Gaia's Champion Ch. 11


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"Yeah, but I've never had an orange this good! It's... it's like..." Amy stuttered.

"Magic. Gaia's magic is the lifeblood that makes everything grow. The oranges you are eating are laden with it, because of the amount of magic that Jason poured into the seeds. What you are eating is what Gaia intended them to be, in their purest form," Phalmina explained with a smile, as she helped herself to an orange.

"Well, now that you've activated the portal stone in the city, can we expect regular visits from you Jason?" Emalia asked with a pout.

"As often as I can manage it, yes," Jason told her. "But it is getting late and we probably should get back."

"Do you have to?" Emalia asked. "Why not stay the night?"

"As tempting as that is, I do like the comfort of my own bed at nights, but we could pop by tomorrow," he replied, which put a smile on the fairy's faces.

"Why not take it a step further?" Elizabeth asked.

"What did you have in mind?" Jason asked.

"Why doesn't everyone come over to my place tomorrow for a barbecue? We can make whole to do out of it, with food, snacks and drinks!" Elizabeth suggested.

"Now that's an idea I can get behind!" Jason grinned.

"Hold on a moment. What is this... 'barbecue'?" Mina wondered. Jason, Amy and Elizabeth explained what it was, about how there was roasted meat and vegetables, snacks and drinks of all kinds. How everyone just got together and were just merry, enjoying life and all it had to offer.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea! When can we do this?" Emalia asked excitedly.

"We can do it tomorrow! It's weekend and I have no shifts scheduled. What about you Jay? You working this weekend?" Elizabeth asked.

"Nope! I know a guy who owns a deli, where I can get some good cuts of meat for it. I assume you have a barebecue then Liz?" Jason wondered.

"Of course I have a barbecue silly!" she scoffed.

"What about my mom? How will she fit into this? If we are having it at Liz's place?" Amy asked, bringing up a topic that wasn't yet broached.

"If your mother is anything like you Amy, then I'm sure that she will fit in with us, no problem," Phalmina said confidently.

"I think I might invite Luke too. He's my best friend and I think he'd be more than on board with what's going on. Especially since he's a fantasy book nerd," Jason told them.

After some lengthy discussion about the particulars of the event, the quintet stepped back through the portal stone. Though Ema and Lina were sad to see them go, they knew that they'd see them tomorrow and what a fun day it would be! They stepped back into the cave and walked through, amazed at how it had already changed.

Light emanated from everywhere, even back in Xaera's home, which was pitch black, but now doused in a green glow. When asked about it, Mina simply stated that this was a sign that the magic and life of Gaia was blooming in a place where it should be. They all smiled at this, thinking and imagining what the cave would look like once the life and magic in were fully restored.

Xaera led them back to the exit, pushing the stone out of the way as they all stepped back into the park. She then made to head back down into her cave, when everyone stopped her and insisted that she come back with them.

"Are you sure? You know that I can't walk around in daylight," Xaera reiterated.

"You have both a fairy and Druid here as your friends and lovers. Plus, you have your own magic to draw from. I'm sure between the three of us, we can figure out a way for you to walk in daylight," Jason told her. This earned him and hug and a passionate kiss from Xaera, while the rest of them watched, with Elizabeth taking a moment to fan herself.

"I'll take that as a yes," he grinned, when Xaera let him up for air.

The five of the walked back to Jason's apartment, chattering up a storm about everything that's happened. They had all learned a great deal over the last little bit, some more than most and though it was a bit scary, it was also exciting!

"I can't believe that there was a whole world or wonder and magic, right in front of us! That there was nothing, no indication that it was even there!" Elizabeth said breathlessly. Amy couldn't have agreed more, wondering how it was that they've never seen any sign of such things.

"Gaia's magic is effective at making humans forget things. We've also gotten very good at hiding in plain sight, so no one looks too close. Maybe one day... we won't have to hide anymore," Mina hoped.

"I agree. It's garbage that such wondrous and amazing things are often ridiculed and looked down upon. Being reviled, just because you are different, just because you exist? That's madness!" Amy replied.

"Yes. Humanity would be a far better place, if there were more people like you out there as a part of it. To bring an end to the hatred, the fear, and the indifference," Phalmina told her. Amy smiled at that, wrapping an arm around the fairy.

"I second that. I hope that in the future, mankind will evolve beyond its pettiness and become more than what we are. Maybe one day, we will be what we were always meant to be," Jason replied in a faraway voice.

They arrived at Jason's apartment and after a little bit of cajoling, he, Mina and Xaera convinced the human women to spend the night there. Elizabeth just needed a moment, as she retrieved a bag from her car, before she locked it for the night.

"What's in the bag?" Jason wondered.

"Some spare clothes and toiletries, for both Amy and I," Elizabeth replied.

"Planning on spending the night anyways?" Jason teased.

"Can never be too prepared," Elizabeth mumbled, earning her a knowing look from Phalmina. Elizabeth looked her a little guiltily, while Mina pumped her eyebrows suggestively. Giggling, the women followed Jason upstairs and back into his apartment. They were all wrecked after a long and exciting day and were looking forward to some shuteye.

Once they had all shed their clothes, figuring that going naked was best, Jason and Mina performed the Mass Shrink spell, making them action figure size again. Without further ado, they all plopped down on the pillows, crawled under the heavy blankets and cuddled together. Soon, every single one of them had drifted off into a deep slumber, tired and happy at the great and happy times to come.


Unbeknownst to them, the whole group of them were being watched as they exited the park. John, the new tail assigned to Jason had finally found one half of his quarry. Amelia was currently staying in Jason's apartment and that didn't bode well for the man. Once High Cleric Marston got his hands on him, he would be a dead man.

John thought of calling it in, to tell the High Cleric of the good news, but decided against it. He knew better than to disturb the High Cleric when he was at rest, he would call him in the morning. He imagined the praise he would receive upon telling him, knowing that this was his chance to advance within the ranks of the Sons.

Though finding Amelia was good, he still had yet to locate Eva, who was just as important. He knew that wherever the woman was, he would likely have to call in backup to retrieve her. Word was that she possessed a power that the High Cleric had tamed but was dangerous when it was unchained.

From what he'd heard, she still was bound to her husband, but too much time apart could sever binding. Though he hadn't witnessed such things, he'd heard plenty of talk from the other Sons and knew it to be a true threat. He maintained his vigil, eager to find Eva, but knowing that he couldn't blow his cover. Not yet at any rate.

John sat back in his car and closed his eyes, thinking about how he would be rewarded after all his years of service. That he would finally advance, because he was worthy of reaching for a higher station. Maybe find such power in a woman and tame it, as the High Cleric had. John's mind lapsed into dreams that he found pleasing, of power, privilege and getting his due.


And that's a wrap for Gaia's Champion Ch. 11! With so much happening so fast, and more to come, the story is really starting to crank up to where it should be! I know some folks will blitz through this chapter and be hankering for more! Just know that I am working on it as fast as I can, when time permits. It is coming, so please, be patient with me as I continue to build this world to what it should be. Lots of twists and turns are coming up fast and if you look for certain breadcrumbs in earlier chapters, you might just see something coming.;)

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I do hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please feel free to rate and comment on my work down below. If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share, though your views, ratings and comments are quite enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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ShadefangShadefang6 days ago

Three can work magic, but two are very new to it and one is already us d to using stuff like phones for light. Certainly could have used magic, but makes sense to default to habit.

Kae_BrightKae_Bright9 months ago

Three characters can work magic but they still need phones for light?

Jimsbro64Jimsbro64about 1 year ago

Your creativity is absolutely fabulous. As a struggling writer your style is truly inspiring.

NovaMNovaMabout 2 years ago

Ah, I love it. The story is soaring nicely at cruising speed. Likeable characters who are alive, meaning that they are not just marionettes pretending to be part of a continuous orgy.

No, they have real lives; they attend classes, have jobs. They are not infallible, no, just like the rest of us they have their moments of doubt and fear.

The story comes alive, reading these chapters is like watching a great movie. Like, I can see the magic energy enveloping the Druid and the fairies as they are using it.

Nice job, C.H. Darkstrider 😎😊

I am going back to reading the rest of the story. We, humans, should learn to bond like they do in the story. We’ll get there, eventually. It’s wayyyy better than fighting and so much more satisfying.

May Gaea illuminate our path …. 🙏

RazzakelRazzakelover 3 years ago

So glad that Jason has bonded with Xaera, Phalmina, Elizabeth and Amy. Hopefully soon Amy's mother Eva and the other Fairies bond with Jason and the others soon!

Also really really hope that Jason's friend Luke doesn't bond with anyone other than that girl he is with now because in my opinion only the MC of a harem story should get the women not his friends. They should already have someone with them so nobody can say they are getting screwed over because the MC is getting women and they aren't.

P.S. Love the story!!

P.P.S. really can't wait to see how Amy's father and brother and whatever order they belong with gets destroyed!!!!!!!!!!

Fuzzy_KbearFuzzy_Kbearalmost 4 years ago

I have become enraptured by Gaia's Champion. I've read all 11 chapters over the last couple of days. I found it by accident but am forever grateful for it. I am a recent author to this site and while taking a break from my first series, I was struck by an idea of a new series to write, and while doing research I came across your tale. It is well thought out and inspiring, it has also helped solidify some aspects of mine I was struggling with. Thank you for the entertainment and the inspiration. looking forward to you continuing Gaia's Champion soon!!!! And for a long time to come! (pun intended) ;p

phoenix23ninjaphoenix23ninjaalmost 4 years ago
:( caught up already

Then again, I read fast. Only started a few hours ago, and can't wait for more!

SlofredSlofredalmost 4 years ago

Well I have caught up with the author. It did not take as long as I had expected. Now I join the group who waits not so patiently for the next installment. I expect 1 The Dreams of John will expose him, and /or 2 There will be a big blow up at the Barbecue. Things are getting a bit too easy for the protagonist. 5 stars as usual. Again Thank you for the story it is well recieved.

Geon54Geon54almost 4 years ago

I don't know if "squeed" is a "real" word, but if it isn't, it should be!

Squee: def: a short, but intense, squeal

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Another chapter most excellently done bro five stars.

Ynottony72Ynottony72almost 4 years ago

Beautiful work again. Thank you for sharing your world with us

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