Gail Tests Bryan


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On and on this continued. My heart was pounding. I could feel each thrust forward through my hand on her behind. I was actually sweating as if I were making love to her. I noticed that my cock was straining at my shorts. He was humping in and out of her for fifteen minutes now, yet he never kissed her or touched her breasts. For some dumb reason I was glad of that.

Gail was now moaning with every thrust, and sighing as he would pull away. Suddenly I felt an especially hard thrust and Gail made a soft half scream half whine, "Aayyahh...aahh," her hands reaching to her head and face as she whispered excitedly, "It's's all in," and when she let go of Milo she fell backwards onto the bed, her head coming to rest on my thigh.

I could now see Milo completely. He was well built, strong enough to continue this forever. His groin was pressed against Gail and he was imperceptibly swaying from side to side, immersed to his balls in my wife.

Gail had her hands on her face, like she was expecting some great pain or pleasure, one leg wrapped behind Milo, the other hanging over the edge of the bed.

Slowly, ever so slowly he started humping into Gail, but the humping was more movement of his hips rather then pulling his cock in and out of Gail. Whatever sensations it created I did not know, but it must have been intense, it was driving Gail with pleasure. She would sigh and wreath about on the bed, sometimes reaching her hand to grab his arm, then she'd run her hand up and down her stomach and across her breasts. All the time she was moaning and sighing, great long breathy "Aahhh's, and Oohhh's."

Finally Milo started to hump in and out of Gail with purpose. At first it seemed an inch or two would slide out of her pussy, but it was still hard to see. Gail groaned with pleasure. Both her arms were spread beside her, her left hand clawing at the bed dressing each time he plunged into her, her right hand clutching a lump of the sheet, squeezing with each thrust. I had my right hand tucked under her neck, and my left resting on her breast, occasionally tweaking and pinching her nipples. It wasn't lost on Milo that I had now joined in, and he responded by attending to Gail with yet more energy.

Some five minutes had passed and the strain of accepting so large a cock was now more pleasure than discomfort. Milo was humping into Gail with abandon, yet he seemed attentive to her ability to take him. I imagined that at least six inches of cock was sliding out of her each time he pulled back. He had to do a double motion when he pulled out, first bending his waist and pulling his groin back, then moving his body back a little. With a half foot of cock sliding out, I could now see his thickness, and I was amazed that Gail could take something so large in her. His cock was glistened afresh with her wetness with each outward pull.

Gail was humping back, lifting her groin to meet his forward thrust. Sometimes when he took his time pushing back in, she would rise to encourage him forward. I felt the telltale tremble. Gail started to shake slightly, and when he was deep in her she sighed, breathing out, "Ooahh," it sounded like Noah with the N being an H, "Ooahh...Yesss," she would sigh. I was running the palm of my hand over her nipple, then pinching and squeezing her breast. I was watching Milo's cock sliding in and out of Gail, mesmerized by the width, and always wondering when the end would appear. I looked often at Gail, her eyes pinched shut, licking her lips every so often, and she was totally and absolutely lost in the pleasure.

However much time went by I did not know, but it seemed he had been in Gail forever. Her tremble had deepened and she was constantly moaning and sighing, sometimes turning her head from side to side. Milo was humping more forcefully now and his strokes were longer. Gail's tremble became shaking all over and at one point she humped upwards, lifting herself off the bed and hissed loudly, "Yess... do it," then another "Ooahh, aahh," as she met his thrust. Milo sensed her orgasm nearing and was now humping Gail with deep long strokes.

At one point I felt Milo withdraw but I was looking at Gail's face, sweaty, eyes squeezed shut, mouth open ready to kiss or sigh. When he hesitated coming forward her closed eyes twitched and I looked toward him. I was absolutely astounded. The length of cock that was sticking out of Gail's pussy was immense. It was fat, glistening and looked like twice the size of mine.

How could any man be so big? I mused...and how could Gail take that in her belly? I could not imagine how anything that long could fit inside her. His cock head was right at the edge of her pussy, which probably meant there was still another inch or two I could not see. I watched, in awe, as he started to hump forward. The glistening wet pole just slid in, disappeared, the only sign of where it had been buried was Gail's deep sigh, "Ooahh, it."

I was transfixed on Milo's cock disappearing inside Gail, again and again. She was trembling and I knew she was experiencing the small continuous orgasms that she occasionally had. She was softly whimpering between each thrust, ending in her throaty "Ooahh...yes." When her orgasm was full upon her, she thrust her hips upward and stayed up, begging force from his humping motion and she screamed, "Oh it, do it, Aaagghh," shuddering as each wondrous wave coursed through her body. Milo had thrust forward and stayed stone still as Gail went through the throes of her climax. A minute maybe two passed, Gail did not move.

Milo must have felt some signal through his cock because he started to slowly move again. Gail opened her eyes and touched his arm. He stopped. She touched him after a moment or two as if to encourage him to continue.

He started sliding his cock at first slowly then more quickly, it was soaked with Gail's wetness, and it slid into her effortlessly, disappearing then reappearing, wet and hard. Now it was Milo's turn as he whispered, "I'm cumming... in a" he sounded out of breath, "I'm cumming." Gail grasped his arm and watched him as he began to shoot into her. His back arched, his head lolled backwards, he grunted an "Aarrhh," and humped his behind forward, pushing deeply into Gail. I watched his hips twitch forward as each charge erupted. He was shooting his cum deep into her belly, twice, thrice, then Gail took hold of his head with both hands and as she quickly turned it to front she leaning forward and fixed her mouth over his, kissing him as he humped his fifth, sixth, seventh, eruption.

Milo fell forward exhausted his head on the side of Gail's right cheek. He was still lying full upon her, her wide legs open and partially wrapped around him. His cock was still in her. Both of them were leaning on my left leg. Gail opened her eyes and turned to look at me. It was too dark to see her eyes but I knew that this was some sort of first, and that we had passed a milestone in our relationship. I did not tell her but when she reached for his face and kissed him, I started to cum too, and I never touched myself, and I felt ashamed.

The next day Gail tried to do as little walking as possible. Even I had to laugh when she told me she was still sore and still dripping from last night. She wore a lot of perfume that day, and when I questioned her she said she did not want to smell of sex.

The next few days were busy as we were planning to leave Sinop. I never had the fortune to sleep with Liesel though I did have a finger in her again, in the hotel, two days later.

Two days later Milo and Lornea and Gail and I had too much to drink and we wound up in bed together. I imagined it would be fun but Lornea turned out to be a distant lady. I felt as if she were checking her fingernails behind my back, when we made love. I eventually stopped and opted to watch Gail and Milo again, and to join them. I was jealous that Milo had the ability to make Gail cum in absolute abandon.

Giancomo and Gabriella had many liaisons with Cal and Martha, and we believed it was because Martha and Gabriella liked each other. One evening on shore Gail was chatting with Cal and Milo and Gabriella spent most of the evening near me, and then sat beside me at dinner. At one point she reached under the tale and touched my thigh, then my cock through my pants. I was immediately hard.

Later, during coffee after dinner Gail said how pleased she was with Giancomo getting us all, meaning Gabriella too, in the boat business. Gabriella with her direct humor says, "Gaincomo tries to be like Rian, now he's trying to make Rian like him." She did not say it quietly and I wondered if it would offend Giancomo. It did not. Instead he laughed, saying, "She's right."

Gail responded courteously, "Giancomo doesn't need to copy anyone."

Gabriella laughed, "He (Giancomo) is in my heartbeat, but let me tell you," She continued, "Under the table tonight I touched Rian, boom," she said, slapping her hands together to emphasize the immediacy, "he become... like a rock." As she turned to look at me smiling, she added, "I think Gaincomo would like to copy that."

We all laughed loudly, Gail too, but she blushed as well. I was so surprised, even embarrassed, that she advertised what we had done. Giancomo answered in a state less then his sober self, "Once again, she is right. But modern science looks after people like me...with little blue pills." We all laughed.

At the end of the Black Sea part of our holiday, we said goodbye to Cal and Martha, and to Milo and Lornea. I understood from Giancomo that Milo would meet us again in Monte Carlo at the end of our trip.

Cal made it a point to get us to agree to get together again. On one occasion he took hold of my hand and held it, patting it with his other hand. He smiled as he held me captive, patting away. It was a friendly gesture, close, and whether genuine or not, it made it hard not to agree with him. So we agreed to meet again.

During conversation one evening Cal asked Gabriella why she spelled her name with two L's. She smiled acknowledging that the question had been asked before. "My mother thought she saw the angel Gabriel while she was giving birth," she replied, then pausing for effect, she added, "but she was a bad speller." We all burst out laughing. Later on she confided, "That story is a fantasy I made years ago. But it's true my mother couldn't spell. Like Giancomo, the whole family can not spell." That was the first time she had ever referenced a family relationship with Giancomo, something we had heard two years before.

That night, when everyone was gone, after a light meal and wine with Gabriella and Giancomo, Gail and I sat side by side in deck chairs on the back deck facing Sinop.

We got to talking about the past days and she and Milo. I asked if she would like to see him again. She looked at me a long time, and then nodded her head. "Yes...with you."

She asked if I had enjoyed Leisel. When I told her that we had only petted, she was astounded.

"Why," she asked. "I thought you liked her."

"I did...I do," I answered, "but things happened and we couldn't." I had the feeling that Gail felt badly because during her being with Milo, she was thinking that I was enjoying the company of Leisel.

The next morning we headed to shore where an old Mercedes was waiting to drive us to the airport. A handful of people were at the port to say goodbye to Giancomo, and to thank him for his generosity. At the airport I expected an old worn out inter city aircraft. Instead it was a new corporate jet that Giancomo had flown in from Nice and would take us back to France.

Passing customs when you arrive in your own plane was quite a different experience. We were rushed through the procedure by an agent of the airline rental company, all of us sitting and talking with each other as the customs agent checked our passports.

Giancomo had another plan for this part of our holiday. He had rented a villa just above the city of Eze, about twenty or thirty miles from Monaco. The house was in a small valley not far from Piellon and Chateaneuf of wine making renown. The village was a labyrinth of old houses clustered together, while the villa where we were to stay was a kilometer away. Around the villa were several other smaller buildings, maybe caretaker's houses, all in ochre colors with red tiled roofs. The scene as we approached was picture perfect, the village nestled in gentle rolling hills, a curving road knifing through the green.

The villa Giancomo had rented was ancient, something out of Architectural Digest. Marble floors in the entry with frescoed ceilings. A dining area with a glittering chandelier complimented by paneled walls in a cherry wood color. Huge pools in the back of the house led to beautifully kept gardens and beyond many hectares were staked with grape vines that started at the end of the garden and spread out in every direction. The trimmed bushes of the garden looked like the headquarters and the grapevine stakes like sentinels ranked around their leaders. Gail agreed when I said the villa and the property reeked of power, and permanence.

There was a master suite downstairs and up a wide curving stairway on the second level, four more rooms, two of which were also master suites. Gabriella and Giancomo were upstairs on the south side of the building and Gail and I on the opposite side, the right. I would guess our bedroom was eight meters square. When we opened the door we stood in a small hallway looking at half the bed and a huge bamboo chair full of thick pillows beside the bed. The room was apportioned to perfection with an arch on the far side with a couch and TV. A strip of curtain on the arch made it look like another room. A large makeup table was set in an alcove leading into the bathroom which was half again as large as the bedroom, with two dark wooden doors, the bottom part solid the top part louvered. Our bed had a huge frame and was so high off the floor that a small person would need a step-up to climb into bed.

The moment we were alone in the room I ran and took a flying leap onto the bed, and Gail reprimanded me, warning that the bed may cave in. She climbed onto the bed by turning backwards and sitting on the edge. I dragged her into the center of the mattress and we wrestled and giggled for fifteen minutes.

To my absolute delight the villa had a hard top tennis court, and Gabriella had arranged for players from Nice and Monte Carlo to be up at the villa almost every day. Giancomos' plans were for us to spend our days at the villa, with evenings eating out, and on Saturday, a party was planned for about fifty people.

That evening Giancomo and I were sitting in the study waiting for the girls to come down when we would all go out to dinner. We were drinking water direct from the bottles and chatting, when the villa telephone rang. Gaincomo answered and immediately started talking in Italian, it sounded to me as if he were giving instructions to someone. His voice softened and after a few words, he listened, and then ended with, "Grazia...Grazia lei, Tilda."

"That was Tilda," he said as he rang off. "I was thanking her...she is the one that found this Villa." I knew Tilda was his English secretary that spoke Italian, French and Spanish. The few times I had spoken with her she seemed to always revert to Spanish, and her Spanish was flawless. Giancomo continued, "She did a good job finding this place, with short notice."

The girls came down in slacks looking comfortable, large scarves on their arms in the event the evening took a chill. Gabriella wore loose beige slacks and a soft green blouse of the most beautiful material. When I commented on it she laughed, "It's made from wood, by Tommy Bahama, made in Italy," and she spread her arms and curtsied. She looked so elegant.

Gail was wearing patterned blue on blue slacks, a bit more fitted then Gabriella's slacks, and an off white armless knitted blouse that was loose and cut low on her chest. Both Gaincomo and I were sizing her up, wondering how much we would see if she leaned forward. Giancomo commented, "And you look beautiful too, Gail." She blushed at the compliment in spite of the fact that she was relaxed around Giancomo. He and I both smiled at how easily she flustered. She was wearing the large round earrings that I called her gypsy-wear, and the makeup above her eyes was white, making her eyes look a vivid green.

Gabriella was looking at Gail's feet and suddenly placed her hand over her mouth in shock. It frightened me for a moment as well. They were both wearing the same shoes. Gail's shoes were blue flat sandals with a leather strip across the toes festooned with colored stones. Gabriella had the exact same pair in beige. Giancomo took it as an omen, "They're destined to be sisters," he said. It made for some fun conversation later that evening.

There were two BMW cars in the covered parking, which were for us to drive. Giancomo drove us to the small village just minutes away from the Villa. We were expected and greeted by a tall white haired, black mustachioed man we assumed to be the owner. Taking liberties that only an older man could get away with, he greeted the girls, flirting with his "bella Ragazzi", as he called them, almost ignoring both Giancomo and me. He took the two girls by their arms and led us to an outside table on a small balcony with only four other tables. We slowly went through four courses of delicately prepared food, and two bottles of wine, in a relaxed setting, with the cool mountain air settling over the town.

Before midnight we were back at the villa, and we sat chatting and playing backgammon for another hour. Giancomo informed us that on Sunday at noon, there would be a group of three couples coming up to play tennis, and that Gail and I would be the fourth couple. "It's called the Campionata d Modelo" he said, grinning, "And I am the promoter, and the trophy is very special." We were intrigued. He had a roguish look on his face and Gail commented, "You're up to mischief Gian." Gail asked Gabriella if she knew what the prize was and she nodded, laughing, "Yes and only Gian could think of such a prize."

The next morning I arose early thinking I would drive into town for hot French bread and cheese. It wasn't necessary. The housekeepers had already prepared breakfast and we had a buffet with a large selection. Gail and I played tennis, and in the afternoon Giancomo and I went swimming. The pool water was cold, forcing you to swim to keep from chattering teeth.

That evening Gail and I invited Giancomo and Gabriella to eat at the bar near the Corniche in Monte Carlo, where Peter had taken us. We even called Peter and he called the restaurant to prepare for us. We were not sure whether they would like the simplicity of the place, but they loved it. After dinner during the drive home Gabriella commented, "You know Rian, I think you and Gian are very much alike. Not one of our friends," she emphasizednot one, "would ever think of taking Gian to a place like that. But he loved it...I did too." She continued, "Only people in touch with life are comfortable with everyone," and her voice trailed off into a whisper as she added, "like you and Gian." On that note we drove in silence for a while. I had my hand in Gail's lap, and we just rubbed fingers all the way.

We all shared a nightcap and as we parted at the top of the steps, Gabriella stretched to kiss me goodnight. As usual it was an open mouthed kiss. Giancomo commented to Gail, "why should we watch," and he stepped to Gail and kissed her in the same manner. Gabriella and I watched them for the last few seconds, when we all retired smiling.

I was under the covers ahead of Gail and I watching her as she readied for bed. Judging from the nightgown she wore, she had things on her mind. She climbed up and we kissed and fondled before she slipped under the covers. She turned her back to me lying on her left side, and asked, "would you touch my back... please?" and reached her right hand behind her and lightly gripped my thigh urging me towards her.