Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 19

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Sherrie and Lenore come to a resolution.
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Part 20 of the 33 part series

Updated 06/14/2024
Created 10/26/2021
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I know it has been a long time coming, but my next chapter is ready. I had a few personal matters- a lingering condition and then Covid. I hope to continue the series soon.


Lenore's vague description of her cousin Marge's attitude did not explain much. Did the woman support her cousin through thick or thin or was there no love lost. I knew some families had the attitude "I can screw with my family member all I want but an outsider is not entitled." I had heard the name Dr.Marge bandied around here and at the Hacienda but had never met the woman.

Depending on the context, from all accounts Marge was either the most trustworthy person on the planet or the scariest. I asked Lenore. Once again her answer was not exactly clear. "I trust Marge with anything serious, especially a medical problem. At the same time, Marge is a complete authority figure who, even at my age, would whip my butt if I dared to talk back or disrespect her or my mother. When I acted out as a young teen after my father died, Marge was the one who encouraged my mother to get tough on me. Their idea of tough love was to use a paddle liberally. The paddle was only one of their many disciplinary tools. I think their treatment is one reason my submissive streak is so...well I guess you could say ingrained. "

"She does not seem too keen to protect you." I observed. "From stories you told, Marge would throw you to the wolves."

"Maybe not throw me." Lenore said. "If one of those wolves was hauling me off to her lair against my will, Marge would step in. If I was being led off, she'd stand and watch and even encourage the wolf. When I engaged in any submissive activity in the past, Marge's idea was that it was my nature to engage in any submissive activity and I should live with it and accept the consequences."

"Sounds like a common theme." I observed. "Marge, Lou, Sarah and Wanda all seem to share the same attitude. If Sherrie busts your butt and takes over they think it is on you. " I offered, shaking my head.

"Oh yes! If I let Sherrie take me over, she could stuff a big dildo up my butt on Main street and all four would tell me I accepted Sherrie's dominance so shut up and take it. They'd stand and watch the show." Lenore confirmed.


Christmas was a week away. Derek invited me to bring my girls out to the Hacienda for a celebratory meal the Saturday before. He wanted a little get together with his friends before the holiday. I asked Joanne what she wanted to do. Growing up, Christmas was always an important holiday for her. My wife, Christine always had a few events going on at the University but insisted on our private family celebration. Even after her death, Joanne and I made sure that was the one holiday we spent together.

Now though, she was my slave living amongst a group of other women. Our 'family' was quite a bit larger. We decided to have our own celebratory meal at home on the holiday itself. Sonya, Rene and Carol were all going to spend the day with their families. Joanne was totally on board to start our holiday celebration a week early at the Hacienda.

In keeping with her role as head girl, Sonya insisted on planning and preparing for our group's Christmas meal. This week, she and the other women would bake cookies and pies. I knew better than to interfere. My sole involvement was to tell her to bake a little extra so she, Rene and Carol could take some to their families. They would also prepare a ham for each family.

The next morning, Saturday, Sonya took three of the women, Brenda, Beth and Charlene grocery shopping. I had decided to accept Derek's invitation and as soon as the three got back, I took the girls to the Hacienda. Richard and Marianne asked to be excused to spend the day with some of their friends.

My decision to go was not exactly mine. Lenore insisted I get out of the house and requested I take everybody else with me. Her and Sherrie's absence was not missed. On the way, I heard Joanne whisper to Robin in a not too quiet voice. "I wonder what we are going to find when we get back. Everything normal or Lenore naked and on her knees?" Both girls giggled. I glanced in the rear view mirror. Robin was watching for my reaction, a slight smile on her face. All I could do was shrug.

"I heard you left Lenore and Sherrie home together." Lou commented later. "I guess Lenore figured it was time to settle things." I told her Lenore wanted to make sure nobody was around to interrupt.

"The girls were discussing it earlier." Sarah said. "They were talking about how Lenore ordered Sherrie's pubes plucked last night to soften her up. Some argued it would not help. They were speculating if Lenore was going to presented to the group as your newest slave when you got home, naked and hairless."

I was surprised and asked if they would think that fair to subject Lenore to that humiliation. I thought it a little mean spirited for Sherrie to do that. "Nope, the girls expect it if Lenore submits. Both your girls and ours. Our girls all knew Lenore as another slave girl. Well a free woman acting as a slave with no more rights than one. At home anyway. Lenore never played the free woman role when she went to live with you but if she decides to become a slave girl again, every one of the girls will expect her to embrace the position. And they will treat her as such." Sarah said.

"When Sarah brings Ginger out here to be a slave on occasion, Ginger has to present herself as an uncollared slave to the group. It is kind of a little ritual. It defines her position on a visit. Sometimes she is allowed to be a free woman when she visits but not often." Lou explained. Wanda walked up to join the conversation."Of course you can opt to let Lenore out of it. You can always put your foot down and make a command decision."

"No. If Lenore chooses to submit to Sherrie, I will go along and let her live with the ramifications...ALL of them." I said. The three women smiled their approval.

"Good. " Wanda said. "I've already decided they must be professional in the office. But what they do during their lunch time or before or after work is their business. I'll watch the show."

"Lenore told me you offered to send her to her desk without panties the other day." I said with a slight smile I could not conceal at the image.

"She was whining." Wanda shrugged. "I didn't bother to tell her her butt would have not only been bare but sore. She knew exactly what I meant to do."

"So you do not care if she wins or loses her challenge with Sherrie." I observed


"Oh no! We all hope she wins and comes out on top." Lou said. "But the very fact she finds herself in the position of Sherrie possibly dominating her tells me she deserves whatever she gets if she fails. And if she fails we will make sure we do our part to acknowledge her new position."

"Yeah, naked with her face planted between our legs." Sarah offered with a grin. "Where a slave girl belongs."

I joined Derek who was talking with John Dubois and his boys about a proposed hog hunt. They were discussing the coordination of baiting the group of hogs into a 'kill' zone and then five of us shooting as many hogs as we could. The down side was possible wounded animals escaping.

We decided instead to have two separate areas we could alternate nightly. The assigned hunters could take their time and ensure clean kills as they shot from a blind. We might not get rid of as many hogs but we would minimize any suffering.

I would load some rounds for John and his boys to fit their rifles. They were using the same rifles they used for deer. Totally adequate but since the range was slightly further with the hogs we wanted 'hotter' loads. John had already bought the materials. I could crank out enough rounds over the next few days to have us all supplied.


Derek insisted we take some ham and other pork dishes home with us when we left that afternoon. "If you don't, I'll be eating it the next several meals" he confided with a grin. "Love it on sandwiches but enough is enough!" As I put the food into the trunk, I told Sonya to plan to cook some extra pies to send out to the Hacienda.

"Way ahead of you boss." she replied with a grin. "They thought we were crazy at the store when we loaded up a whole shopping cart with apples this morning. We bought the store out of cherries too. We are gonna look like a bakery with all the pies we are gonna turn out this week."

Sonya rode up front with me on the way home. Charlene, Carol and Rene sat in the back. "I wonder what is gonna be waiting for us when we get home." Rene said, softly. I glanced in the mirror. "I hope Lenore comes out on top. I'd hate to see Lenore get her head shaved bald." That was the first I had heard about that. When I asked, Rene answered, "Oh, yeah, a couple of the girls suggested that Sherrie shave Lenore head to toe. I don't want to say who." I was sure I knew. "A while back one of the girls at the Hacienda had her hair taken off. She had a wig to wear in public. They still have the wig. Lenore will have to ask very nicely to use it, they said. There was a big discussion about it and a LOT of giggling."

"So Lenore's and Sherrie's confrontation was a big topic?" I asked, glancing at Sonya, who nodded.

"Oh yeah." Sonya replied. "Some of the girls were even betting on the outcome." She giggled. "Slave girls don't own anything. They were betting serving each other, licking asses and giving orgasms."

I had to admit that idea was not only funny but arousing. "Which way did y'all bet?" I asked the group in general. They all denied betting at all, saying they hoped Lenore came out on top.

'Most of the girls want Lenore to win." Sonya reported. "But the girls at the Hacienda said Lenore is so submissive, they doubt her chances. They think if confronted by a dominant woman she'll cave." I caught her wording "most'. I was sure without asking that Robin and Joanne were not in that group.

The answer to which woman came out on top remained unanswered when we got home. Lenore's car was not there. We unloaded the ham and everybody went inside. I called Lenore. "Where are you?" I asked. She answered, 'On the way home.' "We just got home."I told her.

"I know." Lenore said. "I saw you had left the Hacienda. I tracked the girls' collars." I had not thought to do that. Of course Lenore did not have a collar to track but Sherrie did. "We'll be home in a few."

I noticed every one of the girls was present when Lenore and Sherrie parked. The two pulled flat boxes out of the back seat of the car. Nothing looked amiss. There were absolutely no signs of any conflict between the two women. I heard a few sighs behind me.

"We bought some King cakes for dessert." Lenore announced.. "They are also selling pies but Sonya has plans to bake a buttload of them so we thought this would be something different."

King cakes are a Louisiana tradition. Usually sold during Mardi Gras, over the past several years, the bakeries in the area got a little jump on the business by offering them for Christmas as well. Essentially they are a cinnamon flavored coffee cake covered with a glaze with green, purple and gold accents. They are offered plain, or stuffed with cream cheese, or a variety of fruit fillings. Each one has a tiny plastic baby hidden inside. Finding the baby in your piece is supposed to bring luck. Lenore and Sherrie each happily carried a large box inside.

I was trying to see my girls' reactions while looking for any indications from Sherrie and Lenore. I saw absolutely nothing to indicate a bit of conflict between the two. Joanne and Robin seemed disappointed with what they saw. A few acted satisfied while the rest took it in stride. It appeared the showdown had been postponed.

"I knew the theme for the meal at the Hacienda was gonna be pig." Sonya told me, grinning. "But there is only so much ham, pulled pork, ribs and pork chops you can eat in one day. I bought chicken for supper." I grinned back and gave her a big kiss as I thanked her for thinking ahead. "Remember that tonight, Boss. It doesn't look like Lenore did anything about Sherrie. I'd love to join you two or..... just us."

Sonya was undoubtedly becoming more assertive. I thought about what Lenore had said earlier about her maybe not enjoying being a slave but loving the idea of family. Sonya told me she liked the 'freedom' of a slave allowed no inhibitions. Derek had lamented his age and the ability to 'keep up'. I smiled and patted Sonya on the butt. She gave me a quick kiss and, handing me another beer, shooed me out of the kitchen.

We had finished our dinner and Sonya sent Rene to bring over one of the king cakes. "Thanks for the king cakes, Lenore." she said.

"So what did you do today besides buying king cakes?" Robin asked. I heard a few sharp intakes of breath around the table. Sherrie's blush while staring at her plate told me something had indeed occurred. She was sitting directly across the table from Lenore and me. I preferred to sit in the middle of the table rather than the traditional 'head of the table'. Lenore always insisted on sitting by my side.

"Show them." Lenore said quietly. Sherrie's blush deepened but she did not hesitate. She began to unbutton loose long sleeve shirt she wore. Most of the girls often opted to go braless at home and Sherrie was no exception. She shrugged the now open shirt off her shoulders and rolling her shoulders back, pushed her nicely rounded tits out.

"Holy crap!" Joanne exclaimed loudly announcing what everybody could plainly see. "You pierced her nipples!!" Most of the girls stared. A few began to talk all at once. All knew how Sherrie had reacted to Jennifer's teasing about Gretchen's threat to pierce her. "Nips and lips" had almost started a fight. It took the lie about trashing the diplomas to make Sherrie lose control. Now Sherrie sported a large gold ring from each nipple.

"And the other." Lenore added. This time Sherrie looked pleadingly at Lenore who just nodded. Sherrie stood, pushed her chair back and unbuttoned her jeans. She pushed the jeans over her butt and let them fall. She inserted her thumbs into the sides of her bikini panties and pushed them over her hips letting everything fall.

"You pierced her pussy too??!!" Rene gasped loudly, seeing the protruding ring. "Is that in her lip or in her clit?" The others stared.

"It's in the clitoral hood." Lenore said as everybody stared. "We discussed doing the clit itself, but decided we wanted a large ring and did not want to risk damage to the nerves. That ring is what is called a door knocker. It is sized to have the ball sit on the tip of her clit for added stimulation. Sherrie has a large clit so the ring wound up being big and heavy. Sherrie go ahead and put your clothes back on." Sherrie did, all the while not saying a word. I was surprised at the the lack of tears.

"Go ahead. Make your comments and ask your questions." Lenore told the group. "Don't all talk at once."

Robin stated what I knew others were thinking. "Sherrie hated the idea of being pierced. I guess you knew it would be worse for her than beating her ass when she challenged you." she said. Her accusatory tone was not quite concealed.

" Sherrie asked to be pierced actually." Lenore said to every one's astonishment. "The nipples were obvious but she selected the hood piercing. I limited the piercings to three." Lenore nodded to Sherrie. "Tell them."

"I asked Lenore to mark me as hers." Sherrie announced in a confident voice. "I suggested she tattoo my ass or a tit with 'Property of Lenore Angelle." The silence around the table was heavy as we all listened to Sherrie's confession. "Lenore pointed out Bas is my owner and unlike her all of us are his slaves. But I wanted to make a sacrifice to her. To prove my devotion, so I asked her to pierce and ring me. I offered to have several others done too. Belly button and pussy lips. I told her to pierce me as many times as she wanted. I was well, I AM hers. Bas might own my ass but Lenore owns my soul. She decided to limit the number to three. We discussed all our options between us and with the girl at the tattoo parlor."

"Did it hurt?" Rene wanted to know. "Those rings look like they are pretty big."

"Yeah, they are big.' Sherrie confessed. "The needle was smaller and the rings stretch the holes. The piercer suggested I go small at first and put bigger rings in later. I decided to go with these. My clit hood stung, but my nipples burned like fire when that needle stabbed through. And when she fished the rings through, they burned worse. I gotta admit, I cried. I would never had done this before, but it felt good to do this for Lenore."

"How about now?" Marianne asked. "Has the pain stopped?"

'Until I bump them. Then they throb." Sherrie confessed. "You don't realize how many times you bump your tits. I was careful with the seatbelt in the car when I first got in after getting pierced, but when we stopped at the bakery, I caught one ring. I about peed myself. Just crossing my arms or carrying that box into the house got them going. The one in my clit is not nearly as bad, but I had to be careful when I pulled my panties down to use the bathroom."

"Well, at least piercings will heal over after you leave the rings out." Joanne offered. "Not as permanent as a tattoo."

"These are permanent." Sherrie declared suddenly. "Until Lenore decides to remove them. She told me I could ask to take them out. I am not going to wimp out."

Lenore corrected her saying, "Well, Bas can override us and order them removed. He does own you." I shrugged. I was not going to commit either way.

Sonya chuckled. 'Well, what I said the other day about us getting pierced and having bells clipped on may be not far away." All the girls looked at me.

"I'm not sure about the hardware." I said as I shrugged. "they look cute, but I'd hate to chip a tooth." Richard laughed loudly.

"I never noticed how big your clit is, Sherrie. Until I saw that ring pulling it " Rene offered. She immediately said, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to embarrass you. I just thought all pussies looked pretty much the same. I mean tits come in all kinds of shapes and sizes."

"No way." Richard said. "Pussies are all different. Lip size, inner lips hanging out or hidden.. All different."

"And just how many pussies have you seen in your eighteen years, cousin?" Joanne jibed, squinting at him.

Richard grinned back. 'Not as many as I would like." he said. I noticed Marianne blush and fidget. "But I've paid attention when you girls are naked and in the right position to compare. I've seen Marianne's of course and her sister's too. I've had an incredibly good look at yours and it looks just like Mom's. Guess that is a family thing." His grin widened. Joanne blushed and shut her mouth. He looked at me. "I know I can't touch, but can I do a little investigation, Uncle Bas? You know for research." I could not help myself. I had to laugh. I told him we'd talk about it later. He looked at Joanne again and wiggled his eyebrows.

During all this banter everybody had finished their dessert. Sonya announced for the cleanup crew to get busy saying she planned to start preparation on the pies the next morning.

"Do I join you and Bas tonight?" Sherrie asked Lenore. "Or wait to be called?" Lenore told her she needed to talk it over with me and for her to make sure to treat her piercings. Sherrie nodded.

"She begged me earlier to let her sleep with us." Lenore said. "If not in our bed, then on a bed on the floor."

"What the Hell happened today?" I asked.

"You set up the cameras. Watch the video." Lenore offered cryptically.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This whole drama felt like a big nothingburger. We spent several chapters going over something that could have been summarized in one chapter with nothing of value lost. You should have skipped the several chapters of people angsting over the confrontation and talking about the confrontation and just gotten straight to the point.

LeifsonLeifsonalmost 2 years ago

Perhaps the story is a bit short for real development (more of a tease). But I am glad you are feeling well enough to resume writing. Best wishes...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I didn't come here to read about king cakes and apple pies!

This is more of a Facebook post than a Literotica post.

PatientDomPatientDomalmost 2 years ago

Good to see you back and posting, hopefully the next chapter is sooner rather than later.

If I was being critical, I felt this short chapter missed some of your earlier attention to storyline and plot development. As an interlude between longer story arcs it works but not as the near story line termination between Lenore and Sherrie and the question of who kneels before whom.

Good to see you back and posting, hopefully the next chapter is sooner rather than later.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill69almost 2 years ago

Really hope you are doing ok, looking forward to more of your great stories!

Slave_StoriesSlave_Storiesalmost 2 years ago

I feel like this could b a great story but you spend too much time on minutiae and not enough on the things that we want to hear about. I kind of had the same problem with my stories but it was more 50/50, while your ratio seems like 10/90. I used to aim for an 80/20 split.

I do want to hear about what happened, but I really want more emotion.

No hate. Just ya know... Think about what people come to this site for.

HargaHargaalmost 2 years ago

Great to see you jump back into this story. Can't wait to read about Lenora and Sherrie showdown and how that may effect Lenore's relationship with her family. I would love to see her stand up to her mom or Dr. Marge and put them in their place or at least turn the table on them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I hope your recovery is as good as the return of Bas and company is for me. Great to have you back.

All the best.

Siska100Siska100almost 2 years ago

You do know how to keep your readers guessing! What happened between Lenore and Sherrie? I can't wait to find out! I'm sorry about your health problems and hope they don't come back! Oh! By the way: 5 Stars.

Carnes8004Carnes8004almost 2 years ago

Glad you are better. May the Sun's guide your journey!

Karen_48Karen_48almost 2 years ago

It’s great to have you back and writing again. I hope all your health issues are resolved and behind you. This is another great story and I can’t wait for the next chapter.

Wizard1983Wizard1983almost 2 years ago

Great to have you back. Thank you

Qwer12Qwer12almost 2 years ago
Welcome Back and You are Still a Five Star Writer

Glad you are back and doing well. Great chapter to start back with and it did a great job of getting the story right back on track. Your stories are top shelf writing with an excellent story line and wonderfully great characters. Thanks for your time and efforts to writing these entertaining stories. Looking forward to Many Many more of them. Cheers

tizwickytizwickyalmost 2 years ago

I’m glad you’re back in good health and writing again. It’s a great story and I’m happy that you will be finishing it. As usual 5 star effort.

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