Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 26

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Will Ellen find a happy ending amidst the aftermath?
9.5k words

Part 26 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/13/2018
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Author's note: This is it, the finale! Thank you so much to everybody who's reading this for sticking with me on this long weird journey. I couldn't have done it without knowing that there were people who cared. This story is for you. I hope I've given you the ending you've dreamed of. I love hearing from you guys, especially here at the end, so please let me know what you think!

Warning: This final chapter contains quivering tits, dirty dancing, bathroom fucking, romantic interludes, cheerleaders, jiggling boobs, something that could be called justice, heaving melons, impassioned speeches, horse dicks, bar flies, tasty drinks, and the ending our heroes have been working so hard for. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlepeople.

Girlfriend with Testing Device

- A Smutty Fanfiction, of Sorts -

= Part 26 -- After All =

The bar was surprisingly busy for a Thursday night.

I walked in to see what had to be half the football team shouting rambunctiously as a handful of their number did body shots off a pack of cheerleaders. I frowned. They hadn't even waited for me? It was a fair bit wilder than I was expecting to see, but I guess that's what happens when someone else was buying the drinks.

I bit my lip as Jenny's top came off entirely, her rock-hard pecs and abs glistening in the dim light for all the guys to see. She grinned as a girlish cheer went up from the assemblage of drunken jocks surrounding her, drinking in her image. She may have made it look like an accident, but she was loving every second of it. She eyed the admiring crowd lasciviously. With the way they were eating out of her hand, she'd have her pick of big-titted hunks and hard-bodied sluts to enjoy the night with, horny and wasted.

It had been two weeks since that night at that café. It was strange being back here, where it all began. The last time I'd walked through those doors I was a mousy, bespeckled little thing, the sort of girl no one would ever look twice at. I had been so jealous back then, so eager to be beautiful, to be sexy and noticeable. Now? Now I had all that and more, and a part of me would give it all up in a heartbeat just to go back.

This body was a scar, but in a weird way it's a scar I've become proud of. And I don't mean I'm proud of these crazy tits or my ridiculous ass or anything like that. Originally, this body had been thrust upon me, it was a punishment, a torment. Now though, I had chosen it. As rushed as it had been, I had had the chance to go back and I'd decided the price was too high. It was a sacrifice that I had knowingly made, and now I bore the jiggling, heaving consequences of that choice proudly.

"Ellen!" I heard a voice yell.

I pulled my head away from the party to scan the crowd, looking for the reason I was here. Well, besides the drunken orgy waiting to happen, that is. Despite everything, it was, at its heart, exactly the kind of crowd you'd expect to see at a college bar on a Thursday night: lots of 20-somethings looking for a memorable evening.

It was amazing how blasé I had gotten about all the strangeness the swaps had left in their wake. I'd done a good job trying to swap back as many people as I could, but despite my best efforts, campus was still crawling with all kinds of little oddities. Tonight was no exception. I could see cute coeds with cocks barely contained by their tight shorts or skirts, hot guys mincing around like they were ballerinas, and jocks who could be lingerie models from the neck down. Honestly, I'd just started seeing them all as regular people now.

I heard the word Slut emanate from the crowd. I laughed. I'd spent the first few days terrified of that word, horrified of the prospect that someone would somehow expose me as a fake. Not tonight though. It was time to leave that in the past.

"Ellen!" I heard the voice again. This time she was shaking her hand in the air.

I turned to look. Kiley was waving at me from a table, excited as always. My other friends from the team were there as well, minus Jenny of course, who was off having some fun. Oh good, they had waited for me after all. They had grabbed a table with Sam and Emma. Emma was still getting used to being a part of the team but, it was at times like this she was in her element.

I grinned as I saw them. Tonight was a big night. Tonight we were celebrating.

A pack of barely dressed girls eyeballed me as I worked my way to the table. One elbowed the other and giggled. With their skirts as tight and as short as they were, they could do little to hide their erections. I could feel my own pants tightening as I glanced them over. I may not have found girls attractive on an intellectual level, but damned if my body didn't respond otherwise.

I shook my head. Now was hardly the time to get distracted. I'd had to work up a lot of courage to make tonight happen. There would be plenty of time for sex later.

"Sorry I'm late!" I said, taking a seat. I looked again at the people gathered at the table and smiled. They were here tonight because of me. My friends. I still owed them from all of their help that day, even if the plan hadn't really gone according to plan, and I intended to make it up to them.

"Ellen!" grinned Sandra. She was an odd sight - the only one who had anything resembling her original body back. The rest of the cheer girls were all still muscular hunks from the neck down, though they still dressed and moved like total party sluts.

It pained me sometimes seeing them all like this. Not being able to swap the footballers and cheerleaders back was quickly becoming my biggest regret. I had found it so funny when I had first done it. I guess I could still see some of the humor in it, but seeing the way they struggled each and every practice to overcome this big mysterious hurdle really put everything in perspective.

The football team had it the worst, of course. With the exception of Sam, who was quickly proving the team's most powerful asset, none of them had the strength or mass they needed to play the game they loved so much.

The cheerleaders were doing a better job of coping, but a lot of that was everyone working their butts off in practice. The provincial finals were coming up and Stacey had been drilling us to hell and back in an attempt to preserve the team's champion status. Even completely swapped around, these girls gave their all, day in and day out.

Oh, right. I had joined the cheer team. Or, rather, I hadn't quit. At first, I thought I was doing it because a part of me felt like I owed it to Slut, and then I thought I was doing it because the girls needed me, but honestly, at the end of the day, I was more than a little embarrassed by how much I was actually enjoying it.

"How are you holding up, girl?" asked Emma.

Honestly, it had been a rough few weeks, not that I could tell her that. The full emotional weight of everything that happened took a bit of time to settle in, but once it did, there was a lot to unpack. Going out in Slut's body -- in Slut's life -- when I had been trying to save the day was one thing, but doing it every day was quite another. Whenever I hadn't been at classes or cheer practice I'd been curled up in bed, trying to come to terms with the reality of everything that had happened. Hell, I had even tried to skip the latter, but that had just brought the wrath of Stacey down upon me.

I'd resented it at first, but looking back at it now I'm grateful that there were people in my life that cared enough for me that they'd try to drag me out of the dark place I'd found myself in and try to show me that life wasn't so bad. Because you know what? They were right. I'd been cooped up trying to come to terms with the life I now found myself in for too long. It was time to get out there and live it. It was time to discover and celebrate and accept who I was.

"You okay?" asked Stacey.

"Sorry," I nodded. "just thinking."

"I still can't believe you invited us all out," said Sandra, "you never come out with us anymore."

"She's too busy making out with her girlfriend," laughed Kiley. "Ever since they got back together they've been completely inseparable."

"Speaking of, where is she?" asked Emma.

"She's running a little late," I shrugged. "She'll be here soon, I'm sure."

"I think its beautiful." said Stacey. "Love like that is a rare and wonderful thing. You should be proud, Ellen."

"Oh, they're totally adorable," interjected Jenny, twirling out of a crowd of nearby men and plopping into an empty seat. "I just feel terrible for all the boys." she laughed. "I mean, I've been trying to pick up the slack, but we really do miss you at those orgies."

"It's true" sighed Kiley "it's just not the same without you."

"We'll get her around to it." said Emma. "If I can get Sam open to the idea of a totally hot cheerleader sandwich, I'm sure I can get these two convinced as well. Right honey?"

"All I said," said Sam, blushing, "was that if it's something important to you, I'd be willing to give it a try. Together."

"See?" grinned Emma. "She's totally down."

"Well," I laughed "Evan does think you're pretty cute."

"Great!" Emma beamed. "We can make it a double date! Ooh, it'll be romantic. We can get candles. I'm telling you Sam, foursome." she drew the word out tantalizingly. "You could have three girls at once. You haven't lived until you've had three girls at once."

The other girls nodded sagely.

"Yeah, but I don't want other girls. Uh," he paused as he seemed to realize his audience, "no offense. The only one I want, Emma," he put a muscular arm around her, "is you."

Emma grinned as she tried to play down her blush, then snuggled into Sam's spacious chest.

The waitress, a bosomy thing with tight little orange shorts, arrived with drinks.

"Are we not waiting for Evan?" asked Sandra, looking down at the tray of shots.

"Wait, should we have been waiting for Evan?" asked Jenny, guiltily.

"No no, it's fine." I said. "He's running a little late. She, sorry." Between Evan and Sam I had the worst time with pronouns. "She wants us to start without her."

"Is this because of that Elizabeth thing?"

"Kiley!" Sandra nudged the girl with her elbow. "She doesn't like talking about it."

"It's fine." I sighed. "It's... whatever, right? I'm done with her. She holds no more power over me."

"That's the spirit!" said Stacey. There was a murmur of assent from the table.

I looked around. I had invited Brandon out tonight, too. He didn't quite understand why, what with me being officially back together and monogamous with Evan and all, but he'd helped save Slut's butt a few times and I wanted to get him in on the celebration as well.

He'd given me a maybe. Apparently, the new unit of his literature class was a real pain in the ass and he wasn't sure if he'd be able to get away. It was difficult to watch. Every time I saw him, he would tell me all about some new sexually feminizing or degrading task he had been assigned.

I'd wanted to feel bad for him, to try to get him out of it, but the worst part was that not only did he seem to really be enjoying it, but from the sounds of things, he was actually pretty good at it. I had no idea if this was some sort of natural inclination towards degrading sex or if he was just really good at literature or what, but he'd been doing so well that the prof had asked him to be a TA next semester.

The professor, of course, was still out there causing trouble. The public blowjobs had mostly faded away, but weird bouts of weird random sex still seemed to cropped up from time to time. I could actually see a red-haired girl with an overweight man's body gently bouncing a nerdish boy in sky-high pink heels on her strap-on a few tables down.

I frowned. If Brandon wasn't here by now, he probably wasn't coming.

I guess that meant it was time.

I glanced down at the drink in my hand. It was some kind of gooey looking shot, dark and creamy. I'd never seen it before in my life, but one of the girls had ordered it for me, so it assumed it must have been something that suited Slut's taste buds.

I stood up, drink in hand, my tits warbling awkwardly. Everyone turned to look.

"Hey uh, so," I fumbled, trying to project my voice over the rambunctious din of the bar.

"Everything okay?" asked Sandra.

"Yeah, I just." I took a deep breath. "Listen. I wanted to thank you all for coming out tonight."

"Of course we came out." laughed Jenny. "You told us you were buying the drinks."

"No, no, I mean it. Listen, a few weeks ago my life was..." I took another deep breath "a few weeks ago my life was in pieces. I'd been betrayed by my best friend, I'd lost the person I cared for most. I'd had everything taken from me. I had nothing. But you... you girls were there for me. Even when I couldn't tell you why, even when you had no good reason to, you supported me, trusted me. I called you all out here to thank you."

I took a deep breath, trying not to go too fast. All of the words wanted to rush out of me all at once.

"And I don't just mean thank you for your help with that stupid plan, it's more than that. I had been betrayed by my best friend and I had had the love of my life ripped from me. It hurt. And it would have been easy - so easy - for me to seal up my heart and to never again let anyone get close. Hell, if I was still the person I was when this all started, I'm sure that's exactly what I'd have done. But you know what? I'm not the person I was when this all started. Despite all my efforts to stay me, I've grown. You girls stood by me in my darkest moments and showed me that friendship still had value, that it still meant something, that not all friendships are toxic."

Emotion was welling up in the back of my throat, making it hard to speak. I tried to swallow it back.

"You know what?" I continued, "I used to be an awful, jealous person. I used to look down on you all because you were popular and pretty and I was this ugly duck of an outcast." The girls looked at each other confused, not remembering any of this. "And I didn't give you a chance because I was cold and bitter and I thought if I made you out to be villains I could justify my own introverted biases. But now that I know you, I know that that was a mistake. You're good people, and I'm lucky to have you. Hell, I don't deserve any of you - I've not earned your friendship the way you think I have - but well, I intend to fix that."

"Right now, I'm at a crossroads, a time where I can ask myself who I am and who I want to be." I blinked the mist out of my eye and shook my head. "Well, I'm done being bitter, I'm done being jealous, I'm done being resentful of the circumstances I find myself in. This life is my own now, damnit, and I'm going to make the most of it."

"So, uh, a toast!" I said, raising my shot in the air. "To friendship: may it save us in our darkest hour; to acceptance: may we find peace with the mistakes we've made; and to new beginnings: may we always seek the best horizons. Cheers!"

"Cheers!" the chorus rang up as we all clinked our glasses together and downed the contents. It was delicious.

"Ellen, that was beautiful." said Stacey.

"Are you crying, Stace?" teased Jenny.

"Shut up!"

I laughed as I sat back down. It was amazing how fast I'd become actual friends with these girls. Adversity builds quick bonds, I guess. We'd been through a lot together in a very short time. Not just in my time as slut, but beyond that, over the past few weeks as well.

Stacey had turned out to be a surprisingly good study partner. She was a year ahead of me and in a different field, but she really knew her stuff. Even with my education restored in my own mind, I was grateful for the help, and we'd agreed to meet up if either of us needed a hand studying going forward.

It had been a bit of a battle, but true to her word Jenny had been able to argue down the whole fire thing with the school. If I wasn't certified to be handling those chemicals, the school shouldn't have told me to handle those chemicals. Sure, I'd had to take a remedial chem safety course, but that was no problem for me.

Of course, now that Slut had passed into legend, Jenny had also taken to her hard-fought title as the most sexually adventurous of the cheer squad with gusto. She's already been planning how she intends to beat my record from that party.

After getting her butt kicked by Elizabeth, Kiley decided the two of us needed to start studying martial arts together, just in case anything like that ever happened again. She enjoys it more than I do, but I can't deny that her enthusiasm is contagious, and, well, its the least I can do to try to help her get those skills back.

She also finally managed to master the tongue thing. She was very proud of herself. She had offered to demonstrate first hand, but I'd turned her down. The way she had described it though made me realize that Slut's body still knew exactly what to do.

Sandra, meanwhile, as the only one of the original team with an actual female body, has quickly become the star of our cheer practices. She can't really lift some of the other girls as well as we'd like, but she's become our star flier.

I don't know what exactly sparked it, but a few days ago after practice she finally confessed to the rest of us her terrible secret - that she sometimes worries that she might be a little bi. We assured her that we still loved her and that we'd be there for her no matter what.

Emma had been a surprising addition to the group. I don't know all the details, but Sandra had somehow convinced her to join the squad. She had cheered back in high school and while she was a little rusty, she was surprisingly good. Honestly, we needed all the help we could get. She's been staying out of the orgies until she can finally manage to convince Sam to join in, but she's taken the lead on planning them, and quickly become an invaluable asset.

With her and Sam so close, he had quickly become a regular part of our crowd as well. They've only been dating a few weeks, but they're going strong. The two of them have been talking a lot lately about a hypothetical future together. I have to try not to freeze up whenever he mentions wanting to get a dog.

Everybody had been worried when I dropped the bombshell that I wasn't going to be joining them for any more wild, crazy sex or football-cheerleader orgies. Kiley was pretty sure I'd gone crazy. Once I sat them all down though and explained that I just wanted to be monogamous with Evan, they came around on the idea pretty quickly. Even if it was, in Jenny's words, like shuttering the Mona Lisa away in a private gallery.

Maybe, one day, Evan and I would indulge them. God knows we were horny enough these days, but it would have to be on my terms.

A small cheer went up as the waitress returned with more drinks.

We drank and we talked and we laughed, smiling and finding in each other a rare camaraderie and sisterhood.

Soon even I began to lose sight of the surreality of their mismatched parts and the surfeit of bizarre extras we shared the bar with. It was easy to forget that this was not how everything was supposed to be. This was just how things were. And sure, sometimes we'd run into hurdles, but when that happened, we'd handle them together.

"Ellen!" Came a voice.

"Evan!" My heart started to race. I craned my neck to see him walking in.

"Excuse me," I said, standing up. "I want a few moments alone with her before you girls start grilling us about our sex life."

Jenny just waggled her eyebrows in response. Evan didn't kiss and tell, but get a few drinks in me and I was terrible.

Evan smiled as she saw me. Fuck, she looked great. I was still getting used to the change in appearance. I mean, she looked the same as she had two weeks ago of course, but my brain refused to acknowledge that she was anything other than this totally hunky football player who happened to be dressed like a hooker-in-training.