Giant Floating Head Kevin


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The coordination with the girls helping me took some getting used to, along with Terri's own gripping legs trying to shift on me. I hadn't made love standing up before.

After a minute or two of that (maybe closer to three) I shifted over to put Terri's back against a wall, some kind of acoustic foam, which supported us nicely.

Looking left, a girl walked in carrying a thermos and a small jar.

I knew what that was.

Head-motioning her over, I asked, "Can you get one of those out and get it onto me quickly if I pull out? Leave a LOT of space at the tip, I've been making a lot of cum."

She nodded fast, ripped open a package and used her finger to make sure she had it right, then knelt near me. The two girls who had helped support me coordinated, and I wasn't out more than 15 seconds, a quick suck-in to get the condom wet making my re-entrance still work.

Terri wondered with her face, and I said, "Sperm Donation. You're helping LOTS of women get pregnant, I think."

She smiled but was mostly lost to the feelings anyway, and finished her climb to coming, convulsing on me enough to get me that much closer so that I, too, came, thrusting hard and groaning, all with amazing piano music behind me.

Life is good.

== ==

My pattern for the rest of that afternoon was almost certainly abnormal in the extent and frequency of making love.

At the suggestion of a girl named Micah, we lined up willing girls face up on her back and face down on top of the first, legs. Up one down, so there pussies were right next to each other.

This was set up all ahead of time with a third girl licking both of them until they were good and ready, then calling me in for a little fluffing and then taking the plunge.

I was gentle with those that were virgins, pushing in briefly pulling out, going to the other girl for a minute or two, then going back and going slow into them.

Switching between the girls. Minute was too short, and 2 minutes was too long, so we settled by experiment on 90 seconds each.

Having some help from other girls on their clitorises while I either pushed in them or the other one, both girls got great orgasms and I could come into both of them.

The idea Micah had was to see if I could keep this up once an hour and if so, great, if not we could slow down.

Making love next to the piano was at 1:00 p.m. The first double was at 2:00, then three, four, five, and at 6:00 when I finished I was really hungry.

I was also cold. I had spent most of the day without clothes on and really wanted to have a shirt and sweatshirt on to warm up again.

Dinner time, for once in over 24 hours, was one where I could actually be dressed. Dressed!! It felt good, relaxing even. I think we might have surprised peacock and Marcia by doing that, but it's my prerogative, I figured.

Most of the substance of dinner was a big salad, with mashed sweet potatoes with skins on and a bunch of steamed vegetables that were almost crunchy but not quite. It was super, super tasty.

It could also be that I was just really hungry and anything that they served me I would have been amazed by.

After dinner we went back up to the room, all 50 of us, drew random numbers for who was going to sleep there overnight.

Since we had missed 7:00, Micah set the process going again at 8:00, 9, 10, and 11:00.

I had worked my way through 16 girls in an afternoon and evening.

With 48 in the room. Initially, and each girl being on call for 4 days, four times 16 is 48. Technically I was just barely keeping up.

We all kind of laughed at this but I was still having fun and mostly within the normal time frame for making love. Dr. Ruth said that was about 5 to 7 minutes for the actual act and that matched our experience.

Granted the girls had to spend longer than that since they're warm up took longer than mine did.

In between, we had the TV on and watched whatever was on. It was kind of boring to watch the three station options and absolutely no other shows.

I walked over and asked the security guard if they could arrange for a VCR and the entire library of every movie ever made. I kind of said it as a joke, but at the same time I did want a slightly larger than average selection available.

When I got back to the girls and described what I'd asked for, they laughed and said, why don't you get some pornos too. Maybe they can get some of those. But, you might have to be 21 to rent them.

We all laughed at the possibility that I wasn't old enough to rent pornos but I was sitting in a room with 48 naked women that wanted to have sex with me.

After everyone who wasn't staying the night left, we settled in and worked out a system that let me get some sleep, too.

I slept well, being interrupted in the middle of the night twice, but with four sperm donations into a condom but it didn't matter. I was just super turned on by everyone and the soft skin next to me just let me relax and fall asleep fast afterwards.

Sleep. Glorious Sleep.

The next morning, I woke to the alert for calisthenics but someone called in from the near-front-door area and pointed to a bunch of shoe boxes and duffle bags.

Running shoes!

The bounty was mostly for me, but there were many sizes there for everyone else in the room to contend fro, as well as nice running shorts, jockstraps, t-shirts, sweats, light jackets, etc.

Some were even the brand that sold the super-expensive 'gore-tex' one-way wicking fabrics that we all wanted.

We all got dressed and headed out, and I was loving the idea of getting to run again after having sat out for almost a week at that point.

Something about running in a new place, in a crisp early morning, made me feel super alive. I noticed one of the girls running near me was the gal I'd met on the plane, who had just been diverted from "sapper school" so I asked her for more details on what they taught.

She laughed and said she didn't know because she hadn't been there yet. But, that said, she knew about the kinds of things that she was going to be learning, mostly being a combat engineer - clearing landmines, building emergency pontoon bridges, finding a way to breach a fortification with creative use of explosives, etc.

Kinda fun to learn this just running along.

As for her running style?

It was Really Really Damned Efficient. Frankly I wasn't used to seeing such capability in the girls I'd seen running in high school. I'm not trying to put down high school girl runners, it's just that it's a skill to be efficient and when you look at someone who can do it well, it just seems effortless.

Reflecting, it made perfect sense, this was a person who had trained to be physically fit through high school through college and had been trained by military experts and how to do things efficiently.

We got back and headed down immediately to breakfast, not even stopping to shower. I knew that if I stopped to shower I would get diverted and end up making love for an hour and I was more hungry than that.

At the door to the cafeteria was a giant stack of textbooks that all said, "Human Sexuality" on the cover. There was a sign over them that said, 'take one as you leave' and another one that said, 'chapters 1 through 4 by tonight, discussion sections at 7:00 p.m, here, main cafeteria'

The idea that my suggestions were taken seriously had been reinforced before, but it struck me, this was something that just about everybody in the place could use as solid lifetime knowledge.

That is, except for Dr. Ruth and Dr. Borne, who probably could have written textbooks with this material.

I hadn't seen them for a while, and I wondered if they were even staying in the same building as us.

Going back upstairs after breakfast, those of us that had gone running got showers and I had a chance to sit around and chat with everyone.

There were so many people that I barely knew in my class and I just wanted to know them more. It's one thing to make love with someone, it's another thing to have a personality behind a face and appreciate who they are as people.

I saw more books being brought out by the girls waiting around, when we weren't all chatting, a lot of them were reading. I wondered if they would be able to keep academics going.

I could understand how if you were in the middle of a class and all of a sudden you had to stop, it would be very hard to pick that stuff up again.

Skipping Forward

The above is a compilation of what I wrote in journal entries up until about 3 years ago, when the arrival and departure of so many companions grew to pretty epic levels.

Doing sperm collection solved many of the problems of growing my biological family, but I eventually found (okay, last year) I had to ignore other considerations and build a somewhat 'normal' family structure of the twelve women I knew best and found the most interesting.

For my Joy Dozen, I rejoice and love and they love me, and we're all Good.

The others, the ones who I've interacted with by making love with them and changing their abilities to become so quickly orgasmic? They are living elsewhere, incognito, and supposedly are living normal lives far from me.

I've asked and they've been studied and it turns out they're mostly normal, now. The effect of my ejaculate on them was semi-long-lived, but not permanent.

My first kids came and were joyous and I was joyous and wow and that's a thing, now, and I'm not going to talk about it because if I do I might say more than I should about things that would give them away and put their lives at risk. So, I'm gonna shut up.

I wish you well, the rest of the Human Race, and I'm glad that my Floaty Head Kevin cousin was able to fix the environment and the path of humankind before it was too late.

At least, we're pretty sure it's getting better. We could still mess it up. We used to be doomed. We may still be doomed. But, we're trying and that's something humans have gotten good at.

The rest of you, reading this - keep Trying. Make the world better. Don't depend on another Giant Floaty Head to come rescue you. If love isn't giving you answers, redefine attractiveness to be realistic, work on your own problems, admit your faults and ask your friends for more clues what they are, fix what you can, and start loving more.

That's all I got.

Be Blessed, wherever you are. I have been, and I hope just a little has rubbed off on you.

== ==

The End

== ==


CAVEAT: no resemblance to any person living or dead should be implied or inferred, names are invented to protect the innocent and guilty alike. Famous persons are not described realistically, this is what OTHER people who happen to have the same name as those famous people, would act like, if they existed).:

Maj. Gen. Elise Peacock, USAF

Jan Walters, on plane. Ranger.

Becky Southfield chorus incredible body, far out of my league

Simone Vandervals: taller than me. rail thin, sprinter jumper track, soccer. Black, short flip-dreads., a generally quiet demeanor.

Besta Gonazlez hispanic and utterly average looking, said cool stuff about animals

Janice Adams: redhead cross country

Jo Parstinelli, a super-thin girl I knew from my English class the previous year. I'd always wanted to ask her out. out of my league - facially super-pretty, valedictorian.

Cara Lyons- Blonde, medium-heavy set, big boobs but saggy,

Kelli Nestor. volleyball, tall, totally athletic, nasty sneer.

personal guard, sir. Delta forces, Special Operations Command, Major Sema Kotter,

Vansha - indian - had originally said no

Concierge: Captain Marsha Rollins, red hair

Night 1: Jodi Tiberius Sandoval: First girl. Band and track.

Night 2: Alice Jungfrau, black shoulder length hair huge boobs lacrosse athletic

Original Navy women; Beth and Cindi

Linda, Greg: my parents

Marie Garza: Black hair hispanic C-cup tennis, going out with someone. Rockin' body, doesn't want to show it off, slouches.

Angela, guard shack woman. Marine. Hair very short, but very straight.

Dr. Ruth Westheimer

Xaviera Hollander

Dr. Christine Bourne, Prof. Clinical Psychiatry, U.C. Berkeley med school

Aisha Hassani. Tufts engineering, junior high named after her. Giant DD boobs.

Larissa, gym class sex, fluffer is Debbie

Debbie Coulson: gym class. Pretty, average, nice boobs dangled on me, high school

Mindy McCall, known in Jr. HS, average if not slightly larger than normal.

Jody Sinclair: sheltered girl, out with a football player, thought was slutty, born again christian.

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James_DuncanJames_Duncan4 months ago

I won't add to the other comments about the "green" stuff, because it's so much more nuanced than most people understand.

The ending did feel a little rushed, although as an aspiring writer myself, I can understand the desire to sometimes just finish things.

Falstaff60Falstaff605 months ago

@ja99 By the way, loved the stories of Kevin Kooper's different lives. On the Take 5 subject, the real hero of that recording was Joe Morello, the drummer. Did you know he played part of his solo with his hands, foregoing the drum-sticks? Highly talented player who gets forgotten too often. Keep writing!

ja99ja996 months agoAuthor

@Fseries , The point of the Giant Floating Head was that he had to give people something to do. Even if it's something you see as the incorrect thing, for the story, he has to issue a clear directive to Do Something Specific. So, they do. It's like anohter story of mine where it's a dystopia, and I got complaints about it the overlord doing things that were dystopian. Yep, that's the point? Anyway, lol, we can disagree on the green energy stuff, and I get your point about staying in more apolitical realms, but I have fun with it and I trust based on your comment you did, too. Thank you kindly for commenting, and Absolutely thank you for the compliment just Reading it - and to the end, based on your comment, which is even more of a compliment.

I'm writing for fun, so if someone else has fun, it's a Win. Yay! Be well, sir/madame. And, yes, I'm still writing and editing things I've previous written. I have maybe another 15 stories in the works that I'm working on, since I wrote for years while commuting on the train and have a backlog of not quite publishable stuff that needs cleaning up. More to do! Maybe another one in a week or two, my next one is long and may take some time to have someone review it.

FseriesFseries6 months ago

The green energy stuff has been shown to be even more environmentally damaging than gas/diesel etc. I like the idea of solar/wind/hydro/ for off grid circumstances. But I wouldn’t get rid of the others. That is the mistake of the climate change pushers.

Nice concept and layout of the story. Kind of got a little over whelming with the volume of women and then super quickly ended.

Looking at reading more of your stories.

Maybe lay low on the polarizing political topics.

ja99ja997 months agoAuthor

@Falstaff60, Wow, must have really put my foot in it. I have a totally clear mental image from YouTube vids of 'Take 5' black-and-white showing Brubeck grooving on the piano wearing thick black 1950's glasses, while Desmond plays a breathy sax and the drummer puts them all to shame with some WONKY 5/4 time stuff, per my seeing vids on it, designed to be slow enough to let people feel the oddness but fast enough to make them go 'wow'.

Falstaff60Falstaff607 months ago

Just a short comment. You mentioned Dave Brubeck and his iconic album and song Take Five. Didn't read all the comments and maybe someone has commented on this already, but you made it sound like Dave Brubeck was the sax player on the album. He was the composer and piano player. Paul Desmond was the sax player on Take Five. Highly under-rated jazz sax player who played with many of the greats including Miles Davis and Bill Evans. He was kind of Bill Evans sax player of choice. Really tasteful/understated player. Put out a few solo albums as well. Sorry, jazz geek here.

ja99ja999 months agoAuthor

@Anonymous, thank you for your comment. Fuel cells aren't part of the story, I don't think, just batteries, PV, and wind. I'm the Author, I think I remember that. Regardless, yeah, no power gen method is perfect, but the goal in the story was to give the world something to do and have it be mostly good stuff from a modern perspective.

You asked for a story about the plague survivors / descendants? I don't have a clear vision on what the plot drivers for that would look like. Feel free to suggest one. Bear in mind, I tend to write optimistic harem hard-science college-aged protags that confront big problems, and being a survivor may not present problems yet? I'm not sure where that would go. I have several other stories about survivors. Check out my work, 'Red Daddy' for a story about a plague survivor, maybe.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Anyone who thinks photovoltaic and wind turbines won't run a country obviously has not experienced the great outdoors. RonanJWilkinson needs to walk across Death Valley and sail around Cape Horn. Wind power works but you need lots of turbines distributed widely so some are always working and you need a good reliable electricity distribution network as the wind power isn't always in the place you need the electricity. Batteries definitely work. Elon Musk put one in Victoria,Australia when the old coal fired stations couldn't fill in gaps from wind power - solved the problem.

If you can't use fossil fuels how are you going to run fuel cells? And if you don't want to buy all those exotic metals from China what are you going to make you fuel cells with?

Ok now the energy crisis has been solved can we have a tale of plague survival of the descendants of our Randy hero?

ja99ja9910 months agoAuthor

@RonanJWilkerson: You don't have to agree with the renewables, just move on with the premise - guy from the future says, 'do this now or you die' and people have to cope. He could have said, 'build thorium nuke plants' and the answers would have been the same - keep the teenager occupied and having lots of fun sex with his classmates and other nearby pretty chicks. It falls together, the politics is secondary.

RonanJWilkersonRonanJWilkerson10 months ago

As a first story, it's fun to read, mostly. Smooth story-telling takes time to learn (I've got a ways to go myself, so that's not condescending, just acknowledging reality for both of us).

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