Gemini Ch. 02

Story Info
Lisa and Alison try to find out more about Lisa's condition.
13.3k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 08/01/2022
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Lisa opened her eyes and felt the morning sun warming her naked body. She hadn't bothered getting back under the covers last night - they were still cold and clammy with her sweat. She remembered getting back to her room and feeling profoundly tired, and had fallen asleep within minutes of lying down. She looked down her body with some trepidation, but it hadn't been a dream. Her cock was still there, mercifully flaccid, languishing against her right thigh. What if Mum had come in this morning and seen me?

The thought sent a shiver down her spine. As good as she had felt last night unleashing that torrent of cum, she was still repulsed by the idea of anyone finding out about her condition. Of anyone seeing her like this. Except Ali. Her sister was at least understanding about everything. She had no idea how her mum would react. Probably rush her to the nearest emergency room, screaming her head off.

Lisa scoffed and let a smirk form on her face. Her mum had always been overprotective - it wasn't until recently that she'd stopped being so overbearing. The last couple of years had been relatively hassle-free in that regard. No more curfews or phone calls to check in. If her mum had set her eyes on this, Lisa was sure she'd be grounded for life.

Over the sound of her own thoughts, Lisa heard the shower running in the distance. It was either Ali or their mum, obviously, but she wasn't about to venture outside to find out. The sound of the running water made Lisa realise that she was extremely thirsty. She moved her tongue around inside her mouth, which was dry and tacky. Guess I need to replace some lost fluids. Her smirk returned briefly.

The shower stopped suddenly and whoever was in there made a swift exit. The bathroom door opened and closed, and Lisa heard footsteps approaching. A wave of panic washed over her as she looked around for something to cover herself with, before she heard a light knock on her door.

"Lise, it's me," came Alison's voice, barely louder than the whispers they'd been exchanging a few hours ago. "I've got your towel."

Lisa exhaled with relief and made her way to the door, opening it quietly. "Hey," she said quietly. Alison stood there wrapped in her own towel, her hair still dripping wet. Lisa took her towel and began wrapping it around herself. Before she could finish, Alison spoke again.

"How are things down there?"

Lisa stopped short of tucking her towel together and opened it again gingerly. Alison pushed the door open a little more to get a better look. "It seems to have calmed down," Lisa explained.

Alison brought her eyes back up from Lisa's crotch. "Mum's already up and about. She's downstairs right now," she explained, wrapping her arms around herself. "I'll dry my hair and head down to check things out."

"Thanks," Lisa said, wrapping up. "I'll get myself cleaned up and head back to my room afterwards. I need to think about what to wear."

"We can work that out together," Alison reassured with a half-smile. "Go, I'll keep Mum busy."

With that, Lisa moved out of her room and down the hall to the bathroom. Once inside, she locked the door, just as she had done last night. Dropping the towel, she stood in front of the full-length mirror once again. It was still covered in condensation from Alison's shower, but her blurred form showed relatively little change from last time. Her hair was a little wilder, but aside from the flaccidity between her legs, there was no real difference.

It was a long moment before Lisa stepped into the shower, closing the glass and turning on the water. It was a little hotter than she liked, so she turned the temperature down. Stepping under the stream, she immediately felt better - Lisa had always loved showers. She arced her neck upwards and let some water fill her mouth... then found herself compelled to swallow it. God, am I that thirsty?

Turning the mixer further towards cold, her skin prickling with goosebumps, she let herself drink her fill. Her stomach sloshed as she finally lowered her head and turned around, gulping down the last of the water. Running her hands through her autumn-red hair, she turned the heat back up to a more comfortable level.

As she showered, she was almost able to forget the events of a few hours ago. Washing her hair and body, Lisa's mind was free to wander; free in more than one way, as she was no longer plagued by the lewd thoughts and desires that had threatened to overwhelm her. It was only when her ablutions brought her hands to her nether regions that her situation was brought back into focus.

What happens when I need to pee?, she thought, her hands stopping short of lathering her new penis. Lisa froze for a long moment, until water running down her face forced her to blink drips out of her eyes. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Delicately and without emotion, she did her best to wash everything downstairs normally, giving her phallus a few cursory rubs along its flaccid length. It would do for now.

Lisa rinsed herself and turned the water off. Stepping out of the shower, her belly still audibly bubbling to itself, she steadied herself with one hand and rubbed her abdomen with the other. After a moment, she grabbed her towel and wrapped herself up. It covered her from underarm to shin, so there was no risk of accidental exposure. She finished her morning bathroom routine, brushing and flossing, all the while quietly marvelling at the absurdity of how normal everything still was. Unlocking the bathroom and opening the door a crack, she peeked down the hall and listened closely for any presence upstairs.

After a few moments of no movement and only muffled conversation echoing from downstairs, Lisa took a deep breath and crept out of the bathroom. She didn't let herself exhale until she was safely back in her own room.


Alison had waited until Lisa had locked the bathroom door before heading back into her own room. She hoped that her sister hadn't seen any of the unspoken emotions she was doing her best to hide. Never mind her still-unexplained arousal from the events of the small hours; Alison had bigger immediate concerns, quite literally.

She undid the folds keeping her towel secured and let it fall to the ground, then opened her closet. On the inside of the door was a mirror, tall and wavy in design and covered with stickers from her early teenage years. Some of the older ones were starting to peel, with the newest being a pair at the top; pink and purple 18 designs, with exclamation marks, party poppers and other random decorations. Both she and Lisa had put them there to mark their 18th birthdays a few months ago.

Alison wasn't looking at her stickers, though. Standing squarely facing the mirror, she cupped both of her breasts in her hands, hefting them lightly. It wasn't just the bathroom mirror, she thought. She gave an experimental squeeze. They're definitely bigger than yesterday.

She'd normally put this down to hormonal changes, but considering what happened to Lisa, Alison couldn't shake the thought of something more abnormal. In a moment of panic, she thrust one hand between her legs, exhaling a sigh of relief when she didn't find any unexpected hardware.

But the issue of her boobs remained. She frowned and grabbed a bra from her drawer. After a few moments of fumbling, she tried to close the clasp at her back, to no avail. She rotated it around to her front, lowering it slightly down her body, finally getting the catches in place. But when she turned it back and tried to move the cups up to cover herself, Alison quickly realised that she wasn't going to succeed.

Her previously miniscule breasts had grown enough to literally spill out of her bra. Alison was hardly an authority on bra measurements, but if she hadn't gone up two whole cup sizes, it was damn close. Her entire bra was filled with just the underboob of her newly engorged tits, which remained just as pert as she was used to, only bigger. She let her bra sit on her chest, her nipples and two thirds of her boobs jutting upwards against the fabric. Alison allowed herself a derisive snort of humour before unclasping the bra and tossing it to the side.

She heard the shower turn on and remembered that she'd promised Lisa she'd deal with their mum. Alison paused for a moment, then went back to her closet and removed a t-shirt. Putting in on, she looked in the mirror and tugged up and down on the shoulders experimentally. Too tight. She removed it and selected another, this one looser. She made sure that her bustiness wasn't visible as the fabric draped across her torso, then nodded to her reflection. That'll do for now - I'll think about it later.

Alison quickly finished drying herself. Slipping into a pair of lacy knickers, some form-fitting skinny jeans and a pair of ankle socks, she was ready to head downstairs. Grabbing her towel, she knelt down to examine the pile of clothing she and Lisa had created a few hours ago. As she got closer, the smell re-ignited her memories, like camera flashes in her mind. Her sister's penis in her hand, throbbing and twitching. Lisa's face, almost pained with ecstasy, just from the touch of her hand. Then the cum... So much cum...

Alison had stopped moving, her breathing getting heavier. She thought about the sheer volume of semen Lisa had produced. Some of it had managed to get in her mouth... the taste came back to her, as fresh in her mind as if it were happening right then and there. Had she swallowed any? She didn't think so. Did I want to, though? The cum had coated her entire face, dripping off in thick globules onto her chest. That's right... Lise said some had seeped through my top. Maybe that explains my tits?

She blinked and shook her head again - she'd think about all of this later. Alison bundled the soiled garments into her towel with an audible squelch, then got to her feet and left her room. Walking past the bathroom with her armful of lewd laundry, she could hear Lisa still in the shower, the telltale sounds of varying splashes indicating activity. Taking a deep breath, she walked downstairs and into the hallway.

She heard her mum before she saw her, tunelessly "doot-doot-dooing" to something playing on their smart speaker. "Morning, Mum!"

"That you, Alison?" came the louder-than-necessary reply. "I can barely hear you!"

"Yes, Mum, it's me," Alison shouted back, inwardly relieved that their mother didn't seem to be acting strangely. She didn't hear anything last night. Thank fuck. "Just putting a load of washing on!"

"Alright hon!"

Alison quickly moved across the kitchen doorway. A brief glance confirmed that their mum was busy making a hurried breakfast; the toaster was on, the coffee was brewing and Minerva herself was half-dancing as she brushed her straw-blonde hair into a loose ponytail. Standing a few inches taller than either of her daughters, Minerva was still looking good for her mid thirties, with a full head of hair that had no greys to speak of. Her figure was certainly closer to Lisa's than Alison's; her ample bosom relaxing with age, yet still enough to fill the 34D bra hanging on the clothes horse Alison passed on her way to the washing machine.

Minerva even had an ass to speak of, which she was currently jostling side to side to the beat of the music. Alison often wondered if she was adopted, but photos of both her and Lisa being born scant minutes apart confirmed her origin. Truth be told, there was a strong and obvious resemblance in all the women in their family, but Alison couldn't shake the feeling that she'd somehow drawn the short straw genetically. The only thing she had over Lisa was her "older sister" status. Technically only 14 minutes and 31 seconds older, but still!

In the utility room, Alison kneeled down and opened the washing machine, shoving the pungent bundle of clothes inside and closed the door with both hands, exhaling a small sigh of relief. She added more detergent than necessary and set the temperature similarly high. What setting do you use to wash cum off clothes? She gave a small shrug and turned the machine on, hoping for the best.

"Sleep well?" asked Minerva, her voice echoing slightly as it made its way through the house.

"Uh, not exactly..." Alison replied, trailing off. "Think I'm just going to take it easy today."

"Well it's Sunday, so there's no pressure," Minerva assured, moving across the kitchen to face her daughter across the hall and through both doors. She was pinning her hair up with kirby grips.

"Going somewhere?" Alison asked, trying to look relaxed leaning against the washing machine as it started up.

"Off to see your Aunt Gemma," she replied, patting the back of her head. The sound of the toaster popping drew her attention back into the kitchen. Alison followed, closing the door to the utility room behind her. Their mum visited their aunt on a weekly basis, sometimes more; the two of them had remained close into their respective adulthoods and always made time for one another.

"Do you want us to order something in for dinner when you get back?"

Minerva turned around with a plate of toast and smiled. "No, it's fine; you two get what you want," she replied, taking a bite and speaking through the crumbs. "I probably won't get home until tomorrow."

This wasn't unusual, either. Alison remembered her mother regaling her with tales of gossiping into the night, wine and snacks aplenty. No sense in trying to drive home when her aunt had a guest room. "Cool, I'll check what Lisa wants later."

"Your sister still in the shower?"

"Yeah, she was just heading in as I was getting out."

Minerva had demolished one slice of toast and was onto the second, sipping her coffee to wash it down. "I'm in such a rush, I probably won't see her before I go."

"What's the hurry?" Alison asked. "Like you said, it's Sunday."

"I promised I'd meet your aunt at the gallery," Minerva answered, looking at her watch. "In... shit, 40 minutes."

Aunt Gemma's gallery was on the other side of the city. Alison knew her mother was going to be late no matter what. "You'd better get moving."

Minerva slurped down the last of her coffee with a few affirmatory noises, then went to slip on her shoes. "Sorry for the mess."

"It's fine, I'll get it cleared up. You get going before Aunt Gemma starts wondering where you are."

"I'll see you girls tomorrow morning," their mother said, finishing her toast and grabbing her jacket as she moved towards the back door. "Say goodbye to Lisa for me!"

"I will!" Alison replied, the door already closing behind Minerva as she dashed to her car. She watched out of the kitchen window as her mother drove out of the driveway. We're safe.


"Hey Lise!" came a shout from downstairs. It broke Lisa out of another reverie, instantly bringing forth an intense panic. "Mum's gone for the day! I'm coming up!"

Her heart rate still ridiculously high, Lisa moved to her bedroom door and opened it cautiously as her sister came up the stairs. Alison slowed as she reached the top, seeing the look on Lisa's face as she peeked out of her bedroom.

"You OK?" Alison asked, her brows furrowed with genuine concern.

"Yes, I..." Lisa shook her head lightly. "You just scared me, shouting my name like that."

"Sorry," Alison apologised. "I should have lead with the whole we're alone thing first."

Lisa allowed her door to open a little more, completely forgetting that she hadn't got around to dressing herself yet. Her hair was towel dry and brushed into loose curls, which fell down her breasts and sides in burnt orange spirals. When she noticed Alison staring, she blushed. "Ah, sorry, I'm still..."

Alison brought her gaze upwards, her face reddening slightly as well. "It's nothing I haven't seen before," she said, smiling awkwardly. "I think we're beyond modesty now."

Lisa mirrored her sister's embarrassed grin and gave a half-hearted chuckle. "In that case, can you help me get dressed?" she asked, opening the door fully. "I've got no idea what I should wear."

Light streaming in through the window limned her body in an almost angelic light, the play of luminescence and shadow only serving to emphasise the beauty of her naked form. Lisa wasn't thinking about any of this, however; she simply stared downwards at her limp member and frowned.

"Yeah," Alison swallowed hard and composed herself. "I suppose you can't wear your normal clothes."

"That's exactly it," Lisa confirmed, looking up again with an exasperated mien. She strode over to her closet and raked through a few articles of clothing hanging there. "Nearly everything I own is stupidly form-fitting!"

Alison came into the room properly and looked around. "Let's start with the basics - get some underwear that fits."

Lisa turned around and nodded. "OK, yeah. Underwear..." she repeated, opening a drawer and pulling out a white, lacy bra. She fastened it across her chest, then finished putting it on.

"Fit OK?" Alison asked, almost casually.

Lisa looked a bit bewildered. "Yes? Why?"

"No reason," came the answer, in the same nonchalant tone, "but we'll need to think about your panties."

"It's going to be so obvious I've got something down there, Ali!" Lisa all but wailed.

"Only if you don't contain it."

"Contain it?"

"Yeah," Alison nodded, moving to her sister's underwear drawer. "I've been thinking about it. We could try tucking it."

Lisa didn't hide her confusion this time. "Tucking?"

"Yeah, you just sort of..." Alison started, pulling out a pair of matching white knickers, "push it down and backwards? Like a hot dog in a bun, in your case."

Lisa wasn't sure if she liked the metaphor her sister was using, but it gave her the gist of what Alison was suggesting. "You think it'll fit?"

Both of them looked down at Lisa's crotch; her cock was hanging straight downwards, but not nearly as long or girthy as it was last night. "Give it a shot," Alison suggested, offering the underwear to Lisa.

Lisa took the panties and pulled them up a leg at a time. When she got close to her dangling tip, she used her left hand to push her penis against her vulva and backwards. Somewhat awkwardly, she used her right hand to pull both sides of her knickers up, alternating right and left, until she was able to free her hand and let the fabric do the rest.

"Oh god, it feels so weird," she bemoaned, wriggling her hips, "like something's stuck there."

Alison watched closely, crouching down and examining Lisa's undercarriage, during and after the panties were pulled up. "Looks good from the front," she said, standing up again, "but you might notice a little bulge if you're looking directly from below. That rules out trousers."

Lisa blinked a couple of times and looked at her sister. "I have a couple of dresses?"

Alison turned around and looked out the window. "Yeah, you could get away with wearing a dress in this weather."

Nodding, Lisa went back into the closet and fingered through the various garments until she came across a flowery sun dress. Designed to be worn off the shoulder, it barely reached her knees when she wore it. "How about this?"

"As long as no-one is looking directly up your dress, and you don't do any bending over, it should be fine," Alison confirmed, "but you'll need to ditch the straps."

"Oh. Sure," she replied, laying the dress down on her bed. It only took a few moments of dexterous manipulation for Lisa to remove her bra straps; nearly every bra she owned was able to be worn both ways. It wasn't like she needed the support for aesthetic reasons - youth and genetics still ensured that her breasts defied gravity for now - but it could be distracting having the girls bouncing around too much. For both her and passersby.