Future History


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"Who did I kill?" asked Carol.

"Their top general, his second, and his third in command. A lowly colonel has had to assume command. You chopped the head of the snake clean off."

"There have to be other generals?"

"Oh, there are. The radio was abuzz with orders until our jammers started to jam them. They are now in chaos. It's just too bad that we aren't ready to attack. We could have rolled over them... never mind you did a good job, Carol."

"Without mercy," whispered Carol.



"Come clean, Carol."

"Fine. I said, without mercy. Every time I pull the trigger on one of them, that's what I say in my head. There is no mercy in my heart for those I kill. As far as I'm concerned, every one of them I kill is the one that took my life away from me and made me live in this hell."

Carol was crying silently. Tears flowed down her face as she thought about Ned and Kristen. Luke just sat there watching her. He slowly reached across the table taking Carol's hand in his. She didn't pull away.

"Your turn," sniffled Carol.

"My story," whispered Luke choking up a bit, "is not unlike your story. My wife, we hadn't started a family yet, was killed as we struggled through the woods to get to this very camp. They shot her as we ran through the woods. I was kneeling beside her when Dan and a group of his people showed up killing the Chinese. They carried... Linda... all the way back to here. Their medic looked her over. She shook her head as I held Linda in my arms. I was devastated. She told me goodbye as I kissed her lips for the last time. She died in my arms my tears dripping on her face.

"I vowed right then and there to avenge her death. I have been killing the Chinese ever since."

Luke sobbed as he sat there looking at the table Carol squeezed his hand. His head came up and he nodded at Carol. She nodded back. Their food was now cold, so they just dump it in the trash and dropped the dishes in the sink. They walked quietly back to their side cave. Both of them lay down on their own sleeping bag and dropped off to sleep.

Chapter 32

Two weeks later, Carol was in a hide just east of the Kentucky border. She spotted people coming toward her. Lining up her scope on the leader, she was just about ready to pull the trigger, when a voice whispered from behind her.

"Please don't, those are my friends," said the female voice.

Carol almost shit herself as she slowly turned her head to the left. There sat a young woman with a sniper rifle the likes she had never seen before.

"How?" asked Carol.

"I was scouting when I spotted you set up here. I decided to get here about when my aunt and the rest would come up over the small rise out there. I'm Kelly Sampson, scout-sniper of the Eastern Kentucky Free Militia. Who are you?" asked Kelly.

"I'm Carol Mulligan, scout-sniper of the Western Virginia Free Militia. You almost scared the shit out of me. Nice to meet you, Kelly."

"Nice to meet you too, Carol. Can you guide us back to your camp? We are looking for someone in charge. We have some important information to give and show them," said Kelly smiling. "Hold there, Aunt Sue."

Carol jerked around to find the four people she had almost shot standing behind her just up the hill she was on.


"Don't worry. No one will find out what happened out here."

"You are good," said Carol.

"But not all that good," said a voice from behind everyone.

Carol had to chuckle as Luke stood behind the group on the hill. Even Kelly looked surprised.

"Are there any more of you out here?" asked the tall silver-haired man.

"Not in this area," replied Luke. "I'm Luke, by the way. Sniper extraordinaire in these parts, just as Carol is."

"Luke what?" asked Kelly.

"Just Luke. Who are you young lady and what an extraordinary rifle you have there?"

"I'm Kelly. The people in front of you are Susan, Michelle, John, and Bobby. These two are Carol and Luke," finished Kelly smiling at Carol.

Carol giggled as she struggled to her feet.

"Who's on overwatch, Luke?" asked Carol.

"Miller," replied Luke.

"Might as well have him returned to base as that's where we are going," said Carol. "Come on y'all, we're headed east. And it won't be a short walk."

"How far," asked John.

"Three days," said Luke.

"You stray this far from base?" asked Michelle.

"This is where the Chicoms are," said Carol a grimace on her face.

"Who did you lose, sweetheart?" asked Michelle softly stepping up beside Carol.

"I don't like to talk about it."

"I understand. If you do ever want to talk about it, I'm here for you and I know," replied Michelle softly.

Carol dropped to her knees sobbing softly.

"The rest of you go, I'll stay with her, she knows where you're going," said Michelle kneeling down beside Carol.

Carol was shaking her head as she staggered to her feet. Michelle put her arm around her waist to help her.

"We don't have to go if you would like to compose yourself," said Michelle softly.

"No. I promised myself to never let it interfere with my mission."

"Which is?" asked Michelle knowing her answer.

"To kill as many Chinese without mercy as I can."

"A noble cause, I'm sure. I have the same goals."

Carol took a deep breath as they walked through the forest. Michelle did too still holding on to Carol.

"I'm okay now. Let's catch up with the rest. They're not far ahead of us," said Carol leaning into Michelle for a second, then pulling away from her.


The two women caught up to the rest in a couple of minutes. A couple of more minutes later a man was waiting for them at the side of the path they were traveling. Luke was out front so he didn't say anything as everyone walked past him. He dropped into line behind Michelle who was last.

"I'm Miller," he said softly to Michelle.

She turned her head looking at him. He was a rugged-looking man with big brown eyes and dirty-looking brown hair.

"I'm Michelle," she said turning back to watch where she was going. "The big silver-haired Colonel upfront is my husband."

Miller gasped then chuckled as he fell further back from Michelle.

Chapter 33

Three days later Luke led the column into the cave system they used as a headquarters.

"Well, I'll be damned!" a shout came as they entered. "Gunny Johnson as I live and breathe."

"Oh my god, Dan, Dan Jamison. If I remember right it was Ensign Jamison."

"It was. Now it's Major Jamison."

"And I'm Colonel Johnson," John said smiling.

"So, what's Ed now, a General?" asked Dan.

"Yep, two star. And I have a letter for you, Colonel," said John.

"Yikes!" said Dan taking the envelope from John. "This isn't the only reason you're here is it?"

"No, we have some very important information for you. But as it looks like it's supper time here, we can wait to talk afterward."

"Sounds good, I've been so busy since Carol wacked that Chicom General..."

"This Carol," said John turning to look at her.

"Yep, that's the one."

"With that rifle?" asked John.

"Yes, sir," said Carol standing at attention.

"At easy Carol, I should be saluting you."

"I was just doing my job. I could only tell they were officers."

"More than one?"

"She not only got the General, but his second in command, and the compound commander"

"Well, shit, you deserve a medal," said Colonel Johnson.

Carol just looked embarrassed. Michelle giggled as she took Carol's free arm and pulled her away from everyone. That would take the spotlight off Carol and give them a chance to talk. Kelly and Bobby were sent back home once they got John and his group to Dan's group. Goodbyes were said and the two youngsters departed disappearing into the forest almost immediately.

~ ~ ~ ~

It took the group in the cave system, a short week to get everything packed up. Michelle and Susan spent the time giving checkups to all the people they could. Carol was ready to go almost immediately as she didn't have that much to move. Just the stuff she took out on patrol with her and she was ready. Same with Luke. On the morning of the seventh day, everyone was ready and moved out to what would be their new home.

"I got word last night that another of your group has already found the place where we are taking you," said Colonel Johnson

"Really? They found it on their own?" asked Dan

"No, another of our group led them to it. They are waiting for us there. It will take us four days to get there. If Virginia was flat it would only take a day," John laughed at the look on Dan's face.

Standing behind the two, Carol chuckled as she went past them, with Luke in her wake, to strike out ahead of them. The entire complex, all packed up, was on the move. Carol, Luke, and another sniper, Mike, were on overwatch. Well, as best as they could in the hills of Virginia. The three took turns out front, leapfrogging each other as the caravan passed the sniper out front. It was hard work with rest as they lay out front of the caravan.

Whenever they spotted any Chinese, which wasn't all that often, they would radio the caravan to halt. Once the Chinese had passed, the column continued. Not one shot was fired by anyone for the entire four days it took them to get to their destination. And what a destination it was. As Carol walked along looking for a spot to take cover or to give cover, a chunk of rock started to rise in front of her. It wasn't even real rock. It just looked like real rock. Two men came out.

Chapter 34

"How far behind you?" one asked.

"About half an hour. Who are you?" asked Carol.

"Sorry. Will Kenny at your service. You?"

"Carol Mulligan, scout sniper," replied Carol proudly.

"I can see that. We have all heard what you did. Very cool."

Carol blushed, nodding at Will.

"Well, let them know you found us," chuckled Will.

Carol shook her head as she keyed her mic.

"Rover one, to Rover command, we're here. Half mile straight ahead," said Carol.

"Rover command, aye," said Dan.

Carol just collapsed right there, sitting down with her head down. Will waved his guys off. Then he sat down next to Carol. Carol just sat there softly breathing. Twenty minutes later, she slowly stood.

"They're here," she said.


"Five minutes away."

"You can hear them?" asked Will.

"Yes, can't you?"

"Um... no."

Five minutes to the second, the lead elements of the column came silently out of the woods. Will just shook his head. They, his command, didn't have a scout-sniper who could do what he just witnessed. The first out of the woods in front of the column was Dan Jameson. He smiled as he saw Carol standing there. Then Luke was slipping past Dan to run up to Carol. The two of them just stood there looking at each other.

"You okay?" asked Luke.

"I am, you?"

"Just fine."

Dan finally stood in front of Will.

"Colonel Dan Jameson," said Dan.

"Major Will Kenny," replied Will. "Welcome to the West Virginia Tactical Defense Command complex."

"Oh, it has a name?"

"It does. Come on, I'll take you to the Lt. Colonel. My men will see to yours and get them settled in the barracks."

"Good. Captain Millhouse, you're in charge until I get back. Get our people settled Major Kenny's men will help."

"Aye sir," replied Captian Millhouse from back in the column.

"You two give him a hand, clear?" said Dan

Yes, sir," replied Carol for both her and Luke.

Dan waved for John and his group to follow him and Will.

Chapter 35

Eastern Virginia Free Militia

Cedric Barns lay under the bush watching the column of Chicoms head north. He was smiling as he loaded his rifle. He has already killed a half-dozen over on the other side of the valley. And now he found himself with a multitude of enemy soldiers all laid out before him. Taking aim, he shot the last soldier in the column. He shot three more in quick succession. Then the soldiers heard the crack of his bullets and scattered. Cedric smiled as he packed up to go find a different set of targets.

A week later, Cedric was sitting by the fire in the current camp of his group of rebels sipping a nice cup of tea. Even though Cedric was a naturalized citizen, he took his responsibilities as a citizen to heart. He had volunteered at the beginning of the invasion of the Chinese and used his skills as a top-notch sniper to kill as many as he could.

"Hey, Cedric, how many this time," said Sam House from across the fire.

"Twelve," replied Cedric.

"Good. Good," said Sam.

"Cedric, if you don't mind me asking, why only twelve?" asked Miller Kruck.

"Because thirteen is unlucky," replied Cedric.

"Then why don't you just shoot fourteen?"

"Because thirteen is unlucky," replied Cedric smiling at Miller.

"Oh. Of course. Sorry, I asked."

"No problem."

"So you only shoot twelve at a time?"


"How many have you shot altogether?" asked Miller.

"Twelve," replied Cedric.


"Each time I go out I start at one. I kill twelve and come back here. I have never counted above twelve so I don't know nor do I want to know how many I have killed altogether."

"I see. Because thirteen is unlucky?"


"Well, good luck to you when you go back out there."

"Thank you, Miller."

Cedric gulped the rest of his tea, stood up, and left the fire.

"Anyone know how many total he's got?" asked Miller.

"Now why would you want to know that?" asked Sam.

Miller looked at the rest of the men around the fire. He shook his head.

"I guess I don't," he replied.

Chapter 36

Cedric was once again lying in wait for any Chicom soldier to wander into his sights. He had been around to several places. He needed two more and then he could go back to camp, shower, eat, and get ready for his next mission. His missions were always the same, go out, find a place to hide, and kill Chinese soldiers. After all, they were the ones that invaded his new home. Movement caught his eye as he watched a trail they used sometimes. Sure enough, as he looked through his scope, Chinese soldiers are what he saw. He picked the one with a glint of silver on his collar. Yep, an officer. Slowly, he squeezed the trigger. After he saw the man go down, he lined up on one of the non-coms. Squeezing the trigger, he watched as the man went down blood spurting from his head.

Slowly gathering his equipment, Cedric moved out from under his bush. Once back far enough, he crouched as he slinked away and headed back to camp. Two days later, he was sitting around the fire in the cave, sipping what passed for tea. He was also munching on some stew that was always near the fire to keep it warm. He groaned when Miller sat down across from him. Several others groaned also.

"What?" Millar asked.

"Nothing," said Carver.

Miller grunted as he spooned out some stew and sat across from Cedric. Cedric looked at him one eyebrow raised in query.

"Fine. Another twelve, Ced?" asked Miller.

Cedric chuckled as he spooned another bite into his mouth. He just looked at Miller. Neither smiling nor frowning.

"Fine, don't tell me," Miller growled chewing his stew. "Cookie, what's in this tonight, it seems tender but just a little sweet."

"We have a rabbit with a little woodchuck and a bunch of wild carrots and celery."


"Yes that's what's giving it that hint of sweetness," replied Cookie the company cook.

"Great, woodchuck," said Miller softly yet spooning more of the mixture into his mouth.

Cedric just sat there smiling as Miller bitched and moaned about everything. Then he finished his stew and wandered off to find a place to lie down and sleep. He was out quickly. He woke during the night with something or someone cuddling up to him. He opened his eyes and saw that it was Jane, another one of the snipers. He pulled her into him and they both slept the night though. When he woke in the morning, Jane was gone. As he sat up, shaking his head, he wondered why she always sought him out to cuddle with, but always left before he woke.

~ ~ ~ ~

Cedric Barns lay quietly as he watched the people coming from the west. He could tell they weren't Chicoms. They were Caucasian, but were they Americans? He just lay there watching. There were four altogether. Wait. When he first saw them, there were five. Cedric gulped as a cold metal barrel pressed to the back of his head.

"Please don't shoot my friends," said Carol.

"Um... I won't if you won't," Cedric replied.

The barrel left his head. He pulled his rifle from his shoulder. Looking to his left and behind him, he saw a very pretty woman, holding a sniper rifle.

"You could have taken me out from far away," said Cedric.

"I could but why would I want to kill another American unless he was a traitor? Are you a traitor?"

"No, definitely not."


The woman stood waving her arm in the air, then was down next to Cedric.

"I'm Carol," she said.

"I'm Cedric Barns," he replied.

"Nice to meet you, Cedric. Now that accent isn't Virginian."

"Nice to meet you, Carol. No, it's not. I'm originally from the UK. I'm now a citizen of your wonderful country. Now what?"

"We wait for the rest of my party to get here. Then you show us to your headquarters. We need to see whoever is in charge here."

"Right," replied Cedric starting to pack up his things.

Carol just sat there, head down, eyes closed as Cedric shouldered his pack. The Carol just stood up.

"They're here," she said as four people poked their heads through the brush that surrounded them.

"So they are," said Cedric.

"Who do we have here Carol," asked the tall silver-haired man.

"This is Cedric Barns, he's from the UK, but decided that Virginia was a nicer place to live. Cedric, this is Colonel John Johnson of the Western Kentucky Free Militia, next to him is Captain Susan Bajek, M.D., Next to her is Captain Michelle Tomlin, M.D., and next to her is Luke my partner in crime. Luke and I are from the Eastern Virginia Free Militia."

"Well, nice to meet you all," replied Cedric almost gasping at all the high ranks in front of him. "What can I do for you all?"

"That would be for y'all and you can lead us to your commander we have important information for him and the cause," said John.

"I see. Okay, but it will take two days to get there," replied Cedric.

"We understand, we've been on the road now for a couple of months."


"We did stop at a few places along the way," said John laughing.

"Well, let's go. This way, sir."

Chapter 37

Two days later Cedric led five strangers into camp. Miller was sitting at the fire, shoveling stew into his mouth, when Cedric led the five strangers past him, over to the Major's tent. Miller sat there gawking at them. He was still sitting there, his mouth open, spoon dripping stew in his lap as Cedric sat across from him.

"Miller?" said Cedric softly.

"Huh," replied Miller. "Shit!" he said wiping the stew off his legs.

Cedric just laughed at him as he filled his bowl with stew.

"Who?" Miller asked setting his bowl down.

"Officers from the Western Kentucky Free Militia here to show Major House something that will help us kick the Chicoms out of America."

"Right. Just going to make us grunts do more work."

"Only if you don't like driving a tank," said a woman sitting down at the fire.

"Yeah, right. Tanks? And who might you be young lady?" asked Miller.

"My name is Carol Mulligan. I'm a scout sniper from the Western Virginia Free Militia and you are?" asked Carol taking a sip of water from her canteen.

"I'm Miller Kruck, an infantryman in the Eastern Virginia Free Militia. Nice to meet you, Carol."

"Nice to meet you too, Miller."

"How long you here for?" asked Miller.

"I will be leaving tomorrow morning."
