Gail Allows Andre


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From the hilltop vantage point, the leader and Giancomo started to point to different landmarks. When we had an idea of the property limits that were in discussion Giancomo proceeded to tell us details of the project. It was truly a magnificent setting for what was planned, and I said as much. We enthusiastically heralded the beauty of the property, two-hundred-fifty hectares of verdant land, with mountain backdrops in every direction.

In the car on the way back to the cabin we all commented and opined on the development. Giancomo looked at Gail and said, "What do you think?" lifting his chin in a nod as he asked.

"Gian, I think it's a beautiful location. I certainly couldn't comment on the developing part." My clever lady I thought, she sounded so solid, actually she was solid, about most things.

"Ri," Giancomo asked, "What do you think about Argentina?" Before answering I thought to myself, this is heading somewhere. "Beautiful country, love the people. Easy for me because of the language." Then I added, "Why?"

He looked at me and smiled. "Could you live here?" I immediately answered "I could, whether I would is the question. A city like Buenos Aires probably, like Bariloche, I doubt it."

Giancomo stared for a moment, "Yes," he said, "You're probably right. Me too. I'd love it for six months then need change." I interrupted his thoughts, and asked, "Were you planning to move here?"

He responded, "During development, probably. I could always visit you on weekends in Santiago, if I get bored." I smiled, the girls laughed. "You'd be welcome," I added.

Giancomo continued, "That is, unless there was someone I could trust with the project oversight." Gabriela offered, "What about Ri or Gail?" she asked of Giancomo. He raised his hand beckoning toward us, "They would both have to like it, wouldn't they," he answered.

Back in the cabin we all chatted about the land, and then retired to our rooms. We had a semi-formal dinner to attend. In the room Gail asked. "Do you think he was offering for us to oversee his project… a job?" I answered, "I think it was leading that way, that's why I tried to show no interest."

Gail continued, "Do you think it could be interesting for us… financially I mean." I paused to think before responding, "It would have to be interesting financially and good for us at the same time." As we readied ourselves we chatted. "How did your afternoon go," I asked.

Gail responded "Well enough. It's fascinating what they do, the photographers and camera men. I had to run the errand for Gabriela, that's why I didn't meet you."

How did you get back," I asked. "One of the security men drove me." "Security men," I questioned, "They have security men?" "Yes," Gail replied, "Everywhere Tatia and the cameras go. Three of them." "Wow," I exclaimed, "I'm impressed."

We drove in Giancomo's limousine to the hotel, picked up Tatia and Marcus, and made our way to into town where the dinner was being held. Someone Giancomo knew was waiting and he led us to the Reception Hall.

When we entered the room, some thirty of forty heads turned and starred. It was not at Giancomo, it was for our ladies. They looked magnificent and the silence for a few moments attested to the approval of the guests.

We sat at a round table with two more couples. The older couple was a man who was some official of the city. His robust wife, a woman of about fifty, sat beside him in a low cut gown, her ample chest creating a platform with deep cleavage. I sat beside her and after speaking I found her intelligent, and very aware of the response she gave rise to. Beside her native Spanish, she spoke English and Italian faultlessly. This cultured lady was a delight and I thought how nice it would be to introduce her to our friend Tamara, in Cannes.

Some speeches were made, mostly they were brief, and the dinner was pleasant. We were there about two hours, when we began saying our goodbyes. Both Gail and I had three glasses of wine and we were feeling relaxed.

The limousine whisked us away and we wound up at a dance club, for the taste of night life that Giancomo had promised. Our party was expected and catered to more then was necessary. The place was typical, and loud. Our reserved table was just inches from the dance floor, with at least a hundred people dancing around. "Wow," I yelled to Gail above the noise. The girls were on the bank looking at the dance floor, Giancomo and I on the end, facing one another and Marcus sat in the center facing the girls.

Champagne was already cooling at our table. As soon as drinks were served Giancomo asked Tatia to dance and they stepped onto the dance floor. Tatia was terrific, very into the young style of dance and suggestive too. Giancomo was smiling, sort of letting her do her thing, while doing his modest movements. Marcus danced with Gail and I asked Gabriela to dance with me. Rather then twisting around and moving wildly, she pressed up against me and we slowed our pace to allow us to dance closely. I decided I wanted to enjoy her attention and I pressed her back to feel flesh, and tugged her waist towards me. We hadn't moved far from our table and now and again Gail, though still dancing, would look my way.

As nice as the place was, it was too loud to talk, and Giancomo and I both were getting restless. We were their almost an hour when someone that Gabriela knew from the days work came by and asked her to dance. I was watching Gabriela dance, my hand on the table with Gail's hand over mine. I felt her hand twitch and I looked up. A man was bending down speaking towards Giancomo's ear, then he offered his hand to Giancomo. It was Andre. Giancomo looked perplexed but he offered his hand without saying a word and Andre introduced himself. Gail was frozen in her seat and I noticed her looking at Giancomo with a tortured look on her face.

Andre said a few words to Giancomo and then looked across toward Gail, ignoring me. Someone from behind him touched Andre's shoulder and said something, that prompted him to excuse himself saying, "Work calls," and without looking back to us, he left. Gabriela came back to the table and Giancomo came to sit beside me. "Strange fellow that was. Says he works for me. Do you find this place loud?" he asked. "I do," I answered. "Maybe we can give the girls another spin or two and find someplace where we can hear ourselves speak."

Giancomo rose to dance with Gabriela and as I turned away from watching them Andre was standing beside me. He introduced himself and offered his hand. I started to rise, "No, don't bother," he said, pushing downward on my shoulders urging me to remain seated. I rose anyway. Gail was watching me transfixed, even in the poor light I thought I noticed her pale. Andre continued, "I heard all about you…, they sing your praises." "And how is that?" I inquired, almost shouting. "Today, at the promotional shoot," he said, "Gabriela and your wife …but mostly Gabriela, they kept talking about you" The last, "mostly Gabriela" part sounded a touch of sarcasm and I responded, Friends…that's nice," I said smiling.

He was hardly listening to my response when he stated, "I hear you play tennis… I've been looking for a good game." I smiled and said, "I understand," without suggesting a game. "Have you organized a court yet?" He asked. "Yes, I have. I'm playing tomorrow." He inquired, "Where? I lied, "I don't remember the name, it was organized for me." He repeated, "I'd love a decent game. I'll try to find out where," and with that he turned saying, "I've got to go," and he went back to overseeing the club.

Gail had been watching us as we talked. She could hear some of what we said but, rather then shout we had been leaning closer to each other's ear while talking. The exchange had made her nervous.

As we left the club Andre was at the exit and he bade us good night. He exchanged a few words with Gabriela about the photo work for the next day and we left. On our way back to the cabin Gabriela brought up his name. "You know, Andre says he may play tennis with you tomorrow," she said. "That's news to me," I responded. "He said he would call the hotel tomorrow to find out where you will be playing," she added.

Giancomo had been listening and commented, "He is one cheeky fellow," then addressing Gabriela he asked, "Are we involved with him in any way?" She replied, "Not really, except he is supplying the security. He is also a nephew of …" and here Gabriela went on to mention a name that Giancomo knew. Gabriela continued, "I was asked to use him if possible and told he was resourceful." Giancomo replied almost before she was finished. "He strikes me as troublesome…distanziare," he said to Gabriela, and I was sure she understood it as an instruction. Then he added, "You know Ri, I would like to see you play tennis. I have always loved the game. Can I watch tomorrow?"

"Of course," I replied, I'm only knocking up with a pro tomorrow, maybe I can offer him something so he will lose to me."

Once back at the cabin the four of us chatted for a few minutes, still standing, then said goodnight I washed and brushed and was in bed in minutes. When Gail climbed in she moved beside me and after a few moments said, "You acted strange tonight." "I didn't mean to… in what way was I strange?" I asked. Gail responded, "Distant," she said, "are you angry with me?"

I saw this as an opening, "Why should I be angry with you?" "No reason," she said, "that's why I feel like you've been acting strange. Even when we danced it felt like you didn't want to touch me?"

I placed my hand on her thigh, it was bare. Gail laid her long strong fingers in mine and sighed, "I'm glad," she said.

I persisted, "You've said that before."

Gail turned her head, "What? What did I say, when?"

"You said …no reason," I answered, "That was when you were screwing on the patio at the Hotel du Cap."

Gail was quiet for a long moment, "Oh Ri," she said, "you disappoint me," and she took my hand off her thigh, rolled away on her side, and went to sleep.

The next morning we breakfasted from the buffet and everyone was out by 9:30. I had organized a private tour of the ski area even though everything was closed for the summer. I had to admit that Bariloche was more beautiful than the ski areas I loved so much in Chile. Bariloche was less intense, more character, I promised myself to ski there at least for one winter holiday. The day went quickly and I arrived back at the cabin to change just in time to make it to the courts at 2:00 PM.

The tennis court was beautiful, shade trees all around, with covered seating and a cooler box with water. Much to my surprise Marcus and Tatia were there. Giancomo was already there with Gail sitting beside him. Giancomo was speaking with Nelson the tennis pro. Gail's greeting for me was a smile so broad, that its cheer swept over me. Her green eyes were blazing with the reflection of the clear mountain brightness and I thought to myself, once again, that she is the epitome of beauty and simplicity. If she was angry at me last night, it seemed forgotten.

Gabriela was missing but there were three other persons from the promotional group that I did not know. Nelson, was the typical weather beaten and tanned pro, I guessed about fifty. He greeted me with ease of a tennis pro that had seen it all. We started to knock up and I marveled at the way all pros seemed to manage to minimize their use of energy and effort while playing. Nelson did it with grace. We played without trying to outdo each other, but still requiring effort to stay in the game.

We had been playing about twenty minutes when Andre arrived at the courts. He was geared up with the latest Fila wear and he looked very much a tennis player. He walked directly to Giancomo and greeted him like an old friend then, ignoring Gail, he looked at me, "Are you ready for a run about," he asked. I turned to the pro as he approached the net and briefly explained the situation and Nelson stepped from the court. Andre walked out to the base line and immediately started doing exercises. I might add that he was looking very professional in his warm-up, and his attire.

In fairness, Andre's game was reasonable. Obviously he had spent some time on court. He won his first service. When we changed sides between games he was grinning, looking across the court toward Gail. She noticeably blushed then looked away, engaging Giancomo in conversation. I felt jealousy and anger bubbling within me, not with Gail but with Andre's crudeness.

Still on serve at the fourth game, we were picking up balls near the net when Andre commented loudly to me, of course for everyone to hear, "What happened to the hot Chilean?" When I looked up at him, he had a macabre grin, and raising his eyebrows in innocence said, "Gabriela told me that you were the best… at everything." He emphasized the last part. Gail cringed. Giancomo moved as if to stand, then he just slid forward in his seat staring sternly. "Astounding," I said. Andre looked up and asked, "What…what is astounding?" Whilst looking straight into his eyes, smiling, I replied, "Your lack of courtesy."

There was absolute silence on court, when I added, "But I promise to try harder." The moment seemed frozen, uncomfortable, then Andre simply nodded and turned to move back toward the base line.

Thereafter Andre did not win a game, and very few points. After four consecutive games were lost he said "I haven't been playing for a while…" His grating smile slowly disappeared completely. Everyone was tense. At breaks I noticed him looking at Gail, and that she avoided looking back. Now I was feeling protective towards Gail, and I was hoping to finish this game quickly. I did not want Andre to broadcast another crude comment.

Before the second set was over Gabriela arrived. She was her usual buoyant and cheerful self. She stood beside Giancomo and he said something to her. When we next broke between games she walked across the court toward Andre and asked, "Who is winning?" Andre wiped his face and nodded my way, "He's ahead." "Good", Gabriela yelled for all to hear, "Basta…enough," she said.

Gabriela took Andre's face in both hands, laughing while shaking it back and forth in mock recrimination, "See," she cheerily announced, "I told you he was the best," her good humor eliminating the tension. She took his hand and walked, pulling him, to my side of the net. She raised both our arms as for a prize fighter, then leaned toward me and kissed my sweaty forehead. She announced loudly, for all to hear, "We have an appointment to keep, basta for now." Everyone on the court stood and clapped. Of course the applause was for Gabriela.

We had dinner in the hotel with Marcus and Tatia, afterwards the four of us walked back to the cabin. The night air was cool and the stars just an arms length away. It was beautiful. I was walking with Gabriela, some few steps behind Giancomo walked with Gail.

Arriving in the cabin I walked into our room. When I came out just minutes later, Giancomo had gone upstairs with Gail. Gabriela and I sat in the downstairs kitchen; she was telling me all about her favorite artist, Eugenio Benvenuti. Giancomo yelled down, "Anyone for a good port?" We both said "no thanks," and we continued talking. Gabriela stood and said, "Excuse me for a minute Ri." She returned a few minutes later wearing a short white terry robe. Her long legs lifted the flap as she walked toward me. I was instantly excited. At first I thought she had nothing underneath but when she sat beside me I caught glimpses of a filmy blue material underneath. Gabriela knew the effect she was having on me and she smiled, "You like?" I smiled, and nodded an earnest yes.

Fifteen minutes later Gail walked down the broad stairs and stood beside us at the table. She listened for a few moments then touched my shoulder, "I'm going to change too," she said, and she made for our room. She returned about five minutes later, the picture of sensuality. She was shoeless, wearing a soft white cotton shirt that stopped above her knees. Four buttons were open at the top. Her strong legs tapered down to small feet, her painted toenails the only color she was wearing. She looked so delicate without color on her face. Just the sight of her created a tingle in my groin. Her shirt looked loose and comfortable, yet it had enough fit to show her girlish shape. I could see her nipples and I guessed she was naked underneath.

Gail placed her hand on my shoulder and stood beside us for a few minutes listening to Gabriela explain the way she lucked into a painting at auction. The underlying motive for Gail's being there, I thought, was that Gail was jealous when I paid attention to Gabriela. She was competing. Now Gail was just as enticingly dressed, undressed I should say.

When Gabriela finished speaking Gail quietly announced, "I'm going to sit upstairs and finish my port," and she turned and walked toward the stairs. I watched her as she was walking up the stairs. It was surreal, like a shadow hovering above you in a dream.

I talked with Gabriela another fifteen minutes but Gail pervaded my thoughts. When Gabriela rose to get something from her room, I used the excuse to stand, "I guess I'll go upstairs and say goodnight, I'm finished for the night," I announced. Gabriela paused for a moment, and then while nodding, she moved beside me, and placed a hand on my face, then kissed my cheek, "Bon nuit, Ri, sleep well."

I started up the stairs, and just before arriving at the top, speaking loudly I said, "let me say goodnight." Giancomo must have been standing because as I rose to the level of the room, he was turning to sit in the single sofa chair. By the time I reached the middle of the room, he had his legs crossed, one foot shoeless, and swinging. Gail was on the large couch to his right; the back of the couch was facing me. She didn't move. I walked behind her and placed my hand on her shoulder. Her body was slightly turned to face Giancomo, with her legs tucked under her. Her left arm was bent and resting on the back of the couch which caused her shirt to tighten around her chest, perfectly framing her breast. What a beautiful sight she was.

"Night Ri," she said, as I bent to kiss her cheek. Giancomo said goodnight in Italian. I thought he looked tired. "Is your foot hurting?" I asked, nodding to his shoeless foot. He smiled, "No, I have the habit of swinging it… the heel marks the leg of my pants." I acknowledged his explanation, nodding, "Night." I said again. "Goodnight Ri." Giancomo replied. Once in our room I pulled the door behind me without closing it all the way and washed for bed. I left the bathroom light on with the door half ajar, allowing light for Gail.

Twenty or thirty minutes went by, I lay in bed wondering if Gail was just finishing her port, or if Gabriela had gone upstairs too. I must have dozed off because I heard Gail close the bathroom door when she returned. After quite a while the bathroom door opened, the light was out and she made her way to the bed by moonlight.

Gail moved in the bed to make herself comfortable and, as was her custom, she stretched her arm to touch me. "I'm awake," I said. Gail moved closer and when I could feel her breast on my arm she said, "Sorry I woke you." "Not to be," I said, "I was worried about you…upstairs." She put her right arm over my stomach and squeezed my arm to assure me, saying, "It was nice, we mostly chatted about the development." I continued, "If I were him I'd find it hard looking at you in that shirt." Gail answered with delight, "It's sexy, isn't it…you like it?" "I got hard just looking at you when you walked in." I answered. Gail added, "Good, I was trying to make you look at me, not Gabriela."

Gail moved her hand across my stomach and over my cock, resting it on my thigh. "Did you come to the tennis court with Giancomo," I asked. "Yes," she answered, not offering an explanation. "Where did you meet up with him?" Gail replied, questioning, "Gian?" Then without my answer she continued, "He came to the where Tatia was working." "Oh," I said, feeling a bit like a jealous boy.