Generation Conversations


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I could barely force myself to continue this little charade, but I needed to see it through. My aunt had always been a bitch, as far as I was concerned. Her little stunt in the Bahamas, solidified that assertion, and raised her status, in my mind.

"No," I stated stoically. "He wouldn't touch me, even when I offered him my ass. How about you, dear? You've never given up the information about your special night with Gerald. Come on, spill."

Leah didn't like that I was giving it back to her just as good as I was getting. The self-centered slut probably thought she had an edge, being older.

"I told you the truth," she replied, gazing off into the distance, lounging in her memory. "We tried, believe you me. He was so gentlemanly, just as he always was. I was actually sweating bullets when we arrived. It dawned on me that Gerald, being such a quality man, might say something to John - thank him or try to sooth or reassure him, something like that. So I kept John as far away those first three days as possible. Plus, I gave him enough quality pussy to tide him over for a while.

"But no," she went on. "Gerald tried his best for a seventy-eight year old. I used my hands, and that worked for a bit. Then I was going to go down on him, but I just couldn't put that shriveled-up little dingy in my mouth without puking. Finally, he admitted he had a foot fetish, so I got naked and lay on the couch, putting my feet in his lap. I masturbated my pussy, and wiggled my little piggies while he jerked himself off. I think the best part for him was cuddling with me while we slept. I felt bad for him, thinking how hard it must be, being so alone like that."

It was time to get this shit-show moving along. I planned on drinking a lot more afterwards, and I already felt like puking. She was going to experience some of that loneliness first-hand soon.

"Wow, Leah," I mocked her, "aren't you just the generous one? God's gift, and all that."

"You'll understand someday," she quickly responded. "We women need to stick together on this. We're owed, dammit, for hundreds, if not thousands of years of shit treatment by men. Look at the compassion I showed John. Look what I did for him. I gave him an easy out, and he took it, didn't he? He hasn't tried to contact me, and he hasn't filed. He's in a better place. He's probably found a replacement by now. Why go through all the agony? Divorce is overrated, even if the courts are finally in the women's favor. He took our crap savings; I made out like a smart woman should. You need to get with the program, Amber. This world is changing quickly. Women will soon be running it. You'll see."

"I wonder," I said, "what would Hector think - you know, if he heard you admit what you just did? I mean, sure, he's good looking, but being a Puerto Rican, it's possible he has some very traditional views and values. You're taking him with you to spend six months with my parents in Germany, aren't you?"

"What?" The bitch actually laughed at me. "He'll never know what I think. His job is to take care of me, and provide with his dick and his wallet. That's about it. If I find someone better in Germany, then he's out the window."

"Well," I said sitting straight up in the lounge chair, "he does know. I needed him to know so I could get his signed affidavit."

Leah's face looked eerily like Uncle John's did exactly one year ago, when I'd told him about his lecherous, wayward wife. I'll give her credit: the astonishment faded fast. It was replaced by an evil glare.

"What have you done?" she demanded through gritted teeth.

"Oh, nothing, really," I replied casually. "Just set some things right on this little anniversary of ours. You see, I wanted ALL of my Uncle Gerald's money. Then you came along with your selfish, stupid scheme, and weaseled your way in for a million - a million of my money, for all intents and purposes. You never once considered you were taking it from me. That makes you even greedier than I am. I just couldn't have that, Leah - being bested by an old, shriveled, dried-up, pussy like you.

"So, I made some alliances - starting with your soon-to-be-former husband. I brought Hector into the fold just before we left. I don't think he's going to be available when we get back."

With that, I turned towards the patiently-waiting man in the flip flops and nodded. He came up to Leah, startled her from her opposite side, and asked her name. When she stated who she was, he asked her for ID. Leah was in a teeny-weenie bikini, but I'd lifted her driver's license from her purse while she'd been changing. I went to hand it to her, and she recoiled, like I was handing her a bag of bull's testicles. Well, no; she probably gargled those for fun.

I handed her ID to the process server instead. With a sigh, he took out his phone, and pointed it at my aunt.

"Would you like to strike a pose?" he asked sarcastically, but he took the pic without waiting for a reply.

"You've been served, ma'am. Have a fine day." Then he and left.

"You little cunt!" Leah screamed. "You tell me right now what you've done." She stood up, and so did I. As she went to slap me, I put my left leg behind her heels and pushed her hard. She landed on her back, in the sand, now wearing her drink.

"You can open that envelope now, and you'll see exactly what I've done. But, hey, I'm on a roll. First, John is suing you for divorce on the grounds of abandonment. Oh, also for adultery after the fact, which is allowed in your state. The abandonment, along with the fact you've been shacking up with another man, will keep you from getting any of John's money. There wasn't much anyway. That is until I give him your share of Gerald's million - or a portion of it."

"You can't!" she wailed. "Gerald gave me that money. I'll fuck you up in court!" Leah was getting out of hand now, and some people from the beach bar were looking our way.

"I can, and I did," I said with that gigantic smile on my face. I'd waited a long time for this moment. "It was simple, really. I talked my uncle into letting me handle it without lawyers. The money was never part of his will. I told him that one or both of you might never get over what happened in the Bahamas, and I didn't want his good name tarnished. He finally agreed with me. I have John's affidavit, and another from Hector, both corroborating my assertion that you blackmailed my uncle with that vile twat of yours - and further, that you used that same opportunity to fuck over your husband. Even if by some miracle you find a lawyer who can beat me in court, you'll be the fucking laughing stock of our county. On top of that, I'll use some of Gerald's money to make sure the story goes national. I'll personally take care of smearing you on social media."

I picked up my martini and downed it in one gulp, as Leah started to get up. She didn't seem to want a round two.

"You're a monster," she said to herself, but was talking about me.

"It runs in the family," I retorted, sneering at her. "I get the money that Gerald left for me. I get most of the money you tried to swindle him out of too. I give some to your ex-husband, and your ex-lover, and now both of them are better off without you. For the record, John's pretty fucking good in the sack. I've been to visit him twice, and I promise you, I wasn't thinking about anyone but him while he took my ass. Too bad he's my uncle, or I might consider something a little more. Hmm... actually, he isn't my uncle anymore, by law anyway."

I turned to walk away. I'd taken a page out of Gerald's book and set up at a different resort for the rest of the trip. I'd also be flying alone.

"Oh, by the way," I said over my shoulder, "your credit card was declined on the room. I also took the liberty of canceling your flight home. Unlike this time last year, you might actually have to earn some money to get home, on your back. Good luck, you fucking bitch."

Leah was speechless as I walked away.

This is part inspiration and encouragement, part satire, and partially my ranting. I've been a reader here going on twenty years now. Many of the great authors here inspired me to start writing. Ten years ago, I published my first romance novel. This year, as I prepare for something resembling retirement, I've published quite a few free stories here, and I have met a number of incredible people through private messaging, and we've often helped one another with a beta read or idea. My two new books have kept me very busy as well. Hopefully, they will hit the bookstores and Kindle by January 31 st.

Lately, there's been quite a few new and promising authors posting here at Lit. It's sad that many of these newer authors are getting hammered as badly as they are. Perhaps, it's just a sign of the times, where people are so divided. My newest book will chronical the so-called college educated intellectual, (18%er) and their reality of being not only a minority, but typically, weak-minded and easily influenced. There's an awful lot of them here lately, acting as keyboard warriors, and making spectacles of themselves. The conservative Fox News folk (83%er) don't fare much better in the book. They have the power of deductive reasoning at their fingertips, but rarely use it. Tired old and lame arguments ruin their credibility when they could actually be helping to deprogram the college grads. Regardless, none of that should spill over onto this site. Authors in some cases seem to be trying to please the readers' incessant commentary. Don't do that. You're the author. But, then how do you know what good feedback looks like?

Here are a few ounces of 'atta-boy' combined with a pinch of humor, and a heaping teaspoon of comeuppance. I hope my four examples will forgive me using them by name.

Obviously, annons will always say what they want. Mostly, it makes little to no sense, and other annons will then argue the points with them. Don't worry about them and generally, leave those comments up for entertainment value.

Then there are some actual members, who are just... well, just something else. Tilan is a prime example. In approximately 50% of his comments across the platform, he accuses the author's character of being 'narcissistic.' On one of my recent stories, he actually accused me personally of being one. If you read his stories, despite the fine editing he receives, they are abysmal - just really bad. When a member or anon points out his obvious shortcomings, he deletes their comment. So, in the picture dictionary, under 'narcissist,' there is a photo of Tilan. It reminds me of a clown who fills his water bottle with pee, steals his grandpa's racquetball pads, and runs off to join a group of fascists who call themselves anti-fascists. What's even more tickling, is how so many of the other readers are taking him to task over his ridiculousness.

New authors rule one: Don't delete these types of comments, because others pile on so hard it's funny.

JustOneMansOpinion and Nitpic are also in this general group. It's amazing what they actually say, considering the handles they chose on the site. They're also funny, because they constantly put foot in mouth, seemingly without trying. Other members let them have it, too.

Now, let's examine what a serious comment looks like. A comment an author can take to heart, use to improve their skills, which in turn improves the quality of Literotica overall.

I've never met or spoken to Sbrooks103x. I'll say right off, I'm not a fan of his writing style or even the composition of his plots. Conversely, he's not a big fan of my work. That's to be expected.

New authors rule two: just like in relationships, authors are often a mirror into each other's work.

Now I've met some really interesting people here, especially through private messages. Steve Brooks, as far as I can tell, and based on what others have told me, is a quality human. Yeah, I can tell by some of his comments he's allowed intellectualism and progressivism to mesh into a fantasy world in his own head, but, I mean look, he hangs with George Anderson, Nora Fares, and of course the famous Randi - all superb and highly respected people. If he's in that kind of company, I'll take whatever compliment or criticism he's offering, and assess its value to my story. I'll also take the same from any other decent author, and take it to heart.

New authors rule three: turn comments off if it's going to bother you enough to make you stop writing. Otherwise, grow a set and be happy when you receive tons of comments, even when plenty are negative. That means you evoked a lot of emotions from the readers. Psst... that's a good thing!

That leaves Harryin_VA. First, I'm going to say that before writing this, I went back over my submissions, and Harry actually gave two of my stories positive comments. I'm not sure if that's good or bad, but it was a bit surprising to me, since he literally lambastes the authors on almost all the stories he comments on. There were at least three stories about six months ago, where I thought the story was pretty well done, and then here's Harry losing his shit, with all the caps and >>> signs. Memo to Harry: those are mathematical symbols, and have no literary value, even in a comment.

New author rule four: if the same person constantly hammers your writing, check their profile to see if it should matter to you or not.

Anyway, I decided to look at his profile for some insight as to why we had such different opinions on multiple pieces. Um, WTF! Harryin_VA is off the charts. Even Tilan can't compete. Go check out his 'few words' about himself. This guy - a reader - not a contributor, has fucking rules for authors - specifically, rules for you to know how and why he's going to rate your free fucking story. Why the absolute nerve of this self-imposed, self-righteous, pompous, and other-worldly egotistical man. That's like a marine biologist sending rules to an astronaut. "I'm a guy who reads, so listen up authors - here are my rules that you should follow, to keep me entertained," said Harry. Check him out, and his six rules, if you dare read them. Disturbing is that. Sorry, Harry, but that's all bullshit and you know it.

New author rule five: don't let anyone impose their rules, laws, or agendas on you or your writing. And I mean no one, period, in all walks of life.

If you are new and have recently posted your first story - DON'T STOP! Keep writing and submitting. Find a good editor. Grow thick skin, just like your grandparents told you to do, and keep an open mind. Annons who get bitchy about your BTB story, or conversely, someone who writes, "cucks get 1*" are to be ignored. You're exercising your mind by writing, and just like with all practice, you will get better and better with time and experience.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 months ago

Forgot. Liked your rules and epilogue very much.

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 months ago

Just wondered why Amber didn't dump all this pain on her at the will reading? Good story and secret slut got her just rewards.

Tarloso2Tarloso24 months ago

Good hut the betrayed man need more of a fleshed out story

RuttweilerRuttweiler4 months ago
Tired, hackneyed plot.

The “dying friend / relative that sneaks off with / invites the MC’s wife to cheat, then ‘compensates’ hubby with money / land / something” plot has been done and overdone. In kind with most of the previous versions, hubby goes crazy and tears up everything to save the tatters of his “honor”.

By the way, having half your story taken up with a screed against other LW authors doesn’t make your submission any more enjoyable.

All in all, “adventures of the butt-hurt”.

oksideshow859419oksideshow8594196 months ago

As they say can't have one without the other good, bad yatta yatta and a blah...


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The story made it"bones" with the ending. 4/5... I often wonder if every female cheater is just a self absorbed skunk of some sort or another. They seem to take different paths to cheating, during cheating and after the husband catches them. Why do they bother when they can just walk away with half fuck anyone they want? Also so many of our slut M/C pretend to care what their husband thinks or will do... Also what their friends and family do.... TFS

usaretusaret10 months ago

I was gonna go with Average, until I got to the final few paragraphs. Then when she got done in by the niece, not the husband, my interest blossomed. Nice twist, bravo.

And found your end comments to new AUTHORS very interesting to say the least. Especially that encouraging para to them not to quit writing just because of misplaced criticism or malicious put downs. Well said.

Pinto931Pinto93110 months ago

Good story, I didn’t need the rant, but your page write what you want. You do have skill.

lc69hunterlc69hunter11 months ago

Tilan displays the same attitude and characteristics even in AH, up on the Bulletin Board

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Apparently, John is the only decent human your illicit mind could create.

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