Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 03


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I told him I might have to buy another freezer for all this meat as it was. "So buy one or two." he shrugged. "Stock up on the meat. We'll get our limit of six each this year I am sure. Speaking of food, I saw the garden area you let go in your back yard when you showed me around. Did you deliberately let it go fallow?" I shook my head. I told him how Christine and I had been avid gardeners and I made sure to have fresh vegetables on hand even when she got too sick to help. I just could not bring myself to garden after she passed. He nodded. "I understand. The taste of food you grow yourself is always better because you pick it at the right time, but at the same time your heart has to be in it."

I liked this man more and more. He was almost thirty years older than me but he understood. We moved the two deer we had just shot into the building and hung them from the rafters. "It's funny. Two deer to process today and we have all the help we need. Tomorrow we have four deer but only a couple of us, unless we wait until afternoon when the women start to get home. They all work at jobs around town."

We ate a great breakfast. I was impressed. One of the girls asked me how I preferred my eggs and how many I wanted. That was my only input. They had grits, hashbrowns, toast, biscuits and meat patties I found out was ground venison on the table. Everything at a typical southern breakfast except pork products. I ate until I was stuffed. Derek and I went out onto the porch to drink coffee. "I feel like I ought to be inside helping clean up. Y'all fed me." I said. He grinned and said I was a guest but thanks for offering. "No, you don't understand." I said. "I feel a real urge to go in and help do dishes and clean up. It is something I have done every day for years."

"That is your OCD kicking in. Part of your syndrome. Just sit here, drink your coffee and we will talk about how we will process the deer in a little while." Derek offered kindly.

I asked him how he knew what I was going through. "I don't really. I never experienced it. But I was a nurse for years, critical care. I was trained to understand a patient and recognize what they need. You are a friend but the same thing applies. Just redirect your impulse. We'll let the women clean up and later we will get with the meat processing. You will learn how and later when it is just us, we will get it going." I smiled. I felt content. The man was wise.

Butchering deer was not easy. But Derek had a system. First we had to sanitize the equipment, including the tubs where we would stack the cuts of meat before we packaged them. I was all over that. My OCD made me a cleaning dynamo. We skinned and began to cut up the animals. Shortly after noon we had both animals cut up into roasts and steaks. Scraps were ground into what would best be called venison hamburger. Then we began the final cleanup. I was a happy camper.

Derek packed a large cooler with meat and threw in a couple freezer packs to keep the meat cool. "This is for you to take home." I protested I had not shot either of the deer we had processed. "That does not matter. Your buck might be hanging up over there but you worked on these. You get some of the meat. By the time we are finished, we will both have our freezers full." We all went inside to eat lunch the girls had cooked. I even had a couple beers with Derek. I refused a third. "If you are not comfortable to drive, I'll send a couple girls along to drive you home. You might have to wait a while, though. These girls all like rum and whisky drinks. Weekends are a party out here."

Lou came over and asked to talk in private. I went out onto the porch. She asked me how things went last night when I got home. Thinking about it later I was not sure if it was the alcohol, or just an innate trust in this woman and Derek but I told her exactly what happened. "Good. You took charge. I know you were pressured but I have your back. You are your own man." she said. I smiled. "Seriously. You are fully capable of making your own decisions. I think I understand more than you think I do. I am not just talking legal action. My being your lawyer now. I am talking as a friend. I like you. Derek does too. You can imagine how we talk here. No secrets. Some of the stuff here is gritty, some mean and cruel as hell but it is all honest. The consensus is you are a good guy. We are going to help you. Your daughter and Robin are not the enemy but we are not going to let you get lost to them either."

"Two of our girls. I call them girls, knew your wife and have fond memories. Lenore from several years ago. Caroline pretty recently. But we have met you. We like you. I have a few documents for you to sign. They mainly say you are under legal representation and cannot sign anything without my counsel. Nobody can coerce or entice you into any agreement without my knowledge. These type agreements came into play originally to protect people from unwittingly signing themselves into slavery. Any advice I give you can be reviewed later." I asked her how that might be important. "Well, it means I could not take advantage of you either. Play the part of being your friend and then screw you over. Like Gary Atwell seems to have done to your sister in law."

"Do you think we can help her? " I asked. "I mean, sometimes she grates on my nerves. But other times I really feel close. She came to me yesterday morning to warn me about the program. That could cost her. She is my sister in law and I kinda feel an obligation to help her."

"We'll help her." Lou said. "We'll have to figure out how. But that will be later. For now let's concentrate on you," A couple of the slave girls came out onto the porch. Cleanup had been completed. Lenore, the woman I had met that morning sat on the swing next to me.

"This is relaxation time, for a few minutes anyway." she began. "But I am curious as an accountant how you let your finances get so screwed up." I laughed and began to tell her several stories. How I spent money like it had no end. If I wanted something, I bought it. How I would go to a casino and gamble hard.

"I'd be ahead. I knew the odds. I could calculate the expectation to win in my head and bet accordingly. I had my ups and downs. Generally I was ahead of the game.' I offered honestly. "But if I started drinking which I did all too often, that all went out the window. I'd wake up in my car broke. I can't say hung over because I was drunk so often I did not even get hungover."

"So no control. No structure to your life." Lenore said.

I nodded, "None, since my wife died. She did not control my life just gave it structure. I need to have a goal. At least someone to account to on a regular basis. I need to belong. I guess now you how know how much of a screw-up I have been." For some strange reason Lenore had unshed tears in her eyes.

"I know exactly what you mean." she said. "I would not call you a screw-up at all. You just don't function well on your own or in a vacuum. I was there. I don't want to tell you my life story but each time I tried to live on my own I got depressed and basically screwed up. I even got married once to an asshole just to keep from being on my own."

"Lou made a suggestion and I agree." Lenore said. "Would you be willing to let me review your finances? I mean go over it all, not just your bills. I think she is going to want to see the details of your trust. We can analyze where you are. Legally and financially."

I was puzzled. I thought my trust was locked in stone. But I was happy to let Lenore come look over any of my financial documents she wanted to see. I was happy to have help. I thought about what Derek said. He lived well because of the women's collective wisdom.

Joanne and Robin were both waiting for me when I got home. I was proud to show them the large cooler of meat Derek insisted I bring home. I told them about my day leaving out the legal and financial talk.

"So you plan to spend more time out there with Derek hunting and processing animals you shoot." Joanne stated as I put the meat into my chest freezer. I nodded. "How is that going to effect your duties here?" I was puzzled and asked what duties. "Well, you generally cook, clean, and do laundry."

"I'll do my share of the work like I always have." I said. "When you come over you can chip in. You haven't been here more than once a month or so, so it all fell to me. Robin will have to do her part. I'm happy to have her stay here, like I said last night. I need to take a shower. Tomorrow I will probably stay there late and see if I can shoot another deer." I left to get cleaned up.

I walked out of my bathroom to find Joanne sitting on my bed once again. I was glad I had taken a fresh pair of underwear with me. "You seem to have changed your position on what boundaries mean. Don't I deserve some privacy?" I said.

"Sit down, Bas." Joanne ordered sternly. I stared at her and began to reach for the jeans I had laid out. "I said sit! Neither Robin nor I told you to go shower. I was not finished talking to you. Now, I am very disappointed in you" I glared at her but I sat down. I told her I was uncomfortable sitting there in my underwear in front of her. "Good. Maybe you will pay attention to me if you are uncomfortable. This is what is called a tough love intervention. I told Mom I would take care of you after she was gone. She knew you would need help. I feel bad about failing her up to now.. I let you have too much freedom and you screwed up. That is why I enlisted Robin's help. You were doing well this past week. Then it all went to Hell yesterday."

"I don't like her giving me orders. I appreciate her being around." I said. "I don't even mind her pushing me to do what I should, but I am not going to let her control everything and the other stuff...." I trailed off. "You looked happy to see her want to spank me last night like a little kid."

"You do realize that if I decide to take over completely as your guardian, I will hire Robin as your governess? As such she will have full rights to punish you. That means whatever she decides appropriate including spanking. Plus you will lose all rights to have your guns or possibly even drive." Joanne stated. "This program will be far easier on you."

"I heard it is really a self-imposed conservatorship. A contract." I said. I had almost revealed where I heard it. "I've been reading about it online."

"Yes, it is the person acknowledging they have a problem and is asking for help." Robin said. "We discussed that last week."

"I don't like the idea of a formal contract. I read about what happens if you change your mind and violate the contract. It could mean indenture for the term of the contract. I also don't like the idea of punishment." I said. "It was a little strange you seemed perfectly happy last night when Robin wanted to spank me. You even seemed excited to watch."

"She had intended to blister your butt at first." Joanne confirmed. "You deserved it for defying her. I agreed. Then we decided if you did not argue and apologized for your behavior it would only be a hand spanking. And yes I would have sat and watched her do it. I might have even given you a few licks if you protested my watching."

"Where did you get this idea of spanking as being a good thing?" I asked. "Your Mom and I never spanked you growing up."

"My roommate's family has a few slaves. She brought one to the apartment to clean it. I saw how fast somebody responds to a few licks on the bare butt. I think it will get your attention."

"I can't believe you'd want to do that to me. I raised you!" I said, a bit indignant. "It isn't right for you to see me like I am now much less naked getting spanked."

"It is intended to be discipline." Joanne said. "Robin and I planned to be nice to you afterwards. A carrot and stick kind of thing. But as far as seeing you naked, or even having sexual contact with you, I am now an adult and we are not blood relatives, I see it as no problem at all. It is NOT incest. Make no mistake. I intend to take care of you like I promised Mom. Now as you pointed out, I will give you this next week to decide to agree to the program."

"I have not even seen the contract." I said. "I need to read it before I even think of signing." Joanne smiled and told me that would be fine. I knew she thought she had worked me into a corner.

Joanne stood and walked to the door. I waited until she left. I had a chubby and my boxer briefs would do little to conceal it. I got dressed quickly and went into the kitchen. I saw the large manila envelope that had been couriered to Robin last week.

"This contains copies of the "Program" contract as well as a few others." Robin said.

The first paper was a general power of attorney giving Robin the right to sign on my behalf and enter into any legal transaction. There was one for Joanne as well. I was NOT happy to see this included. Joanne pointed out we already had powers of attorney for each other to make medical decisions in case the other was incapacitated.

I agreed but added, "But that one is limited. This one is general. It says either of you two can conduct business on my behalf." Joanne looked at me and said, "What real business could we do? We can sign checks on your account. The foundation business is locked. You still get paid from it. The house is owned by the foundation. Sure, either of us can sell your car but not much else that really would affect you. A general power of attorney would not let us sign to indenture you or anything like that."

Robin pulled out the next document and handed one copy to me and the other to Joanne to read. Both girls' names appeared. This document was a couple pages long. I was horrified at what I was reading. While not a lawyer, I could tell what the document meant.

"This document is a self-declaration that I am incompetent to handle my own affairs!" I exclaimed. 'It essentially names you two as my guardians!!! And for a term of at least three years?" I asked.

"CO-guardians." Robin corrected."It puts you under the control of both of us. No sense doing it for anything less." Joanne stated, agreeing. "Robin will be in her undergraduate studies that long. As long as she lives here, she needs to stay in charge."

"Automatic renewal unless released?" I pointed out another paragraph I really did not care for. Robin said, "At that time, either Joanne or I can release you from the whole contract. That is for your protection. It would take both of us to mutually agree to keep you under our control to renew it. And we would ONLY do that if we both thought you needed our continued supervision. But like it says it will be our decision. You will have no say at the time."

"Well, that is not entirely true. If we decide to release you, you could always ask one of us to stay in charge." Joanne offered. "It is just that it won't be YOUR decision to be released."

I pointed out the embossed notary stamps on the unsigned documents. Robin admitted that it was not "exactly kosher" for stamps saying signatures were witnessed to be applied to documents ahead of time. "If you want, I will call my sister and she can have Dad print up new documents. Then we can go over and he can notarize them or rather have a secretary come to the house and emboss them AFTER the signatures like it is supposed to be. Of course, this way we sign in private. I cannot say if your ex-sister in law, what is her name, Brenda and your nephew might be present in addition to my mom and sister. Dad will have you read the documents and state you understand and agree." I stared at her.

"Another alternative is to go to the law firm and do it there." Robin continued. "The lawyers know you and your new status will be will be out in the open." I told both women I would read over all the documents this week. Probably several times. They smiled warmly.

Joanne drove back to her apartment leaving Robin and I on our own. I'm sure she felt Robin would 'handle' me. I was equally committed to prevent any such thing. I told Robin I was going to warm up some of the leftovers we had from couple nights before and asked her if she wanted some. She sat down. "Bas, I like you. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. Joanne and I both think we know what is best for you. You need supervision. Now I know you will not care for all my rules at first. You began to get into the mindset last week but now are rethinking things. I understand. We have time to work things out. I understand this hunting business and filling the freezer with meat is making you feel good you are accomplishing something. Saving money and bringing home food."

I continued to eat as I listened. "I know that stokes your ego. You are doing something you never did before and got a profitable result for your efforts" Her analysis struck me as funny. But I guess it was my condition that I contemplated her words rather than burst out laughing. In response to her prattle, I nodded. That was another learned response I had mastered years ago.

My late wife Christine had even coached me. She said it was important for me to learn how to listen to somebody and deliberately consider what they said while concealing my thoughts. I was to maybe frown a bit like I was considering what they were saying, nod but most importantly keep my mouth shut. At least until I had thought of a suitable response. She would tell me some outrageous things just to get me to react. Right now I remembered those lessons as I absorbed Robin's bullshit. I recognized it as such. I was going to listen to Lou Player and Derek Robichaud long before I took counsel from this young woman or my own daughter. Or to be exact, stepdaughter who now considered it okay to violate my privacy, have me punished, and possibly (at least how I perceived her attitude) engage in sexual acts.

"I'll consider what you said." I said a few times. I was trying to be as non-committal as possible. I did not feel like watching television but thought I might before I went to sleep. My main goal was to get away on my own to think. I had got up well before dawn this morning and was very tired, I said as much to Robin as I rinsed the dishes and put them into the dishwasher. I reminded her I would not be available to drop her off and pick her up in the morning. I could take her to school but she would have to walk or find another way to get home. She decided to drive herself.

I had just turned off the television and rolled over to go to sleep when I heard my bedroom door open and then close. Robin slipped under the covers. "Are you asleep?" she whispered. I told her no as she pressed what I could tell were her bare breasts against my back. I wore only a pair of boxer briefs. "I know you are tired, but do you have enough energy to make love?" she asked. I rolled over to face her. What man would not take advantage of an offer like that? Not even one high on the autism scale who was totally aware and more than a little pissed off he was being manipulated."No oral tonight, just fuck me and make me cum." she said.

That was one order I was happy to obey. My penis took even less time than my mind did to respond to the offer. My the time I pealed my shorts off, I was rock hard. Robin was wet. I had a brief thought she must be very horny, then I wondered if she had been playing with herself to get her to this state. I did not care. I rolled over and she opened her legs in greeting. "Fuck me and make me cum!" she ordered. I got to work.

As I did, I kissed her. Although the room was dark, I knew what she looked like, smelled like and felt like. After a few seconds the image of her face in my mind's eye was not Robin's. It was Lenore Angelle's. I had only talked to the woman a few times. Just like I had with Lou. But I could see her face clear as day. What the hell was wrong with me?

Within a few minutes Robin was having an orgasm. Seeing Lenore's face, I came also. I collapsed on top of Robin and kissed her, thinking of Lenore.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I'm going to add a +1 to the crowd praising you for writing a character with some spine instead of a wimp who just jumps into subservience. To me, a little mention of sex between proper characters is more arousing than graphic sex scenes of people who may as well be badly programmed robots which act in ways almost no human ever would. Bravo.

TechumsahTechumsahover 2 years ago

Very nice that he has a spine instead of just folding. If he does end up folding it was all for naught.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

It’s refreshing to read a story on here where the male character tells the wannabe Domme(s) to F off. Truly, a wonderful change from the usual fare. One begins to expect the male characters to just fall apart like a $2 shirt when the dominant female starts bossing him around. Kudos for taking a different approach.

WetheNorthWetheNorthover 2 years ago
quote I like where this is going much better than where its been. unquote

I second that

HargaHargaover 2 years ago

I know Derek and Lou will find a way to help Bas and if their not careful those girls will end up indentured to him instead of the other way around. That would tickle my funny bone. Well done.



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I like where this is going much better than where it’s been.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great to see the characters from SlaveCamp return... 5 stars

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