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I was annoyed. This was the first time I was making love to my woman, my sister, and we were interrupted. And not only were we interrupted, but we were interrupted by him.

I looked over at Karl, as he stood in the doorway. The expression on his face was almost comical; it was the perfect mixture of disbelief, horror, anger, and shame.

"What's it look like dickwad, my woman wants a baby. I can't rightly not give my woman what she wants, now can I?"

"That's right my big hunky man. Give me a baby!" Cat said in an alluring voice, as she traced her nails down my chest.

I smiled, turning to look at her again. I lunged forward to kiss her again.

Karl stood in shock in the doorway. "But you're her brother. She's my wife. You can't have a baby together!"

I broke the kiss with Cat, and glared at Karl. "She's MY woman, and she get what she wants." I grabbed my rampant prick and lined it up with her dripping hole without looking. "If my sister wants a baby, then she gets a baby!"

With those words I plunged in, still staring my brother-in-law in the eye. I buried my entire length into my sister in one stroke. She screamed out in, what I hoped was, pleasure, and Karl stared in shocked horror.

Looking away from our captive audience, I smiled at Cat. Now I knew it was pleasure she was feeling, as she smiled back at me. "That's it Kurt. Give me a baby. Fill me with your potent seed. Do what this limp dick never could."

Hearing my sister triggered the animal in me again. I pulled back until only the head was still in her steaming snatch, before driving back in hard. I set a blistering pace, and each time I bottomed out, Cat let out a grunt. As I pulled back she moaned.

The pleasure was indescribable. I'd experienced a few women in my life, but none compared to Cat. She was everything I could want in a woman. She wanted me for me, and I loved everything about her. Being able to cuckold her husband was just icing on the cake.

As I jackhammered into my sister, she held me close. I could feel her nails digging into my back.

"That's it Kurt! Give it to me. Give it to me hard. I want it! I want you!" Cat panted out as I pounded her.

It didn't take long for my pleasure to rise. I could feel my balls beginning to boil. "I'm close!"

Cat pushed me back slightly so she could look into my eyes. "Yes! Cum my Love. Cum in me."

I glanced over at Karl who still stood in the doorway, unable to look away. With an angry growl, I drove home one last time, as I passed the point of no return. Staring Karl in the eye, I pumped my sister full of my potent seed. "She's MINE. Never again will you touch her!"

As my cum painted Cat's pussy, she screamed out, "I feel it--" She cut off as she went rigid below me. I could feel her pussy contracting, milking my cock for everything it could give.

Exhausted from the quick hard fuck, I slowly eased out of her dripping snatch. I lay down beside her, and pulled her into my arms. I gave Cat a quick, yet passionate kiss, before looking back at Karl.

Karl's eyes were staring at Cat's pussy, and following the trail of my spunk dripping down her ass.

"You did it! You actually fucked your sister!"

"I bread my woman. Now get the fuck out, and close the door behind you," I ordered.

Karl looked up at Cat's face, but then did as he was asked.

Catherine looked over at me. She glowed in a way which only a well fucked woman can have. "Gawd that was hot."

I chuckled. "Not quite how I was thinking our first time would be, but yes, it was hot. I didn't hurt you did I?"

She snuggled a little closer. "No, you didn't hurt me. I might be tender for a while, but it was phenomenal. It was worth it." She gave me a quick peck. "How did you think our first time would be?"

I smiled, and gave her a peck in return. "Well, less a fuck, and more a long slow lovemaking. It's good to fuck once in a while, but I much prefer to draw it out, and make tender love. There's just something about that man that brings out the animal in me."

Cat traced designs on my chest with her nails. "I don't mind so much when that animal comes out. It makes me so wet, thinking about you taking me from him."

I growled, then kissed her passionately again. When we broke apart, there was a smile on her face.


I awoke the next morning at my usual time, but not how I usually do. I was alone in bed, and I could hear shouting coming from downstairs. I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts slipping them on, and rushed down.

"--I can't believe you fucked your brother, Catherine! You're my wife for God's sake!"

As I stepped off the stairs, I was greeted by the sight of my sister standing in the middle of the living room, and Karl was in front of her. I guessed he was trying to intimidate her with his size. Though he was bigger than Catherine, it wasn't by much.

"Not anymore! I want a divorce!"

It looked like Karl was going to hit her, as he raised his hand.

I reached out and grabbed his hand, twisting it behind his back, and pulling him away.

"Enough!" I gave him a push with the arm behind his back, and he stumbled in the direction of the door. "Get out!" I ordered. "Be back by three this afternoon. Don't come back until then. If you do, you won't like what happens."

The broken man massaged his shoulder, as he glared at me. He tried to stare me down, but soon looked away in defeat. He grabbed his car keys, and without another word, left the house.

I felt Cat press herself against my back. "Thank you, Kurt."

I turned, and wrapped my arms around her. "I love you, Cat. As soon as we can, we'll be rid of him."

We came together for a passionate kiss.

She broke the kiss. "Go wash up. I'll get breakfast--"

Ding Dong

We both turned to look at the front door.

Cat stayed behind me with her hand on my shoulder, and we went to open the door.

A courier stood on the step. He looked down at the package then back up at us. "Mrs. Catherine Jaeger-Briggs?"

Cat stepped around me, pulling her robe tighter around herself. "Yes. That's me."

"Sign here please." He said holding out the digital notepad.

She signed and accepted the package, thanking the man. We stepped back, closing the door.

"Who's it from?" I asked.

"Mr. Wilder is all it says," Cat replied, ripping open the package.

Three stacks of bills fell from the envelope.

"Oh. My Gawd!" Cat exclaimed, picking up the stacks of bills. "There's thirty thousand dollars here."

"Look there's a note too," I replied, seeing the page still in the envelope.

She pulled it out and read it out loud. "Dear Mrs. Jaeger-Briggs, Perhaps just Jaeger would be more appropriate. My name is Mr. Beverly George Wilder. I've had some dealings with your husband, most recently when I banished him from my establishments.

"I must regretfully say that the attack on your person was done by a person in my employ. I did not, however, order what he did to you. Had he survived the incident, I would have rectified that problem."

Cat looked away from the page. She looked worried, but I nodded and silently urged her to continue reading.

"When your husband paid off his debts, he actually had more money than what was owed. Because of this, and the unwarranted attack on you, I am giving you the balance of what he had. I know money cannot remove that experience from your mind, but I hope it does help you out. Yours Truly, BGW."

Cat walked away from me, still holding the page and money, and sat down on the sofa. I followed, sitting beside her.

"Are you okay, Cat?"

She looked over at me. "I-- I guess so." She looked down at the stacks of money in her hands. "I guess we don't need to worry about money for a while."

I chuckled. "Well, I don't know about that. But like I said, I have a few things to research today, then if it all checks out, we'll be set."

She looked into my eyes again. She looked from one eye to the other. "You're going to take care of me right? No matter what?"

I nodded and smiled, "No matter what."

Her hand settled on her stomach, "Even if I'm pregnant with our incestious baby?"

I wrapped my arms around her, and hugged her tight. "Especially then. Cat, I've always loved you. But now my love for you has grown and changed. You are my woman. If you'd have me, my wife. I'll do everything in my power to keep you and any and all of our children safe."

She gave me a squeeze then released me. "Gawd I love you Kurt. Go wash up."

I gave her a quick kiss, then did as I was told.


After having breakfast with Cat I dressed and headed out to conduct my research.

My first stop was the library. Once I collected all the information I could from there, I moved on to city hall. There, I found the names of a few people. I spent the first part of the afternoon calling those people. By two o'clock, I had the information I needed, and headed home.

"Find what you were looking for?" Cat asked, as I came through the door, half an hour later.

I smiled, running over to her, where she stood in the doorway to the kitchen. I picked her up, and pinned her to the doorframe. She moaned as I kissed her.

Pulling back so I could look into her face, I lowered her back to her feet. "Yes I did. I think we're going to be fine."

There was a knock at the door. "I'll get it," I said, leaving Cat to straighten her dress.

I opened the door to see four men in suits standing there. As I took them in, one man stood out. "Afternoon, Mr. Wilder. I didn't expect to see you today." I looked at one of the other men and continued, "And I didn't expect to see you for another half hour, Karl."

Bev smiled in response. "I'm afraid that's my doing. May we come in?" Bev asked, indicating himself and Karl."

I nodded, opening the door wide. The two goons stayed outside, standing on either side of the door.

"Kurt, what's going on?" Cat asked, still in the kitchen doorway.

I introduced Bev and Cat, and we all took seats around the kitchen table. Cat brought us all drinks, and we settled in.

"Thank you for your generous gift this morning, Mr. Wilder," Cat stated when she took her seat beside me.

"I'm glad it reached you," He said with a smile.

"Please don't take this the wrong way, Mr. Wilder, but why are you here?" Cat asked.

He laughed. "I assure you Mrs. Jaeger, the--"

"Her last name is Jaeger-Briggs," Karl cut him off.

The rest of us turned to glare at Karl, and he slunk back in his seat, looking as though he wished he stayed silent.

Bev turned back to Catherine, Mrs. Jaeger, the reason I'm here is to benefit you."

I could see Cat was going to ask another question, but I reached over taking her hand, and gave it a squeeze. "He's here awaiting my decision," I answered Cat's question.

Bev smiled, nodding his agreement. "Mr. Jaeger, you've had a busy morning. Looking up many things, talking to many people. I hope you found promising information."

I looked at him, thinking about what he said.

"Okay, enough with the secrets!" Cat said, sounding annoyed. "What is going on?"

I heaved a sigh. "Mr. Bev Wilder has asked me to work for him. He's asked me to be a hunting guide. And I think I'm going to accept his offer."

Cat's eyes went wide. "What! Why? What about us?"

I looked over at my sister, taking her hand in both of mine. "I'm accepting his offer because of us. He owns a hunting lodge up north. Somewhere away from the bulk of civilization. Somewhere, where no one knows us, or our relationship. Somewhere we can be together freely, and raise a family."

As I spoke, Bev and Karl both watched us intently. Karl looked defeated, while Bev looked intrigued. Bev smiled wider hearing my plan.

Cat peered into my eyes, and I asked, "Cat. Will you come with me, be my wife?"

She smiled and nodded.

Bev looked between Cat and I. "May I then, be the first to offer you congratulations! You may not be able to wed legally, but love prevails."

I looked over at the man. He still exuded evil, and I still held no doubt he could and would do despicable and evil things. I didn't want to trust him, but I also felt I could trust him. I don't know why he wanted to help us, and despite how evil I thought he was, I did know he could be a powerful ally.

Bev turned his attention to Karl. "Now, I suppose there is only one problem left."

Cat and I also looked at the defeated man.

Cat cleared her throat. "Karl, there was a time that I loved you, but allowing those men to try and rape me showed me who you truly are. I am filing for divorce, and you are leaving, tonight."

He simply nodded, not saying a thing. Without looking up, he stood and went upstairs, I assumed to pack.

Bev looked at me again, sticking out his hand. "Kurt, I'm glad you signed on with me. I'll have some paperwork sent over you in the next few weeks. In the meantime, you finish your schooling. The money from this morning should cover the bills. When you graduate, we'll look at getting you moved." He looked at Cat and continued, "And Mrs. Jaeger, I'll put you in touch with my lawyers. They'll take care of Briggs for you."

Finished his speech he stood, and we both stood as well.

"Why are you doing all this?" Cat asked.

Bev smiled and replied, "To make amends. To you and others. Not to mention, your beau is an interesting man."

He gave a final smile and wave, and saw himself out.



Three years later.

Cat greeted me at the door as I headed for work; the same as she always has, ever since she first moved in with me. The only difference now is she held our son, and looked ready to pop out our second child.

"I'll see you in a few days, Love," I said leaning in kissing my sister soundly on the lips.

Turning to my son, I tickled his belly, eliciting a giggle from him. "And you, my boy, be good for Mommy." With another giggle the two year old nodded and waved.

I turned back to Cat, and rubbed her belly. Crouching down, I whispered to her belly, "And you my unborn lovely, wait until after I get back to come out."

Cat laughed, hearing me. She reached down, and pulled me back up. "Kurt, don't take long. Take Bev out and kill a moose so you can come home."

I gave her another kiss, then leaned in to whisper in the ear opposite our son. "I love you my Kitty Cat. I'll be home as soon as I can."

She gave me a final kiss then I hefted my bag, and collected my rifle case. With one final look at my family I left the house and walked down the lane to where Bev Wilder sat waiting in his truck, decked out in hunting gear.

I tossed my gear in the back of the truck and climbed in. Bev smiled at me, and shook my hand. "As the guide, aren't you supposed to pick me up?"

I chuckled, as he drove away.

"Maybe, but when you asked to pick me up, I do what the boss says."

He laughs.

As we drive down the trail, I reflect back on my relationship with the casino owner. He still seems just as evil today, as he did the first time I met him, but he has always treated Cat and I well. Aside from Cat's ex-husband, Bev is the only one to know the truth about our relationship. I am a little worried he's holding it over our heads, but I suppose that's the tradeoff. He gave me my dream job, and ultimately, all I have to do in return is live my life, and take him and his friends hunting.

Is working for Bev Wilder a gamble? Maybe, but I'm a better gambler than my ex-brother-in-law. I have a wife and family I love. I have my dream job, and couldn't ask for more.

The end.


I hope you liked my story. Please rate and comment. I love hearing what everyone thinks. If you comment using your profile, I will try and reply to you via emailed feedback on your profiles.

Though there is LOTS of room in this story for a sequel, at this time I have no plans on writing one.

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shadrachtshadracht10 months ago

Good story jn general. Enjoyable. Some details felt a little glossed over, and some a little awkward, but on the whole it was a fun story to read. Thank you!

jesse13691959jesse1369195912 months ago

You are a true author I love your work looking forward to reading more of your work.

mrdata9770mrdata9770about 1 year ago

(5/1/2023) Okay, I’m not a country boy and I don’t care whether the selling of wild game was legal or not or if selling furs was not very profitable. This was a very nice fantasy with a good mix of erotica. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for not having Karl eat her out after Kurt came in her kitty. Also, it would have been great to have Karl catch them as Kurt did Cat doggy while pulling her hair as she declared herself as Kurt’s property. Five stars.

Mr Wild willyMr Wild willyabout 1 year ago

This was a really interesting spin on a story of this type. It was very well done, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Six Stars if I could!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Your arrangement with a casino boss Bev Wilder spoiled the story!

juanviejojuanviejoover 1 year ago


venus_canvenus_canover 1 year ago

Loved the story- nice descriptions and character build up

Would love to read more of your stories

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

As if a country boy would care about selling illegal meat. My mom bought raw milk from a farm near my hometown. Farmers don't give a fuck.

Also Bev is interested in them because he's a rich pervert duh. The richer you get the more the world bores you and the more detached you become.

The start was pretty grounded. I like that they went to therapy for once. Could have used more sex scenes preferably without Karl kinda overdid the karl cucking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I don't understand people reading a story that is tagged incest and then complain about the incest. This was a really solid slow burn of a story. The build up to the actual sex is done so much better than the bulk of what I see, "my boob fell out, then my pants fell off, I tripped, he tripped into me, and oh noes we were accidentally fucking but I grew to like it and didn't stop." 95% of the stories are like that it seems. This had plot, premise, and a solid enough environment. I do agree with some feedback that the hunting was sketchy. Would have been fine if you didnt date the story by adding in the vlogging for the gun store.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just so you know, it is illegal to sell wild game and there is little to no money in selling furs… your story premise of making extra money by hunting has no (0) credibility.

gametime279gametime279over 1 year ago

The story was good, and pretty fun, but the idea that he has $380k on the table but the 3 of them are struggling with bills and then $30k makes it all better is a little out there.

Frankie1952Frankie1952over 1 year ago

Loved your story. A happy ending in a sibling romance is always a great read. Thank you

Marvin2017Marvin2017over 1 year ago

“You need to make plans….”

To be imagined in Bev’s voice. 😋


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ehhh… so-so.

The chuckhold aspect was unnecessary. Focus on the relationship of the siblings, helping weather the abusiveness of the brother in law, and then finding their common ground to build their relationship.

winterplayingwinterplayingover 1 year ago

Now I want to know why Bev is being so nice?!!! Good story. :-)

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