Games Night


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"FUCK YOU! I've HAD it with your shit, you self-righteous, arrogant piece of shit-"

"Oh fuck off yourself you sweaty cunt!"


"SHUT UP!" Adrian roared.

They both looked at him, stunned to see Adrian with his head in his hands; gripping his ears as if he couldn't bear to listen to them hurl insults any longer. Zehra watched as Adrian appeared to struggle with anger she didn't realise he possessed; where had the chill man of her dreams gone?

"Adrian..." she said, with as much calm as she could muster despite the anger boiling within; a strange anger not directed at any single person but a whole smorgasbord of factors that she was still trying to unpack. All she knew was that she couldn't be in the same room as Logan. That was definite.

"Why the FUCK can't you two get along?" Adrian said. His voice seemed to crack. "All I want is a fucking peaceful evening at the end of a SHIT week and all I seem to get from you two is this fucking NONSENSE!"


"What is your PROBLEM?!?"

I want to fuck your best friend, was the answer Zehra knew she couldn't say. But what else was there? Logan was his friend; Adrian would never get rid of Logan for her, so there was no point in even mentioning that; which left: "Babe, I'm... I'm so sorry. This clearly isn't working out... I'm so sorry-"

"Zee? What the fuck are you talking about?!?" Adrian looked at her. Devastated.

"Logan and I aren't working out," she persisted. Only the bubbling anger within her stopped her from bursting into tears. "He's your friend. I can't come between you two-"

"No one's coming between anyone!" Adrian persisted. Standing up he walked over to her. She was also on her feet, and clutched his hands in hers. "Babe, please. What's going on?"

She wanted to tell him. She really did. Zehra even opened her mouth to let everything spill-

"Hey, Ade," Logan suddenly said. "Can you give us ten-fifteen minutes?"

Turning around to look at his friend, Adrian frowned in confusion while a sudden burst of heat erupted in Zehra: what was Logan thinking about? What was he planning?

"I want to make an apology to your girl and I don't want you to judge me for it," Logan said, as he looked from his friend to his friend's girlfriend. "Plus I'm dying for some Wotsits and we're all out." He pointed towards the kitchen. "Cupboard's bare, mate."

A wave of relief seemed to pass Adrian's face. "Yeah... my fault. Didn't do any shopping before I got back." He looked at Zehra, then pulled her close. She kissed him tenderly. Feeling his lips against hers for several wonderful seconds before Adrian pulled away, gave her a smile, and said "I trust you can work it out. I don't want to lose either of you."

Those words were still echoing in Zehra's head long after Adrian left; the door closing behind, leaving her alone with Logan. Exactly the type of scenario she had been afraid of.

Logan sighed. "I'm so sorry," he said. Looking up at the ceiling. "I have been a fucking nob."

"Yeah. You have."

"I've handled this like a fucking child. I'm sorry. I didn't realise how much Adrian loves you."

Love? "Well... we haven't actually..." Zehra found something else to feel uncomfortable over.

"You've not said 'I love you' yet?" Logan looked at her now, and smiled. It was a genuine smile; the type she had only seen him give Adrian, so to see it employed at her was... quite nice, and she found herself smiling back.

"No, not yet."

"Well he loves you. That's fucking obvious. I mean he fucking changed his PIN for you."

"That's weird."

"Adrian's a weird guy in relationships," Logan said. "You'll get used to it."

"I will? So... what are we now?" Zehra walked over to settle on the arm of the sofa Logan was sitting on. "Can we be honest with each other?"

"We weren't before?"

"No. That's the problem. Logan, I know why you're such an asshole to me."

"That obvious? Does Adrian know?"

She shook her head. "He doesn't even suspect, otherwise he'd never have left us alone like this, you realise?"

"Good point... What you know I feel... do you also... I mean..."

She nodded.

Logan almost collapsed into the sofa. This was his worst nightmare confirmed. "So what do we do about it?"

"Nothing. We have to."

"Agreed," Logan said. "I went about this the wrong way. I'm sorry. We should have had this talk a long time ago."

"Agreed," Zehra said. "So... shall we get it over and done with? Air our dirty laundry? Stop this beating around the bush and rip the band-aid off... or whatever... I really don't know what I'm trying to say..." She could feel the heat rise to her face. God, she was babbling!

"No, I get you," Logan said. "Yeah... so..." He took a deep breath, as if preparing to plunge into water that neither of them could see. "I massively fancy you. No, 'fancy' isn't the right word. I mean... You are the hottest woman I've ever met. I think I'm obsessed."

Despite the inappropriate nature of this scenario, Zehra couldn't help but smile. "So not an ugly, sweaty cunt?"

"Well you are sweaty, but you make that look hot as well."

"That's because this place IS hot..." Zehra looked behind her. "Maybe I can..." Standing up she headed over to the kitchen - perhaps as an excuse to put some distance between herself and that hot piece of ass on the sofa - and leaned forward to inspect the thermostat on the wall. "Maybe I could... fuck... how'd you work this thing?"

She felt Logan's presence beside her, and stiffened despite herself. "Yeah... I don't get this at all either," he said. A casual glance sideways confirmed to her that his attention was genuinely on the thermostat, and he wasn't using this as an excuse to be near her after his confession, yet she still felt the tension between them. "Maybe..." He reached forward and pressed something.

Nothing changed on the display.

"Well I'm out of ideas."

"Thanks for the assist," she muttered, giving him a look. Logan smiled back at her.

Zehra became aware that they had, unconsciously, both turned slightly with their leaning to bring their heads closer. Not too close, but still... closer... only a little further and she could kiss those inviting lips of his-

She straightened. "Yeah... I have no idea how this works," she said, gesturing at the device on the wall. "So I guess we sweat." Walking away from Logan she settled on the sofa where Adrian had been sitting. A moment later Logan sat next to her. Zehra shuffled an inch away from him.

"You didn't seem surprised," he said.

"Hmm? Oh... yeah... well I kinda figured it out a while back..."

"So if you knew... what was with your aggro?"

Zehra shrugged.

Logan shifted to regard her with a smug expression. "You fancy me."

"Do not!" Zehra said. Mentally cringing at how she sounded like a child.

"Yes you do."

"FINE! I do! I fucking think you're HOT! There! Happy?"

Logan nodded. "I knew it. I knew I was your type."

"You're SO my type, it's insane," she said. "It's like someone crafted you specifically to make me wet as a fucking ocean. You are the hottest man I've ever met. I'M obsessed!!!"

Logan sighed. "So... how do we manage this? I mean... neither of us want to hurt Adrian, but we both want to... well..."

"Fuck each other's brains out?"

"Exactly that," Logan said. Somewhat shocked at her bluntness.

Zehra composed herself. "Well... exactly. So..."

"So we act like adults," Logan said. "When Adrian gets back from the shops we'll tell him we've hashed it out. Apologised. Made up. Agreed to disagree, or whatever, and we be perfectly cordial around each other. We don't have to be in the same room all the time."

"No, it was just sod's law CoyFit got flooded tonight, otherwise I'd be there."

"Exactly. We can manage this and not behave like children."

"You were. I was behaving quite fine, thank you."

He raised an eyebrow.

"All right... maybe...." Zehra muttered. "Anyway that's besides the point. So... Ade's not going to be back for another fifteen, twenty minutes... we could sit here and talk, I suppose..."

"Or..." Logan said, smiling as he followed her eyes. "We could play games."

She grinned at him. It was surprising how easy she felt to be around Logan when he wasn't being a complete cunt. With all that frightened aggression removed from the room she found that they were relaxed with each other. Hopefully not too relaxed... but definitely a lot better than earlier. It was a wonderful release of the tension that had always been there whenever they were in the same room before.

She just hoped they both could handle this new state of being sensibly and not...

...well... you know. 'Shitty erotica', as Alexa had put it.

Logan handed her Adrian's controller. "Come on. You always look like you want to join in. I bet you're good at this. Pass some time before Adrian gets back with snacks. Let's surprise him by not being at each other's throats for a change."

Zehra chuckled. "Yeah... might give him a heart attack to see us both smiling."

"Worse. He'll hug us both. Might even cry."

"He's very emotional, bless," Zehra said, but not in a condescending way. It was one of things she liked about her boyfriend, compared to a lot of the previous men in her life.

"Yeah," Logan said, and his smile told her he felt the same way for his friend. "So, I hear you're pretty good at gaming."

"I'm fucking GREAT at gaming. I'll kick your ass!"

"We'll see," Logan said, and the two shared a look of mutual competition that had both of them grinning.

Zehra settled into the sofa, Switch controller in hand, and her tension with Logan forgotten as the pair resumed the Smash Bros match that had been put on hold after Adrian's outburst. Soon she was enjoying gaming against Logan, and her sexual attraction to him took a welcome back seat to chilling out and playing a good game; a close one too, as Logan quickly proved himself to be almost her equal. Almost.

"Shit, Zee... if I'd known you were this good I'd kick Ade out and play you every Thursday."

"Best of five?" Zehra said, smiling sweetly. This was actually pleasant; just sitting here, playing games with Logan. Neither of them gave any thought to their attractions to each other. He was right: they could actually just sit here and behave like fucking adults if they wanted.

What had she been so worried about?

Logan was about to answer when something in his jeans began to warble. Retrieving his phone he briefly showed her the screen - Adrian's face and name - before answering. "What's up, mate?" Logan frowned. "Really? Down that street too? Jesus fucking Christ on a stick... what ARE they digging up around here? It can't be the fucking water pipes! True... there's been a few bursts... I don't think the water is that bad in the city... is it? The old Kent pipes suck? I'll take your word for it... I'm not an expert on Victorian pipe work... how long do you think you'd... another thirty minutes? To the shops? Jesus, mate... just turn around. I ain't that desperate for Wotsits..." His face relaxed. He nodded. Then he smiled. "Alright... guess I'll see you in... an hour or so? You'll find a different way back, right? Good man. Take care."

"He's not at the shops yet, is he?" Zehra sighed. "I wish he'd start cycling instead of driving all over the city."

"I've been telling him that for years," Logan said. "I don't know if you've noticed this but your boyfriend is a stubborn ass when he wants to be."

"That he is," Zehra said, smiling. She gave Logan a look that spoke of her fondness for Adrian, to see him return it in kind. It didn't feel strange to connect with this man over her boyfriend; he was Adrian's best friend, after all.

"So... best of five?"

Perhaps it was knowing that Adrian wouldn't be the fifteen minutes he promised, or perhaps it was sitting right next to Logan, and after the initial thrill of playing games with him faded Zehra became acutely aware of his presence; of his body sitting right next to hers. That hot body of his. All muscles and sexual prowess. And, after ten minutes of increasingly forced casual banter, she became aware that Logan was feeling the exact same thing. It was the way she caught him trying to sneak a peek at her when he thought she was focused on the game. The way his eyes observed the way her breasts rose and fell with the deep, excited breathing she did whenever she was just about to win a match. Zehra caught all this because she was checking him out just as often.

Could they just be adults about this?

"Hey, Zee..." Logan said. His mind was slowly changing gears to horny; he could feel a fucking erection in his jeans, and his heart was beating fast with just this woman sitting next to him. "Do you want to add a challenge to this next match?"

"Like what?" Zehra asked, curious (and secretly excited).

"Drink a shot each time we lose?"

"Hmm... could do..." It was a cool idea, but then the thought of them both aided by alcohol, no boyfriend in the flat... no, that sounded dangerous. Best to stay sober. "Don't think that's a good idea."

Logan just had the same thought. "Yeah... forget I said anything-"

"No, I like the idea of adding some spice," Zehra said. Wait, what? Spice? What was she saying to this man? Her eyes kept getting caught by the obvious bulge in his pants, despite Logan's efforts to shift his posture to hide it. Rhian's boss could be right: Logan might be packing down there... maybe even bigger than Adrian...

No! Bad Zehra! Stop thinking with your vagina!

"No, forget it," she said.

"Yeah, I mean... if not drinks... then what? Strip gaming?"

He meant it as a joke. Obviously. But rather than laugh it off, as she should have done, Zehra gave it thought. "It is really fucking hot in in here," she heard herself say.

"It is," Logan heard himself agree. This was dangerous territory. He should steer them back off this path, but his mind was blank on any other topics. "Wish I knew how that thing worked," he added, jerking his thumb at the thermostat.

"We could give it another look."

"We could."

Neither of them moved. Neither of them wanted to leave the sofa and the close presence they were sharing. This was bad, Zehra thought: she needed to steer them out of this pit they were in, where both of them were obviously thinking about each other's body in a sexual way. She had to somehow get them... out... fuck... her mind was so clouded with thoughts of Logan it was unreal: she couldn't remember being this besotted about a guy before! It had to be her boyfriend's best friend, didn't it?

Unless... "Just a look..."

"The thermostat?" Logan asked. The way she was staring at him, but not AT him, didn't tell him she had the flat's temperature on her mind.

"No," Zehra said. Then forced herself to make eye contact. "I mean... we're both obviously too distracted, right? Let's just... air it out... rip the plaster off..."

"Get naked?" Logan's mind was wrestling with confusion and horniness. Hornfusion? No, that sounded like a Pokemon ability.

"Well... let's make a game out of it," Zehra said.

"Strip gaming?"

"Yeah... I mean Adrian will probably get back before anything happens..."

"And find us in our underwear?"

"Yeah..." Zehra said, in a tone of voice that betrayed how little thought she was putting into all of this.

"But... we could tell him it was too hot in here," Logan said, not wanting to derail where this was going. A part of him was yelling at how stupid this idea was, and how dangerous it could be for them, but the rest of him was distracted by the way her clothes were now so damp with sweat they were clinging to her body, revealing every curve for him. "Get him to turn it down."

"Not a bad plan," she said. It was. It was terrible.

"Ripping the plaster off, right?"

"Yeah... I mean you're probably really ugly under there-"

"You probably have three nipples."

"Oh totally. I'm really hairy as well. Will put you right off."

"I have a tiny dick."

She raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah... you're not buying that one, are you?"

Zehra shook her head.

"OK, it's not small. But it's ugly. Got warts."

"Can't wait to see it," Zehra said, then quickly added "and be horribly disgusted."

"Same. I bet your vagina looks like a clam."

"Worse. It's like that fungi that grows on trees."

"So the plan is to put us off each other? Have a good look, realise we're nothing special, so we don't get distracted behaving like normal, platonic friends around Adrian?"

"Yes. That's the plan."

"That's a dumb plan," Logan said.

"You got a better one?"

He opened his mouth, then, after a few seconds of silence, during which Zehra's expression grew increasingly triumphant, he closed it again. Then said: "no. It appears I don't." It was a silly idea, but they were both adults: nothing was going to happen.


"So... a loser removes one item?" Logan clarified.

"One item."

"Sounds fair," he said. "Though I seem to have gotten a head start."

"Makes it easier for me, then," she said, smirking. "Shoes next, Lo."

"You're confident."

"I'm good."

And she was: the next match saw Zehra win effortlessly, and in response Logan took off his shoes and placed them neatly by the sofa. The next match saw the socks go. The match after that saw his jeans pulled off and cast aside with a casual toss that Logan hoped conveyed a sexy sort of attitude, and didn't betray the nerves he was feeling right now slowly undressing before the hottest woman he had ever known. Jesus, what was wrong with him? He was never like this with women! Yet this one had him feeling like a virgin about to have their first sexual experience!

Unsurprisingly he lost the final match.

Forcing himself to sigh in a carefree manner, Logan gave her a wink. "We can back out of this now if it's too uncomfortable for you."

"Lo, I've seen plenty of dicks in my lifetime," Zehra said, hoping that didn't make her sound like too much of a slut. "I doubt yours is anything special." She ignored what Rhian's boss had said all those weeks ago. Ten inches? That was just silly proportions.

Oh, she would find out very soon that wasn't the case, Logan thought as he hooked his thumbs between his boxer shorts and his waist. Not taking his eyes off of hers, Logan slowly pulled down, feeling the fabric of his underwear as it travelled down his thighs. He watched her eyes slowly begin to widen as more and more of his cock was revealed to her: first the base of the shaft, his grooming habits keeping the area shaved and hair-free (most of the women he fucked preferred smooth shafts; Logan wasn't too fussed himself). He pulled the boxer shorts further down; her eyes widened even further as inch after thick inch of Logan's cock was unveiled.

It kept going: Zehra watched as more and more cock appeared, as Logan's underwear travelled down his thighs until finally the head popped free, and the whole massive organ sprung up to point almost directly at the TV. Jesus fucking H Christ! Zehra had NEVER seen a cock so big! Logan had to be easily ten inches or more! And his girth? Christ on a stick! Logan was twice as thick as Adrian, and her boyfriend filled her quite nicely as it was!

"You were saying?" Logan said cooly, observing her wonderful reaction to his dick. He tossed the boxer shorts aside with a casual flick of his wrist, sending them flying into the windows that led to the balcony.

Zehra felt her mouth open and shut a few times before her brain - still processing how a dick could get that big - finally managed to connect itself to her vocal cords: "That's not a cock," she said, more calmly than she felt she should sound. "That's for rearranging a girl's organs."

"And yet they never complain when they take me balls-deep."

"Jesus..." Zehra gasped. What WOULD it feel like to take a cock that size all the way? She had never been filled with so much cock before; Adrian definitely didn't fill her with that much cock; oh sure, there had been previous boyfriends who had been bigger than Adrian, but even their cocks weren't on the same scale as Logan's mammoth organ. "No wonder women sign up for you just to come round their place and fuck them silly."
