Guilty Pleasures

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Guy learns of his wife's secret affair and makes plans.
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Flash story about a wife's exposed secrets. No new territory for LW. Mild BTB, no sex.

I guess I shouldn't have been snooping. I thought I was just being a bit insensitive, invading my wife's privacy. I had the best of intentions, at least that's what I told myself when I found her diaries. I thought if I read a little bit of them I would learn some secret desire she had. Something that would allow me to get her the perfect fifteenth anniversary gift. Well, what I found DID eventually give me an idea for her anniversary gift, it just took me a while to put it together.... It took me QUITE a while, nearly a full five years.

I guess I should fill in some of the back story. Sandy and I (James) were high school sweethearts. We were deeply in love and discovered the joys of sex at an early age. Unfortunately, we were a little slow in learning about contraception and Sandy got pregnant in the spring of our Senior year.

Our parents were not happy with us and took us out of town to be married in a very quiet civil service attended by the 4 parents and the two of us. Even though we we're both 18, if the school had found out, we both would have been expelled, so we hid the pregnancy until graduation. Not the most fantastic beginning for a marriage, but we were excited about the baby.... Make that babies, yes with an "s,"... twins, one of each.

Luckily, Sandy's father was able to get me a job on his construction crew, so I was able to modestly provide for my new wife and children. In time, I became a crew leader which gave us enough money to afford a nice house in a working class neighborhood.

I worked long hours and Sandy spent all her time caring for our children. We didn't have much time to ourselves. Our social life was limited to kid functions except for the occasional times our parents took the kids overnight. We had busy lives, but we maintained a reasonably active sex life.

I took classes during the slower winter months and eventually earned an associates degree in business management. When the kids entered Middle School I was promoted to a Regional Manager position. Things got much easier for us financially and my hours become a little more regular. The only drawback was I had to travel to the Home Office for some Manager meetings. That usually meant I was gone 3-4 days every other month.

With the kids being older, Sandy decided to get her Realtors license and was hired by Henderson Realty who listed several of the "spec houses" we built. They were a large firm and Sandy did showings for them. She didn't make a lot of money, but she enjoyed the work, even though it meant she often worked odd hours.

The summer before the twins were to start their freshman year of high school, Sandy and I were approaching our 15th wedding anniversary. I had been saving money to do something special for her, but just couldn't think of anything special to get her. One Saturday afternoon, the kids were gone and Sandy had a showing, so I was home alone. I was getting desperate to come up with something special, so I thought I'd look through her closet and jewelry items in the hope of finding inspiration of some sort.

I looked at her outfits and just didn't have a clue what she might need or want. Then I decided to check out her jewelry box. What she had was pretty modest and I thought maybe a nice diamond tennis bracelet would do the trick. As I was putting her jewelry box back into the draw, it kinda stuck and I realized there was something in the back of the drawer preventing the box from going back in completely.

I dug around and pulled out three small books. Each book was nicely bound and had a small flap and lock to secure them. I stared at the books and it dawned on me that they must be her diaries. I never knew she kept a diary. I had never seen her writing in it and she had never spoken of them. That should have told me they were very personal and I shouldn't mess with them, but curiosity had always been one of my weaknesses. "And besides, maybe it will give me a great idea for her gift!" Yeah, that's the rationalization I used when I cracked open her private diaries and began reading.

It appeared she had started them when the kids were about two and much of the first two books were just recaps of important childhood events and not much else. The third book was much more recent and talked of her struggles to pass her Realtors exam and landing the job with Henderson. It went on to talk about how nervous she'd been when she did her first showing and how grateful she was to have Brad Henderson (the owners son) help her write her first contract and consummate her first sale.

Apparently, she worked a lot with Brad because the next several pages of entries were filled with her activities with him. One particular entry caused me to pause. Sandy had written a detailed description of young Mr Henderson. From her writings I learned he was 24, so nearly ten years younger than me, tall and "very well built, with delicious deep blue eyes and a smile that could melt a girl's panties." What the fuck? I quickly read farther into the book and my world began to crumble.

Checking the dates of her entries, I figured out it took Brad about six months to get her into bed and they fucked several times over the following year. No doubt their affair would have continued, but Brad's Grandfather, who owned several vacation resorts on the west coast, convinced Brad to move out west and become his understudy.

Sandy's entries over the last year often lamented the loss of her "delicious guilty pleasure." Well, that revelation certainly ended any plans for making our 15th anniversary special. She got a cheap bouquet of flowers,... period, no card, no dinner and no sex.

Reading her diary clearly showed she had been quite smitten with Brad and felt no compunction about cheating on me. I had no doubt she would still be gleefully fucking the asshat if he hadn't left town. Her cavalier attitude about cheating had me wondering if she was currently looking for a stud to replace Brad.

I focused on being supportive of my kids and let my feelings for the only girl I'd every love slowly die. My plan was to stay married to the cheating bitch until the kids left for college. We live in a No Fault state, so there was little I could do to protect myself from the courts. I dumped most of the money we had saved into a tuition account for the kids, knowing that I would be responsible for that anyway. I also began to slowly collect cash and rare coins and keep them in a safe in a rented, fire proof, climate controlled, storage unit under my brother's name.

Periodically, I would check her diaries to see if she had found a new boy toy, but there was never any mention of any new "delicious guilty pleasures." She did describe, in great detail, her lust filled "day dreams" she had about a few young men she had encountered, but it appeared she never acted on any of those feelings. Most of her entries were just recaps of her work life and the kid's adventures. As the kids prepared to graduate, she wrote of her hopes to travel with me and finally get to enjoy life with her "wonderful, thoughtful, loving, husband." She actually wrote those words, I almost puked.

The day came to drop off the kids at school and return home as official "empty nesters." It had been a tough few years, pretending to care about Sandy. I had shed a lot of tears early on, but gradually hardened my heart. Oh sure, I had continued to fuck the bitch, but it was just that, fucking, never making love. Although our sex life had slowed to a crawl, Sandy was always receptive and sometimes initiated things. Too bad, I really liked fucking her and even began taking her ass whenever I wanted. I'm not sure she really liked it, but she allowed it. At that point, I didn't care what she liked, I was doing it for my own guilty pleasure, not hers.

I had Sandy's big SUV packed to the gills and a ton of crap loaded onto the roof. The kids campus was about two hours away so we all chatted away as I made the drive. We got the kids delivered and set up in their respective dorms and got back into the SUV for the drive home.

"James, can you believe our babies are off to college? My god it seems like yesterday I was changing their diapers."

"Yes, those early years just seem to have flown by. It's great to see them so excited about this next phase in their lives."

"Oh James, I'm pretty excited to begin this next phase in our lives too. Just think about the time we will have to ourselves. I want to travel a little and really enjoy each other."

"Well, Sandy I'm very, very excited to begin this new chapter in life. I am truly looking forward to traveling with my beautiful companion to exotic places."

Sandy grinned and leaned over and kissed me on the cheek and then settled back in her seat and drifted off to sleep.

Sandy awoke when I pulled into our garage. "Oh my, I must have conked out on you there. I can't believe we're home."

"Yep, you're home." I said as I got out of the car and opened the rear hatch and reached for my two suitcases.

Sandy frowned at me and said, "Oh shit, did they forget some of their stuff?"

Just then a small SUV pulled into our driveway and an attractive young lady got out and waved to me before opening the rear hatch of her car.

"Nope, these are my bags." I said as I hefted the bags and carried them to the other vehicle. I stored the bags and kissed the young lady as Sandy stood gaping at us.

"Sandy, I'm sure you remember Caroline from my office. She is here to pick me up. We will be back in about three weeks."

"Three weeks! James, what the hell are you talking about? You never said anything about any business trips! How can you just spring this on me like this?"

Caroline stepped up to Sandy and handed her a large envelope.

I said, "Those are the divorce papers, I suggest you have an attorney review them. I think I have been fair, but still, you should get an attorney."

"DIVORCE! What the hell do you mean divorce? James, what's this all about? Is this some kind of sick joke?"

"It's no joke,... Caroline and I are leaving for a two week cruise and a weeks stay at a very romantic island resort."

"THE HELL YOU ARE! Have you lost your fucking mind? We're married, you can't be running off with this bimbo!"

"She's not a bimbo, in fact It took me years to convince her just to let me kiss her, but she was worth the wait!

Now, we have to go, we have a flight to catch. The movers came while we were gone and moved all my stuff to Caroline's. I've taken half of our cash, and my lawyer will answer any questions you may have."

"James please, how can you do this? How can you just leave me? We've had almost twenty years together, doesn't that mean anything to you?" She sobbed, tears streaming down her face.

"Yes Sandy, it does. I loved you with all my heart for 15 years. I gave you all I had to give, but it just wasn't enough for you. You just had to have your... Delicious Guilty Pleasures."

Recognition burst onto her face as her hand flew up to her mouth. "My diaries! You read my diaries! Oh my god! Oh my God! James, please It was a mistake, please baby, don't do this, please I love you! Please James!

I turned to Caroline and kissed her sweet lips, then looked back at my soon to be ex-wife. "You had your "delicious guilty pleasures," now it's time for me to have a few of my own."


Sandy tried to fight the divorce and even denied having an affair with Brad, telling everyone I had just lost my mind and run off with some floozy. Fortunately, I had taken the diary with her hand written confessions and when I sent photos of it to the kids, they knew she had lied.

Despite her attempts to delay it, the divorce eventually went through, costing me a small fortune. By that time, I was living with Caroline and she was working hard to keep my spirits up, by fucking my brains out.

Sandy requested and I agreed to one final conversation when the final divorce papers were signed. She began apologizing to me, buy I raised a hand to stop her. Then I asked her the only question I wanted answered - "why?"

"James, I did it for purely selfish reasons. I was flattered some handsome young hunk wanted me and I was positive you'd never find out. I never had any feelings for Brad,... except lust. It was just the whole forbidden fruit thing! He was only the second man I'd ever experienced. The cheating was so naughty and so exciting. I was so caught up in my own pleasures, I never thought about the consequences of getting caught, and of hurting you. I'm so embarrassed by what I did and so devastated by what it has cost me. I hope some day you will be able to forgive me."

"Sandy, you gave me 15 good years and two great kids, for that I will always love you. The last few years of our marriage were the worst of my entire life and for that I will always hate you. Given time, I assume I will eventually work out that conflict and maybe be able to forgive you, but don't hold your breath." I stood and walked out of the conference room. I could hear Sandy sobbing as I left.

By the time the kids graduated, I had worked through the pain of her betrayal, thanks mostly to the efforts of my bride, Caroline. We threw a big Graduation party for the kids and Sandy came with her new boyfriend. He seemed like a good guy and I told Sandy I was happy to see she had moved on. Then I hugged her and told her I had forgiven her. She burst into tears and rushed to the restroom. Caroline, who had heard everything, wrapped an arm around me and said, "That was a nice thing for you to do, just don't even think about giving her any new guilty pleasures!"

I laughed and squeezed my bride, "don't worry, beautiful, your pleasures are the only ones I'm interested in."

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AnonymousAnonymous28 days ago

The wife fooled her husband about her ongoing affair that may have very well continued for decades if he lover had settled there.

Her husband treated her like the hoe she was.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

First, a mistake is forgetting to buy milk. Adultery is intentional.


Second, there’s no BTB in this story, even a mild one. Divorce is simply letting the government know that the marriage contract had already been broken. Consequences aren’t punishment. Telling people the truth isn’t a punishment, either.


Third, at 15 years old, many states would let the children choose which parent to stay with. Would they have chosen the traitor slut over him? If so, then he failed as a father in teaching them morality and ethics.


Fouth, if he didn’t want to risk the children at all, he could have made the wife “disappear”. As long as he destroyed the diaries also, so no one knew he had motive, it’s pretty easy to get away with. Everyone “knows” that they’re so in love and have such a great marriage that even het family would defend hin against any accusations.



AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

To the cheaters who bleat and plead "it was a mistake!"

Yes, it was. A costly one.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

To all the readers who side with the wife, sorry, you're wrong. Plain and simple.

Thanks to the legal system, he reasonably decided he had no choice but to bide his time.

She had her long term affair; so he had his. As to MC dumping the wife, he could either take a chance on a woman he didn't know would in the future cheat, or stay with one he knows did, and may again, cheat.

Seems like an easy choice to me.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Are these women, cheating men, or cucks that are upset with the MC for dumping the cheating wife?

There are NO exceptions- even if only once- to the "forsaking all others" vows.

You need more love/excitement in your life? Get a damn puppy!

NEWSFLASH! If you don't want bad things to happen, DON'T CHEAT!!

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The, IMHO, morally bankrupt anon from 18 days ago is PLAIN WRONG. Where do people get these ideas?

You cheat, you break your vows, and the other person has NO further obligation, at least morally. Nada.

Wife did what SHE wanted without ANY regard concerning her faithful husband; MC thus had the right to act this way as well. What's good for the goose, and all that. Anon? Hello? If you cheat on your spouse, they have all the right in the world to simply pick up and leave. PERIOD. Your cheating ass is owed NOTHING, the courts notwithstanding. Whether they leave today or 3 years from now is THEIR call, not yours.

For the record, what the MC "did" is NOTHING compared to what the wife did; in fact it can been seen as simply trying to maintain family harmony for as long as possible. The break point could have been when the kids turned 18, graduated from HS, or some other time. MC understood he would get the shaft if he divorced wife when the kids were younger, so he chose to wait. I couldn't go that route, but in the story, he did.

FYI, an affair for several years is not "she felt guilty" as in she bought a pair of expensive shoes and hid them from her husband. And she obviously didn't feel too "guilty"- after all, SHE KEPT DOING IT! And how in your mind was the wife "dedicated"- she was having an affair, and a long term one at that!! The ONLY reason it stopped was because the affair LEFT! Hello? Had he not left wife would have continued cheating even longer. At this point, the husband is a free agent. He owes the wife NOTHING, including giving her any kind of "notice".

If you don't likes these apples, DON'T CHEAT!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Good tale. 5 stars. 🌟 I think he was smart waiting if he had no doubt he would divorce her due to no fault divorce but if there was even a small doubt then he should have had a “We need to talk.” Meeting. I’d probably talk first to see her reaction. At the time there was still love.💗

Bill S.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

So, like many many women had an affair for which she felt guilty and dedicated to her husband. In the meantime the husband finds another woman to love and ambushes her with a divorce. He heads off to his new love with no forgiveness in his heart. In short, he was an ass. I hope the wife he left finds a better person and his new wife gives him the clap.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

No payback on Brad though.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

To the Anonymous from 29 days ago (not the prior commenter who is right(, her affair, while only involving several sexual trysts, last over the course of a year and would not have ended except for circumstances. She lamented losing Brad, meaning she had an emotional affair. Her protestations to the contrary later, have no validity. She fantasized abiut Brad afterwards. Not to mention the nearly six months of Brad pursuing her, during which their relationship escalated to adultery and her developing some feelings for Brad. She may think she loves her husband, and maybe now after her insanity with Brsd, she does, but she broke all trust and her diaries condemn her. Not just for the acts, but the timing, the circumstances, her intense desire, and her feeling sorrow when Brad had to leave. That is really hard for any man to handle. Personally I would not have waited the five years. And thr five years was working against her unknowingly as her hsuband hardened his heart and the emotional wounds festered. Besides when someone cheats, they have no control and no idea how their aggrieved spouse will react or behave afterwards. Such visceral betrayal is painful and everyone reacts differently. Her main thing is she thought she would never get caught. Sadly 75% of married men and 65% of married women say that they WOULD cheat on their spouse IF they had an ironclad guarantee that they would never get caught. That is the root of a lot of infidelity. Too bad. So sad. Don't cheat!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

1 affair is all it takes to end a marriage, once that vow is broken the marriage is broken even if they stayed together and he never found out.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Being married so young, (almost a shotgun marriage) she much later had a short affair, just one. Since that time she was a faithful wife, loving her husband more than ever. So even years after the affair the dickwad decides to dump her, get his own lover and leave, marrying the new woman.

MsVanilla69MsVanilla695 months ago

Fun story to read , never write down things You never want to be read . kind of falls into the cheaper to keep her stage of marriage

Kernow2023Kernow20235 months ago

not the best of outcomes with Brad getting away scot free

orion2bear2orion2bear25 months ago

Brad got away scott free

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Statiscally neary halfm of the maried women have one affair during their marriage. James let it ride for quite a long time after reading her diaries. Sndy had no love for her long ago lover but he had no forgiveness. How did he manage to be loving and at last seemng to be happy aftermore than five years. Some of these stories have guys sharing their wife and some have guys like James. I think it's better for the husband to have a wife who would do anything for him going forward and does love him. Take advantage of it. Nobody is that good of an actor.

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