Give Him an Inch Ch. 02

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Naive wife can't tell old man no.
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Ashley woke up on Friday morning in an empty bed. Scott had slept on the couch after she admitted to her makeout session with Mr. Pendleton, the elderly widowed client of their landscaping business. The memory made her put her hand to her face and breathe out to find that her breath still reeked of his. She brushed her teeth about a dozen times since she'd gotten home and his territory had still been marked.

She still can't believe she had let it happen. A little peck would've been bad enough, but she had actually made out with him for two hours. She remembered sucking on his tongue and showing him her bare breasts. She had even given him a handjob for part of it. And she couldn't forget that, for a brief moment, his penis had been in her mouth.

She obviously didn't tell her husband that. All he knew was that they had made out for almost the entire duration of My Fair Lady. And that wasn't a lie. It really was the bulk of what had happened.

And today, Ashley had the task of going to Mr. Pendleton to tell him he won't be seeing her again.

She wasn't sure what had come over her in the moment, but her clear mind this morning couldn't imagine ever having enjoyed that old man's tongue being in her mouth. She could barely keep from vomiting at the memory of it.

However, she had been anything but disgusted when the film had come to a close and a strange man's penis was in her married mouth. In fact, the sole reason she had started laundry before going to bed the night before was to hide the fact that her panties had been dripping wet.

She decided to get up and start her day. She stretched and made her way out of the bedroom into the living room. She saw the couch was unoccupied, which meant Scott was up. She continued into the kitchen to find him at the counter making coffee.

"Hi," she said with trepidation.

"Good morning," He replied coldly. "When are you going to see your boyfriend?"

"He's not my boyfriend." She rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Your friend with benefits."

"That's not a good description of what happened last night either."

"Then how would you describe it?"


"Wow. You went to some great lengths for charity. You should work for Make-a-Wish!"

"Honey, do you honestly think I enjoyed it?"

"I don't see how you could, but I also don't see how you could do it so long if you didn't."

"I just felt bad for him. He was a sweet guy that just wants his wife back."

"But you're not his wife. You're my wife."

"I know. And I'm sorry. I can guarantee I won't let it happen again."

He smiled in response and she walked up to to hug him and give him a kiss. As she got close, he held out a hand and pressed two fingers to her forehead.

"Sorry, babe, but your breath is still pretty rank. I love you, but you're not getting any closer."

She looked ashamed until she saw the smile on his face.

"So when are you going?"

"I'm going to stop by this morning. I figured that's safer than going after work."

"Why don't I drive you over there? Would that make you feel better?"

Ashley nodded.

At that moment, their seven year old daughter, Ally, walked in the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast?"

"Well what do you want?" Ashley asked as she picked up the little girl.

"Not whatever you had!" She plugged her nose. "Your breath stinks!"

Scott could not contain his laughter at that.

Ashley stood in trepidation as she rang the doorbell to Mr. Pendleton's house. She looked back at the work truck in the driveway where Scott sat waiting for her. He waved. She smiled back. He really was a great man. She was lucky to have him and she really shouldn't mess this up.

She turned back to the front door as it opened and she saw Mr. Pendleton standing there in his robe.

"Well hello dear! I was expecting you this evening."

"I know. I just wanted to talk to you. Can I come in?"

"Of course." He waved for her to enter and, once she did, he shut the door behind her.

She felt his hand grab onto her butt. She was about to ask him to remove it, but it seemed tame compared to last night, so she just dealt with it.

"So," he said, "you wore my favorite pair of shorts today."

"These are just what I wear to work." She turned around and his hand released her.

"Listen, Jim. I came to tell you that I made a mistake last night. We can't ever see each other again. I'm glad I could fill the gap your wife left for one evening. And thank you for making me feel special. But I'm married and I need to be faithful to my husband."

"I understand. I thought you might say something like this today. You were just caught up in the moment last night."

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Honestly, I've been thinking all day about how it felt when you put it in your mouth."

Ashley blushed. "Well let's just not think about that."

"Not sure that's possible."

"Well, we can try."

"All in all, thank you for making that sacrifice for me. It was the best night I've had in years."

With that, he leaned in with arms outstretched and pulled Ashley into a big hug.

For being obese, he felt strangely frail. She hugged him back. It was the least she could do for rejecting him.

As she pulled back from the hug, he grabbed her cheek, lightly caressing it. Ashley thought he was being very sweet. The intimacy didn't even bother her. She glanced down at his lips, thinking about the fact that she'd actually kissed this man like she had.

Her glance was misinterpreted and Jim decided to lean toward her. She didn't have time to react before their mouths had become reacquainted with one another.

It felt strange to her, but it was still somewhat familiar. Since her breath had smelled the same as his since the night before, it didn't bother her nearly as much, so she did something she never would've thought she would've done: she initiated tongue.

Jim's surprise was apparent but short lived. He immediately became the aggressor yet again, flooding her mouth with his tongue. She matched him step for step, breath for breath.

She brought her hands to the front of his robe and untied the belt. She reached under, relieved to find he was nude under it, and found what had really occupied her mind for the last 12 hours: Mr. Pendleton's penis.

She felt pressure on her shoulders and obliged to her knees, coming face to face with his genitalia. It was her first look at it in good lighting and it looked every bit of his 85 years, wrinkly with grey, unkempt pubic hair and the foreskin that still looked out of place to Ashley. And was that a liver spot? Can penises have liver spots?

Despite all the imperfections, it was the sexiest thing in the world to her in that moment.

She didn't know how she got here. 24 hours before, she had been a loving wife and a mother of two, a pillar in her church. Now she was on her knees in front of an 85 year old naked man with rancid breath. And they both knew what she was about to do.

She didn't take her eyes off his crotch, but she could feel him looking down at her as he asked, "You want to suck it, don't you?"

She absentmindedly nodded without breaking eye contact with her prize.

"Go ahead then," He said. "Suck it."

And she did.

Sucking was an understatement. The timid wife from the night before that had been nervous to just put the head in her mouth was gone. This new version of Ashley dove on this penis like it was the last molecule of oxygen in the room. She took as much of it in her throat as she could. For the first time in her life, she was gagging on a penis.

After her initial devouring, she found a steady pace of bobbing on it. She had only ever used her mouth to get Scott hard for sex. It was always foreplay, never the main event. She never understood the appeal of doing just that. Not until now, that is.

She kept her pace up with long strokes, from just the tip being in her mouth until it went back into her throat, with gags, watery eyes, and drool running down her chin. The penis was the only thing in her world at that moment. Not even Mr. Pendleton himself. It was just the object.

She was so lost in the moment that she almost jumped out of her skin when she heard the horn honking outside. It was Scott. How long had she been already? She pulled her mouth off with a line of spit connecting the two of them.

"What am I doing?!" She berated herself out loud.

"Just having a little fun," he responded, grabbing her head to push it back onto his manhood. She wasn't ready for that and it went back into her open mouth. She kept sucking it for a second before remembering her husband waiting for her.

Ashley put her hands on his bare thighs, pushing herself off of him shortly after her mouth was filled up again.

"No," she said. "I have to leave. This can never happen again."

For some reason, she leaned up and gave him a peck on the lips, as if saying goodbye to a significant other. Then she wiped the drool off her face.

And with that, she walked out the door.

Ashley got into the work truck.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked her. "It looks like you were crying."

"Oh." Ashley was caught off guard. "Yeah, he just told me a little bit about his wife. It made me think of losing you."

"That's sweet." He smiled at her. "I'm glad this whole mess is behind us now. And neither of us will ever have to see him again."

Ashley realized at that moment that she wasn't so sure that was true.

Over the next few weeks, Ashley and Scott had redeveloped their sex life--after her breath had gone back to normal, which took a few days--and Scott would say it was better than ever.

Ashley, however, didn't agree. She definitely thought the vaginal sex was great, but she had developed this new desire to give a blowjob to completion. But every time she tried, Scott would push it to normal sex.

She was terrified to tell him about her newfound want; she didn't want him to ask her what had made her want it so badly. She didn't want him to catch her in a lie. She had never shown any extraordinary interest in oral sex. In fact, she had told her husband on multiple occasions that she saw it as a necessary evil to get laid. So she just kept trying to do it sneakily, but it just didn't work. And honestly, his penis wasn't the same as Jim's.

It was roughly the same size. And she did enjoy that he was circumcised. But there was just something about that old man's junk that really got her going.

So here she was, at 2:30 in the morning, after a wonderful round of marital sex with her handsome husband, and all Ashley can think about is the uncut penis of an 85 year old man. She just keeps replaying her experience with him by the front door of his house.

She was shamefully wondering if she could get away with doing it again. Only this time, she wants the reward at the end.

She checked the clock on her bedside table and came to the conclusion that she could tell Scott she was going on a drive since she couldn't sleep.

A sinister smile went over her face.

She felt shameful once she actually made it to Mr. Pendleton's front door. She knocked frantically in a desperate attempt to get inside as quickly as possible.

The moment the door handle turned, she slipped in through the crack it made and found Mr. Pendleton standing there, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, in his robe.

She wasted no time, dropping to her knees and untying his robe. She leaned forward and picked up right were she had left off last time she'd seen him, bobbing her head like a chicken.

His initial moan was inspiration enough to keep going. She didn't claim to be an expert of oral sex, but her recipient didn't seem to mind. What she lacked in experience was more than resolved by her intensity. She was finally getting what she'd been dreaming of: an old wrinkly penis.

Jim managed to pull her off of him by her ponytail. "Let's take this up to my bedroom."

Ashley wiped her mouth and followed him upstairs. Once they got there, he dropped his robe and was completely nude. He was fat, hairy, and gross, but Ashley was more turned on than she'd ever imagined being.

"Well," he looked at her expectantly, "I'm naked. Maybe you should be the same." He laid back on the bed and watched her.

She knew she should've been sexier about it, but she didn't have time for that. She was an addict about to get her fix.

Fortunately, her pajama pants, slippers, and t-shirt were pretty easy to remove.

As soon as she was nude, she crawled up on the bed and got back to work. She was practically salivating by the time she'd gotten up his legs. And then she took the plunge.

After just a few moments of that, she heard a vibration. It sounded like it was coming from behind her and she realized her phone was ringing in her pajama pants pocket. She rushed down to grab it to see that Scott was calling her. She reluctantly answered.

"Did you leave?" Scott asked on the other line.

"Yeah," Ashley replied crawling back up onto the bed. "I couldn't sleep and decided to go for a drive." She licked Jim's penis from bottom to top.

"Okay, well be safe please."

"I will." At that moment, Jim grabbed Ashley's head and shoved it all the way down on him, causing her to gag into the phone. She gave him an angry look.

"What was that?!"

"Oh, just a cough, honey! I'll see you when I get home. Go back to sleep!"

"Okay. Goodnight."

Ashley hung up the phone and double checked that the call was over before going back to her task at hand, er, task at mouth.

She felt Jim's hand go to the back of his head, but she needed no urging. Her head was probably bobbing faster than his hand could move on its own.

Ashley looked up to find Jim staring at her. She thought his head would be back with eyes closed in ecstasy, but she assumed he didn't want to forget the sight of this. So she put on the best show she could.

She continued her pace, tongue on the underneath, gagging when it was in her throat, and drooling all over him. Seriously, she didn't know she could even produce that much saliva.

After a few minutes of that, her pace was broken by Jim's voice. "I'm close. Suck my balls while I finish myself off."

She obeyed, pulling off his penis. She stopped to admire his balls for a second. They looked remarkably similar to Scott's, but wrinklier and hairier. And of course, that hair was grey, matching his balding, wiry head hair.

She began by licking them, then took one ball in her mouth at a time. Taking turns, going back and forth, she got into a brand new groove until she heard, "Here it comes!"

"No!" Ashley gasped as she hurried up to his penis, plunging back down on it as soon as it started shooting bursts.

She swallowed the first jet without tasting it. Disappointed, she decided to hold the rest in her mouth to savor it before swallowing again. Another jet shot out without her swallowing. Then another, and another. On the fifth burst, she regretted not swallowing, not understanding how much really comes out.

She accidentally opened her mouth, losing most of what she had in there. She closed her mouth back and took the last two shots before sucking out the remnants and swallowing. The saltiness tasted good to her. Not wanting to waste any, she leaned down and licked up all that had come out until it had all ended up in her belly.

She looked up at a tired Jim. She wondered if he might even wonder if this was all a dream the next morning. She crawled up to him, kissed him on the cheek, then got off the bed and began getting dressed.

"That was way better than my wife used to do."

Ashley smirked over her shoulder. She finished getting dressed and left.

Once out in her car, she felt more relief than guilt. Now that she had done it, she could have closure and move on with her life.

Scott woke up groggily to the sound of an electric toothbrush.

"Babe," he ask in a sleepy voice. "Why are you brushing your teeth? It's the middle of the night."

"I had a midnight snack during my drive. Just go back to sleep."

"You didn't go make out with Mr. Pendleton again, did you?"

"No, honey. I can promise you I didn't make out with Mr. Pendleton tonight." That technically wasn't a lie.

Scott laughed softly. "Yeah, I know you find him just as gross as I do." He fell asleep right after saying that.

She did find him gross. And now that she had given him a blowjob, her interest in him really did seem to be over. Now she can finally get back to focusing on her perfect marriage.

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DORTMAN69DORTMAN6911 days ago

Elle doit continuer à voir son viel amant pour continuer à boire son sperme ! Elle a pris un plaisir avec ce vieux monsieur quelle n'obtiendras jamais avec son naîf et pitoyable cocu !!!! Dans la vraie vie quand on goutte au joie de l'adultère on y revient toujours !!!! La vie et courte et entre un imbécile et un vrai homme aimant sachant l'apprécier cette femme n'a pas le droit de tergiverser !!! Faut quelle donne du piment à ça vie trop superficiel !!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Where is the next part I need to read more!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Please continue this!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Come on ruin a marriage for a fricken blow job She isn't naive she is stupid and a beautiful woman attracted to a foul smelling 85 year old? Is the Author an 85 year old man? delussional

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Can you please write the next part?!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Person either died or abandoned this story shame

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Where the hell is the next part

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This needs to keep going wtf! Absolutely amazing!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

She needs to fall in love with him have his baby leave her husband whatever!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Another episode would be amazing

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Need to come back and do a 3rd part

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Part 3 please

DomindiDomindi8 months ago

Love this. Hopefully part 3 is on the way

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Part 3 please

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Please do a part 3! I need him to fuck Ashley

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Hope you continue this story

CZOFTWCZOFTWabout 1 year ago

Great story, more please!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I sure hope she goes back for more! This is a great beginning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Chapter 3 would be nice

bela5000bela5000over 1 year ago

wish i can find a sexy 85 year old man like that

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love this. I’ve been coming back every few days to check for a part 3 looking forward to it.

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