Gabatrix: The Terrorists of Batrice


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"Hmmm.....I still don't understand," Mizu said. "I mean, I understand that.....but traffic will still be coming and going into this hangar bay regardless."

"Not in the next three hours," Hamiza said. "Go ahead and take us out, and I will explain why. We are on a time schedule, and I would prefer to be back, so we are not stuck at Fort Darwin."

"Good idea." Mizu took control of the shuttle as the engines kicked in. The vectoring thrusters gently pushed the shuttle up from several meters from the ground as he could see the surrounding area better. With weightlessness being no issue, the shuttle quickly lifted up and cleared the pad as its vectoring thrusters stabilized it above the deck.

"Make sure not to accelerate too....." Hamiza tried to say as both she and Mizu felt a sudden jolt hitting them. It pressed their backs hard to the chair as they felt the heavy acceleration of the shuttle lunging forward. All eight of the shuttle's rear thrusters began to shove it along.

"Ha....ha....ha....." Mizu laughed as he slowed the thrusters down a little bit. The acceleration lowered down as the shuttle was gaining faster and faster speeds. It didn't take long as he could watch the numerous ground structures of the hangar bay pass on by until finally, it had completely cleared the facility.

Outside, the shuttle was little more than a tiny bullet. After clearing the hangar bay, Mizu looked at the camera feeds to see that the port side was the planet and the starboard side was space. Fort Batrice's hangar bay arrangements required all ships to rotate by ninety degrees upon exiting or entering. He followed the same suit by adjusting the shuttle's direction. The whole vessel spun as it continued to fly forward at faster and faster speeds. He could feel the force being pushed on his body as he now had the shuttle following a solid straight orbital line to the shipyard on the western hemisphere of Planet Batrice. Below him was the faint line where light met darkness. On the right side was the forever pitch darkness of the planet, as the left side was the perpetually illuminated side.

"There we go...." Mizu said. "We will make it to Fort Darwin in six minutes."

"Excellent. They should have an open bay for us so we can get the parts to transfer back to the station."

Mizu looked at the live feed of Fort Batrice as it was getting smaller and smaller. The magnificence of the space station was the incredible construction that was made to it. The giant cylindrical obelisk was well lit as the light from Trappist-1 illuminated it. The hangar bay was located near the center of the station. On each side of the bay were the giant spinning centripetal drums where the population primarily resided in. The lower drum was slightly smaller in size, but this was partly due to the enormous power module that was not far from the hangar bay facility. Each drum was a city in itself. The place where his barracks was located was in the most prominent drum.

Connected to the drums were massive rings that remained idol. It was this that made the space station a juggernaut of military installations and probably one of the most dangerous battle platforms ever constructed. Mizu knew very well that on each ring was an extensive series of railgun batteries, missile launchers, AIO turrets, and other weapon mounts. There had to be at least five of these rings on the drum of New Sydney alone, not counting the ones on the city of Uniapon. In combat, the rings would start to spin. If an enemy fleet ever arrived, all anti-ship missiles could be launched at them, or if necessary, if the Itreans got close, the railguns would be directed at the targets and regularly cycled to allow cooling and reloading. This, in turn, could turn Fort Batrice into a sawblade of death raining nothing but railgun fire at its targets at closer unavoidable ranges. On the top and bottom were also a sizeable rotary railgun turret and other weapon emplacements.

"I never figured out why they put a hangar bay in the center," Mizu commented.

"Probably to ensure that everything could be more easily transferred," Hamiza explained. "We have docking hatches on the top and bottom of the space station, but they want to make sure that we had the equipment to handle large-scale evacuations if need be. That is why the top ceiling of the hangar bay can also have vessels dock there. Wait until we have to do 'Operation: Ceiling Scrapper,' next month. That is where we do a mock-up station-wide evacuation. We pull all the shuttles and start flying all over the place. It is fun, but only if you are prepared for it."

"I can imagine having to land on the ceiling of that space station."

"It is no different, really. It is only a pain in the ass when we have to 'right ourselves' once we get into Fort Batrice's passageways. Technically, we can even have shuttles dock on the western and even the eastern walls of the bay too......much like you almost did on your second run when we tried to land on the space station."

Mizu chuckled a little bit. "How can I forget that one? I forgot to rotate the shuttle ninety degrees when we entered the hanger bay."

"I was going to wait as long as I could before I had to tell you. I figured that I had to prevent it from becoming too embarrassing. It is a common rookie mistake."

As the shuttle was continuing to fly in a virtual straight orbital line, Mizu could see the great shipyards of Fort Darwin or 'Darwin Mega' as it was sometimes called come into view. It was small at first, but it was starting to get bigger and bigger. He activated the comms to call out to the station.

"Fort Darwin landing platform #3 control tower, this is shuttle Eugine Trinh, do you read?" Mizu asked.

A random male audio-only voice came in. "Shuttle Eugine Trinh, we read you. I already see you on the short-range sensors."

"Request permission to come in to land and pick up those parts from Fort Batrice?"

"Permission granted shuttle. Good to hear you are getting more and more on the pilot seat, Mizu. We have everything all ready for you to pick things up here. The crews looked bored as it is."

"Copy on that," Mizu explained. "Hope you guys can be quick enough with the transfer. Fort Batrice is going to be having a diplomatic tour in like twenty-five minutes. If we take too long, then we may have to sit and party out with you guys for three hours."

"Shouldn't take too long. Probably fifteen minutes tops. I am sure you guys will make it back with time to spare. Control tower, out."

"Darwin Mega is a busier place than we are," Hamiza explained. "Try to at least keep the chats with the control tower more....short."

"Hey, I know that guy," Mizu countered back. "Graham is a friend from my High School. He is working at that post."

"Ah.....that is why."

"If all else fails, we can go to the bars there on the shipyard. Wouldn't mind sampling the drinks there with him.....assuming his shift ends."

Mizu altered the heading a little bit as he shut off the rear engines of the shuttle. The rear forward-facing thrusters began to activate a little bit to start slowing the vessel down. The space station of Fort Darwin was also a massive step forward for the Batrice system. While it was necessary to have a gate array for ships leaving and entering the solar system, Mizu knew enough of the history that Fleet Admiral Batrice requested that the gate array be turned into a fully functional shipyard. While a costly endeavor, the results were worth it. This turned Batrice into the second leading facility in the UWA to manufacture warships and other mining ships used by other companies to go to other planets.

Fort Darwin's massive ring could be seen on top of the shipyard. Below it was a gigantic spinning ring, but it was nothing to the size of the drums of Fort Batrice. The main structure of the fortress was the large platforms that went outward. Large tubular sections went outward as hangar bay facilities were everywhere. Below the venues were a series of catacombs where future UHN battleships were being constructed as fast as possible. Additional mining vessels and civilian freighters were being built, and there were the occasionally damaged warships that were being repaired as well. It was indeed a busy place, as Hamiza had mentioned, and it was more active than ever before. Below the yards was the great elevator tether that led to the foundry city dome of below. The one significant advantage to the station was that the shipyard's hangar facilities were very straightforward. It would require minimal effort to land, transfer the equipment, and get out.


It would take less than fourteen minutes for the shuttle to depart from one of the shipyard's small hangar bays. Mizu had complete confidence in the shuttle's pilot room as Hamiza was little more than just a passenger to witness his actions. She looked back a little bit to the compartment past the pilot room. It didn't take long as the zero-gravity allowed equipment to be moved en masse from the hangar bay to the shuttle's interior. Secured by magnetic clamps, the crates were not going anywhere even if the vessel was doing the wildest of maneuvers.

", we are going to be cutting a little bit close," Mizu said as he felt the familiar form of acceleration inside the shuttle.

"We will be alright," Hamiza replied. "I am just happy that I am not going to be stuck on the shipyard because of this whole diplomatic mission crap. We already got more equipment that needs to be transferred from New Phnom Penh today. Most of the new parts for the power reactor of Fort Batrice are down there. Any delays will just make the day longer than it already will be."


The shuttle began to leave the shipyards faster and faster as it made an orbital straight line back towards the northern hemisphere of Batrice. The only difference was that the sunlight of Trappist-1 was now on the starboard side of the shuttle rather than the port side.

"Oh yeah," Mizu wondered. "You were going to say why we needed to get back to Fort Batrice before the ambassadors' shuttle was going to arrive."

"Ah....." Hamiza coldly explained. "They will be closing the hangar bay doors during the event. They will be pressurizing the whole location interior."


"Yep....pretty much the benefit of being an ambassador."

"Ah, I can see what you mean. So they are going to be doing all this shit so the ambassadors won't even have to be in space suits?" Mizu shook his head. "Damn....I wish I was rich."

"Oh, don't get me started," Hamiza commented as she shook her head. "Sounds like nothing but hogwash having the T'rintar clan come to the space station."

"Yeah, we don't need them here. Batrice and Gillan can take care of ourselves."

"With the Chanvatey Administration, we really don't need to have them either. We have the most powerful battle station available. Not even the Itreans could smash Fort Batrice if they wanted to."

Mizu seemed to chuckle a little bit. "How many times we try to avoid politics, and here we are doing it again."

"You were the one that started it."

He nodded. "Yeah, I did. It doesn't help that I have a grandfather that served as a secretary in the previous administration. Not that I have any interests in politics. I want to fly."

" you are."


As the shuttle continued to move faster and faster, Mizu could see the familiar sight of Fort Batrice come into view. It was small at first. The pill-looking space station was tiny, but it would start to get bigger and bigger as time was going by.

"Opening up comms," Mizu said. "Fort Batrice Hangar Bay Control Tower #1, this is shuttle Eugine Trinh requesting to land."

"This is Control Tower #1," the familiar female voice of Flora came back in. "I have you on the radar. Permission granted. Good timing."

"How much time before they started closing the doors?"

"The Olara'kon's jump gate is currently forming right now. They will be here in another five minutes. Their shuttle will be in the landing bay in like ten minutes."

"Petty Officer Flora," Hamiza called out on the comms. "Have you verified that it is them?"

"Hello, Hamiza," Flora replied. "It's definitely them. Their access codes are correct."

"Good. I know the bridge verifies it first, but you need to make sure to help provide oversight for it."

"Roger that. Control Tower #1 out."

With that, the communications channel closed. Hamiza looked over to Mizu and gave a look of aggravation.

"What?" Mizu replied.

"I sometimes wonder if your brother was this annoying.....ehmm.....I apologize."

"My brother?..... Nah.....he was nothing like me. It is alright, by the way. Why? Already annoyed with me today?"

" engage in idle chatter on important communication networks."

"Oh, come on. Don't be like this today. I know you are annoyed with having to take up watch today along with our duties. I have to do it too."

She sighed. "It looks like we will both have guard watch today."

"They are going to give me a fucking gun today?"

She nodded her head. "Same here. From pilot to grunt guard duty."

"I never thought that I would ever get to hold a gun again since the abolishment of the civilian right to bear arms on Batrice over a year ago. Too bad. I like the ancient SS-15 gun my great grandfather had."

"Well.....wait. You did basic firearms training in boot camp, right? You are qualified."

"Eh....not the same. I mean freely before that. Don't get me wrong. If the government is promising to keep us safe and not many people on Batrice have firearms, to begin with, then what does it matter? Still.....I know my grandparents are going to have to give up on some family heirloom."

"Do you have any family on Oshun or Aphadus?"


"Meh....Doesn't matter," Hamiza shrugged. "I was going to suggest something, but it doesn't bother me any. Now you will get to hold a gun again."

Mizu could see that the shuttle was getting closer and closer to Fort Batrice. Following the fine line between space and the darkness and light of the planet below, they were making it all the way back to their home base. The space station was much more significant now as it was getting closer and closer. He could see one of the lit mobile dome cities on the sunlit side of the planet's surface.

"Have any family that works in CMC?" Mizu asked.

"Huh?" Hamiza asked.

"Just trying to engage in small talk. Have anybody that works in the Cancri Mining Corporation? You know the place where we send half the mining ships to?"

"Yes. My grandparents retired from that company, and I have a half-brother that is thinking of working there. I thought about working there but....I felt like I have told you this before."

" I know," as she jogged Mizu's memory. "I remember you telling me a little bit about it. You wanted to be a pilot to the ships going to Cancri 55e, but the whole attack on New Phnom Penh changed that."

"Yep...." Hamiza seemed to think about it. "Much like you.....I had a change of heart."

"Well, I already wanted to join, but my brother decided after the attack that he wanted to go into the marines instead. Wanted to be an engineer."

He looked down as he thought about his brother. Hamiza looked at him closely before she got his attention.

"I understand," she said. "If you want for me to pilot the shuttle in, I can go ahead and do it."

"No....I am fine," Mizu said. It pulled him out of his memories as he started to slow the shuttle down. They could feel the deceleration as it pushed against their bodies. The seat straps held them firmly as the forward thrusters were starting to slow the shuttle more and more.

By now, Fort Batrice was becoming a large obelisk by appearance. It was at a moderate distance but enough to tell more detail. Mizu could start to see the four great battleships that guarded the space station. Lying in a small fleet formation, the four warships were often overlooked by the colossus station. He only knew so much of the four ships. Three of the UHN battleships were of the Widado class. These UHN battleships were big. They were about the size of the Itrean dreadnoughts. They were essentially enlarged Magellan class Battleships but carried way more firepower. The extended gray cylindrical frames were so long that there had to be over ten AIO gun turrets on them. One of the most significant differences was the fact that they carried two anti-ship missile launcher pods on the dorsal and ventral midsections. Mounted on top of that box was a powerful railgun turret. Near the rear aft section was a sizeable centripetal spinning box structures where the crew resided at. He knew of the MBB-170 named the Widado that delivered the killing blow to the Aksren scout ship. The other two battleships, which were the Barten and the Rama, were almost in fleet parade formation.

The shuttle did a slow flyby of the other heavy-duty warship of the Fort Batrice defense fleet. The other warship of the four was one that Mizu only knew so much, except in the media outlets. The UHN Cancrinite of the Emerald class Dreadnoughts was a titan of UHN warships. It was the most prominent human-constructed military warship ever made and a symbol of the Batrice and Gillan shipyards. It was a behemoth that stood over five hundred meters in length. Essentially, it was an enlarged Widado class carrying over six missile tubes and six heavy ballistic missile tubes along with its large box-like launchers and cylindrical frame. The railguns were the biggest guns that could even rival the railgun batteries of Fort Batrice. Its thruster arrays and shuttle bays were more extensive than any known warship.

"Damn, that thing is huge," Mizu commented as the shuttle flew past it.

"I know. It makes me even stop and look at it at times," Hamiza said. "Gillan is getting closer and closer to completing the sister ship, the UHN Iridium."

" this rate, we can start to go and attack the Itrean clans with this sort of firepower."

Hamiza simply shrugged. "Better than having them sit here, I suppose. At least the smaller battleships and cruisers assigned to this system have more fun patrolling the other planets than just sitting and looking nice to the space station."

"Yeah.....don't need to have all of this good stuff here. The giant pill of doom is all that Batrice needs."

He felt a sense of pride as he began to rotate the shuttle by ninety degrees. He started to see the large fortress come into a better and better view. As the vectoring thrusters finished the vessel's heading, the entire station was now looking like it was on its side now. For Mizu, he had a fantastic view of his home capital directly to his right.

"There it is," Hamiza commented as she directed one of the viewing cameras to the ventral section of the space station. It was hard to see at first, but it was clear enough as the shuttle got close that there was a swirling vortex of energy particles that were not that far from Fort Batrice. The stable jump gate fixture showed that a ship was ready to emerge.

"Our visitors?" Mizu asked.

"Yeah. Just in time to see us dock."

"Not a minute too soon."

The hangar bay entry was getting larger and larger. The shuttle was just nearing it as Mizu could see a warship emerge from the gate fixture in space on the camera feed. The shuttle's radar display showed an Italq Mark 1 Class Battleship with the name "Olara'kon" emerge from the aperture. The Itrean warships were color-coded by the clans, and there were slight differences in physical appearances. In this case, the T'rintar clan was green.

The Italq was a typical battleship used by the T'rintar clan. It had a cylindrical and blocky-like appearance when compared to the UHN battleships. The ships were more suited for battle and war as a whole. They were slightly larger than the typical Martian battleships and carried more firepower. The front section was where the bridge was located. The port and starboard front had large forward pointed thrusters that had wing-looking struts on them. The dorsal front and bottom carried CIWS autoguns with a prominent dorsal and ventral mounted missile array system. The warship's midsection had a single dorsal and ventral mounted railgun, while the starboard and port sides were where the hangar bay was located. Near the aft section of the warship was a large spinning centripetal ring. It was difficult to see the vessel's rear section as Mizu had to concentrate on his flying. He did see the Olara'kon's forward thrusters activate to help slow the ship down after exiting the gate array.
