Gym Story


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Then she pulled my face back into her cunt for me to continue eating out her sweet pussy. In no time, I had her cumming. She screamed and thrashed about as I continued ravishing her clit. Eventually, she returned to the real world.

"My god, that was the best orgasm I've ever had," she whispered, sounding spent, as she lay sprawled on my couch.

"Confession. It was me in the coffee shop ... I think." I said reluctantly.

"Oh my god ... I knew it. How did you do it?"

"I have no idea. It's happened once before with a girl at my gym. But how? I have no clue. I've looked at pretty girls for years and sometimes fantasized about having sex with them. A few weeks ago at the gym a girl reacted the same way as you did. She said someone was molesting her, but no one was around her ... just me on a treadmill across the room."

"So, do you try to make someone feel you?"

"Heavens no! I was totally shocked when it happened. Told myself it couldn't be me, just a coincidence. But then today, it happened again with you. I was just fantasizing about doing stuff ... and you and Iris both felt it."

"God, that's so incredible. What happened to the girl in the gym?"

"She thought it was a ghost, or something, and was afraid to go into the locker room or shower. So I went with her - we ended up having sex in the shower. I've seen her for sex a few times since then."

"Oh my god, that's so awesome."

Then Judith sat up and kissed me again. This evolved into groping and fondling and lying in a 69 position on the sofa eating each other's pussies until we both came.

"Honey, I'm going to have to take you to your car soon, my kids will be home from school in a bit. Do you feel up to driving?" I told Judith.

"I'm OK, but can I see you again?"

"Of course, I was hoping you'd want to." I said.

"And maybe sometime could we go to a coffee shop, or the gym, and see if you can do it again?" She asked with a little giggle.

At first, I was stunned and shocked by her suggestion. Then, the idea sort of grew on me as I realized that both times I'd ended up having some of the most exciting sex of my life, as a consequence.

"OK, we could try that and see what happens." I said, with a naughty glint in my eye.

So, I ran Judith back over to her car and we agreed to meet for coffee in a different coffee shop the following week.

A week later, we met at a shop near Judith's home, ordered coffee, and found a table near a couple of cute twenty-somethings. I told Judith I had to sort of 'zone out' and suggested she shouldn't interrupt me. Then, I concentrated on imagining being under the table of the two cute girls. One was busy texting on her phone, the other was talking on hers. I fantasized pushing apart the texting girl's legs since she was wearing a dress. In my mind, I pushed her dress up her thighs then pulled her panties aside and licked up her slit just as I had with Judith. Then my imagination advanced to sucking and licking her clit. But, nothing happened ... at first. Next, I fantasized about pushing two fingers inside the girl's pussy and massaging her g-spot.

Suddenly, the girl shouted, jumped up from her seat, and started pounding on her girlfriend sitting beside her.

"You fucking perv! What the fuck do you think you're doing?" The texting girl yelled at her friend. "Stay away from me ... I never want to see you again, you fucking degenerate!"

Then she grabbed her purse and stormed out of the shop.

The other girl just sat there looking stunned, then she started sobbing. Again, I couldn't just sit there and do nothing, since I seemed to be responsible. I got up and went over to the crying girl, with Judith right behind me.

"Are you OK?" I asked.

"I ... ahhh ... I don't know what just happened. I was just sitting here. Then all of a sudden, my best friend went off on me ... for no reason," the girl said and began sobbing again.

I sat down next to her and put my arm around her to comfort her. She turned to me and buried her face in my chest. I felt her body shaking as she cried.

I noticed just about every other patron in the shop was staring at us, so I made a suggestion.

"Honey, why don't we get you out of here ... we seem to be causing quite a stir."

The girl lifted her head and looked around.

"Shit, everyone is looking at me," she sobbed.

"My friend Judy lives near here, if it's alright with her, maybe we could go to her place and have a nice cup of tea. What do you think?" I suggested and Judith nodded in the affirmative.

"OK I guess ... but, I don't even know you," the girl said.

"I'm Joan and this is my friend Judith."

"Hi....pleased to meet you," Judith said, extending her hand.

"OK, and I'm Sara," she said, shaking Judith's hand, then mine.

Sara rode with me and we followed Judith to her place about five minutes away.

Judith offered to make tea for us all as we sat in her living around a coffee table.

"Do you have anything stronger? I could really use a drink," Sara asked.

"I've got wine, or, if you want something stronger, I think I have a bottle of bourbon left from Christmas."

"Ouuuh, I love bourbon," Sara said.

"Tea is fine for me," I told Judith.

Judith returned shortly with our drinks, she'd made a cup of tea for herself, as well.

Sara drank her bourbon in one go, so Judith went to get the bottle to refill her glass.

"Thank you both so much for doing this for me." She said, as Judith returned and poured Sara another glass. But then, tears began rolling down her face and she was on the verge of breaking down again.

"What's wrong now honey?" I asked.

"Maddie hates me! And I don't know why," she sobbed. "She called me a pervert ... I just don't get it," Sara said crying and taking another big swig of her drink.

"I think I get it. It was me. I'm at fault," I confessed.

Sara looked at me, seeming confused by what I'd just said.

"How could it be your fault?" Sara said, sounding bewildered.

"I don't understand how it happens, but when I see pretty girls, I sometimes imagine having sex with them and they feel it, like I was actually doing it to them, for real," I explained.

"No fucking way!" Sara blurted out.

"It's true, ask Judith. I did the same thing to her last week ... that's how we met," I explained.

"That's right, I was sitting in a coffee shop, reading a novel and sipping my lattè when I felt someone under the table licking my pussy, but no one was there, just Joan across the room," Judith volunteered.

"Oh my fucking god!" Sara said.

"You can tell your best friend it was me, so she won't be mad at you." I offered. "I feel so bad that she thought it was you."

"Yeah right, like she'll believe it when I say 'oh Maddie, it wasn't me being a perv, it was this woman on the other side of the room with psychic powers diddling your pussy', that should go over really well," Sara said, skeptically. "In fact, I don't even believe it myself, let alone, thinking my friend will."

"Well then, we need to convince you. What do you think, Judith, a demonstration?" I suggested.

"You think you can do it here in my living room?" Judith asked.

"Let's try it. You two go sit at the dining table, facing me, so I can see Sara's sexy legs. I'll pretend we're in a coffee shop and we'll see what happens," I said.

Judith's place was an open concept floor plan, so I was able to stay seated in the living room and see both Judith and Sara sitting at the dining table next to the kitchen area.

Sara was wearing a loose fitting skirt, a rather short one, so that I had a good view of her plump thighs disappearing under the fabric when she sat at the table.

"You two just chit-chat quietly while I see what I can do."

Then, I mentally shut everything out, like I'd learned to do in yoga with meditation. I concentrated solely on Sara's thighs. Imagining my hand resting on her knee, then ever so slowly moving upward over the soft gentle curve of her flesh, mentally feeling the warmth of her. I imagined feeling a little quiver from her as my fingers slipped up under her dress, and then, touching the silky fabric of her panties. I heard a little gasp from across the room as my imaginary fingertips pressed her soft mound and moved up and down over her sensitive bud. I knew for sure it was working as I observed her starting to squirm in her chair.

"Oh fuck!" Sara exclaimed. "Judith, show me your hands."

Judith put both hands flat on the table in front of her.

"Satisfied?" Judith asked.

"Shit!" Sara yelped, as she felt two fingers entering her cunt.

My imagination pushed deeper into her tunnel, until I envisioned my finger tips pressing against her cervix.

"Oh my fucking god!" Sara shouted, as she felt a wet tongue begin ravishing her clit while it felt like fingers, or something, were buried deep inside her cunt. Her breathing became rapid and her hips involuntarily began undulating in rhythm with my imagined fingers pumping in and out of her sopping wet pussy. I imagined slamming them in and out of her cunt even faster (only in my mind, of course). I sensed her tension building and I knew she was close to cumming.

Then, without warning, she went over the edge. Her whole body convulsed, her legs shook violently and she screamed - an ear piercing shriek that hurt my ears. Unrelenting, my mind kept fucking her furiously.

Then, my mind played a trick on both of us. Like in a dream, the impossible happened - my hips were somehow over her head, my naked pussy lowering to her mouth and I was feeling her tongue licking its way up my drenched slit to my sensitive nub. She licked me (in my mind) just as I had imagined licking her moments before ... and I swear, I could actually feel her tongue on me. In my heightened state of emotional excitement I, too, experienced a marvelous climax, almost immediately.

When my mind cleared, and I was once again capable of rational thought, I saw Judith hugging Sara and reassuring her everything was alright.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You both had, what appeared to me, to be huge orgasms. And, I admit, I'm rather jealous." Judith said.

Sara was moaning and seemed to be returning to the land of the living. She asked the same question I had just asked, and Judith repeated her observations.

"But how can that be? Joan was in the other room...your hands were on the table ... there was no one else here."

"We told you that Joan seems to have some sort of psychic powers. She just thinks about fucking you, and you feel it, and then you cum like its nobody's business," Judith explained.

"I know that I just experienced it, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my mind around it." Sara said.

"I know... me too." I said.

"Is my face wet? I swear someone's sopping wet pussy was on my face ... and it tasted wonderful ... I've never eaten pussy before, but I loved it!" Sara revealed.

"No, your face is dry, honey." Judith assured Sara.

"It was me ... my pussy. My mind played a trick on me and I actually felt you eating me out," I told them.

"So Sara, do you think if we could do a demonstration like this for your friend Maddie, than, she might forgive you? I mean we'd prove to her it wasn't you. What'd ya think?" I said.

"I don't know ... we could try," Sara said.

""Great, let's call her and see if we can get together with her," I suggested.

"I doubt she'll take my call now, she was so mad at me," Sara said.

"We could call from my phone," I said.

"Ok, we can try that, but as soon as she hears my voice, she'll probably hang up," Sara countered.

"So, we call using my phone ... and my voice," I offered. Which is what we did.

"Hello ... Maddie? My name is Joan and I know you don't know me, but I'm here with your friend Sara ... I know, I know, just don't hang up ... I know, but she didn't do that to you and I can prove it, just hear me out ... I was there... yes, at the coffee shop, my friend and I saw and heard everything... no, I'm not a friend of Sara's. I just met her after you stormed out of the shop, but I know exactly what happened and can prove to you it was not Sara that did it to you. And, if you're willing to listen and keep an open mind ... ok ... well, we're at my friend Judith's home, if you could come over here ... now would be good ... ok....lI'll have Judith give you directions ... see you soon," I said, and handed the phone to Judith.

"She's coming over?" Sara asked.

"Yes, in twenty minutes." I said.

Later, when Maddie rang Judith's door bell, I opened the door and introduced myself.

"Where is Sara and what are you doing here and what's going on?" Maddie said belligerently.

"Come in, Sara is right here. Give me a chance and I will explain everything." I told Maddie.

Maddie reluctantly entered and glared at her friend Sara when she saw her sitting in the living room.

"Come over to the dining room table and please have a seat ... no, over there on the far side of the table," I said, and she gave me a funny look when I redirected her to sit in a specific chair, I remained standing.

"Now, I promised over the phone to prove to you that Sara didn't do anything to you," I started explaining.

"But she did, I felt it!" Maddie exclaimed.

"I didn't say you weren't touched ... ahh ... intimately, just that it wasn't Sara," I said.

"But it had to be her, no one else was anywhere near me," Maddie protested.

"I'm going to prove it wasn't Sara by recreating the scene for you, only Sara is going to be here in the living room with me and my friend Judith will sit at the table next to you with her hands on the table where you can see them. Please keep an open mind."

"Ok." Maddie said, reluctantly agreeing.

"You will feel like you're being touched again but nothing will hurt you. I know you didn't like being touched in the shop, but it's necessary to prove to you it wasn't Sara."

"Ok." Maddie said again. "I never said I didn't like being touched, it's just that I was being violated, touched without my permission... it felt pretty nice, truth be told," Maddie admitted.

"Well, let's get started," I said.

I directed Sara to sit in the chair next to the sofa near me and for Judith to sit at the table like we did with Sara earlier. I sat on the sofa where I could see Maddie's beautiful legs, just like at the coffee shop.

I got myself into a yoga-like meditation trance again and used my mind to once again mentally fondle the beautiful woman's body. I heard Maddie gasp, and heard her breathing quicken. My imaginary hands felt her body trembling as I manipulated her clit with my mouth and once again magically inserted my fingers inside another pussy. I heard her say 'oh fuck' as her head tilted back and she moaned in ecstasy. I saw her eyes roll back in their sockets with the whites exposed as her climax overtook her. Having made my point, I backed off and waited for her to recover.

"Well?" I said. "You believe me now? It wasn't Sara?"

"Ok, yes, but how did you do that?" She asked.

"I have no idea how it works. I just discovered my ahh... ability a few weeks ago," I told her.

"But I felt you touching my ... ahh, well, my pussy. Felt you inside me. It was marvelous! Do you get anything from it? I had a tremendous orgasm, what about you?"

"If anything, just pent up sexual frustration. But it is exciting for me watching others enjoy it, but no orgasm for me - well, except once."

"Oh Joanie, poor girl, we need to take care of you," Judith said.

The next thing I knew, I had three beautiful women seducing me. I was pushed down on the sofa, my clothes were pulled off me and my legs pushed apart. Someone buried their face in my pussy, someone else's pussy was lowered to my face which I licked and sucked voraciously. A mouth sucked my nipples in. Fingers pinched them. Other fingers probed my asshole and someone's fist forced its way deliciously deep into my eager cunt. When I climaxed, it was the first of many, or more like, one long continuous orgasm, unlike any I'd ever had before. I had no idea how long it lasted, but eventually we were all spent. During our little lesbian orgy, each one of us had paired off with each of the other women, one or more times. Eventually, I looked at the time.

""Holy shit, I've got to get home," I said.

We all exchanged numbers and set a date for another girls night in about two weeks. I called Iris and invited her - I told her I'd met three girls the same way I had met Iris and that we all wanted to have some fun together. Iris eagerly agreed she'd attend, as well.

In the meantime, I met some new girls at the coffee shop and at my gym and have invited them to the party, too. It promises to be lots of fun.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

You made me wet

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very sexy story love the hot lesbian sex. Keep them coming girl and keep us guys and gals cumming too

evadZaevadZaover 2 years ago

Good plot. This one needs a sequel. Please continue writing.

TalusmanicTalusmanicover 2 years ago

Great work with a sci-fi twist! I was intrigued with how far the protagonist was willing to go.

cpl757cpl757over 2 years ago

Love your writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

can,t wait for part two this had me on the edge of my seat

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Absolutely Brilliant. Please keep writing.

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