Grandpa's Girl Ch. 07


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"Yes, I did Daddy," Sophie admitted, ashamed that she hadn't been able to control herself and had nearly gotten them caught as her juices continued to trickle down her thighs and onto the kitchen worktop below her.

"Well, there's only one thing for it," Wilfred said with a devious look on his face, picking up Sophie's panties from the counter and pushing them into her mouth. Sophie took them in gladly, tasting her own juices on her tongue as her mouth was filled up with the fabric, forcing her to stay quiet. It felt so humiliating, so dirty, so wrong, but as her pussy flooded with another wave of wetness, she realized that she couldn't deny how she felt. She liked it, she really, really liked it. Satisfied that the panties were going to keep her from blowing their cover, Wilfred got down on his knees, caressing her thighs before checking his watch. Three minutes. He better get to work.

Diving between her legs, tongue outstretched, he dined on Sophie's pussy like a man possessed, licking and sucking, wriggly tongue sliding into her hole as he tasted her essence, cock starting to throb gently in his pants despite his earlier draining. She was breathing heavily, face turning red, sweat on her brow as she did her best to suck oxygen into her lungs through her nose as Wilf assaulted her sex with his tongue, the kitchen filling with quiet slurping noises as he focused on his task. Thankfully it seemed like the TV was drowning out Tommy's Grandad having his dessert before his main meal. Sophie allowed her head to loll back, eyes rolling into the back of her head, eyelashes fluttering as an orgasm hit her, making her clamp her thighs around Wilf's skull, pulling his face deeper into her. Wilf smiled against her genitals as he felt her shake and tremble around him, the warmth of her legs pressing against his ears as she bucked and wriggled against him. A gush of her juices shot into his mouth and he quickly drank it down, making sure not to spill a drop, moaning against her clit which caused another spasm of pleasure to rock through her body.

Eventually Sophie's body relaxed and she released Wilf from the flesh prison his head had been encased in, both of them breathing heavily as they smiled at each other. Wilf's face was shiny, covered in her juices and Sophie looked similar, although it was her own glistening sweat that adorned her visage. Standing up, Wilf gently extracted Sophie's undergarments from her mouth, now soaked with her saliva, allowing her to finally breathe properly as a look of gratitude spread across her face. Grabbing a towel from the side, Wilf wiped himself off, before offering it to Sophie and helping her get down from the countertop. When her feet met the floor, Sophie's knees buckled and Wilf had to catch her to stop her from falling over, holding her by the arms until she was able to support her own weight. Just as she regained her bearings, the timer went off and Wilf whispered, "Pizza's ready," while giving Sophie a cheeky wink. "You better put your panties back on, you can't be sitting with your brother commando."

Opening up the oven, he extracted the pizza from the metal racks inside and put it onto two plates, turning back to Sophie. She was standing in the middle of the kitchen, holding her white virginal knickers in her hand, seemingly unsure of what to do. "You can't be serious?" she whispered as Wilf smiled naughtily at her.

Wilf shrugged as he turned to walk out of the kitchen with their food, "It's up to you, but the last time you left some underwear lying around the house, we almost got caught!" he chuckled before making his exit. "Hi boys, what are we watching?" Sophie heard him exclaim pleasantly as he entered the living room. He really was something else, such a bad boy. Maybe that was part of why Sophie liked him so much, that underneath that grandfatherly, kind, warm appearance there was a much darker, kinkier side? She sighed dejectedly, straightening out her panties and pulling them up her legs, making sure they were properly in place before joining everyone in the living room.

As she sat down on the sofa next to her lover and took her plate from the table, Darren looked over at her from the floor where he was lying with Tommy, a confused look on his adorable little face. "Why are you so red sis?" he asked, nonchalantly. Wilf chuckled heartily, quickly muffling his laughter when he spotted Sophie staring daggers at him as she blushed beet red with embarrassment. How in god's name was she meant to answer that? Thankfully, Wilfred saved the day.

"It's nothing to worry about Darren," WIlfred explained calmly, "the oven was very hot and I asked Sophie to get the pizza out and when she did, she got a faceful of hot steam! Isn't she silly?"

"Yeah, she's so silly, always has been!" Darren teased, poking his tongue out at her and making a face.

"Hey, you little brat!" Sophie retorted, playfully throwing a pillow across the room at her younger sibling.

Once they had all settled down, they tucked into their pizza, enjoying each other's company in Wilf's warm, comfy living room while watching cartoons on the telly. The boys only had a couple of slices left to eat, both thanking Wilf for their lunch before tucking into their chocolate bars, happy and full of food, a stark contrast to how upset they had been after the game. Sophie sighed happily as she ate, leaning her head onto Wilf's shoulder as they both looked at each other contentedly, Tommy and Darren engrossed with the superhero antics happening on the box. Once they had finished eating, Sophie gathered up all the plates and made her way back towards the living room door, pausing to look at Wilf, wiggling her eyes to tell him to follow her. He pulled himself up from the sofa, checking the lads were doing ok before following the 19 year old back to where he had made her cum on his face just a short while ago.

"You wanted me?" he asked as he entered the kitchen, looking at Sophie bent over as she loaded the plates into the dishwasher. "Lovely view," he murmured to himself, Sophie straightening up and raised her eyebrows at him as if to say, 'what are you like?' She virtually skipped across the room to him, gently stroking his face and absentmindedly playing with the buttons on his shirt.

"So, are you going to be free this time tomorrow?" she asked coyly.

"I should be, why, what have you got in mind?"

"Well, I'm going to come and visit you tomorrow, but I have a surprise for you," she answered. "I'm going to let myself in and go up to the bedroom."

Wilf nodded, "I like where this is going," he crooned.

Sophie laughed, slapping him gently on the chest, "You're awful!"

"Awfully sexy," Wilf replied cheekily.

"My god! Can you be serious for a second, please?" Sophie asked in a feigned exasperated tone.

"Of course, I'm only joking," Wilf said as he gently stroked her hair, fingers running down to her cheek.

"So, as I was saying, when I come over I'm going to let myself in. You need to wait in the living room and not come upstairs to join me until I text you, okay?"

"I think I can agree to that," Wilf replied, pulling in Sophie for a cuddle, "I can't wait."

"Me either," Sophie answered, leaning up to give Wilf a soft kiss. "Come on, Melanie will be here soon," she said, making her way back towards the front of the house to check on the boys. "Have you got everything packed up? Our ride will be here soon!"

"Yes Sophie!" Tommy replied exuberantly as Darren stuffed football boots and shin pads into his bag, trying to make room for everything. There was the sound of a horn honking outside, signaling Melanie's arrival.

Wilfred stood in the doorway as he watched Sophie helping the two youngsters gather their things. It had been nice having a busy house again, reminding him of all those years spent with Denise and Melanie, laughing and playing together. It made him feel whole again. As Darren and Tommy slung their bags over their shoulders, he gave them a few final words. "Remember what we talked about earlier at the game lads?" They both nodded affirmatively. "That's my boys, make sure you let your Mum's know how well you played and that I said you were very well behaved, okay!"

"Okay!" they both shouted, Tommy running over to give his Grandad a big hug and he was swept up in his strong arms as Wilf walked towards the door.

"Come on now you two," he shouted over his shoulder, "Melanie's going to kill me if we take much longer!" Swinging open the front door, he saw his daughter leaning out of the car window, enjoying the feeling of the breeze on her face before looking over and smiling broadly at the sight of her father carrying her son towards her. Wilf delicately placed Tommy onto the pavement and he hopped into the back seat, greeting his mum excitedly as Sophie and Darren made their way down the garden path.

"Thanks for this Dad," Melanie said warmly, reaching out to take his arm and give it a little squeeze, "was he ok?"

"Like an angel!" WIlf replied warmly.

Melanie laughed, "I don't quite believe that, but I'm sure he's better behaved for you than he is for me!" As Sophie climbed into the passenger seat, Melanie turned to greet her, "Hi Sophie, you doing good?"

"Yeah, I'm great thanks Melanie!" she answered as she pulled on her seatbelt, clicking it into place before turning to make sure Darren was properly secured in the backseat.

"Sorry to rush off Dad," Melanie apologized, "Darcey's still not well, so I need to get going and drop these two off at home."

"No problem Buttercup," Wilf answered, leaning down to give her a kiss on the cheek before Melanie pulled away. He stayed on the pavement, waving them off until her car rounded the corner, smiling contentedly to himself as he looked up at the clear blue sky, breathing in the fresh air. It had been quite the morning and he fancied himself a nice little nap to replenish some energy. Heading back inside, he quickly looked over the living room to make sure it was tidy before heading up to bed. He and Sophie had taken a lot of risks today, but it had been absolutely exhilarating and he wouldn't take any of it back, not for a second. Even better, they had a date tomorrow where they would be completely alone and Sophie had a surprise in store for him. As he fell asleep, his mind raced, wondering what the next day would hold and wishing he could just jump to her arrival rather than having to wait for time to tick slowly by.

The twenty four hours since Sophie had left dragged massively and Wilfred had to do his best to try and keep himself busy, watching TV, reading his paper and even going for a walk on a breezy Sunday morning, taking in the air and thinking about how much his life had changed over the past few weeks. He nipped into a shop to grab himself a quick lunch before making his way home, sitting on the sofa and waiting anxiously for her arrival after eating.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, he heard a key in the lock. He listened intently as the lock turned, the door opened and the sound of Sophie's steps echoed through the hallway after she closed the door behind her. She walked towards the stairs, making her way up without even uttering a word as Wilf's trousers started to stretch with anticipation. Looking up to the ceiling, he tracked her journey to the bedroom by her footfalls, waiting anxiously as he heard the occasional bump or scrape, indicating that she was getting set up for whatever she had in mind. Mobile phone clutched in his hand, he waited for the message to summon him into her web of seduction and after a few minutes, it finally came through.

'You can come upstairs now Daddy. When you come into the bedroom I need you to listen to me, but then you can have your fun. Love you! Xx.'

Wilf virtually sprinted up the stairs with excitement, reaching the landing in a matter of a few seconds of leaving the sofa, slowing himself down to a walk as he approached the bedroom door. He allowed himself a deep breath to steady himself, straightening out his clothes before pushing open the door and stepping inside. As he looked towards the bed, Sophie was on her knees, wearing a black fishnet body suit stretching from her ankles, all the way up to her neck and down to her wrists, erect little nipples poking through the holes of the outfit, pussy on full display as she looked at him longingly, eyes burning with unbridled desire. Her hair was untied, billowing around her shoulders, her eye makeup was dark and harsh, with matching black lipstick that made her look much older and more sultry than Wilf had ever seen her before. The large metal box was open next to the bed and various implements of pain and pleasure had been laid out on the bedside table. Handcuffs, ropes, whips, crops, paddles, nipple clamps, dildo's, vibrators and countless more items were laid out neatly, a bottle of baby oil completing the selection of objects waiting to be used.

Crawling across the bed seductively showing off her ample ass as she moved towards him, Sophie wiggled her finger at Wilf, gesturing for him to come closer, which he did gladly as his cock started to tent his trousers. "Hi Daddy," she whispered huskily, "surprise." She smiled naughtily, although there was a slight tinge of fear behind her eyes despite her veil of sexual confidence. Raising herself back up to her knees so her face was level with his, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in closer as she spoke. "After our first time together I did some research online, looking into different communities, that kind of thing. I spoke to a few people and over time realized that I'm naturally submissive, although I'm sure you already knew that," she admitted, blushing slightly before returning to her confident expression. "I found out about BDSM and ever since then, I haven't been able to get the idea out of my head. I trust you more than anyone Wilf, I want to be your good little girl. I want you to use me however you want for your pleasure, I want you to own me," she whispered, emphasizing the last few words as she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"Are you sure?" Wilf asked breathlessly, taken aback by what she wanted and how confident she seemed in her desires.

"I'm sure," Sophie answered, kissing him softly on the cheek and rustling his hair with her fingers as she watched him shiver at her touch, "make me yours Daddy."

"If we're going to do this, we need a safe word, so you can get me to stop if you want me to."

"I won't want you to stop," Sophie answered, but Wilf raised his hand, insistent and resolute in his conviction.

"You say that now, but you might change your mind. If things get too much, or you're uncomfortable, just say 'pineapple' and I'll stop straight away, okay?"

"Okay Daddy, and just so you know, Mum thinks I'll be out until late with friends, so you don't need to take it easy on me" Sophie explained huskily, "but please, can we get started, I need this soooo badddd!"

Wilf grinned wickedly. What had happened to that sweet girl he had first met? In this moment, he didn't care as his urges screamed at him to give her exactly what she wanted with absolutely no mercy shown. Taking her by the arms, Wilf pushed her back forcefully onto the bed, making a delighted giggle escape from Sophie's lips as she enjoyed the feeling of being manhandled and overpowered. "Look at you Sophie, dressed like a little slut to turn on an old man, aren't you a bad girl?"

"So bad Daddy," Sophie answered as she used her elbows to push herself up from the sheets, "I even went into a sex shop to buy this outfit for you." She smiled teasingly, giving him a little wink, "I think I need to be punished, don't you Daddy?"

Wilf climbed up onto the bed, Sophie shrinking into the bedding as he approached, towering over her with his massive frame. She felt tiny, helpless and horny, oh so incredibly horny, her pussy already leaking sweet nectar down her thighs. "I'm in charge now Sophie, remember that," Wilf said firmly as he reached his hand out, wrapping her fingers around her throat and squeezing gently as he straddled her waist, pinning her in place. Sophie's eyes were filled with delight and glee, this is exactly what she had wanted and she squirmed gently on the bed as she resisted the natural urge to fight back against him. "I thought you were a sweet, innocent girl, but is this something a good girl would wear?" Wilf asked, a low growl in his voice as he allowed his carnal desires to wash over him, taking the wheel and guiding his actions. Sophie shook her head, eyes pleading with him for more, desperate to have her fantasy fulfilled. "That's what I thought," Wilf muttered, wrapping his fingers up in the gaps in the bodysuit between her breasts, forcibly pulling on it with every ounce of strength he had, ripping the garment open like a rabid animal and fully exposing her soft, perky breasts.

Sophie gasped with shock and excitement at his display of unbridled lust as she slowly struggled to catch her breath, Wilfs hand squeezing her neck harder and harder, slowly cutting off the oxygen to her brain as she felt blood rushing to her head. She winced in pain as the old man brought his hand up above his hand, smacking her right breast as hard as could, followed by another swift strike to her left, red welts starting to form on her soft white skin. After the pain subsided, she smiled devilishly, biting her lip as she felt the smarting sensation on her flesh, rubbing her thighs together to try and get a little relief from the pent up sexual energy coursing through her body. Leaning downwards, Wilf sucked her stiff little nubs into his mouth, causing Sophie to moan with relief, back arching as his tongue went to work on her. Grazing her with his teeth, he bit down on them, tugging her sensitive flesh upwards, making Sophie wince and squeal in pain until he finally released them, her tits covered in his spit, swelling already starting to rise from their rough treatment.

"You're sure you can handle this?" Wilf whispered teasingly as he groped her chest, grinding his clothed cock against her stomach so she could feel how swollen and hard he was for her.

"Is that all you've got?" Sophie replied defiantly, spitting up at him, a glob of saliva landing on Wilf's cheek. He chuckled derisively as he wiped it off his face, rubbing it into his trousers before pulling her off the bed roughly, throwing her over his knees and roughly squeezing and groping her perky, chubby ass.

"If that's how you want to behave, I'm going to have to take this up a notch," Wilf growled into her ear as he spanked her ass hard, a loud crack echoing round the room as Sophie did her best to stifle a scream of pain. "Didn't you ever learn to respect your elders?" he teased as he brought his hand down on her other cheek and repeated this process over and over again as Sophie squirmed and shuddered in his lap, brain becoming foggy as a combination of pleasure and pain rocked her to her very core. Finally Wilfred relented, admiring his handiwork as her cheeks glowed red hot, a stark contrast to her otherwise pale white skin, the sight turning him on even more as his cock dug into her soft stomach. He was tempted to turn his focus to his own pleasure, but it was clear how much she wanted to experience this and she had impressed him with her strength so far, not buckling or backing down from such harsh punishment. He was actually a little proud of her for being such a good little slut for him. "Have you had enough?" he asked, a hint of sincere concern in his voice.

Through gritted teeth with heavy breaths, Sophie replied with one, sole, emphatic word. "More."

Wilf raised his eyebrows, once again pleasantly surprised by her tenacity as he reached over to the nightstand to pick up a long, sleek black leather riding crop. Sophie looked over to see what was coming next as she wondered if this was really a good idea, she'd proven that she could handle this, why keep on going any further? Something deep down inside her answered, 'because you fucking love this.' She smiled to herself before closing her eyes and waiting for the pain that would inevitably arrive at any moment. The crop smacked against the top of her thighs, causing a white flash of agony to radiate through Sophie's body as she gasped and waited for the next strike, which followed quickly behind the first. Four more blows rained down and Sophie really struggled this time, the pain was different, isolated on such a small surface area, her thighs were on fire and her legs wiggled and kicked helplessly as she waited for a little reprieve. As she tensed her body expecting the next blow to land at any second, she instead heard Wilf putting the crop down. As she breathed a sigh of relief she felt his fingers burying into her ass and pulling on her bodysuit, once again ripping it wide open so that he could access her glistening pussy and puckered little arsehole.