Gotta Pay the Piper Ch. 24


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All my other girls were informed of events as soon as Lenore and I returned home the evening before. None of them were happy how things panned out but we explained what Beth had attempted to do and Marianne's compliance and changing testimony as she tried to cover her ass and implicate Lenore at the same time. The consensus was Beth was responsible for both fates.

"I set up a cot in the garage for this bitch." Sonya declared hotly when Beth and I came home the next afternoon. I told her no slave of mine would sleep in an unheated garage. Beth would sleep in the living room on the sofa bed. She would remain nude and locked in chastity like she had been previously. Sonya frowned briefly then agreed keeping her in the garage would be cruel. "Not that she doesn't deserve it." she asserted to me, privately. I had to agree with that.

Robin was terribly upset with her mother and greeted her with a hard slap across the face. "You bitched me out for letting Marianne get involved and then enslaved when I stole your jewelry. I had to admit I had let her implicate herself. But now you do something like this? Why the fuck did you ignore my calls and texts? You knew we did not think your dumbass plan was worth a shit! And now Marianne is completely screwed. They might throw the book at her!" Most of the other girls left the room. Only Joanne stayed behind. I walked into the kitchen but could still hear the conversation. The girls seemed beyond caring if they were overheard.

"I thought the plan was foolproof!" Beth sobbed as she tried to answer her older daughter without meeting her gaze. "I thought we could always get rid of the stuff later if we changed our minds. How could anyone imagine we'd be pulled over and caught with the meth? I was very careful to pick it up with a plastic grocery bag over my hands so it could not be traced back to me. It was a fluke some cop would stop us in the parking lot to check our identities. We never got a passing glance before. I just know it was because we are bald! In a way that is Lenore's fault as well! She fucking took our hair."

"Mother, you are delusional. Quit blaming Lenore for your stupidity. It was your own insolence that you risked your life AND Marianne's. If you hadn't had a kilo of meth sitting in the back seat, that cop would have sent you on your way after checking your identity and you know it! Of course a cop is gonna check out a couple slaves driving around especially bald ones." Robin seethed. She dropped her voice but I could still hear it. "Joanne and I both told you your plan was full of holes and not to think about it. We talked it over with Marianne yesterday and thought we had convinced her to stay clear of it. We even discussed the possibility of being convicted for conspiracy to enslave. You didn't stop to think that finding drugs in Lenore's car would start a full investigation into how they got there? Especially with no fingerprints, and even if they could not prove anything, the list of suspects is small. We'd have all caught Hell! No, you just had to do it your way."

"I'm sorry!" Beth lamented. "I had no idea it would turn out like this."

Beth came to see me. "What is going to happen to Marianne?" she asked. "Can I go testify and admit it was all my fault?" I shook my head.

"It's too late for that. Marianne made her decision to follow your lead. She changed her story several times which just compounded her guilt. She just couldn't bring herself to tell the truth." Beth asked what was going to happen to her. "Whatever the court decides." I offered simply. Beth collapsed to her knees bawling.

"Bas, I am SO sorry for everything I have done." Beth offered, pleading with me. "I never intended to get Marianne into trouble."

"No, you were just so intent to frame Lenore you did not think about the possible fallout." I said. She pleaded with me to bring Marianne home. "Oh, that is a foregone conclusion. I still own her so sooner or later they will turn her over to me." I answered. "How many years of additional enslavement she will get as a result of all this is the question." Beth cried and begged once again for me to help the girl get a minimum sentence as it was not her fault. "She went along with your plan Beth. I know Joanne and Robin talked to her about the risks. She's a kid but in the eyes of the law, an adult. She made her decision and now has to live with the consequences."

"Please promise to not separate my family." Beth begged. "I know you still own Gary. He earns for you. Keep Marianne and me, too."

I did not respond. Beth knew a major punishment was inevitable and she got it. She got her butt thrashed right after supper in front of our entire group apart from Marianne. Lenore welted her butt as everybody watched. Beth shrieked and cried as her bare bottom was striped. Not a single onlooker showed an ounce of sympathy for the woman's plight, not even her daughter or sister. At one point Lenore stopped and looked at me. "Give her a few minutes and start on her thighs." I said with words that I frankly admit bothered me. I hated to inflict pain and suffering especially to this degree. The woman already looked like she was close to her limit endurance. I noticed virtually every person looked at me to see if I was serious. I nodded grimly. "Her deceit to frame you can not go unpunished. I want the lesson clear." I declared. I made no mention of how her plot had screwed over her own daughter. Lenore quickly had the older woman's thighs as ravaged as her buttocks.

I had not disclosed my intentions to anyone but Lenore and Sonya. That evening the latter carried a sealed cardboard box and placed it just inside the garage door without a word. Nobody paid her actions any attention. She followed me to my room. "I wonder if Marianne is gonna learn, Boss." Sonya offered as she shook her head. "I didn't get to know their father, but both Robin and Marianne strike me as self-entitled little bitches. They seem to think they can control or manipulate everyone around them. I'm guessing they got that from their parents. Beth is the worst of the bunch. Charlene is pretty laid back and controlled. I'll bet Gary and Beth were the driving force behind her troubles and convinced her to join their criminal activities. They convinced her to follow them down the path of destruction." I agreed.

"Path of destruction, huh?" Lenore asked with a grin. 'Not following satan's road?"

Sonya grinned sheepishly, "Hey, sometimes my upbringing comes out. I parrot my Dad the preacher. I'm not innocent. I beat a woman mercilessly because I thought she was involved in my being blackmailed and used as a whore. And I was stupid to let myself get blackmailed in the first place. I'm paying dearly for that stupidity. But to blatantly try to screw somebody over? That just goes against my grain. To be honest, Bas, I'd like to take Beth out and give her what I gave Gloria. Gloria didn't deserve the beatdown but Beth sure does." Lenore smiled and said none of us would let that happen. "I know, it's just a thought." Sonya answered "But a fair one." She grinned. "Setting my alarm so I am up early, Boss. I'd really like to stay here tonight since I see you don't have another girl waiting to join you and normally I'd ask for the chance, but Charlene is feeling pretty down and I think she needs some comfort. An ear to bend and a hug."

I sincerely liked the woman. Of any of my slaves, she'd be the first I'd set free if I could. She was a pure victim of circumstance. She'd admitted to being gullible but that was not a crime. To me, her actions were justifiable even if misplaced. Of all of my slaves, she was the only one who did not deserve her collar. Beth had pointed out Sonya had never been spanked. Well, Sonya had never done anything to deserve a bit of punishment.

I awoke early the next morning. It was Saturday, the first day of the new year. We had not ushered in the new year the night before with a celebration. There was little reason. My youngest slave was in jail awaiting trial that would likely expand her term of enslavement by a couple decades. Yes, she was a beautiful young girl well worth the thousands I could get for her as a sex slave. But I could not bring myself to think of her as a commodity. She was a person, albeit one I owned. I was not above using her myself. I had begun to accept judicial slavery and what it entailed as a way of life.

I punched the button on the coffee pot to get it started brewing and walked back to my bedroom to make sure Lenore was awake and out of bed. Despite the tension of recent events we had screwed each other wildly the night before. But the hot sex was tempered by love. I realized I truly loved the woman I watched showering behind the frosted glass. I dropped my tee shirt and shorts on the floor and stepped inside the shower to join her.

The coffee had not only had time to brew but breakfast was half cooked by the time I entered the kitchen. I left Lenore drying her hair, telling her if she did not hurry, she'd either do without breakfast or would stay behind when I left. 'Yeah, right!" she answered with a laugh. "We have plenty of time. Don't rush me."

We were sipping our post breakfast coffees when Sonya arrived with a small bag. "Got her toiletries and moved the box to the front door. Are you gonna make an announcement or just take her away without fanfare like you said last night?" I told her I had not changed my mind. I wanted to minimize the drama.

I glanced once again at my wristwatch. A ten o'clock, Sonya escorted Beth to the kitchen. She produced the key to the chastity belt, removed it and told Beth to get dressed. She pointed to a pile of folded clothing on one of the chairs. Beth began to ask why when Sonya slapped her hard across her welted butt, making the woman yelp. Sonya told her to be quiet and do what she was told. Tears coursed down Beth's face as she complied, her hands shaking as she tried to button her shirt.

I told Beth get the box by the door. When she struggled to pick it up, Sonya stepped up, grabbed the box and followed us outside. She placed the box on the back seat of my car. Beth was even more concerned now. "What is going on?" she asked in a faltering voice and, as realization hit her, gasped. "Please, Bas, don't! I'm sorry! I'll never give you another bit problem from now on. I'll be the perfect slave, totally obedient." she begged. I pointed to the back seat and she got in without another word. She could not have talked anyway. She was bawling her ass off. I suspected she thought that because it was Saturday I was taking her to the slave sale. She was too distraught to realize because it was a holiday, this week's sale was cancelled.

Fifteen minutes later Beth was still sniffling as we pulled up in front of a house she recognized. "Why are we here?" Beth asked hesitantly. "Oh please! I am gonna have to stay with Lucy?" The woman could at least see the next steps some of the time.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I'm glad to see the author (finally) addressing the points I raised a long time ago. The dilemma of slaves being forced to either commit crimes or be punished by their owners has always been on my mind. Likewise, the lack of deterrence for slave already sentenced to life. This chapter doesn't address these questions adequately enough to satisfy me, I commend the author for at least bringing them up and making a good attempt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I agree with previous comments (other chapters) that Joanne and Robin, not to mention Beth, as in this chapter, need some serious psychological help/conditioning. I think they are all psychopaths and Bas and Lenore are still in danger. Unless I’ve missed something (I’ve skimmed 24 but just finished 22 so haven’t gotten to 23 yet). Joanne is seriously messed up (to use a technical term).

I would also like to see Dr. Marge taken down a peg or three. I wonder if she would abuse one or more of Bas’s household – or Lenore – and wind up in a situation like Gloria. She needs a humility infusion, regardless of her competence as a doctor. As you have stated, she and Lenore’s mother did Lenore no favors by reinforcing and even solidifying her submissiveness instead of strengthening her psyche to help her defend herself. Once again, the piper should demand payment from the Doc and maybe put some fear in momma’s heart.

Clearly, Sherrie needs some serious love. Will Lenore bring Sherrie’s sister to visit and see what has happened to Sherrie?

Very minor points but to flesh out the story a bit, I could see a gym being needed for the house with Sherrie responsible for fitness training. Also some humility education by having members of the household volunteer a half day twice a month at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter – could result in some interesting philosophizing and dialog that you’re so good at.

Will the household participate in Mardi Gras by entering a float in a parade or some other NO activity? I notice you’ve cleverly led the story through the Christmas season which isn’t too long before Mardi Gras. Lots of interesting climaxes (!) are possible, I’m sure.

Thanks again for this engaging story and all the twists and turns – and twisted turns – as well as the interesting characters.


GamblnluckGamblnluckover 1 year agoAuthor

To anonymous. I agree there are some inconsistencies with what happens to the characters. Doug, Lenore's ex-husband who appears in the slave camp story was punished for direct violence.

The idea was to show that lashing out at a free person physically would have catastrophic consequences. I put that in because in a world that I created, slaves would not tolerate their condition. Even unorganized, they might rebel as individuals. In Beth's case, she thinks that using a non physical/violent method to get revenge, she will escape.

Yes she can only be enslaved until sixty five. but freedom is not guaranteed. She might be mandated to live in a half way house which would restrict her. Not like slavery but still something. And in some respects, there are worse things than what Doug suffered.

I even portrayed him as being perhaps the term is 'gender fluid'. I dropped his character because beyond that, I did not want to delve too far into his life.

Beth on the other hand is a different matter. Her husband has been taken away for his actions. Now she is facing something for her actions. (Hint)

HargaHargaover 1 year ago

is he selling her to Lucy or just re-homing her for awhile until things settle down? She needs to be gone with no further contact with her daughters because she is just bringing them down. The problem is she is a mid forties women with nothing but servitude in her future. Who's going to want to take care of her other than low-life's which are going to use her until she's all used up. I'm a softy so whats going to happen to Marianne has got me bummed but she's been given every chance to redeem herself. Oh yea, I think Sonja needs a spanking just for the fun of it and then Bas and Lenore use her all night long so that the next day she gets the day off to recover with lots of cuddles and pampering. She deserves it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The guy earlier in the story was permanently deformed into a hideous shell of a human being. Everything was taken from him - permanently. And all he did was slap his owner. Here, Beth tries to frame an innocent person and destroy her life. In my opinion, much worse than a slap. But “the system” says meh, can’t do anything to her as she is enslaved til 65. And when she turns 65, she will go on her merry way living a normal life. They guy, though, he doesn’t suddenly get transformed back into a man or a functioning human being. His sentence is til death. The author has done a fantastic job creating this alternate universe, but these types of inconsistencies show how difficult such creation is.

PatientDomPatientDomover 1 year ago

Payback can be a reall pain in the ass, or backs of thighs. Interesting to see where this goes now...

Does Bas sell one or two of the issue makers? Will seperating the mother and daughter be effecive and will the others in the household settle down and understand that Bas & Lenore are incharge and not to be fucked with?

Good chapter and look forward to the next.

Siska100Siska100over 1 year ago

The way you spin the story keeps us on our toes.While it was obvious Beth had to go, sending her to live with Lucy, is totally unexpected.

However, there has to be a limit to being a nice guy, autism or not. Beth is a total Bitch. Knowing her recent misdeeds, she's a time-bomb, she's bound to get into mopre trouble and who sooner or later will try and fuck Lucy. I hope, Bas re-homed Beth just for the week until the next Slave Sale at the Depot.

She definetly has to be made to pay for her crimes and misbehavior. Spendind the remainder of her sentence as a work crew's morale booster is all she's good for.

OH, I almost forgot 5-stars.

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