Hall Pass

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A loving wife gives her husband a hall pass.
4.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 04/09/2021
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Alex asked Kathy, "If we hook up, do you really think that your husband is going to be okay with it?"

Kathy told Alex, "I'm working on it. He'll come around."

Kathy had worked for SouthWest Radiographics for almost five years. She and Tom had been married for just over ten years. Kathy and Tom had been monogamous their entire marriage, but when Alex started working with Kathy, she started having fantasies about being with Alex, sexually.

Kathy and Tom were in their early thirties and Alex was twenty-two. Tom had a bit of a belly, stood five-foot-nine inches tall, he was balding, and he was below average in the cock department.

Alex stood six-foot-five inches tall, was very muscular, had shoulder-length, dark brown hair, and had a lot in his pants.

Kathy had been with only two other men before meeting and marrying Tom. Tom, on the other hand, had been with twenty other women before meeting and marrying Kathy.

Kathy asked Alex, "You're married, too. What do you think Mary would think if she knew that you and I were wanting to hook up?"

Alex smiled, "I don't know. She never knew about the other women."

Kathy stepped back, "And just how many women have you been with since you've been married?"

Alex laughed, "We've only been married for a year. So, I've only been with three other women."

Kathy asked Alex how many women he'd been with before he got married. Alex laughed again, "I was a total man-slut in high school. I don't know exactly how many, but a lot."

. . .

While Kathy and Tom were eating dinner, Kathy told Tom about Alex. She described him and told Tom that Alex was married, but he had a hall pass, and she wanted to be with him. She told Tom that if he'd say okay to her and Alex hooking up, she'd give him a hall pass, too.

Tom was taken aback. He asked Kathy, "So, he has a hall pass, you want him to fuck you, and you want my okay to do so?"

Kathy reminded Tom that he'd been with a lot more women than she'd been with men before they got married.

Tom asked Kathy if Alex wanted her as much as she wanted him. Kathy told Tom that they had talked several times about hooking up, but the most they'd done was talk, and Alex had let her reach down his pants for a quick feel once.

Tom asked Kathy if she liked what she felt when she put her hand down Alex's pants. Kathy responded, "He's big. I mean really big."

"So," Tom said, "I'm assuming you liked that about him."

Kathy said to Tom, "We both know you're not big. You're not small either, but Alex is really big."

Tom asked Kathy what she wanted out of this relationship she had with Alex. Kathy told Tom, "It's just a thing. I don't love him. I just want to know what it's like to get fucked by him." Kathy then added, "I'm thinking maybe five to ten times. I'm not saying I want a relationship with him. I just want to get fucked by him."

Tom told Mary that he wasn't sure what to think of any of what she was asking and saying. What he did know was that he didn't want or need a hall pass because he had no interest in having sex with any other woman.

Kathy huffed, "Are you kidding me? What guy wouldn't want to have his wife's okay to fuck another woman?"

Tom answered Kathy, "Me. I haven't even had a thought of being with any other woman. You're enough for me. You're all I need."

"So," Kathy said, "I'm the bad guy because I want to know what it's like to get fucked by a guy with a big cock?"

Tom replied, "I didn't say that. What I said was that I don't need to have sex with another woman. You're the only woman that I want."

. . .

While Alex was making love to his wife, Mary, in his mind he was fucking Kathy. His thrusts were deeper and harder than usual. And Mary wasn't complaining, she was liking that Alex was being so aggressive.

When Alex finally came, Mary told him, "That was awesome! I don't know where that came from, but we can go there anytime you want to."

Alex told Mary that he was just excited and couldn't contain himself. Mary asked Alex what excited him so much. Alex thought for a minute, then he told Mary, "I just love you . . . and your pussy, of course."

Mary laughed, "You know I married you for your big cock. Right?"

Alex joked, "It's almost too big for just one woman to handle."

Mary smiled, "What are you saying? You think you need two or three more women to take care of your big cock?"

Alex looked at Mary, hopeful, "You think you could share me with another woman?"

Mary thought for a moment, then said, "Well, that depends. Would you be willing to share me with another man?"

Alex laughed, "You looking to get a bigger dick?"

Mary shook her head, "It would be kind of nice to see what an average guy would be like. I don't think I could take a cock bigger than yours."

Alex asked, "Are you honestly saying that you'd do another guy?"

Mary laughed, "As if that would ever happen. I'm a married woman whose husband has one of the biggest cocks I've ever seen." Mary then added, "And I know you're not looking for anything more. Right?"

. . .

Tom asked Kathy, "What the fuck is going on? One day we're happy-go-lucky, and the next you're wanting to fuck some guy at work."

Kathy sighed, "What? It's wrong to be curious?"

Tom shook his head, "No. I'm sure most women are curious, but they're not putting their hands down men's pants."

Tom asked Kathy where this had all come from. She had never talked about other men before. And he had never asked for anything like a hall pass.

Kathy threw her hair back, "You know, sometimes there isn't a reason. Sometimes things just happen. And it's not like I did anything with him, and I'm asking for your blessing."

Tom asked Kathy if she had any idea how crazy she sounded to him.

Kathy told Tom she wasn't being unreasonable. She just wanted to fuck Alex, maybe a few times, then that would be it. It would be entirely sexual.

Tom said to Kathy, "Okay. Let me explain this to you. There's a woman, and she's married. Her husband thinks that he and his wife have a great relationship. Then one day she surprises him by telling him that she wants to fuck some other guy because he has a huge cock. And the wife expects her husband to be okay with it. Doesn't that sound kind of off to you?"

Kathy yelled, "You're just being a dick!"

Tom responded, "Obviously not a big enough one!"

. . .

The following day, Kathy told Alex that she offered Tom a hall pass if he'd let her fuck around. Alex asked Kathy if she told Tom about him. Kathy told Alex that she had told Tom that nothing had happened, other than she'd felt his cock. Alex asked how Tom reacted. Kathy said, "He was puritanical about it all."

Kathy asked Alex if he'd spoken to Mary about her. Alex smiled, "We don't really talk about our lovers to each other."

"But she wouldn't have a problem with you and I hooking up?" Kathy asked.

Alex hugged Kathy, and said, "Don't let your mind make this weird."

. . .

Tom called his brother, Dan, and told him what was going on between him and Kathy. Dan's initial reaction was, "Are you shitting me?"

Dan told Tom that he didn't know what he'd do if Alce, his wife, had ever asked something like Kathy had. Dan told Tom that a hall pass isn't a bad thing, but the reason behind getting it was the problem.

Dan said his mind was blown. then he asked Tom if Kathy had ever talked about other guys or wanting to have sex with anyone else before. Tom told Dan that this came out of left field. When Kathy brought up wanting to be with Alex, it was a complete surprise to him.

Tom told Dan that he wasn't sure what was going on with Kathy. She obviously wanted to hook up with Alex, because he had a big dick. But until yesterday, neither one of them had ever brought up wanting to have sex with anyone else.

Dan asked Tom if he and Kathy were having regular sex. Tom said that he and Kathy did it as often as anyone else, and it was usually pretty damn good.

Dan said, "This is fucked up, man. On one hand, I want to say take the hall pass and go find some young cutie and fuck the shit out of her. On the other hand, I want to say fuck Kathy, let her go, and you go find someone that isn't a slut."

Dan paused for a moment, then said, "Here's the thing, you and Kat have been together for so long. And maybe she just wants a new experience. Then again, that's pretty fucked up. I don't know, man. This is just fucked up."

Tom agreed and said he had no idea what to do. Dan then said, "Let's say you let her fuck this guy with the big dick. What happens then? How does she see your dick after having his? Will she want him again after that first time?"

Tom sighed, "She said that she'd only do him maybe five or ten times, and it would be strictly sexual."

Dan guffawed, "Ten times? Holy shit, man! Talk about pussy reconstruction." Tom asked Dan what he meant. Dan said, "If Kathy lets this guy fuck her ten times, and his cock is huge, after that, Kathy's going to have a totally reconditioned pussy, big enough for his cock and too big for yours."

"I don't think she'd really do him ten times," Tom said.

Dan asked, seriously, "If you hooked up with some hottie and she had the best pussy you'd ever had, would one time be enough for you?"

Tom asked Dan what he'd do if Alice offered him a hall pass if she could fuck some other guy that had a huge cock. Dan thought for a moment, then said, "That's the thing. I don't know." Then Dan said, "What I do know is that I'd be afraid that if Alice did fuck some other guy and he was amazing, how I would feel if I hooked up with some woman and couldn't get it up?"

Tom admitted that he feared that if he ever did hook up with another woman that might happen to him.

Dan asked Tom what he would do if Kathy fucked this other guy without his permission. Tom admitted that he didn't know. He knew that none of this made any sense, though.

. . .

Tom took a half-day off. He decided that he would drive over to SouthWest Radiographics to hopefully talk to Kathy. When he arrived, it was just before Kathy's munch time. He parked facing the building, where he could see the picnic tables.

Tom saw Kathy and a younger guy walk out of the building together. Tom assumed the younger guy had to be Alex. Alex was a good-looking guy, and very tall. Both Alex and Kathy were smiling and laughing. Instead of walking to the picnic tables, Alex and Kathy walked to what Tom assumed was Alex's car and got in it.

Kathy's building was one of four on the complex and the only one that was open and being used. Tom followed Alex and Kathy to the far end of the complex, keeping his distance so as not to be noticed. As Tom followed Alex and Kathy, he noticed another car following him.

Alex and Kathy parked under a tree near the furthest building from theirs. Tom parked on the corner of the third building. He was far enough away not to be noticed, but he was close enough to see what was going on with Alex and Kathy.

The car that followed Tom parked near him. The driver was a younger woman with mid-length blonde hair. She looked at Tom and Tom looked at her. Both Tom and the younger woman watched Kathy and Alex from a distance. The young woman in the other car got out of her car and approached Tom, "I'm going to assume that's your wife with my husband." Tom nodded.

The young woman introduced herself and then asked if she could sit in Tom's car with him. Tom nodded again.

Mary, Alex's wife, sat in Tom's car. Tom asked, "Do you guys do this a lot?"

Mary looked at Tom, "What's that supposed to mean?"

Tom said to Mary, "Well, I understand he has a hall pass. So, I'm just wondering how often you let him do this, or how often he does this."

Mary's mouth was wide open. She then asked, "A hall pass? What the hell is that?"

Tom explained that when a spouse has a hall pass, he or she has their spouse's permission to sleep with other people. Mary shook her head and said, "I have never permitted him to have sex with other women, but he does it. When I married him, I knew he probably wouldn't be faithful to me, but I loved him . . . and he does have a very large dick."

Tom expressed, "So I've heard."

Mary asked Tom if his wife had slept with her husband already. Tom said he didn't know.

Tom asked Mary why she stayed with Alex when she knew that he was unfaithful to her. Mary told Tom that when she met Alex he was a charmer. And when they made love, he was like no other man she'd been with. And it had been her that asked Alex to marry her, not the other way around.

"So," Tom asked, "You married him because he had a big dick?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time."

"Do you still love him?

Mary immediately said, "Yes. I do. I know he can't be faithful to me, but I deal with it. He's a good guy deep inside . . . and I love his dick."

Tom told Mary that Kathy had offered him a hall pass if he allowed her to get fucked by Alex. Mary told Tom that she would love it. Tom informed Mary that he didn't want or need a hall pass because he wasn't interested in any other women. Mary asked Tom why.

Tom said, "Kathy is a good woman. And the sex we have is fulfilling. I don't need to have sex with anyone else.

Mary commented, "Maybe Kathy doesn't need to have sex with anyone else, either, and just wants to try something new." Then Mary said, "To be honest, I'd let you do me."

"Are you kidding me?"

"No. You're a decent-looking guy, and your wife is probably fucking my husband."

Tom felt nervous. He asked, "So, do you guys have an open marriage or not?"

Mary shook her head, "No. And I've never cheated on him, but I could. Alex has been with other women, and I have to say that, and I told Alex this, it would be interesting to try out a guy whose dick isn't as big."

Mary told Tom that she was glad that he showed up. Tom asked her why. Mary told him that the other women that Alex had been with were single, and that was a problem. They were a threat. Kathy, on the other hand, was married. So, she wasn't as much of a threat.

Mary explained, "I know Alex is going to sleep with other women, and I'd prefer him to do it with a married woman. If the woman he fucks is married, he'll fuck her and come home to me and she'll go home to her husband. So, I'm glad to see that he is interested in your wife and not a single woman."

Tom asked Mary, "So, Alex gets to fuck my wife. Kathy gets a big dick in her. Then Alex goes home and fucks you. Where does that leave me?"

Mary smiled, "That leaves you with a very happy wife, and a hall pass. And remember, I told you I'd let you do me."

. . .

Kathy told Alex about offering Tom a hall pass if he gave his okay for her to hook up with him. Alex told Kathy that was nice. Kathy told Alex that she didn't want to cheat on Tom, and would prefer that he knew what she was doing and had given his permission. Kathy added, "Kind of like what you and Mary have going on."

Alex told Kathy that he and Mary didn't really have an agreement, Mary was just kind of dealing with the fact that he wasn't and couldn't be monogamous. Kathy asked Alex what he would think of Mary going out and hooking up with other men. Alex admitted that it would be reasonable to think that she should be able to do it if he was.

Alex told Kathy that he believed that he had feelings for her. Alex told Kathy, "If you're as good in bed as I think you're going to be, I might want more than an occasional roll in the sack with you." Kathy told Alex to elaborate. Alex continued, "There's something about you. I like how I feel when I'm with you. And I might want more than to just fuck you."

Kathy smiled, then admitted, "I want more than anything for you to fuck me, but I also want more. Every time I see you I get all twitterpated. I feel this connection with you that is so strong. And I know that once you and I make love, it's going to change everything."

Alex asked Kathy to tell him more. Kathy explained, "I don't want you just as a lover. I want more. I'm not saying I want you to leave Mary, but I want you to be in my life more than as just a lover."

Alex asked Kathy what she meant by him being more than just a lover. Kathy said, "I want you more as a, I don't know, a second husband."

Alex asked how that would work. Kathy explained, "I've had thoughts about you and Mary moving in with us, or us moving in with you. That way you could have me and Mary and nothing else would have to change."

Alex asked, "And what about Tom?"

Kathy thought for a moment, then said, "Who knows? Maybe Tom and Mary could hook up."

Alex laughed, "You do know that Mary married me because I have a big dick, seriously."

Kathy smiled, "That's fair."

Alex told Kathy, "She asked me to marry her. She fell in love with my dick. The rest just followed."


Alex sighed, "The thing is, I don't think she'd do any other guy. She's a size queen, she proposed to me. And if the four of us lived together, I think Tom would be the one missing out."

Kathy asked, "You don't think that Mary would fuck Tom?"

Alex chuckled, "Unless Tom's dick is as big as mine is, I don't think she would."

Kathy said, hopeful, "Maybe she would, and then the four of us could all get what we want."

Alex looked up, then looked at Kathy and said, "I didn't expect to have feelings for you. But I do. And I need to know how you really feel about me. Are you just wanting a fuck buddy, or as you said, something more?"

Kathy leaned over, kissed Alex, and told him, "I want both you and Tom."

Alex kissed Kathy again, "And I have to say that having both you and Mary would be really nice."

Kathy said, "Maybe we can help Mary and Tom come around to this.

. . .

"So, wait a minute," Tom said to Mary. "You've never cheated on Alex, but you would, as you say, let me do you."

Mary smiled, "If Alex and Kathy are going to have their thing, I'm not going to be left out."

Tom sighed, "Maybe I just don't understand women. My wife wants your husband, and because your husband wants to fuck my wife, you're willing to have sex with me. I wish you could hear how that sounds."

Mary took Tom's hand and put it on her thigh, "Maybe you ought to think about what's being offered to you."

Tom replied, "Maybe we should all just reimagine marriage and sex and realize that nothing really matters anymore."

Mary responded, "I'm just trying to make lemonade."

Then Mary mentioned to Tom that he hadn't taken his hand off of her thigh. Tom shook his head, "This isn't right, by the way, but I like where my hand is right now."

Mary moved Tom's hand further up her thigh. Mary was wearing a loose pair of shorts, and Tom's hand was dangerously close to Mary's upper inner thigh.

Tom and Mary had both seen Kathy and Alex kissing, and that was a sign to them that there was definitely something going on between them.

"I don't want to lose Alex," Mary said. "And I don't think Kathy wants to lose you."


Mary suggested, "Maybe we should forget about right and wrong and go with what's best."

"And what do you think is best?"

Mary stated, "You say it's not right to like feeling me up, but you like it. And Kathy wants Alex's dick. Alex has no problem sleeping around, even though I give him everything he wants. So, maybe it's best to just go with the flow."

Tom asked Mary, "How can you just give up your morals?"

Mary countered, "What's any of this got to do with morals?"

"I mean, you don't even know me and you're willing to let me fuck you."

Mary nodded toward Alex and Kathy, "What's the difference? Your wife is getting my man, and I'm giving myself to hers."

"You've been through a lot. Haven't you?" Tom asked.

"You have no idea."

. . .

Kathy begged Alex, "I can't stand it anymore. I have to see it! I have to see it!"

Alex looked around, then he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants, and pulled them to his knees, exposing the mega cock that Kathy knew he had. Kathy immediately grabbed Alex's cock, and then went down on it. Alex was caught off guard, but he wasn't about to stop Kathy.