Gaia's Champion Ch. 17


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"I... see how... this could be... fun!" Emalia breathed, scooting closer to her new lover.

With the dildo inside both of them, the women rolled their hips together, letting the dildo slide in and out of them as they moved. It was a unique experience for both of them, having never used such a toy. Karla and Emalia's breathing picked up, slow at first, but faster and faster as they continued top move against each other. Their breathing quickly became erratic, each woman sending pleasing sparks of carnal energy through the other.

They enjoyed the ride as they watched their runes glow steadily brighter, smiling the whole while. It was then that Karla thought this would be more than just a simple one off for the spell. Emalia was trusting her with something that was sacred to her and her kind, which Karla appreciated.

Such levels of trust led to feelings that ran... deeper than what she thought possible. While it was something Karla did not expect, it was something she thought would be worth exploring. Both women then sensed the rising wave of their peaks rifling through them.

They picked up the pace, both of them wanting and needing this. Their hips rolled faster; their pussies almost kissing as they moved. Both women peeped and moaned as they reached the edge of bliss, almost ready to make that leap. Karla then leaned in and kissed Emalia, her tongue lancing out, seeking the fairy's. Emalia then felt the feeling bloom through her, and she howled into Karla's mouth as she came.

Both women jittered and shook as liquid pleasure coursed through them. Emalia's wings buzzed happily as she rode out her orgasm. Karla was grinning like an idiot, her heart hammering and her mind adrift. It was right then she noticed the runes on her body lighting up. Where they were glowing before, they now blazed in intensity.

"Is this... normal?" Karla asked.

"I don't remember the light blazing quite like this! But now would be a good time to speak your Vow and make your intention known!" Emalia told her new lover.

"You first."

"I Vow to you, Karla Dressler, that I will be honest with you and Lucas Barton. I will not turn this into a free for all, as I will be loyal to you both. I will not steal Lucas from you in any capacity," Emalia promised.

"I Vow to you, Emalia of the mountain grove, that I will not be toxic, selfish or misguided twat towards you. This is about the survival of the fairy race, and I will help you rebuild them in any way that I can. I will do everything that I can to not only do this, but be a good friend," Karla vowed.

The runes on the two women brightened, reaching an intensity that nearly matched the sun. They flared once, then faded away, sinking into them, becoming part of who they were. Both women could feel the vows they had made take hold in them instantly. They looked at each other and giggled, each one feeling a level of closeness with the other. The bond they now shared could almost be considered sisterly, as they sat there, feeling nothing but contentment.

"Karla? I'm back!" Luke's voice carried through the apartment. Both women then stared at each other expectantly, and Karla's eyes glittered. She grinned then had Emalia lay provocatively, before replying to her boyfriend.

"We're in the bedroom, Luke! Come here! I want to show you something!" Karla called out.

"We? Who's 'we'?" Luke questioned, confusion in his voice. The perplexed look on his face was wiped off the moment he walked in. Both Emalia and Karla lay on the bed, naked, sweaty and horny, staring at Luke like cats at a jug of cream.

"I'm glad you got back when you did, dearest! We really should talk about Ema here and the need to help the fairy race with... repopulating," Karla told him with a smile as she pranced up to him. Luke just nodded dumbly as he was guided to the bed, where his pants had become dreadfully uncomfortable.


Sheena pulled up to the job site where Jason had worked, knowing that's where they'd find Carlotta. Jason and Phalmina stepped out of the vehicle with her and they marched up to the trailer with her. They walked right into the structure, heading right into her office. Carlotta looked up from some paperwork she was doing and noted the serious looks on their faces.

"What happened?"

"Let's just say that we're glad you sent us there to investigate what was going on there," Jason started. He filled her in on the encounter they had in the forest, with the children and how they barley got away. Carlotta was aghast at this news, horror painted on her face, plain as day.

"Min Gut! Do you have any idea of what could be lurking in that forest?" the older woman asked.

"None. We didn't get very deep before those... children came at us," Sheena stated.

"Even I'm at a loss for what could be hidden in the forest's depths. The one thing I know, though, is that it's the complete opposite of Gaia and her power. It is Dark Magic that gives those creatures power, and we have to be careful when dealing with it," Phalmina stated.

"Have you sensed this sort of thing before?" Carlotta wondered.

"Yes. It was centuries ago, during the Great War between the Fairies and the Pixies. When I fought against the Pixies and the Xkarites they commanded, it was the first time I encountered this magic. Even with the combined might of the entire Fairy race, along with the power of our queen, it wasn't enough to defat them. Had Gaia not taken physical form, we would have been wiped out," Phalmina shivered, recalling the terrible memories.

"So, anyone have any ideas on how we deal with this?" Jason wondered.

"We could try communing with Gaia. Jason, didn't you say that you saw someone in your mindscape, in your personal grove, in your mind?" Sheena asked.

"I did. You think that could have been Gaia?" he wondered.

"That was Gaia, but at the same time, not," Phalmina replied.

"What do you mean?" Jason asked.

"To put it simply, it wasn't her. Not fully her. More like an echo of what Gaia is, rather than one that you could speak to," Phalmina explained.

"An echo? Like she's asleep?" Sheena asked.

"Exactly. Since humans have been going around, ravaging the world, Gaia has become more and more withdrawn. She's gone into what you would call... hibernation," Phalmina went on. "She's still alive, just not awake. Not fully, at any rate."

"So that figure that I thought was Gaia, that's like a dream aspect of her?" Jason wondered.

"Exactly! Gaia has gained strength this past little while, ever since you lot came about and helped restore the mountain grove. Though the gains she has made have been slight, and it's not enough to wake her. The only way to commune with her properly is to ensure she is fully awake. It's the only way you'll get a clear answer out of her," Phalmina finished.

"If communing with Gaia is out, then what is left?" Carlotta questioned.

"The archive of books that we took from the Sons! If there's any knowledge to be had about dealing with Dark Magic, it could be there!" Sheena replied, snapping her fingers as the idea hit her.

"Hmm! That's an idea! Might be a longshot, but it's better than nothing!" Phalmina agreed.

"We will need help in digging through it! We should fetch everyone in the group to help with the search. If Dark Magic is as dangerous as you say Mina, then we'll need all hands on deck," Jason told them.

"No arguments from me! I'll get Xaera from her place and we'll meet you at the storage facility!" Phalmina told them, before she shrank down to her normal size and zipped off out the open window.

"I'll give Liz and Amy a call. Knowing those two, they'll probably be at her mother's place," Jason said as he fished his phone out of his pants and dialed.

"Karla and Lucas could also be of help, ja?" Carlotta asked.

"Probably a good idea. They might spot something that we might miss," Sheena agreed. Carlotta then reached for her desk phone and dialed her niece.


The ringing sound of her phone jolted Karla out of her sex induced stupor. She groaned as she reached for the phone, climbing over Luke to get to the device. Checking the display to see who was calling, Karla answered it.

"Ja, auntie?" she replied groggily.

"Karla, I am going to need you meet us at the storage unit, right away," Carlotta told her over the line.

"What is so important that it can't wait at least another hour?" Karla moaned.

"Because we found something worse than the power the Sons of Caesar commanded," Carlotta told her. Hearing that got Karla's attention, and she scooted to the edge of the bed so she could sit up properly.

"What could be worse that what the Sons could do?" Karla asked, her mind focusing more clearly now.

"Dark Magic."

Carlotta then told her the story of what had happened at the property that she sent Jason, Sheena, and Phalmina to investigate. She detailed the eerie feelings, the attack and the creatures. Karla shuddered at the implications of it, but listened to the tale in full. By the time her aunt had finished with what had happened and why their help was needed, Karla's resolve was cemented.

"We will be on our way there soon auntie!" Karla promised and hung up her phone. She then turned to her lovers who lie in bed, sleeping in total bliss.

"Hey, sleepyheads! Time to get up!" she groused as she poked Luke and Emalia into wakefulness.

"Karla? What's going on?" Luke groaned as his eyes fluttered open.

"Our help is needed in researching something that we need to be ready to fight against," she told her boyfriend.

"What do we need to be ready to fight against?" Emalia whined as she blinked blearily.

"Dark Magic and those who can wield it," Karla told the pair. Emalia's eyes shot open at the mention of Dark Magic, and an emotion could be seen in her face, plain as day. Fear.

"Dark Magic? It is here?!" she worried.

"In a way. Come on. We need to shower and get dressed before we meet everyone at the storage facility," Karla told them. Nodding, the three of them made their way to the bathroom, to get cleaned up and ready to go.


Phalmina made use of the fairy's entrance to get into Xaera's home. She found the troll woman poring over another book, which had the fairy chuckling. It was one of those fantasy novels again, which the troll woman had taken a keen interest in. She was longing on a castoff sofa, looking comfortable where she lay. Phalmina zipped over and tinkled her wings, giving Xaera fair warning that she was there.

"Daelina?" Xaera called out.

"No, it's me," Phalmina called out.

"Ah, Mina! What brings you by today?" Xaera asked, sitting up on the sofa. The little golem she had made from before was ambling about, much like a child at play. It was busy making a stack of rocks, like it was trying to build a primitive tower.

"We have a problem that needs dealing with. Everyone is being called in to help with research on it," Phalmina informed her.

"What kind of problem?" Xaera queried.

"Dark Magic."

Xaera's face, which was normally very jovial, became hardened and grim at the mention of that form of magic.

"You've encountered it before?" Phalmina asked, noting Xaera's look.

"I have had... some experience in... dealing with practitioners of that magic. It was... unpleasant," Xaera growled as the topic drudged up some violent memories of her time in Scandinavia. She noted the inquisitive look on Phalmina's face and sighed.

"I'll talk about it later, but right now, we should get going. Dark Magic is no joke and we need to deal with it quickly," Xaera stated.

Phalmina nodded, letting the troll woman have her privacy on the matter. The fairy woman knew, more than most, that some memories were better left alone. Much like sleeping dragons. She hovered in the air, waiting for Xaera to finish her Daylight and Disguise spells. The moment she was done, she spoke several commands to the golem for it to stay there and not misbehave, to which it responded with a shaky bow. Phalmina then hit her with a Shrink rune and scooped her up, taking the both of them out of the cave.


The Marstons, along with Elizabeth and Daelina, were the first to arrive at the storage facility. They'd already been filled in on what had happened, and Daelina had stressed the seriousness of the situation to them. Having never seen her worked up like this, they trusted her word and got to place ASAP.

"... and that was how the Great War between the Pixies and the Fairies ended," Daelina finished, regaling them with her part in the war.

"So, you fought in the Great War against the Pixies?" Darren asked, flabbergasted at the idea of his future wife fighting as she had described.

"Yes. Every fairy fought. We had to, or we'd have wound up dead or a Xkarite's lunch. Why? Surprised?" she asked, going by the look on his face.

"A little! I just never really thought of you... as a warrior!" Darren breathed.

"There's lots you don't know about me. Yet," Daelina giggled as she leaned in and kissed her mate. Darren kissed her back and he could feel his passion flaring until Amy interrupted them.

"OK, knock it off you two. The others have arrived," Amy told them. The young couple came apart, and upon seeing the other vehicles, they huffed in disappointment. Eva started the car and fell in right behind them, following the other vehicles in. Once the lead vehicle stopped, everyone put their vehicles into park, and they all got out.

"Is everyone here?" Jason asked, mentally counting everyone who had arrived. He noted that Xaera and Phalmina were absent. Until he heard the tinkling sound of fairy wings. Thirty seconds later, he saw and felt Phalmina perch on his shoulder, with Xaera standing next to her.

"OK, now everyone's here," Phalmina stated, her voice loud enough to be heard by everyone.

"Jump back to human size, once we're inside. We'll need everyone to be searching through the books and tomes we've got," Jason advised the pair of miniature Gaians.

They chirped an affirmative as everyone filed in, heading right for the storage unit. The unit they were heading to was just one of four that had been rented to contain the sheer volume of confiscated books. Everyone followed along, staying together so they wouldn't wander off in the wrong direction.

"Did everyone really need to be called in?" Karla whined.

"There's a lot of information to comb through, so we need everyone to help find it faster. They really need to make storage units bigger to accommodate people with a lot of stuff!" Sheena groused.

"Any idea where to start looking?" Luke asked, eager to get cracking on some research, as looking up forgotten knowledge was something of a hobby of his.

"That's why we've called everyone in, so we can find what we're loo..." Jason trailed off as they approached the corridor where their units were located.

Down the hall, maybe a dozen meters from where they were standing, stood three men. The looks on their faces and their stances spoke of hardened professionals, who knew what they were about. The thing that surprised Jason the most was the small cluster of jerry cans on the floor, and the smell of gasoline, heavy in the air.


And that's where this chapter ends! A lot has happened in this chapter, with a new adversary rearing their head and a new force to fight against! How will the Gaians fight back? What will they need to fight back? What will they discover in their search for knowledge? Tune in to the next chapter to find out!

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to read my work and I do hope that you've enjoyed it! I'm open to constructive criticism and will seriously consider any suggestions made about various story arcs. Please feel free to rate and comment on my work down below. If you like what I write, don't be afraid to follow and share, though your views, ratings and comments are quite enough for me.

In the meantime, this is C.H. Darkstrider, signing off to grab a beer and some quality time with the wife! ;) You will attain whatever you most desire, as long as you believe in yourself. Cheers!

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Constructive criticism; proof read yourself, more than once. Don’t reduce a character’s intelligence to make plots work. With so many characters now, consider chapters for each to develop their depth and strength

SlofredSlofredover 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing. like Idahawkwind. I missed this chapter and had to find and read it before 18. We all enjoy your sharing part of your mind with us. 5 stars again

lrdhawkwindlrdhawkwindover 2 years ago

I'm glad you posted a new chapter about to read it there was an error with Literotica in July and I couldn't find this one again it said it was removed glad to read it five stars

goo_neiggoo_neigover 2 years ago

I enjoyed this story so far and would like to see it continue.

Thank you for writing it.

Thank your muze for giving it.

C.H. DarkstriderC.H. Darkstrideralmost 3 years agoAuthor

Thank you everyone for the kind comments! It is always great to see that people enjoy the work I do so much!

@Anonymous; I will be correcting that immediately. It is never my intent to come across as callous or offensive, but that does happen from time to time, considering that I do have Asperger's Syndrome a.k.a. High Functioning Autism. As far as intelligence goes, no problems. Socially... I flub and often make a fool out of myself, usually without knowing it. Worry not, as I will fix it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Dear C.H. Darkstrider

Love your works


The use of cerebral palsy in an analogy could be offensive

Myself as severely disabled suffer from spasms find you are a better writer than this

best regards Donald

thanks for your work here

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please continue this great story!

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomealmost 3 years ago

The fungus monsters were pretty scary, that was fun. I'm pretty sure it's time to develop a wall of fire spell and do some cleansing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Read this one early on your Patreon! LOVE it! Cannot wait for more!

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