Gloria is Bored

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Gloria revisits a past life & sleeps through the excitement.
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Gloria was bored.

As usual, she was sitting alone in her large comfortable home, watching a film from the 1980's, recalling the time she had sat with her legs dangling over the velvet flip up seat, watching it for the first time with her father.

She had been bored then, thirty five years ago, looking around in the darkened and half empty cinema, watching the faces lit by the flickering light reflected from the cinemascope screen in the soon to be demolished old picture house.

Not many years after that, she met a young man and married. At just turned nineteen, she was too young to marry but Dave had made her pregnant and family pressures fed the guilt she already held.

At the time, marriage seemed to be the only way out of her situation, a respectable way of conforming and being accepted, so the pair went along with their parent's arrangements and hurriedly married.

The marriage ended the shame she felt and Gloria soon became a young mum proudly pushing her son around in a pushchair.

As is often the case in life, her life was by no means perfect though. She loved her son deeply and would fight to the death to keep him from harm, but the young man she married was not her ideal partner. He was a feckless character, spending too much time out drinking with his friends, leaving Gloria alone to look after their son, breastfeeding, changing nappies, washing, ironing and generally trying to hold their fragile relationship together.

He would sometimes come home smelling of another woman's perfume, his face smelling of the perfume of her body where he had gone down on her in the back of his car.

She put up with his for a while, knowing that they needed his wages to feed their small family and keep them in their small rented apartment, but she vowed to one day end their relationship.

Dave could never hold down a job for longer than a few months, spending weeks drawing benefits before his father eventually persuaded another friend to give him a chance. Inevitably, his drinking would lead to him routinely turning up late, with a hangover and smelling of drink. Yet another employer would kick him out and they would be back on state handouts once more.

When their son was old enough for a nursery place, she finally made the decision to leave Dave, getting herself a job and moving back with her parents. Her mother was happy to look after her little grandson, but Gloria craved independence. She saved every penny she could, having no social life, spending everything on bringing up her boy and saving for his future.

She was a good employee, reliable, intelligent and eager to take every opportunity to improve herself. She would put her boy to bed at night and then read books on accountancy, management techniques, even ancient books from philosophers to get insight into men's minds, desperate to gain every advantage she could to climb that corporate ladder.

When she got her first promotion, she decided to take advantage of the housing slump and buy her own home, putting all her savings into a tiny house an hours train journey from her job in London. With a significant mortgage to pay she was now even more chained to her job and to bringing up her boy, who was at least now in school, which made her life a little easier.

Her work gave Gloria an independent life and her child her reason to survive, but she was desperately lonely. Her parents were still in London and her son was schooled nearby, her mother looking after him until Gloria finished work. A train journey home, a few snatched hours with him of an evening and then they were both asleep, exhausted. An early start was then in order, to start the whole circle again: sleep, travel, work, travel, sleep, repeat.

The weekends were bliss, but ended as soon as they had begun and then she was back on that circuit again, spending the entire week wishing it was Friday.

A few years passed and she decided to change jobs. She had reached the ceiling in her old job, with no prospect of further promotion and no job satisfaction. When an opportunity arose at a rival company, she grabbed it and moved to their new offices outside London.

Not only was it a better paid job with good prospects, but it was a short drive to their office, meaning that she could move her son out of the inner London school and put him in a nearby school in a rural village.

Soon her life improved, moving house so that she could walk her son to school, more money in her bank account and something she had deprived herself of for years, a social life.

She made friends amongst the other mum's, her son also coming out of himself to enjoy parties and sleepovers with her friends children, giving her time to go out and enjoy an occasional evening.

At one of these evenings out, she met a man. She was in the local pub with her new friend Julia, when a neighbour of hers who had recently been widowed walked up to say hello. He was introduced as Chris and Gloria soon found herself chatting easily to him, wondering if this was the start of a new relationship. Her hopes were dashed when a very attractive woman walked in and came over, planting her big red lips on his, leaving lipstick which he wiped away with a tissue in embarrassment.

But there was a spark between Chris and Gloria and he invited her and Julia to join his friends, a group from the local cricket club who were in the next bar.

Gloria began to realise that she missed men's company, as she laughed and joked with several of the single men in the group and gradually, as the night progressed, she found herself in a corner surrounded by six men. Julia caught her attention from the door and waved goodbye. She was going home to her husband and smiled broadly as she watched Gloria laughing and waving goodbye, surrounded by horny young men.

Little did Gloria know, but Julia had planned this night along with her neighbour Chris. He had noticed an attractive woman coming and going from his neighbour's house and asked who she was. Julia had noted his interest and planned a meeting, knowing that there would be plenty of opportunity for Gloria to meet a man, but secretly hoping she would get along with Chris.

However, their hopes were dashed when an old girlfriend of his turned up and seduced Chris into bed. Hours before those bright red lips had kissed Chris in the pub, they had been sucking on his cock as she ground her pussy into his face, her orgasm sending a squirting mess into his face as she held him down with the weight of her body, pressing her pussy firmly against his tongue until the feeling abated.

Chris felt disgust as he showered the mess out of his hair, watching her re-apply her trademark red lipstick, some of which was still in a ring around his penis. As Julia introduced him to Gloria, he secretly wished it had been her dragging him to his bed, not the slutty woman who he was having trouble eradicating from his life, but he was not a man to turn down an opportunity to have sex with any woman, at any time, so his rising cock led him into trouble again, as it always had done and always would.

As he looked over people's heads, he saw Gloria getting very friendly with his mates, one of whom had his hand on her backside as she looked sexily at him.

He also watched as she left with three of them, wondering where they were headed and wishing he was with them. But as she disappeared through the door, his girlfriend caught his gaze and whispered in his ear, promising more sex when they got home. Once again, his cock rose to the occasion and he put down his half finished drink, dragging her home to his bed, but tonight he would fantasise about Gloria whilst penetrating his girlfriend. As he rammed himself into this skinny but attractive woman, his mind would imagine he was in the arms of his fantasy girl, a woman he didn't know, but who he imagined to be his ideal woman. He would fuck his girlfriend whilst imagining his cock was parting Gloria's long slim legs for the first time, before planting his seed in her.

Gloria meanwhile was sitting in her lounge with three horny men drinking her booze and suggesting they play some games. She knew where this evening was going, but didn't care, in fact she welcomed the opportunity to have sex with any of these men, or maybe all of them.

Drink had dispelled any inhibitions she might have had and as they discussed some games amongst themselves, she realised that they would all involve her taking her clothes off.

The man she liked the most was Billy, who seemed to be the one in charge, asking if she had any playing cards, or dice, to entertain themselves. She had only one dice, part of an old trivia pursuits board with half the cards missing, but Billy grabbed that and quickly devised a game they could play.

An hour later and Billy was the only one with most of his clothes on. Gloria was down to bra and panties and one of the other guys was down to his boxer shorts, his enormous cock standing erect as he watched Gloria playing a game that they all knew she was about to lose.

This game, made up by Billy on the spur of the moment, gave the winner of each round the right to instruct a person of his choosing to remove one item of clothing. Obviously this put Gloria at a distinct disadvantage, being the one person the other three wanted to see naked, but Billy was cute and allowed her to win more rounds than the other two, to make it look equal and to prolong the torture for them all. What he hadn't accounted for was her desire to strip the guy with the biggest bulge first. She was now only one win away from seeing the cause of that enormous bulge and smiled at the thought as the dice rolled.

"That's a double point I get!"

Billy had surprisingly managed to win yet another round and he looked directly at Gloria.

"I win and I propose Gloria to lose one item of clothing. What's it to be, bra or panties?"

The three men held their breath as she sat and thought over her situation.

"Fuck it!" She drunkenly said. "We all know where this is going, so let's get on with it shall we?"

She stood up, snapped open the catch on her bra and let it fall to the ground, her breasts bobbing softly, nipples hard and protruding. In one swift movement she put her thumbs in her panties and pulled down her panties, Billy watching as two soft white breasts hung in front of him. He grabbed her as she struggled to stand upright, her panties tangled in the only items that still adorned her body, a pair of black high heeled shoes.

The naked man's cock grew another inch as he stared in awe at the naked woman before him, sitting in Billy's lap now, kissing him as he gripped a breast whilst struggling to undo his belt, pulling his own engorged member from his trousers.

"I don't suck cock and I don't take it up the backside, but other than that..."

Her voice trailed off and she slumped drunkenly down onto the rug before staring at Billy, his cock in his hand.

"This is not something I normally do. You know that don't you? But I haven't had sex in ten years and I want to feel a man inside me again. Do you understand Billy?"

"Of course I do love, and tonight you shall have your wish."

He leered at his mates and said, "I'm first OK."

Billy covered her, planting a rough kiss on her lips whilst manoeuvring his cock into place and pressing himself home, watching Gloria's eyes close and her mouth open as she took her first man for ten years.

How she had missed that feeling she thought as he picked up pace and fucked her roughly. The man with the big bulge came round and drooped his shorts, placing his long cock against her lips. Gloria's eyes almost popped out as she scrutinised the enormous cock up close, but Billy scowled at him, reminding him of what she had said.

"Fuck off Tim, you heard what she said, no blow jobs."

Tim backed away and instead sat behind Gloria, placing her head in his lap with both hands on her breasts, his cock laying against her cheek, legs supporting her shoulders. She felt comfortable and very sexy at that moment, and was tempted to kiss the warm cock nestled against her cheek, but the third man moved in, leaning over to kiss her, his tongue being welcomed by Gloria as her orgasm started.

Here, for this brief moment, she was not a mum or a housewife, she was an object of desire, with three lusty young men pleasuring her, men who would probably boast of their conquest for years to come.

She didn't care what people might think of her, not at that moment as she bucked and moaned with Billy thrusting firmly into her, his grunts signalling the end of his turn as she delighted in the feeling of a man ejaculating into her, before rolling off to watch his seed dribble out between her legs.

Her eyes closed as Tim moved away, slipping a cushion under her head as he got up to take Billy's place, but the third man had quickly moved between her legs, pushing them apart and thrusting himself straight into her swollen pussy, pushing out Billy's seed as her hips moved up to meet him, her labia parting to welcome this new cock inside her.

Her pussy squelched and burped as he fucked her rapidly, coming in a few minutes, just as she was beginning to enjoy it.

Tim, standing over her whilst pulling his cock, looked at her, waiting for Gloria to indicate that she wanted more, which she did by opening her legs wide and lifting her hips once more, asking him to be gentle.

She had noticed that he was by the far the biggest of the three and wondered if he would hurt her, so was glad when he started to suckle her clitoris, something she had only experienced once before. As the sensation gripped her, she dreamily wondered why she hadn't done this more often, and she soon shuddered and whimpered to a second orgasm, clutching his head with both hands, legs crossed behind him, making sure he did not escape before she finished.

Billy watched her contorted face and bent over to kiss her, whispering into her ear about what a great slut she was, but that she was about to feel the force of Tim's monster

It was an unwelcome comment and one that she quickly dismissed as she finally let Tim go and pulled him up, kissing him passionately. This man had just given her a fantastic orgasm and she briefly felt love for him, an emotion she had never felt for any man.

He kissed her back hard as he moved between her legs, feeling them relax and open wide as his long stiff cock slipped between her pussy lips, teasing her entrance, circling the swollen and still sensitive clitoris. He watched the hairy hole gaping before him, the head of his cock nestling amongst the saliva and semen oozing from her, only making him stiffer as blood surged into his already engorged cock as it slowly disappeared into her, his eyes closing as he finally felt the warmth and wetness he had dreamt of since he first laid eyes on her.

Gloria bucked her hips as her vagina stretched to accommodate him, feeling his cock nestle against her cervix as he allowed her to relax and adjust to his size. For somebody as inexperienced as he clearly was, Gloria found him to be the most considerate of the three, especially considering his size. Despite his gentleness she was nervous as his cock stretched her beyond any previous limits.

As a teenager, she had thought Dave was big, but Tim felt twice his size although thankfully he was twice as gentle and she began to enjoy the way he slowly probed her, nudging in gently to explore her depths, pulling back when he felt her resist and occasionally withdrawing fully to titillate her swollen clitoris, bringing gasps from her and a broad smile which he returned before kissing her gently as he slowly pressed his cock into her depths once more, revelling in Gloria's reaction as she gripped his buttocks and whimpered her pleasure into his mouth.

Their coupling neared completion when Gloria felt an orgasm build from deep within, her hips now doing the work as Tim held himself over her, looking down as her hips rose and fell to fuck his cock rapidly. Her eyes closed as she concentrated on getting his cock into just the right place to give her the greatest pleasure, holding it pressed against her cervix until a body convulsing orgasm hit her like a thunderclap, just as Tim let himself go, coming deep inside her, Billy spoiling the moment by nudging him.

"Hurry up Tim, the bar will be shut in ten minutes."

Gloria wouldn't let go and, with legs clenched around him she continued to hammer her hips into Tim as he pumped streams of seed into her. Gloria could feel her cervix clenching as her orgasm subsided, sucking the three mens seed into her womb with Tim's cock held firmly inside her.

When at last she released him from her grasp, she stole one last kiss from Tim as he withdrew and softly spoke in her ear.

"Thanks Gloria, I really enjoyed that. I hope you did too."

She could only manage a smile and a nod as he stood up, the two others already dressed and standing by the open door, encouraging him to join them.

Now alone, Gloria got to her feet to tidy the carnage around her. Cushions were scattered around the floor, her clothes flung into all corners of the room, a stocking hanging over the lampshade, her bra crumpled under the sofa, her new dress screwed into a ball and rammed into a waste paper basket. There was a big wet patch on the rug, glistening in the light from the table lamps.

Despite the mess, she felt fantastic, elated at the events of a few moments ago, reliving the fantastic feeling of feeling Billy penetrate her for the first time for an age, but her lasting memory would be the feeling of Tim's cock sliding into her. She wanted to meet him again, but wasn't keen to repeat the deed with either of the other two.

In a few hours, Gloria would become a caring mother again, picking ip her son to take him and his friends to the cinema for a few hours, returning the favour to the mum who had unknowingly given her the opportunity to have her first sex for a decade. She felt like a woman again and the memory of this night would help her cope with the treadmill of her life once more.

Her mind was already focussing on real life again, checking for any text messages that her son may have sent her. He would usually phone her to say goodnight, but she had other things on her mind that night and now panicked as she searched for her phone.

Wracking her brains, she suddenly recalled taking it from her bag when talking to Julia. After that she had an image of it on the table with the men surrounding her as Julie waved goodbye.

Quickly pulling on jeans and a T shirt, she ran down the road in a panic, hoping the pub was still open. As she breathlessly ran up toward the door, she could hear the strains of an old Van Morrison song from the juke box, with a group of men bellowing the adapted chorus line loudly.

"And her name is Gloria, G. L. O. R. I. A, Gloria, I wanna fuck her every night, Gloria, Tim wants to lick her out, Gloria.."

Her hand froze on the door latch as she imagined the entire pub being told about the evenings events, every moment described in lascivious detail before somebody decided to finish the evening by putting that song on the jukebox.

The phone could wait until tomorrow she thought and backed away, heading back home to consider her future in this village.


Twenty years later, Gloria was recalling that time of her life as she turned off the TV and prepared herself for bed.

A few days after that night, she had a call from Chris, her husband now. He had managed to rid himself of his girlfriend and decided to make a play for the woman of his dreams.

He had one advantage from Gloria's perspective, he was about to move his small family business back to London, where he had just bought an apartment. She now wanted to move away from the small village and hoped their relationship would progress to the stage where she could move in with him.