All Comments on 'Gosford Bloody Tanner's Fault'

by Spencerfiction

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  • 133 Comments (Page 2)
pranavn0pranavn0about 2 years ago

10 full pages and over 37,000 words and still no resolution by the end. What a mess. I've never seen a worse example of lazier writing. This story could've ended in a page and a half if you were going to keep it open ended.

skruff101skruff101about 2 years ago

Of course it all falls flat when you realise that he knew she was coming to the hospital so all he had to do was inform the staff to refuse entry. They would be obliged to comply least it affects his recovery both physical and mental.

As for the ending…meh! Just a copy of JPB’s style of ending, which is not a compliment.

docrxdocrxabout 2 years ago

I gave you 5 stars but your non ending really sucks!

Reader2071Reader2071about 2 years ago

10 pages with no real ending.

The man abandoned his kids for 5 years. Why would anyone want him back? He should not be allowed around the children.

His wife was drugged and raped, and he ran away. Anyone would be better than him.

Not very often but this time, I wish she would have just let him go at the end and done better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

absolutly full of .. nothing! Just what obe can expect from an English writer. Either they love yo write about cucks... or they write about indecisive husbands...

Firstly i could never understand a man who runs away from a wife who was drugged and automatically shows what an unmanly person he is..and leaving the kids too.?

Mandy is extremely stupid to wait for this POS. He is not worth it...He is unmanly..he is incapable of earning adequate..he has his fears and insecurities which he allows to domnate his life. Would a moyher want such a piss wimp around her kids growing up? No No way. Or is it that in old mthre victorias territory u only have this tyoe if men left..wimps, pussies, cucks or gays? ipity the women doubt they are finding out the benifits of black men and asians... Jolly good for them...its time to slowly change the demography of England and actually make it the Kingdom( African and asian offcourse),...

rn2711rn2711almost 2 years ago

A very good story. As others I did not like the ending and would like to see a second chapter, but I understand why the author left it this way. He stayed limp and it says much.

He is not perfect in any way. He left his children and I can't accept it for any reason. But I do understand his hurt. It was not the affair, it was the first whole attitude for years that drove him away.

rn2711rn2711almost 2 years ago

On second thought, I don't like the ending at all. Yes, he and his wife were drifting apart for years, but she was raped. Yes, due to the drugs she enjoyed it, but so what? If he reconcile with her, he can't hold the rape against her. So, why is the limp dick? He should be man enough to forget it. No woman/man should fear that rape will tear up the family.

ChopinesqueChopinesquealmost 2 years ago

Realy well written. Bothersome ending, as others have noted.

One of the virtues about a good story is that unlike life, you might get things clearly resolved if your author feels like giving the readers that! She's dismissive about her infidelity. She wants hubby back, so sets out to hurt him more with other men?

The two main characters are flawed, which is ok, but it would be satisfying to see growth, to see forgiveness extended and met with changed hearts and healing. They're left in limbo or somewhere it seems.

ariaDnvariaDnvalmost 2 years ago

far to long, its should be 5 pages or less

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

For such a really long story, you'd think there would be a decent ending! This one was terrible. It needs to be 1/2 as long, with a completed ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Needs a bloody ending! 4/5 until you finish it proper.

Hiker66BikerHiker66Bikerover 1 year ago

What a great yarn! I couldn’t put it down. 5 stars and added to my favourites and thanks for sharing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

She was raped. It doesn't matter if she appeared (or did) enjoy it or not. She was drugged. He abandoned her and their children. He is limp wimp. He is not a man. Story was bloated. Ending was poor. Sure it was done intentionally to mimic is inability to "perform" and make what should be a simple decision. He has serious mental issues. I feel bad for Mandy and their kids. Just sad. MC was a pathetic excuse for a husband and father.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

What he needs to do is track Gosford "Bloody" Tanner' down and regain his manhood against the predator who drugged and raped his wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

STFU you big cry baby!!!! WHAT THE LITERAL FUCK

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She was drugged and raped. Sad the husband can't see that or deal with it. When a woman is drugged and raped, any appearances of enjoyment or pleasure are moot. She did notngive consent, doesn't even really know what is happening and is reacting on a purely physical level. The husband Herr is honorable and unable to forgive. Yet in fact there is nothing really to forgive. It is rape. But cannot forget and is thus broken. Sad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Rn2711's comment below is dead on accurate. A woman should never fear that rape will cost them their marriage. He needs to fix his psychological block. Wish there was a follow up. Open ending on such a down note is depressing.

mariverzmariverzabout 1 year ago

Justo cuando uno esperaría un Btb(bastardo) bien ganado, se va por la línea rraac.

Bueno, no se puede pedir todo

Bien la reconciliación, mal el no darnos un poco de venganza, mal que mal todo esto es ficción no?

oldtwitoldtwit12 months ago

Brilliantly done, quite a long journey with this one, I thought the plot was great, like so many but so different as well, a love story, and for on here that’s unusual, how you ended it, to me was such a surprise, I can see lots of the Anonymous posters telling you how you got it all wrong, how little they know, if they are so good how about being honest and getting logged into here and writing something themselves is my answer.

Great work, thanks.

miket0422miket042212 months ago

Highly entertaining.

Will they make it? The simple answer is no. Unless they both miraculously learn how to actually tell each other what they're thinking and feeling... They'll end up repeating their same mistakes over and over again.

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnon10 months ago

Honestly, I really wanted to like this, but you created Jimbo to be such a dense, idiotic moron for the entirety of the story, I ended up disliking it immensely. 10 pages to create a thoroughly unlikeable and incandescently stupid MC.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

MC has real issues. She was drugged and raped. Her nit showing resistance is moronic. That is the point of date rape drugs. Add some X and of course she will enjoy it. Get over it. Man up. Go to counseling. Got to therapy for yourself to get past your pain and your inability yo have an erection. She made some mistakes. But in the end she was drugged and raped. Period. All the what if's don't mean squat. Btw most of thse date rape drugs are detectable for for multiple days. X for like 4-5 days after administration. Rohpynol even longer. A woman should never feel that her marriage is in jeopardy is she is raped. That was her biggest mistake. MC comes off as a coward who had mental issues over Gosford Tanner screwing his wife. Someone pampering over the fact that she was raped! He clearly cares for her and his pain is very real l, but he can't logically reconcile that she was raped. Ergo she did not give consent. Gah!

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Think people totally miss the highlights of the story.

His wife hid him from her friends and work colleagues as if she was embarrassed to be seen with him.

She looks down on his job and sees herself as being way above him socially and educationally.

His MIL hated him and everytime his wife came back from visiting her she made his life hell.

Sex life very bad and then he sees her with a guy he had warned her about in bed

Any man may have acted in exactly the same way after the years of disrespect and the loud vocal cheating

TC Ireland

l0ver0tical0ver0tica6 months ago

Agree with TC Ireland's comment...

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Lack of true communication leads to a nowhere existence and no closure

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The wife should just dumb this MC and move on, cheated,drug, rape or not, who walks out on their children? Yes the way the wife treated him was disrespectful,their marriage was in trouble but no man with self respect would walk out on their children lives just like that, the author tries to portray the MC as a brave firefighter whereas his character does the exact opposite. I just couldn't get past this story, the MC character was idiotic,a coward no development till the end, the wife was drug, but I wouldn't be surprised if he was cucked either with his character

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I recognize that laws differ betweenncountries, but even in England there are oles in this. If his boss simply handed over his car and belongings to some bimbo claiming to be a wife the boss would be fired, if not criminally charged. The charge nurse letting that same bimbo in would likely be up on charges before morning, and stricken of the register for letting a TV crew in. That's all before this cretin is taken overby his slut exagain. If that's howbritish men are these days, it's no damn wonder the Empire is gone!

BstrdsUnOfJffrsUnBstrdsUnOfJffrsUn2 months ago

Barf. Just get back together already. Ambiguous endings blow.

ParsimoniousPersimmonParsimoniousPersimmon2 months ago

Can't really relate to any of the MCs here. That said, Jimbo seems to have an IQ somewhere below room temperature. There's oblivious and then there is willfully blind.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This ending shows the MC as being really pathetic. He simply refuses to face the issue and take control of his feelings. Not to mention, his refusal to communicate with his wife shows he's a total coward. She would do better to dump his sorry butt before he influences "HER" children as he isn't worthy to have children!

drbenchpress66drbenchpress6613 days ago

I’m upset… 10 pages and you didn’t even have the decency to give a satisfactory ending. Having said that I enjoy plenty of stories with ambiguous endings, but they are usually short and generally leave only one or two options.. dk idk i can’t even finish this comment.

gprevgprev9 days ago

Great story, but pathetic conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 22 hours ago

I wasted reading 10 fucking pages for that shitty ending?!

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