Get Wet, Girls Ch. 02


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"How will it work anyway? You know, whether the girls have to get naked or not?" As ever it was fun to talk about the girls like this. Especially while watching them having a drink, oblivious to us.

"I figured we'd just get the idiots to play games. We can come up with different ones, you know, keep it more interesting."

"Er, like what?"

"Come on, Jim, use your imagination. We could have them throw a few darts, try to down a full pint in so many seconds, race round the bar. We could even do pin the tail on the bloody donkey. You're the ideas man, anyway."

"Oh, right." I was beginning to get the idea. "We could maybe include the girls in the games, so, I dunno." I looked across at them for inspiration. "Pin the tail on the flyer girl?"

Clive looked sceptical. "Maybe."

"Or guess the bum or something."

"Guess the bum?"

"The guys get blindfolded, the give each girl's arse a feel and then see if they can guess which is which."

"Now you're talking."

"Yeah, I reckon I can think of a few." We smiled at each other.

"But what about this backstage thing?"

"Oh, I dunno. I just liked those guys giving us free money. I figure we can probably do something like that again. Just leave that till the night, see how it's going."

"OK." It did sound pretty casual, though I wondered if the girls would agree. But then Liz had already done it and seemed to have accepted it.

"So, we'll start Monday. May as well wait till it's advertised properly. Gives you time to tell the talent, anyway."

I still wasn't loving that part, but it had to be done and after the conversation this morning I was convinced it was better from me than from Clive.

"OK, I'll tell them."


"Hi, girls."

"Hi, Jim." They both seemed happy to see me. Clive had left again and I'd decided to bite the bullet and tell them that afternoon. I'd let them have a few drinks first, though.

"Good news." I said, taking the advice. "I managed to persuade Clive to stick to just one contest a week."

"Wow, thanks!" Ruth seemed genuinely delighted, and Liz flashed me a smile as well. It seemed they had been expecting to perform more frequently and were probably resigned to it.

"Now, don't think I'm a genius or anything, there is something else to do on the other nights, but it's way shorter and, depending, you could keep all your clothes on."

"Oh, right." Ruth suddenly sounded less enthusiastic.

"Come on, Ruth, this is still good news."

"What do we have to do?" Asked Liz.

"Well, you just get wet once by a guy who's picked out of the audience. They enter a draw with the flyers you give out, that's how we bring in the crowds. So it's just one bucket of water or whatever a night."

"In the outfits?"

"Well, yeah." I drew the words out, not quite sure how to answer truthfully but not saying too much too soon. "They'd play a game and depending on how they do you'd keep your outfit, or take your tops off, or, you know. We can make the games as hard as we like."

"Or, you know?" Ruth said it sarcastically, obviously not having been fooled by my vagueness.

"Well, yeah, if they did great you'd have to get naked again. I mean," I shrugged. "Like I said this morning, we can't do less than we already have."

"When you put it's like that it's perfectly reasonable." Ruth's sarcasm felt a little more biting this time and the two girls were looking a little closed off now.

"I'm doing my best, honestly. If Clive had contests every night then you'd be naked every night. This way there's no way that's happening. I mean, do you think the guys that come here will win everything all the time? We're in charge of the games, remember."

I shook my head, I knew I was sounding a little annoyed but that was mostly a deliberate choice. "I mean, thanks to me you've got a raise, more work, and I've even done myself out of the contests to help you out!"

When I put like that I almost believed it. The girls did seem at least a little contrite afterwards.

"Sorry, Jim, it's just." Liz sounded nervous again. "It's all so unexpected and." She paused. "But I know you're doing your best." She managed a smile at me towards the end.

"It's OK, Liz, I know you're just nervous."

Ruth looked and sounded ever so slightly sceptical, but she joined in too. "Yeah, fine, I get it. It's the way things are." She looked around, before carrying on. "So, when does it all start?"

"Monday. You may as well see the flyer you'll be handing out." They read it silently.

"We really have to hand these out?"

I nodded, "yeah."

"And what's this backstage thing?"

"Just like the other night with Liz, you know, if they want a picture with you afterwards. That was all, wasn't it?" I looked at Liz.

She waited a while before venturing a, "yeah." Ruth looked across at her, it seemed like it was the first she was hearing about it.

"In the dressing room last night?"

Liz nodded and Ruth looked at her for another moment but didn't seem to get any further reaction. She turned back to me.

"So we have to pose with them? Naked again, I suppose."

I ignored the last part. "You'll be with them on stage so it's no different really. Plus Clive will charge them extra so you'll get some more money."

I figured I could swing that if I presented it to Clive in the right way. Ruth just stared at me.

"At least there might be other girls doing it with us," said Liz, hopefully.

"Maybe," replied Ruth, "though I don't really see how that helps us."

"The more girls there are, the less attention on you."

"Yeah, I suppose." Ruth conceded a point.

"Plus, you're the ones giving out the flyers. You can give them to as many girls as you like." It seemed a good point when I thought of it, but I immediately backtracked. "Though, you know, Clive will easily work it out if we don't attract a bunch of guys as well."

The conversation petered out and a little while later the girls left. They really didn't seem thrilled but they hadn't come close to quitting.


On Monday Clive wasn't at the bar when the girls arrived. They were again in their smaller bikinis but I took pity on them and let them get ready themselves. They took the new flyers without much comment.

This time, however, they returned still in their outfits and didn't seem to care how they looked as they walked through the bar, but they also seemed considerably less relaxed than this morning. They made their way over to me.

"How's it going, you two?" I tried to sound upbeat.

"Don't ask," said Ruth. She didn't sound very amused at all.

I smiled, "that bad?"

"How would you like guys pestering you about taking your clothes off for four hours?"

"Well, not much, but I'm not sure that will ever be a problem."

Ruth managed a small snort of laughter. "You know what I mean."

"It was really terrible, was it?" I directed that at Liz.

"I, er, maybe." She didn't sound too certain.

"Oh, she loved it." Ruth was slightly dismissive.

I looked at Liz who avoided my gaze. "Did she really?"

"She just stood there smiling and let them say what they liked."

"It really wasn't that bad." In her quiet way Liz was firmly disagreeing with Ruth, which seemed rare for her.

"Well, they liked it when you flashed them."

I raised my eyebrows, Liz continued to avoid my look.

"I didn't flash anyone."

"Well, no, you just let some guy lift your top up."

"I didn't know he was actually going to do it."

"No, I mean it's not like he said he would. Or like you just let him grab your t-shirt with everyone egging him on." By now Ruth was sounding much less annoyed and largely just amused. "Oh, wait, that's exactly what happened!"

Liz didn't reply and Ruth seemed to have gotten it out of her system. After another few moments she spoke again. "Oh, I suppose it was fine really. Sorry, Liz, I'm just a bit frazzled."

"That's OK." There was silence for a moment. "I wasn't even topless." Liz muttered that last part almost to herself. I couldn't help but think her tone suggested it wouldn't have been a problem even if she had been.

"So, you reckon a lot of them will turn up later?"

"They'd better."

"You only perform for big audiences?"

Ruth looked up at me, at first again slightly annoyed but then seeming to accept it was just a joke among friends.

"Yeah, of course. How long do we have?"

"Until the contest starts?"

"It's only a 'contest' on Saturdays, remember? Tonight's nothing." Ruth's comment had a slight sarcastic edge and I decided it was best to ignore it.

"I think we're kicking it off at 10."

"Well, at least I can go home and have a bath first."


The bar once again filled up very nicely as the day wore on. I didn't have as much to prepare this time but made sure everything was ready in plenty of time. We had a steady stream of guys checking that they were in the right place and I had them each put their name on a flyer to use for the draw later.

The girls again arrived with only a few minutes to go and as they made their way to the bar it seemed clear they had been recognised in a few places. The lads sounded enthusiastic but didn't do more than just shout their approval. I could tell from Liz's mild blush that they might not have used family friendly language.

"You haven't started without us?" Ruth was still trying to cope via sarcasm it seemed.

I grinned. "No. But we will be starting soon, you two had better go and get changed."

They headed over to the back room. I waited another five minutes or so and then nodded to Clive who came over to again help behind the bar.

"Everything set?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Well then, make it a good one!"

I grabbed the microphone and put my head through into the back room. The girls gave a neutral nod to my check if they were ready so I headed to the stage. I felt mildly nervous again but was pretty sure I could handle it.

As with last night my preliminaries met with lots of cheering. I could see a few familiar faces but it was largely a new crowd. This wasn't too surprising, there were a lot of people in the resort and they tended to like to get some variety on their holiday. I knew my appeal was definitely not as a solo attraction so I wasted no time at all in calling for the girls.

As with their exit last night Clive had enlisted some help and thoughtfully prepared a corridor for them to walk down, so again accompanied by some bawdy shouts Ruth and Liz made their way towards me.

Although not yet wet they were still a lovely sight in their uniforms. They'd remembered to tear the necklines to give their breasts enough space and I watched the bounce of their considerable cleavage in the gaps created as they climbed onto to stage. Their midriffs were completely exposed and the small, tight white knickers were once again under considerable strain. As they took their places on either side of me I couldn't help but lean back a little to check out their bums. Ruth's as ever was a particular treat.

"OK, lads, are you ready?"

As the cheer went up I could see Ruth and Liz both looking out at the crowd. It was hard to say they looked at home, but they seemed at least more at ease than they had been at the start of last night's contest.

The first order of business was to select who would be playing. I let each girl choose a flyer from the bucket I'd put the signed ones in earlier, and then held the microphone up to Ruth for her to read out the name.

A guy called Rickie quickly made himself known and climbed up on stage to shouts of encouragement. He took the time to give Ruth a quick once over before standing next to her.

Liz, far more quietly, read out her name and someone called Patrick made his way to her side. Both seemed like pretty generic lads on holiday. In their early 20s, wearing a t-shirt and jeans and appearing to have probably sunk several pints each while waiting for the entertainment. After giving their girls a few seconds of close attention they were now cheering with their mates.

I asked each guy if they were ready to get their partners wet and received enthusiastic nods.

I couldn't resist. "What about you, Ruth, ready to get soaked?"

She gave me a brief glance that let me know she didn't really appreciate the question, but she still seemed to know she had a role to play. She turned her head back to the crowd.

"Yes, I'm ready to be soaked." She said it with a mixture of resignation and fake enthusiasm. It sounded pretty good.

"Thing is, though," I said, turning to the crowd. "Does anyone think she might be a little overdressed?"

The cheers suggested they did, and I quickly explained we'd play a few games to see if the guys could take off any of their uniforms.

"First up it's a quick quiz. You'll need these." I picked up a couple of black markers and gave one each to Rickie and Patrick. "I'm going to give you a part of the body, and you have to put a mark on your girl where you think it is. Ready?"

Both guys nodded.

"So, what you're looking for is the 'infra-mammary fold'"

I could tell as soon as I said it that I'd probably pitched this one too hard. It had been a tough one to call, I didn't think I could go for something obvious but I also wanted at least one of them to get it right. However both guys had utterly confused looks on their faces as they scanned the two girls bodies hoping for inspiration.

My other hope had been the crowd. Given it included 'mammary' I figured someone would work out it was to do with breasts but if the right answer was shouted it sadly wasn't audible in the general hubbub.

After a little while Rickie hesitatingly reached out and put a small cross just below Ruth's belly button. She seemed unimpressed but let him work. Patrick took more time and, under encouragement from someone near the front, went to mark Liz's bottom. She obediently turned for him and he took his time over a cross on her left cheek. The crowd and both contestants seemed to have had fun, but there was no way I could say either of them were winners.

There were groans when I announced this but I quickly reminded everyone there was another game to come.

"This is a bit like pin the tail on the donkey only, you know, good."

I asked the girls to stand to one side of the stage and bend over, which they both did fairly quickly. Liz obviously bent much deeper than Ruth who just lent forwards a little. I then arranged them so that both of their bums pointed at least three quarters on to the audience. I didn't grab either of them for long but they accepted my moving them around as if it were completely normal.

"OK, I'll blindfold each of you guys in turn. You'll drink a shot, I'll spin you round five times, and then your job is to give your girl a quick smack on the bum. OK?"

The crowd cheered again at the smack on the bum part, and I saw Ruth stand upright slightly in surprise. I turned and grinned at her.

"Not too hard, OK? It's just a game." Both guys nodded and I looked back at Ruth trying to get her acknowledgement that I'd helped her out. Again she mostly gave me a stare but settled back down into position.

Once she'd again turned her head I quickly shook my hand theatrically as if to say forget what I just said, then mimed a very enthusiastic spank. The crowd laughed and I nodded towards the two guys who also chuckled along. Ruth turned her head and probably worked out it was a joke about what was going to happen to her, but she didn't try to get involved again.

"Right, who's first?"

Rickie stepped forward and fastened the blindfold I offered him around his eyes. It seemed to be in place correctly and he quickly downed a shot of cheap vodka. I span him roughly as the crowd cheered, a few guys near the front joining in and shoving him to give me some help. Then I pushed him slightly away from me.

He stumbled forwards then walked very unsteadily with his arms outstretched. He quickly bumped into the wall and almost fell, at which point it seemed more like he was recreating a slapstick routine, but that let him get his bearings and, once recovered, he set off in the right direction. He lightly bumped into Liz, reached down and felt for her bum and then very efficiently gave it a smack. It was fairly weak and Liz didn't react much. To my dismay Rickie immediately tore off his blindfold in celebration. Another failure.

"Well found, but your partner is Ruth over there!"

The crowd booed again and this time Rickie did look genuinely disappointed. Ruth on the other hand was actually smiling, at this point she knew that at least tonight she would be keeping on her full outfit. Such as it was.

"OK, your turn."

Patrick stepped forward and we repeated the blindfold and shot. As I spun him it seemed as if he was purposefully trying to oppose me and not spin too fast, something I was happy to let him do as this was the last chance to take any of the girls' clothes off. I pushed him away and he immediately seemed more in control of himself than Rickie had.

He turned correctly in their general direction first time and walked with a sense of purpose with both arms outstretched. Ridiculously he managed to find Ruth first, and leaving one hand on the small of her back he rested a palm on her bum and lined himself up. She bent over more in anticipation, likely understanding she was helping keep her friend's clothes on by being so pliable. After a few moments he drew his hand back and gave her a sharp spank. Ruth let out a yelp and the crowd was a mixture of cheers and boos.

Patrick, however, was someone who learned from other's mistakes. As Ruth stood up holding her bum and Liz hesitatingly started to unfold herself as well, he stepped to the side and again started to search with his outstretched arms. I internally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The games not finished yet, girls, back in position!"

Liz had only just time to bend again before Patrick's right hand grazed her thigh. He repeated his lining up procedure and this time lingered a good few seconds before giving her bum a very firm slap. As with Ruth, Liz let out an entirely involuntary yelp. This time Patrick did take his blindfold off and accept the crowd's applause. He deserved it, he might have saved my job.

"At last, a winner!" I let the crowd cheer for a little while, then turned to Liz. "OK, Liz, over here please."

She took her hands from her bum and walked across to stand obediently where I'd indicated, just next to me facing the crowd.

"Arms up."

She again acted instantly and raised both her hands above her head, her breasts visibly moving under the thin t-shirt. She was watching me in anticipation, it almost felt like she was wishing I would hurry up and strip her. Sadly for me I wasn't about to, I realised I needed to keep the paying customers happy.

"OK, Patrick, time to claim your prize."

Patrick obviously didn't have my showman's instinct, and instead of approaching Liz from behind so the crowd could watch he stepped in front of her. She looked up at him and waited for him to grab her shirt. Once he had he quickly ripped it off her pretty aggressively to a massive cheer from the audience. He seemed more interested in turning to get the applause of the crowd but I'm sure I wasn't the only one who concentrated more on Liz's wobbling naked boobs as she steadied herself.

"Fantastic, now, Ruth, we'll do you first. Over into the paddling pool please."

Liz stepped to one side and Patrick followed, still largely shouting enthusiastically to friends of his in the crowd. Ruth walked over to the pool with Rickie following and I gestured to him to join me by my side. I looked across and was pleased to see Clive carrying the tray I'd asked him to prepare. He set it down at the side of the stage.

"Now, Rickie, it's time to choose what you'll be getting Ruth wet with."

I saw Ruth again looking across at me with surprise, it was another detail I hadn't quite spelt out beforehand.