Good Neighbors Ch. 181

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Some after breakfast fun.
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Part 182 of the 189 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/27/2021
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We arrived back home after breakfast before both girls disappeared into the guest room. I wasn't trying to eavesdrop as I made a fresh pot of coffee and grabbed the paper before I had the idea of checking my emails. Although I was off work for two weeks, it felt right that I should check in just in case. I started wading through the messages. Most of them were basic status reports while a few of them were from Matt trying to give me ideas what to do in Hawaii. Other than that, there was nothing of interest.

It was as I was closing the laptop that I saw my future sister-in-law heading towards the door with her small suitcase. I looked in interest as she hugged my fiancée and headed out the door. Before I could say anything, my fiancée walked over smiling before she slid into my lap.

"It was a surprise seeing Nikki, wasn't it?"

"It was," I replied, my arms holding her against me. "Still, it was nice for you girls to have some girl talk."

"She offered to do my makeup Saturday morning."

"That sounds like a good idea. So, are we going to do the traditional sleeping in separate places and all that?"

She looked at me with a silly look on her face.

"Well, there is the party aspect, so that wouldn't work really."

"How are we going to pull this off though? You bought a dress for it and..."

This moment of worry was interrupted by a kiss on my lips from my level-headed goddess. We kept kissing a bit before she stopped.

"How bout we just go with the flow, Romeo?"

I smiled at the thought before her phone rang. As she slipped out, I looked at my phone and saw a message from Aubrey. It contained a few emojis as well as a note saying, "Caught you."

"Caught me what?" I texted back.

It was a moment before the reply came back.

"As your assistant, I'm going to tell you I have your stuff handled. As your friend, I have to ask don't you have a wedding to get ready for?"

I sent back a few smiley emojis before I put my phone down and my fiancée walked back into the room. Her face showed a bit of tenseness.

"That was Mon. She told me she'd be coming solo to the party. Don is being an ass again."

I held out my arms and felt her slide in before just wrapping her up for a little while. Her head rested on my shoulder and there was a calming presence for a while before I felt her lips on my neck. I softly moaned instinctually as she kept kissing.

"There was something we were starting to do this morning we didn't finish, dear Leo," she whispered, the playful tone in her voice as she did.

Her hand slid under my shirt as she felt the t-shirt I had underneath.

"Why are you wearing a t-shirt?" she asked.

"Because it's a polo shirt and I feel very uncomfortable wearing a polo without one."

She shook her head before she raised up, slid in my lap so she was straddling my legs and started pulling up my shirt. There was a concentration in her eyes as she fished my t-shirt out of my pants. She raised it up just enough for my stomach to be visible before she leaned in and kissed my lips, biting my lip in the process. My hands instinctively went to her rear end to pull her closer to me as we kept kissing on the couch. She pulled back a little before she ripped off both shirts.

I then witnessed as she removed the shirt she was wearing before pressing our chests together. I held her there, kissing her as I did, reveling in the warmth of our bodies touching. After a little time of this, she slipped off my lap and started to undo my belt. I slid myself down a little to assist before my pants and boxers fell by the wayside and I was naked on her couch. She guided me so I was laying on the couch before she slipped off her jeans and joined me.

She straddled my waist at first, avoiding contact with my steel rod which was already waiting for her contact while we made out more. She lay on top of me, her breasts touching my chest as we kept kissing and nibbling on each other. I was too caught up in the activities to notice anything else to be honest. It was when her privacy rubbed against my cock that I started to moan a little bit.

"I was so mad at June this morning," she whispered. "She interrupted my morning workout."

She whispered this as she rose long enough to slide my cock inside her. The heat was immense as she moaned a little before sliding down. My hands went immediately to her hips as she started to bounce up and down, her eyes closed in concentration. I was enjoying the heavenly sight of my bride-to-be riding me, enjoying the moment.

A few moments later, she opened her eyes and started to lean forward so her hands were on my shoulders. We were looking in each other's eyes as we danced. I thrusted upwards at times to surprise her while she was taking what she wanted. After a little bit of this, she allowed herself to rest on top of me, my cock still buried inside her.

"I love it when you allow me to take control, Leo," she whispered. "I really need you to take your submissive right now, Master. Would you please fuck your good girl?"

I smiled before she slipped off me and allowed me to get up. Except, I didn't let her lay down. Instead, I took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom. There, I guided her to place her hands on the bed so I could slide into her from behind. My hands started on her hips while I took her before they slid up and grasped her "girls" as she calls them. The sounds coming out of her mouth were melodic to my ears as I took what was mine.

It was soon after that I pulled out and twirled her around for a quick deep kiss before pushing her onto her back to take her. There's a joy in fucking her in that position for many reasons. One major reason is that I love looking into her eyes as we are coupled together. I love her softer moans that are easier to hear when I'm right there. Her hands found my back as she edged closer.

"Fuck me, Leo. Take me!" she shouted.

I could feel her peaking. It was pushing me closer as well. I slammed into her a few more times before filling her. I lay there on top of her for a little while, kissing her before I rolled off her and we lay there holding each other. It was then we started just talking. There are many things I love about my Beloved. There are many things I was looking forward to in the coming weekend. At that moment, I was savoring being with her because it felt perfect.

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