Gail Tests Bryan


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I escorted Liesel back inside after a few dances. I didn't want to stop but I thought it best not to draw too much attention. Gabriella and Giancomo were dancing on the forward side of the living in an area near the formal dining section, and they took turns changing partners with Cal and Martha.

It was after midnight during a pause in our dancing when Gail asked, "Will Liesel and Lorenz be able to use the launch so late?"

"I'd guess the Captain is aware that there are guests aboard," I suggested. After a pause I added, "Why? Do you think we should invite them to stay?"

"With us?" Gail questioned.

I shook my head from side to side before responding, "I don't think it's appropriate if we invited them to stay on the boat...that's Giancomo's call, but if he does we can...could invite them to stay with us."

Gail looked at me, leaned closer and whispered, "Do you want to invite her...are you interested?"

I thought out my response, "Yes, I think so." I smiled looking at Gail, "Watching you and Lorenz dance convinced me I might be alone tonight. You like him, don't you?"

Gail first blushed, then shook her head from side to side and reached to touch my arm. She smiled her Rian melting smile, "Maybe...but you could always be beside me, you know."

We were two groups now, ours being Milo and Lornea, Liesel and Lorenz and Gail and myself. We were sitting in the aft of the living area in and out the doors to the rear deck. Giancomo and Cal and their ladies were inside and at the other end of the living area. Our group was sitting in a circle, drinks in hand and chatting, when Liesel turned to me and said, "I think we should get back to Sinop," she smiled her so innocent smile adding, "We can not keep the sailors up all the night." I smiled and nodded, more at my thoughts then in agreement with her. The way she spoke English, pronouncing each word so carefully, so slowly, was seductive.

Just moments later Giancomo and Cal announced that they were retiring for the night and they made their goodbye rounds. As usual Gabriella kissed me, in front of everyone, and Gaincomo was pure nonchalance about it. He leaned in toward me and Liesel getting read to speak quietly. Lorenz leaned across his girlfriend to hear, and Giancomo said, "I've asked the Captain to prepare one of the crew quarters rooms for you, if you'd like to stay on board. If not, the launch can take you whenever you are ready."

Lorenz thanked him, smiling with glee but Liesel, so womanly in her response, said, "Oh, I don't have clean things and a toothbrush, and my..." she stopped halfway through her sentence and smiled then said, "Thank you, Mr. Giancomo, it is so kind, thank you." Giancomo turned and left and Liesel added, "...but I think we'll go back to Sinop tonight."

Shortly afterwards they boarded the launch, with an invite for the next day. We had given them our keys for the hotel room, and they stayed at the hotel that night. Of course I was disappointed that Liesel had gone, and soon afterwards we said goodnight to Milo and Lornea and we all retired.

The next morning there was another lecture. Somehow Giancomo had gotten word to Lorenz and Liesel and they were present. This day we learned about the sex of Sinop, or lack thereof. It seems Sinop was named after Sinope the daughter of a river God. Legend said she refused to marry Zeus and prayed for eternal virginity. Zeus abandoned his efforts and left her alone on the Sinop peninsula. There were a few turned heads when the lecturer insisted Sinop was the seat of the virgins for the gods. That the city was started in 4500 BC was disputed as soon as we were out of hearing range of the Professor.

We launched back to Sinop at eleven that morning and headed inland, to a pool just fifteen minutes distant. Gabriella and Gail had spent much of the morning chattering away. One conversation I overheard sounded like they were trying to arrange our getting together at Christmas time.

Our group left poolside in the late afternoon. Plans were for all of us to go to the hotel, freshen up and have dinner at the hotel, before returning to the boat. When we arrived at Sinop we all looked out toward the Gabbiano and noticed that the other boats that had been harbored were gone, and only one small yacht was anchored pretty close to the Gabbiano. Gabriella commented on the missing boats, "They were smart," she said. We all laughed. It was known that she was not enamored with the Black Sea. A comment she made the day before about understanding why communism did not continue in Eastern Europe was that the leaders "...wanted to go to the Cote Azure for holidays."

When we arrived at the hotel Lorenz and Liesel walked with us to the room and gathered up their backpacks. It seems he had made arrangements to clean up using Milo's room.

We were all gathered downstairs at about six thirty as dinner had been planned for seven. We started drinking a very cold German ice wine that seemed to be in great abundance at the hotel. Dinner was very late and we continued to drink until we sat down well after eight.

Again it was another feast, there was much to eat and drink and it was showing. The hotel had organized some live music that was a combination of Arab and modern instruments and beat. It was captivating and we were all moving to the rhythm.

Lorenz was seated to Gail's left and they were chatting and swaying to the music, Gail was smiling, her face flushed with wine and excitement. I felt a little love tinge looking at her that way. She was so uncomplicated once she felt at ease, and at this time she was openly enjoying herself.

Gabriella was sitting on my right when she leaned toward me, "Don't you think we should start back?" She leaned the other way and I assume she said the same thing to Giancomo. Within ten minutes we were up and gathering ourselves for the launch.

I excused myself and headed toward our room to get a small bag that had some personal things I had carried and my camera. I was back downstairs in five or six minutes but the bus was gone. Rather than wait for them to realize I was missing I asked for a taxi, and a young boy in the hotel ran off to fetch one. I arrived at the dock and the first launch had gone. Cal and Martha were sitting on a railing and Liesel was standing in front of them conversing, waiting for the launch to return.

We were waiting a good twenty or thirty minutes when we realized the launch was not on its way back. I tried using my mobile phone to call the Gabbiano's London telephone number but there was a 'no service available' message on my screen. Another fifteen minutes went by and I decided that they must have forgotten to return. I took a taxi back to the hotel to call. My call went straight through and the Captain was on the line. He was immediately full of apologies. It seems the launch driver had not informed the Captain that he had to go back for us. He assured they would be leaving in minutes. I took a taxi back to the pier to wait with Cal and the girls.

When we arrived at the Gabbiano, the deck was empty save for one of the sailors at the top of the steps. I was the last one on the deck and Liesel was waiting for me. Cal and Martha went into the

living and were mixing themselves drinks when we walked in. "Care for something," Cal called out.

"Yes, Thanks, a Compari soda," and I turned to Liesel. When she nodded I called out, "Make that two, please." Drinks in hand, Cal and Martha went rummaging through a CD file that was near the television and started a movie.

We sat and watched for a few minutes then I rose and addressing Liesel I said, "I'm going to finish my drink outside. Want to join me?" She followed me outside and we stood at the railing facing Sinop for a few minutes then I took her hand, "Let's go forward to the lounges."

Once on the sun deck I pushed two lounge chairs to the very rear of the deck and placed them beside one another, and we sat together, legs stretched out, at a slight angle facing forward in the shadows. I knew what was on her mind and she finally asked, "Is Lorenz with Gail?"

I pondered honesty or evasiveness, then answered, "Yes, I think so."

She placed her hand on my arm, moving her fingers for a moment or two. Her hand lay still for a minute then she moved it until it was resting on my upper thigh. I turned to look at her face in the darkness, and she turned her head toward me. I leaned across and we gently kissed. Her lips were soft and the kiss was slow, first my tongue testing her lips, then her tongue moving. I felt her fingers tighten on my thigh as our tongues probed one another. I turned to better position myself and our kiss became more intense, my mouth pressing hard against her lips. I reached with my left hand to grasp her upper right arm just to hold on, and my wrist was pressed firmly against her breast.

Our kiss ended, I sat back and turning towards Liesel said, "That's been on my mind all day."

Her response was a simple, "Mmmhh," but her fingers moved again on my thigh. My left arm was wedged between us; I pulled it out and lay my hand on the flesh of her thigh, curling my fingers between her thighs which were pressed together. At first I did not move but soon I started pressing, and then rubbing, until Liesel imperceptibly moved her legs. The lessened pressure between them allowed my hand to slide downward. I turned to kiss her again, at first not removing my hand. When the angle became clumsy I withdrew my hand and immediately replaced it with my right hand, and boldly moved it upwards fully cupping her vagina.

For a good five minutes I rubbed and squeezed the warm flesh between her legs and cupped her vagina through her shorts. She let my hand slid under her shirt and I moved upwards to first gently cup and weigh her brassiere-less breasts. They were firm and silky, with her nipples already jutting out. Even if I had lifted her shirt I would not have been able to see them, but they felt perfect, and sensitive, judging from her sigh when I took her nipple between my fingers.

I wanted to remove her shorts, touch the flesh between her legs, but leaning over her the way I was made it difficult to slide my hand down her stomach. Instead I slid my hand up her thigh and between the leg of her shorts. My fingers slid across the front of her panties, they were wet. Without pretense I moved my fingers higher up her panties and slid one finger under the elastic, then downwards until the back of my fingers were on her pussy. I felt a surge of excitement course through my groin, my cock heaved. She was warm and moist, her pubic hair a silky down.

I kissed her again and she literally devoured my tongue. Her kiss was so complete, open mouthed and stretching, almost trying to swallow my tongue, but tender soft. I let my bent fingers slip into the folds of her pussy and as they slid through her slit, upward from bottom to top, she sighed into my mouth. I repeated the movement and felt her thighs ever so slightly rising. I pressed half of my finger flat in the seam of her slit like I was covering her pussy entrance, protecting it, then I pressed. Again her thighs humped upwards. I moved my hand upward while keeping the pressure with the finger that was placed pressing against her, and when the tip of my finger reached her hole, it slipped inside her.

I waited a moment then started to move my finger, while slowly bending my wrist to allow my finger to slide into her. Liesel had her right hand on my left arm and she gripped me tightly sighing softly. I slid my finger slowly into her until it would go no further. I could feel her wetness accumulating on the edge of the palm of my hand. When I started a slow retreat Liesels pussy tightened as if to try to keep me in her.

I started a gentle pumping motion, thrusting steadily with one finger. She was very wet. I doubled my fingers together and tried to slip a second finger into her. I had entered my middle and forefinger to the first joint when she took hold of my wrist to indicate her discomfort. I withdrew and entered her again with just my middle finger until fully inside her then started to touch and tweak her clit between my thumb and forefinger. Liesel sighed as I was moving forward to kiss her again. I stopped to turn my head toward sounds I heard. People were talking nearby. My finger was still in her. She looked up as well, we were watching two people round the bend of the wheelhouse walking towards us in the darkness, talking. As they reached the sun deck I could tell that it was Lorenz. At first I thought he was with Gail, but the heights were wrong, it was Lornea.

Liesel grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand away. I sat facing forward and she moved toward the middle of her chair. They didn't notice us until they were almost upon us. Lorenz had his arm around Lornea's waist and they were softly speaking.

By now we looked innocent. Lornea noticed us first, she strained to see who it was and by the time she recognized us Lorenz started, "Oh... you surprised me." The air was tense for a few moments as Liesel and Lorenz sort of faced off with one another. She spoke first, "We were just talking about you," she lied, "wondered where you went?"

As Lorenz started to speak my mind wandered. I wasn't listening to them any longer. I assumed that Gail had gone back to our room with Lorenz and was there, all along, waiting for me. I felt guilty. I rose and touched Liesel on the shoulder, "Goodnight Liesel," I said, adding, "Thanks for the company," I nodded toward Lornea and Lorenz, saying their names. They were almost in unison saying "goodnight," and I left.

I barley opened the large wooden door of our suite and slipped into the dark room. Only a trickle of bathroom light coming through the louvered doors illuminated the rooms. I must have come in quickly because it took Gail more then a few seconds to realize I was there. She was sitting in profile on the edge of the bed to my right, her back toward me completely naked. Her upper body was bent forward I could make out the profile of her right breast. Standing in front of her, also naked, was Milo. Gail was still holding his cock which had been pressed against her left cheek, as she rubbed it against her face.

Milo was standing with both hands on his buttocks, his body arched, his head tossed backwards

Although I couldn't see, he must have had his eyes closed because he did not notice me for the longest time. I thought I could see the extension of his cock sticking out in the back of Gail's head, but I wasn't sure. Maybe my imagination was working overtime. The cabin was heady with the smell of sex. My mind was racing. All the while I thought Lorenz was with Gail, he was with Lornea. "Does that mean Gail had planned to be with Milo," I questioned in my mind. "Was she leading me on these past two days?" The thought cropped up in my mind, "what other signs have I missed."

Gail had her head turned toward me now. "Rian, please come here," she said in a soft voice. I didn't move. The door was still slightly ajar. "Rian," she urged softly, it was said in an asking tone. I closed the door and started to slowly walk to the left of the bed, away from them, through the louvered doors on my side and into the closet. I left them in the darkness.

I stood like a sulking child in the darkness of the closet for some moments, it may have been minutes. I was taking stock of my feelings. It wasn't jealousy, "What was I feeling? What right did I have, I was pursuing Liesel," I reasoned. I felt cold, detached, and even though she didn't stop when she saw me enter, I wasn't angry with Gail.

I proceeded to undress and when I took my shorts off I realized that they were wet where the tip of my penis fell. Liesel came back to mind. I put on clean shorts, and opened the door to the bathroom, the lights were already burning. I brushed my teeth and returned to the closet. I peered through the louvers on the door but was only able to see the ends of the bed. I entered the room again. Gail was still sitting in the same place. Milo was standing in front of her and between her legs, looking down. Gail had her legs spread with her right foot resting on the side of Milo's upper calf and her knees spread wide. It looked like he was rubbing himself on her or trying to enter her. I could only see her back.

I moved onto the bed and slid between the light blanket that was wrapped in two sheets. The movement caused Gail to momentarily look behind her, then she resumed looking down between her legs. I lay still watching her back and watching him. He looked at me for a fleeting second then returned to his concentration. The darkness was good. You could sense someone looking at you but you didn't have to meet their eyes.

I was in bed a good five minutes when Gail finally made a sound, "Uuhhooh" and then she said "wait." After some moments of stillness there was more movement and she breathed a whispered, "Slow...Uuhh...ooh."

Again more movement, barley perceptible. The room smelled of sex. Gail flinched and said, "Uuhh ...wait." I was lying high on my pillows about two feet from her, my head turned watching them. Gail had her right arm propped behind her on the bed, her left arm was grasping Milo's hip. Again Gail sounded, "Huhh...Oohhh," but it was more a sigh then a moan. This time it looked like Milo had pulled his groin back. If he was in her, it was not much, but when he drew back she sighed.

I inched over in the bed and reached my left hand out and placed it on Gail's lower back. She didn't acknowledge it at first. As Milo was trying to enter her again he pressed forward and I could feel her body tense, I felt his pressure through her, he was pushing in when Gail made a throaty groan, Uugghh..." it sounded painful but she kept her gaze downward without moving away. Her left hand reached behind her and touched my arm just below where it was resting on her back. I acknowledged her touch and moved my hand just as she moaned, "Uuhh,oohh," and as she breathed in she whispered a long and breathy "Yeess."

I watched Milo start his rhythm. Small movements. Now his right hand was on Gail's shoulder. Sometimes she looked down, sometimes at him. He could not have been deep in her because his movements were short. It was at least fifteen minutes since I had walked in, when Gail let out a deep throaty moan, Aagghh...uuhh-yesss," and she strained to look down, "It's halfway in she whispered," like she had just made a great discovery.

I removed my left arm from her back and wedged it under the cheeks of her behind. I could feel Milo pumping in and out. Her cheeks flexed with each thrust and pull. "Put both your legs on the bed," he whispered to Gail. She obliged, using both arms as props. Milo pulled her closer to the edge of the bed and was concentrated between her legs. I had to re-lodge my hand under her behind. At first he had both hands on his cock rubbing against her. Then he hooked his arms under her legs and concentrated on moving his groin, trying to rub against her and center his cock. When he was centered Gail moved slightly forward helping him lodge his cock in her. At that moment Milo released Gail's leg freeing his right hand and he grabbed his cock and lifted upwards, like he was trying to make Gail bigger for his entry. Gail actually rose an inch off the bed.

Milo was pumping again, slowly, this time longer stokes, and I imagined he was deeper into Gail now. After what seemed a very long time Gail's body jolted and she half screamed "Aagghh..." and her arms went from behind her, one grasping his behind and the other his left hip. Gail's legs straightened for a moment then curled around Milo's thighs, her heels anchoring on the cheeks of his behind. I guessed that Milo was now mostly inside her because she started to moan "Ooohh-aahh," then she would breath out sighing, "Aahh." Every time he was deep inside her she softly sighed, a sound tinged with pain and pleasure.
