The slab of rock quickly lowed into the ground in front of them. John bowed to Dennis and waved him in. When Dennis stepped over the threshold, lights started to light up the interior. Dennis gasped, as did the rest of his men. Vicky dropped to her knees and started sobbing.

"What's the matter Vicky?" asked John kneeling beside her.

"Nothing now. When?" she asked.

"As soon as we tell everyone about them. There are two in each state. Three in Texas. We have people spread out all over the states telling the Militia about these places. Once they are all operational, we will be able to communicate with each other easily now, we will strike when all are operational and fully manned."

"Good," she said, as she wiped the tears from her face.

John got to his feet, looking at Dennis.

"We'll need you to send some people west to tell them about their base."

"We will. Chuck, get everyone packing and moving up here."

"Come on, I'll show you the command center and barracks," said John heading farther into the base.

Michelle and Susan set up just inside the doorway and started to check over all the men and women as they dragged their belongings into the cavern of the tank bay.

Chapter 45

John and the rest stayed at the South Carolina facility for a week. Getting them up and running. This was the last of their assigned places. They were going to be heading home through country that was fairly rough and John wanted his people well rested as he was going to try getting back as quickly as possible. It would take them some time but they would be moving through a more friendly section of the continent. The Chicoms had been moving north all the while that John's group had been moving east and south. It was a crisp spring morning when John, Susan, Michelle, and Kendal were ready to leave.

"I'm going to give you a squad to see you to the border," said Dennis.

"No need, we aren't going anywhere we haven't been before. Others of our group have notified Georgia, Florida, and points west. You were our last notification."

"Well, I guess it's up to you. But I would feel better if you allow some of my men to accompany you."

"I think not, we will be moving fast and with the Chicoms moving up north we shouldn't have any problems. Except, some locals who might have staked out a kingdom we might pass through."

"And there is why you are taking some of my men to the border. I will contact the next unit in line to meet you there and escort you to the next group. And that is now my order to you, Colonel," said Dennis.

"Yes, sir. Thank you," replied John. "Let me show you the path we will be taking so the others don't miss us."

Dennis and John huddled together as Dennis copied the map John had. Then the squad showed up and they were off to home.

~ ~ ~ ~

For the rest of the morning, through the rough country of South Carolina, the group slogged their way through the forests. Soon the lead man taking a knee, raising his hand in a fist, halted them. Everyone behind him took a knee. Up ahead in the forest, they could see men coming toward them. They were dressed as U.S. Marines. It was a squad from the Western South Carolina Free Militia. They walked right up to the lead man.

"Is Colonel Johnson with you soldier?" asked the Lieutenant.

"Yes, sir," replied the point man.

"I'm here Lieutenant," replied John.

"Sir, I'm here to escort you to the border where we will meet a squad at the Tennessee border."

"Very well. Sergeant, it was a pleasure. You be careful on your way home," said John shaking the sergeant's hand.

"We will, sir."

"You're dismissed," said John.

The sergeant smiled at John as he and his men melted back into the forest. John turned to the lieutenant.

"Well," said John.

"Right, Gillmor, lead off."

And they were once again on their way. They broke for lunch soon after they had moved into the deeper recess in the forest. Then they were on their way again headed northwest. And so it went for the rest of the week. They met their next escorts and moved on. Over the next month, nothing slowed them down. They didn't see or encounter a Chicom unit or man.

The closer they got to home, the quicker the four were almost leading the men assigned to see them home. At the Tennessee, Kentucky border, a squad of men from their unit met them. Marc was leading them and grabbed Susan and hugged her fiercely. She hugged him back just as hard.

"I missed you so much," she whispered.

"I missed you too. So did the kids. They were excited when they heard you were on your way back."

John thanked the unit who had seen them through Tennessee.

"Sir, before we leave, you have to give Fort Campbell a wide berth. The Chicoms have dug in there."

"Thank you, corporal, we will. Thank you."

"Good luck, sir," the corporal said fading back into the forest.

"Mark?" asked John.

"He's right. A short battalion of Chicoms have taken up residence there. They don't stray too far from the fort but they could become a nuisance later."

"Okay, let's go, everyone heads up and on swivels. Move out," said John.

A corporal led the group to the east to skirt the eastern edge of the fort. This would bring them to the northern tip of the twin lakes close to the mouth of the Cumberland River in a heavily wooded area that they thought of as home. From the top of the 'hill', you could see all around, even into Fort Campbell. And Marion. It took them another day of walking, carefully so as not to be surprised by a Chicom patrol, if there were any out and about.

"We will have to chase them out of there," said John.

"Yes, we will. Plans are being developed as we speak," replied Mark.

John just nodded knowing Ed would not want the enemy at his back door. As they entered the facility, two young children were running toward Susan and Mark. Both were shouting how much they had missed their mommy. Susan was on her knees, hugging them. They were now as tall as she was when she was kneeling. Mark was next to get hugged by the kids, although he hadn't been gone all that long.

Once things were under control, John went and let Ed know they were back. Ed waved him into the office he now occupied. John sat down looking around.

"Have you been able to talk to Mary since we got the Virginia complex online?" asked John.

"I have, I even got to see them. We have a video linkup to all the facilities. It's even better than what we had on base back when," replied Ed.

"Good. We weren't able to stay long enough to see them, but I did let Sam know where they were staying so he could get them into the complex to be safe. I guess he found them?"

"He did. Thank you, Gunny."

"So, how goes the planning? Got enough higher-ups to accomplish what we need to do?" asked John.

"We, do. I didn't realize how many big brass there were out there just fighting alongside our citizens. They have all been checking in as new complexes come online. Just this morning an Admiral of the Fleet offered his help. It would also seem everyone is looking to me for... answers... answers I don't have."

"How's the progress out west going?"

"Not so well. Things are so far apart out there. The Chicoms have things tied up tight out there. Our guys got to Colorado and the mountains stopped them dead. Without vehicles, we may not be able to let the west know of the complexes they have out there."

"Choppers! We have choppers, in at least four of the complexes we opened. Apache gunships, Blackhawk gunships."

"What? Now, why didn't anyone mention that to me? I know we have at least three air wings of jets in Texas. And a shit load of C-130 gunships as well as transports. Okay, okay, get out, I have some plans to make. Hey, would you like to make a trip out west?"

"No thanks, Ed. Not today. Maybe next month," replied John laughing.

Chapter 46

Northern Arizona Free Militia

Stacy Lemont looked up at the sound she hadn't heard in such a long time as to almost be forgotten. And she could hardly believe her eyes. There floating down to the clearing just to the east of her was a Blackhawk helicopter with American markings. The two others with her were also gawking at the chopper. As it touched down six people hopped out spreading out in an arc facing Stacy. The chopper dusted off and hurried back the way it had come. The six people looked around as they rose and turned to head off away from Stacy and her team.

Rising slowly, Stacy let her rifle hang by its straps. Her movement caught the attention of the tall silver-haired man and the redhead next to him. Both turned rifles at the ready. Stacy just stood there looking at them.

"Who the hell are you?" asked Stacy.

The tall man laughed. The redhead smiled. The rest went into a crouch facing away from Stacy.

"I am Colonel John Johnson of the Western Kentucky Free Militia. And who might you be young lady?"

"Kentucky? You're a fair distance from your command?"

"On a mission. Who are you?" asked John.

"Sorry. Stacy Lemont, Lieutenant, Northern Arizona Free Militia. What mission and where did you get a chopper and why hasn't it been shot down by the Chicoms."

John laughed again as he watched two others rise out of the brush behind Stacy. She was actually a pretty girl. Way too young to be a lieutenant, yet she must have proven herself to achieve her rank.

"My mission is to find someone such as yourself to show me to your HQ so I can let them know where they too can have choppers and tanks to use against the Chicoms."

"Tanks! Did you say, TANKS?" asked Stacy.

"Yes, I did. A division of tanks and at least a squadron of helicopters," replied John. "I'm looking for a Colonel Silas Meacham, know him?"

"As a matter of fact, I do."

"How far?" asked John.

"How do I know you're not working with the Chicoms?"

"Code, alpha, one, two, tango, lake, echo," said John.

"I was just given that this morning, how?"

"Does it matter? Your uncle will be glad to see us," said John smiling at Stacy.

"What! How? I am suddenly confused but as you don't look like Chicoms, we're not far. About half days walk."

"I know your uncle from long ago."

"He knows almost everyone," said the slight redhead.

"My uncle never mentioned you," said Stacy.

"He never mentioned Gunny Johnson?" asked the redhead.

"Holy shit! Team, Gerry, you lead, Tom, bring up the rear. This way Colonel," said Stacy starting back into the brush

"Michelle," said John.

"Squad, standard order," said Michelle.

Two of the men with John, went running up front with Gerry. The other two took up position behind the Colonel.