Give Us a Twirl


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"I will play whatever cards you like if that's the reward I get," she promised.

I handed Jenna her beer and we cracked them open, offering up a new set of toasts.

"To just rewards," I toasted.

"To playing the right cards," Jenna offered in return.

Once again, cans were clunked and drinks were drunked.

"So, shall we examine the evidence?" she suggested.

"Wonderful idea!"

Instead of her phone, Jenna grabbed her tablet. "Things should've synced up by now, and this'll be better for looking at the photos."

"Works for me."

Evidence in hand, we returned to the couch. Her photo album showed the most recent shots first, but she quickly flicked down, scrolling them off the screen, and only stopped the scroll when the album reached the first of the upskirt shots, of which there appeared to be many.

"We're gonna save what I'm pretty sure are the best for last."

"There are quite a lot more than I was expecting," I confess.

"I did most of them with the rapid shot. It was hard enough to keep things in frame while you were walking, so snapping pics one at a time seemed like a bad idea."

She tapped the first photo from tonight and it expanded to fill the screen. Seeing nudes of myself was nothing new, of course, but I'd never seen things from this angle before. Most of the screen was taken up by my left thigh, but it didn't totally hide my balls.

"It's like they're peeking out to say 'hi,'" Jenna giggled as she spread two fingers on the screen to zoom in on them. "Hello!"

"Okay," I laughed. "I don't think I need to get quite that up close and personal with them."

"Awww, but they're so cute."

"Next photo?"

"Oh, okay," she said as she zoomed out and swiped left to bring up the next shot.

This time there was less thigh in the photo, since I was raising that leg to walk up the stairs. Of course, that meant a much less obscured ball shot.

"See? Cute!" she insisted, holding the tablet up to make sure I got a closer look.

I didn't say anything, but at least she wasn't zooming in again. This image wasn't too different from the last, so I guessed the rapid shot mode on her phone took the photos in pretty quick succession.

"No comment? Okay, on to the next one."

She swiped a bit fast and ended up flicking through the next two photos. Because of how close together the photos were in time, they looked almost like still images from a video.

"This looks almost..." she started, clearly having come to the same realization I had. "I need to try something."

She flicked back to the first image in this set, then swiped through the next ten or so images in rapid succession. They slid onto the screen, so while it wasn't exactly the same as watching a video, the effect wasn't too far off.

It was like watching old, flickering film footage, except that it was in full color, shot in high-definition, and very much not the sort of thing that would've been shown as a matinee. The images she swiped through showed about one full cycle of me walking up the steps. My left leg went up, my balls came into view, pushed to that side by my right thigh. Then I stepped up with my right leg, and things got pushed back to that side. It's not that they were swinging like a pendulum, by any means, but there was a lot more back and forth than I'd previously thought about.

Jenna seemed equally enraptured. Once she got to the end of the cycle, she began swiping in the other direction, making it look like I was backing down the steps. I kept quiet until she'd walked me up and down these two steps a few more times.

"Kind of hypnotic isn't it?" I kidded.

"Definitely. I am so making this into a.gif."

"Putting it in the Rub Club, are we?"

"Oh, we most certainly are."

"Shall we move on to the flash shots?"

"Don't rush me," she said. "We'll get there in good time. I gotta find which set would make the best loop."

I watched as she took her time flicking through the rest of the photos from the first flight of stairs. I did notice that some individual shots got tagged as favorites, and then she settled on a series of about twelve and tagged them all as a set.

"Found your loop?"

"I think so, but I'll have to do a little editing, and maybe some stabilizing to make the animation smoother. This should definitely work."

"What about the ones you tagged that weren't part of that sequence? I'm curious about what made those worth faving."

"Those are ones I just like," she said, swiping to find an example. "This one here? I like how the cheek is tightening up when you step. It shows a little more definition...and also opens things up a bit," she added with a blush.

"I get what you mean." I also blushed when I realized just how much could be seen, and how clearly. "Phone cameras really have come a long way since the early 2000's, haven't they?"

"They sure have. Flip phones were fine in their day, but I'm not about to give up all these pixels. Not when I can get shots like this."

"I'll have to see if I can get something similar with you and that new miniskirt you mentioned," I winked.

Blushing a bit more, she hurriedly changed the subject. "Flash shots, was it?"

I didn't press, and gave her a little hug as she swiped through to the batch from the second flight of stairs. I could tell we got there when the screen went almost completely white.

"Damn," she said, clearly not happy with the result, "that's way more flash than I was expecting. It may have blown all the detail out to the point where it's not even salvageable with editing."

"Hmm... Darker stairwell, not much light getting through my skirt. I guess the sensor couldn't get much of a read."

She swiped through a few more, but they were all pretty much the same. I think I was almost as disappointed as her.

"What do you think? Maybe shoot in HDR next time?" I suggested.

"So there is going to be a next time?"

"It's all about those cards, remember?"

"Trust me, I'm not going to forget."

"I'd be worried if you did," I said, giving her temple a kiss. "Want to look at the last batch?"

"Yeah, I'm sure those turned out better than these."

Jenna flicked through the rest of the flash photos pretty quickly, and faved a couple that she thought she could possibly rescue, but they clearly weren't as good as the ones that were taken with the selfie camera. It was obvious when she reached the first photo from the last set, because we both reacted the same way.

"Damn..." we whispered together.

I had some idea how these might have looked, given how much effort she'd put into posing me, but as we looked at the first shot now - the composition, the lighting, the posing - it was way more than I'd expected.

The light coming in through the window was a big, skewed rectangle, split up into smaller rectangles by the wooden sash bars that separated the individual panes of glass. My hands and wrists were just outside the top edge of the light, and my face had a line of shadow running down it, straight through my left eye. Having my arms raised pulled the hoodie up and open, exposing more of my chest. It was also up enough that it wasn't touching my skirt any longer, leaving the top of my hips out in the open. (My raised arms also resulted in a slight flattening of my stomach, which I was grateful for.) My skirt was what definitely caught the eye when looking at this photo. There was some obvious lifting going on in front, but not an obscene amount. Just enough to let the viewer know exactly what's under the fabric. I had my right heel up, pushing my knee forward and calf out, making for a nice curve. My left foot was flat, and my toes were curled ever so slightly.

"You sure can take one hell of a photo."

"Thanks. Having one hell of a subject really helps."

We took our time going through the rest of this series of shots, working on our drinks as we did. They were all somewhat similar, given that I never changed my pose, but the angle they were taken from, the amount of zoom used, and the focal point of the shots all varied quite a bit. I was particularly drawn to the ones that zoomed in to focus on specific body parts.

There was one of my arms, showing how my wrists are crossed as if they were bound, but clearly they weren't. I was free to move them if I'd chosen to, but I didn't, since this is how she wanted me.

One focused on my right knee, with my skirt resting more on my thigh than on the joint. The fabric laid flat against my skin, as if it was trying to slide up and reveal more.

The close-up of my face was really nice. The streetlight gave me a bit of a glow, but the shadow across my eye was keeping my pupil from narrowing too much. My expression was mostly neutral, but not flat, and there was a bit of a smile forming at the corner of my mouth.

Towards the end, we got to the one I had kind of suspected was in there somewhere - the tent shot. It wasn't zoomed in too far, otherwise it could have been just any old something poking against a piece of linen. The way Jenna had framed it, though, there was no denying what it was. She took this one vertically, and the bottom of my belly button was barely in frame at the top of the image. Just enough to give a bit of curve and texture to my tummy. A bit of open skin dotted with a few dark hairs between it and the waistband of my skirt made it clear what part of my body this was. Things were pushing against the linen firmly enough that the fabric didn't even have a chance to dip from my waist. It was more like a stretched out "U" shape, curving down, then up to where it was being supported. Having my left leg straight put everything on display in a way that was almost more revealing than if I had been fully nude.

"Club material?"

"Absolutely. I think this whole series is, but the very first one gets a gold star membership for sure."

"There are membership levels?" I asked, unable to keep from laughing as I did.

"Well, yeah," she responded, surprised. "I'm sure it's the same for guys. You have some things in the safe deposit level of your bank that you use regularly, when you need something quick and reliable, and then there are the ones you keep in the vault, only to be used when you're in a special kind of mood, and really want to savor things."

She wasn't wrong. "I've never thought about it in those terms before, but you're absolutely right."

"I bet I'm also right in guessing that both our drinks are just about done."

I hadn't really even noticed the change in the weight of my can, but again, she wasn't wrong.

We gave our cans a final tap, then finished them off.

"Do you need another?" she asked.

"You know, I think I'm good for now. Maybe just some water?"

Jenna took our empties to the sink where they joined their fellows, then returned to the couch with a glass of water for each of us. She sat down cross-legged, facing me.

"How are you feeling about all this, now that you've had a chance to relax and level out a bit?"

I matched her posture, wanting to have this conversation face to face. "Pretty good, actually. When you first showed me the skirt it didn't really faze me, but then you suggested going to 7-Eleven like this, and I nearly panicked. I thought there was no way in hell I could do that."

"But you did."

"Yeah, because you were there with me. On my own? I'd have never made it out the door."

"Be honest with me. Did I push you too hard to do any of this?"

"I can't say you didn't push some, but no, you didn't push too hard. We aren't really strangers to helping each other test our limits, and we've always understood that it's okay to say 'no' at any point," I reminded her.

"That's true, but you do have a little history of not being willing to say no until you're already too far outside your comfort zone."

"You're talking about that time with the spanking, right?" It wasn't really a question. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"Yes. That happened at your place, so it was about as safe an environment as possible, and yet you still fell way farther into a 'sub hole' than either of us were prepared for."

"That's not a nice way to refer to my butt," I joked.

"I'm being serious, you dork," Jenna chastised. She raised her free hand to my face and caressed my cheek with her thumb, showing that this intensity came from a place of caring. "Testing limits is all good and well - and even really healthy - but you have to be aware of where they are, and you have to respect them. Or else you're going to get yourself into trouble again. I was worried for a minute when you got catcalled, but you handled that just fine on your own."

"That was definitely something I hadn't considered might happen," I said, placing my hand over hers. "My reaction to that was 100% instinct. I did not plan to do or say any of that."

"Well, I'd say your instincts definitely served you well."

"As startling as that was, I think the driver's comment when we came out of the store shook me even more."

"How come? They were both commenting on your appearance, and they were both a bit too crude to be considered polite compliments." Jenna sat back and sipped her water, curious to hear the explanation.

"Beer dude mistook me for female, and he acted based on that incorrect assumption. Driver dude knew I was male, and made his comment fully aware of who he was addressing. Even though he was crass, he was genuine."

"But if you were female," Jenna wanted to know, "would you consider beer dude's comment 'genuine?'"

"Nah, fuck that guy."

We both laughed.

"Let me see if I can explain this better," I tried. "Beer dude was trash, and clearly never learned to respect women. He saw an ass..."

"Ahem. A great ass."

"...and reacted, caveman style. He didn't even bother to look at the rest of the person the ass was attached to."

"Okay, and driver dude?"

"He was aware of the total package first, and then made his crude comment. If I were a woman, that'd probably still be gross. But as a man? Getting a reaction like that from another man? That shit works on me."

I pretty much only have two stages of blushing - just barely and fire engine red. When I realized what I'd just said, you could've heard sirens as I hung my head.

"Woooow." Jenna leaned down and looked up into my face. "You think you know somebody..."

"Really not helping!"

"You know I'm only teasing, but you should definitely drink some more water."

Grateful to not have to say anything, and not really trusting myself to speak at that point, I picked up my glass and slowly drank the rest.

"Seriously, though," she began, after I'd set my glass down, "that's nothing to be embarrassed about. You know there's no chance that I'm going to judge you for that or hold it against you. Think about all the stuff we've told each other. Is this really that big of a deal?"

"It's not, and I know you won't, but that doesn't make it any less embarrassing."

Jenna got up from the couch, ruffling my hair as she did. "You may be blushing now, but you'll laugh about it later on, trust me. Do you want more water, or another beer maybe?"

"About that..."


My blush had barely begun to fade, and I could feel it starting to rise again. "I need to pee."

"You know where the bathroom is...oh right!"

I got up and looked down at the skirt. It was comfortable enough that I'd more or less forgotten I had it on, but now that I needed the restroom, I was very much aware of it.

"Do I just hike it up and sit down, or what?"

"It's short enough on you that that'll work. Usually it's underwear down, then skirt up as you sit, but obviously you can skip that first step. Just make sure you're holding it up enough so that you don't sit on it."

"Sounds easy enough. Be right back." It was, and I was - after stopping to wash my hands, of course.

"All good?"

"Yup." I held the sides of the skirt and swung them back and forth a little. "Pretty handy for that, actually. I'd guess it's easier for women to keep everything dry in a public bathroom."

"There's another new thing I've learned about you tonight," Jenna said.

"What's that?"

"You've never been in a women's restroom before. Some of them look like the bathroom in 'Saw' compared to the typical public men's room."

"Dare I ask how you know that?"

"Working summers in a movie theater. Cleaning those ladies' rooms was so bad that I tried to upsell them on smaller drinks when I worked concessions."

"And on that note, I think I've had enough to drink tonight," I laughed.

"You sure? It's not all that late yet," Jenna pointed out.

"Between dealing with Kenta's stuff and this evening's adventure, it has been quite the day, but I didn't say I was tired."

"Sounds like you've got something in mind," she smiled.

"I do. Give me a minute then join me in the bedroom?"

"I think I can wait that long."

I didn't have anything too wild in mind, so a minute was probably overkill. I just wanted to be sure I'd make a good impression when she came in. We'd set the bed up under the window, and since the only thing across the street from her place was a park, we were free to leave the curtains wide open whenever we felt like it.

Tonight, I felt like it.

I took off the hoodie and dropped it on her chair, then laid on the bed, centering myself in the light coming through the window in an attempt to recreate the pose she'd had me in on the stairs. It wasn't perfect, but it was close. I was barely able to raise a knee, or else I would've put everything on display, and, eager though I was, there wasn't any obvious tenting. I did keep her idea of crossing my wrists above my head, and because I was laying down, the effect on my chest and stomach was more pronounced.

"Is it okay if I come in?"

"It's very okay."

Jenna started to enter the bedroom, but stopped in the doorway.

"...god damn, boy..." she whispered.

I smiled up at her, enjoying her reaction. "Do you need to get your phone?"

"No need. There's no way I'll ever forget this vision."

"Another gold star addition to the Club?"

"I think this is going to require a whole new membership level. Executive Platinum, at least."

"Join me?" I asked.

"I will. I just need to make sure I remember every last detail."

Jenna stood in the doorway longer than I'd expected, but she eventually joined me in her new bed, after taking off her t-shirt and boxers. She knelt between my legs and rested her hands on my knees.

"Now," she said, as her fingers slid upwards, "let's see about the access on this side."


Jenna and I continued to see each other as much as possible (we still swore we weren't dating, of course), but the colder weather that arrived with winter meant no more trips to the store in skirts - for me, at least. Jenna had plenty to choose from in her wardrobe, but none of her warmer stuff would fit me. That's not to say I didn't wear my skirt for her anymore, because I absolutely did. We just had to make do with indoor adventures.

"Make do" is selling things incredibly short.

Wearing my skirt changed things in ways I hadn't expected. Jenna liked going down on me from underneath it, and getting pegged with it flipped up onto my back was a huge turn-on for me. Even when we weren't being overtly sexual, the access meant that intimate touches and playful tickles could happen at any time.

It wasn't entirely one-sided, either. Jenna really had gotten a new miniskirt, and we both ended up getting disturbingly good at taking upskirts. We almost got caught doing that by her building's super when he finally came to fix the lights on the third flight of stairs, and figured it was best to give that up before we ended up needing to hire a real lawyer.

And not all of our time was spent getting frisky. We went to museums, plundered secondhand bookstores, binged awful anime series, and continued the quest for the best burrito in town. So far, nothing had managed to measure up to Witchin' Kitchen or Burrito Barge, but we were hopeful that there were other equally good ones out there, just waiting to be discovered.