Halloween Hell Pt. 03

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The next year, Rebecca brings new victims.
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Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/25/2023
Created 10/31/2020
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This work of FICTION contains themes of non-consent, humiliation, abuse and other related kinks. This is meant as entertainment to bring enjoyment, not as something that should be carried out. If this offends you, please do not read.

"R-Rebecca, where are you taking us?" I ask, trying not to sound nervous, but I know it shows. I look around and the scene is from a horror movie. It's a neighborhood street like you might find in any neighborhood anywhere, only the end of it is dark as there are no street lamps at all. I mean, there are some, but they are all burnt out, leaving the end cul-du-sac looking very scary.

"I told you Sara. Part of your initiation," Rebecca says in an almost emotionless tone. She's walking in front with myself and Lilly following behind her. Unlike myself, Lilly looks upbeat and happy, as if she's having the best time. This may sound mean, but all those "blond" jokes I think were about her. Ditzy doesn't describe her properly at all.

Rebecca came into the sorority today and called on myself and Sara for a special initiation. This isn't all that weird as we are both pledges, and Full Sisters can call on pledges to do initiations. Most of them are stupid and silly, meant to humiliate you and make sure you can handle yourself. So far the worst I've seen is that they made one girl wear only her underwear while at the house, and that was to try and get her to love her own body. Overall it is a good sorority as they are all about helping you make it in college.

What concerns me is that it's Rebecca doing this. She and I had a brief fight not to long ago. It wasn't anything too bad or even physical. I had started to talk to a guy named John that's in one of my classes. We never got any further past sending flirty texts before I found out that he had been on several dates with Rebecca. At once I broke it off as I didn't want to be with anyone that like that, who lines up several women for himself.

Only Rebecca saw it as me moving in on her man. I told her that wasn't the case and that I didn't know. We talked it out and I told her the honest truth, but I'm not sure she believed me. But she's been fine towards me. No rude comments or anything like that. Just acting like normal. Only when she doesn't think anyone is looking, I can see her glaring at me.

"This is something I had to do last year when I was 18, like the two of you," Rebecca explains, with it being one of the few things she's said the entire trip.

"I love a mystery!" Sara chimes in happily. For a moment I look at her, thinking how she has no clue that this could be something bad. After all Sara is in Rebecca's bad graces too. A couple of weeks ago we were at the beach wearing bikinis with the sorority's initials on them, when Sara told Rebecca that her left boob looked smaller than her right, and maybe she should stuff it to look normal.

Many of the girls had to inform Sara that having slightly different sized boobs is normal, and there's nothing wrong with it, to which Sara stated she would get surgery if that was the case. Granted Sara is very much an airhead, but I saw Rebecca's face that day. She was PISSED, especially for it to be said in front of so many people.

"Here we are," Rebecca says as we are fully into the darkened part of the street. Now that I'm in this area, it's not as scary as a I thought it would be. The houses are well kept and look good. I thought for sure they would looked scary and haunted but that isn't the case at all. Just an area with no streetlamps.

Rebecca then points across the street to one of the houses in the cul-du-sac. I follow where she points and get a shiver up my spine. It's a house with all sorts of trash and engine parts all over the yard. The grass looks like it hasn't been cut in forever and I think I smell beer from the place way over here.

"All you have to do is go over there, and tell the man, 'trick or treat.' That's it," Rebecca says, glee now in her voice. It's more than glee. I think she's holding back her glee as she is so excited. It is extremely creepy for some reason, as she is holding back what is really about to happen.

"Ok!" Sara says and starts walking forward at once. I nearly shout for her to stop, but don't. Instead I look at Rebecca to try and see if this is just a silly prank or some sort of evil setup. But she looks at me with an unreadable expression, making it seem like I'm the asshole for thinking this is a setup.

After giving me a 'well, you going?' look, she motions for me to start walking. Not wanting to, I do begin to walk. We both know if I refuse, I can be kicked out of the sorority. Rebecca is a Full Sister after all. And I can see people siding with her if I complain and say I didn't do it because I was scared.

As I follow behind Sara as she walks across the road, I tell myself that I'm overreacting. That this isn't anything bad. That it's just a prank. They do pranks on pledges all the damn time. It's nothing to get upset or scared over.

But as I get closer, I see the man Rebecca referred to, and I get scared. He's sitting in a lawn chair in the midst of his yard, completely in the dark. He looks like a shadow in the midst of the outlines of all the trash and junk scatters in his yard. And all around him are empty beer cans, like hundreds of them, not to mention few cases of beer sitting next to him. Even in the dark I can see him watching us as we get closer.

"Trick or Treat!" Sara says brightly as she hops onto the sidewalk in front of the house. A couple of moments later, I step up on it as well, but I don't say anything. The closer I get to the guy, the more my skin crawls as this doesn't feel right. I mean, on the far other end of the street, kids are trick or treating and everything seems normal. You hear screams of kids, adults laughing and teenagers being teenagers. But here? It feels wrong. I mean, why are there no trick or treaters here? Why is it all dark?

The man, who is still in the dark tilts his head as if to look beyond us. When he does, I look behind me to see Rebecca still on the other side of the street. She looks right at the man and then waves a knowing wave. Right after she turns and starts to walk off at a brisk pace.

My eyes narrow on her, as the fear that we've been set up increases greatly. She almost runs as she goes, desperate to get out of here. Only she stops once she is in the safety of the streetlamps where she looks back at us.

"Alright then," the man says with a sigh, as if he's bored. To this he tosses his empty beer can behind him and grabs him a new one from the case next to him. After adjusting himself in his chair, he turns his focus on us. Only he doesn't say anything more. Just sits and looks at us.

"Just had to come here. Had to come here and get taught a fucking lesson for being so fucking dumb, huh?" The man tells us. He says this calmly, but it doesn't feel calm. It actually feels the opposite, like he's dying to leap up and attack us. It's so intense and unexpected that I can't think of what to do but stand here.

"Get your clothes off," the man says in a gruff, no-nonsense voice. My eyes widen at this as a cold pang of fear rushes up my back. Did he really just say that? No, no way. I mean, the way he said it was like someone saying, "get off my property please."

"I'm sorry, what?" I ask, in disbelief of what I think I heard. If this is a joke, it's not funny. It's actually scary as all hell. Not even Sara laughs.

"Look ya dumb fat bitch, get your clothes off now, unless you want to piss me off," he says in what is a clear warning. I gasp at his extremely rude and blunt insult. I know I'm not a stick figure like Sara is, but I've never had any issue getting a date. Yes, I'm on the larger side, but I know I'm very beautiful. I've been called a BBW many, many times. Also it doesn't hurt when you have M cups for breasts and a large butt for people to grab. But I wouldn't ever call someone like me fat.

"Oh! I get it!" Sara suddenly chimes is, as if the lightbulb went off in her head. She then laughs and points at the very creepy man, as if she's in on the joke. The man doesn't react at all.

"I've seen this before on TikTok. He's one of those mean personal trainer guys. Makes you get naked then yells at you while telling you to do exercises. I watch those vids all the time. Some of them are real funny too. Can't believe I'm going to get to be on one!" Sara tells me, having no clue the danger that we (probably) are in.

As if all is right in the world, she removes her sandals to become barefoot in this trash-strewn yard. Next she unbuttons her pants. While she keeps undressing, I look at the guy who is maybe 5 feet away.

What scares me even worse about him is that he isn't even watching Sara get undressed like most guys would. They would be locked onto her, trying to take in everything about her body. But not this guy. He's still sitting in his chair, head laying back, downing another beer. He doesn't seem to care at all that a woman is getting naked right in front of him. In fact, he looks annoyed.

"What's it going to be Fat Tits?" The man asks while not looking at me. To this, I get another harsh pang of reality. What am I going to do? The smart and best thing would be to turn and run. To get the hell out of here. But I can't do that, can I? If I did, I would be leaving Sara alone with this nutjob. And I doubt I could convince her to go with me as she thinks this is some trend.

If I do run off, Rebecca could have me kicked out. I mean, I'm sure I could explain it to the others, how this isn't right, but what if they agree with her? What if it is a silly prank, and I'm just making it worse? Do I want to risk ruining my chances of a good collegiate environment?

And then a new thought pops in my head, one that I have never felt before...I am scared to go. I'm scared of this guy, for real. What if I try to take off, and he comes after me? What would he do then? Would it make him even madder, to which he might do something worse than what he's thinking of doing now? Would I even be able to out run him?

"I...I'm doing it," I tell him to try and keep him calm before he gets upset. When I say this, he doesn't react. Not even a head nod to show he heard me.

Feeling cold from fear, I untie my sneakers and pull them and my socks off. As I do this, Sara finishes removing every snitch of clothing she had on. She's always been a free soul in that regard, willing to get naked whenever as she's not ashamed of her body. With a smile she stands next to me, naked, an arm covering her ample chest and her other hand cupping her lady part. I can feel her excitement as she thinks she's about to go viral on TikTok.

I feel both of them watch me as I unbutton my jeans now. I pull them down, exposing my Halloween based panties. Once off, I fold my jeans and put them with my shoes, then pull up my top. When I do, I feel so strange and weird. I mean, I'm undressing OUTSIDE. Sure, it's dark here, but it's still outside. The people in the nearby houses could for sure see if they look out.

I am not ashamed of my body at all, but at the moment I do feel humiliated. I'm just a bigger girl, but not fat. I have no gut to speak of, not that I have flat abs. I'm just plump. Yet now his eyes are making me feel the opposite of beautiful. They make me feel like a freak on stage to look at.

Finally, I'm in my bra and panties. I consider just stopping but know he will say something. So...I unclasp my bra, allowing my large breasts to become free. As my bra drops, I cover my breasts with my arm, trying to hide as much of them as I can. Next I pull down my panties, immediately cupping myself like Sara as I am exposed completely.

"Happy now?" I ask the man, a flare of anger coming out as I am completely naked. Both of us are. Butt-naked in his front yard, just because we are pledges.

"There's always some dumb bitch that comes here. Like you are attracted here for some reason," he says in a tone that states we must be stupid.

"Look man, we are just here because the soro-" I start but he cuts me off by pointing at me and growling. The way he does it is extremely scary, as it's very primal and animistic.

"Listen Big Tits. You think I care? You think anyone cares? I've raped dozens of bitches that stood right where you are, and I'm going to fuck even more. Neighbors don't give a shit. As long as it's not them or their loved ones, they leave me the fuck alone. They don't want to see me mad, because when I get mad, I get mean. I get creative. I get evil," he tells me in what is clearly meant to say, 'shut up now.'

"Is...is this not...the PT challenge then?" Sara asks in a soft, scared tone, looking between myself and him. Neither of us answer, with me not doing it because I'm too scared and the guy because he probably doesn't care. Slowly I see the color on her face begin to fade as she finally sees the danger we are in.

"Put ya clothes on the pit," the man grunts, motioning to the right with his head. Turning that direction, I see a barbeque pit about 10 feet away in his yard. To this, Sara and I look at each other, both of us extremely scared.

Looking at it, I know there's only one reason he wants our clothes on it. But fear keeps me from saying anything about it through. If I put my clothes on it, he'll set them ablaze, leaving us naked as can be.

"But not your bra or panties, Fat Tits. I got something special for them. Now get going!" He yells the last part very loud. So loud in fact that both Sara and I jump a bit as it startled us. Hell, the entire street probably heard him.

Sara begins to move at once and when I see this, I start moving as well in pure reaction. She bends over and gathers up all of her clothes very quickly, probably having no clue what he means to do with them. But, being a bit cowardly, I do the same thing, getting my shoes, top and jeans while leaving my bra and panties on the ground.

Sara and I start walking side by side, both of us clinging our clothes to the front of our naked bodies. As we walk, I hear her whimpering as she's finally caught on how much trouble we are in. That this guy is crazy. That he's some sort of criminal pervert.

We reach the barbeque pit and place our clothes on it. Once it is done, we go back to covering our naked bodies as we don't know what else to do. I do consider screaming "RUN" so Sara knows to go with me, but again...what if he catches us? To be honest, it'll be me he catches after all. Sara can outrun me, so she'll get to freedom while I would be the one that catches hell. And if what he says is true, us screaming won't do anything but make him mad as everyone nearby will ignore it.

"Move under the branch. Make sure you are facing each other and get your damn hands up," the man growls. It's only now that he starts to stand. He seems to keep getting taller and taller as he stands up completely, towering clear over the two of us even if he's far back.

"W-What is he going to do?" Sara asks in a whisper as she walks to the location he told. She started to walk at once, without question or even thinking. I on the other hand, stay where I am as I consider if there's another way out of this.

"W-We can leave. Leave and never come back," I then offer the man as I stand there, still trying to cover myself with my hands. If he really hates us, this could be the best thing for everyone. He doesn't have to look at us and we don't get hurt. It'll be perfect.

"Don't make me repeat myself Fat Tits," is his reply, then downs the rest of his can of beer. Hearing this makes the last bit of hope I had die. I turn with my head lowered and begin to walk to where Sara is already standing. She's there, both of her hands up in the air like in a robbery, her naked body displayed.

I try not to look at her as she faces me since she is so very naked. I've seen her naked before, but this feels different. Her C cup breasts jiggle as she whimpers and her landing strip seems more pronounced than ever. Overall, she looks very much like someone that is about to have sex if they want it or not.

"W-What's he going to do?" She asks again as I step up. Looking up, I see just the one huge branch coming off the tree. I then realize he means us to be close together. Like, so close we probably could kiss as there's no way otherwise.

"I don't know," I lie, as I have an idea he means to fuck the two of us. But maybe it's better not to scare her with such a statement. So, I take a deep breath and try not to feel Sara looking down at me as she refuses to look anywhere else.

Finally, I let go of my body and lift my hands. When I do, my large bust comes out to Sara's view, as does my shaved womanhood. And when I do this, I happen to catch her eyes widen. Forgetting what is happening, she looks me up and down, looking at my naked body completely.

"P-Please, there must be another way out of this," I beg the man as he comes up to our side. He doesn't respond but grabs Sara's left hand. He wraps a dirty looking rope to her wrist after making a loop. Once this is tied, he tosses it over the branch, and proceeds to tie the other end around my right wrist. Then he moves to grab Sara's left wrist to repeat the process.

He's tying us to each other, only making the branch be what keeps us in place. Why would he do that? Wouldn't it be better to tie us each to the branch? If he's doing it like this, it means there must be a reason and that scares me.

"You two have a choice while I do this next bit. Either the words, 'I'm stupid and deserve to be fucked up the ass' comes out of your mouths, or...you best get to kissing," he says, pausing to check our bounds. Both of our hands are high up now, making it that if one pulls, the other gets stretched. And we are standing so close that I have to keep leaning back or risk my breasts rubbing against Sara.

"WAIT, what?!" I say in shock at what his 'options' are, but then get a surprise. Sara leans over and puts her face on mine. Her lips meet mine and proceeds to kiss me. I'm very much surprised by this and try to lean/move back, but I can't. I'm tied in place to her, making it impossible for me to get out of her way.

I protest as I feel her put her tongue in my mouth, making it a full blown kiss. My protests are loud but I don't do anything mean like close my mouth as I don't want to hurt her. She's just scared and is doing what she thinks is right.

I keep protesting as I want to tell this asshole what a creep he is. That we are not tools in whatever lesbian fantasy he may have. That he should go online to one of his bookmarked porn sites if he wants to see this.

Then all other thoughts leave me when the fire starts. On the pit, the pile of clothes sit, burning away. It's such a site that Sara stops kissing me to look at it, her own whimpering louder than ever. I look at it too, realizing that not only are our clothes being destroyed, he's lighting us up. That people will stop to look at what is clearly a high fire. The fire cuts through the night very well, almost like it's aim is to show off the two scared naked women tied to this branch.

"Why? Why are you doing this?" I demand, my anger and fear getting the better of me. It overrides the humiliation of being naked and tied up, even of being kissed. It gives me the power and urge to try and claw the man's eyes out if I could.

"Because I can," he says in a way that implies I should know. Then he slaps my bare ass hard, making me yelp as he walks by. As he walks off, he laughs at me.

"I didn't say stop," he then growls as both Sara and I look at him. At once Sara leans back over to put her lips on mine. She kisses me with a lot of energy while I just stand there and take it. But in the corner of my eye I see the bastard look at us, and a part of me gets scared he might get upset that I'm not kissing her back. With that tidbit of fear, I open my lips and kiss her back, my face burning red with this humiliation.