Halloween Triple-Threat

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A werewolf, vampire and succubus visit our hero. Sex ensues.
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Part 1 - Louvi

It was shaping up to be an especially shitty Halloween during an especially shitty year. I sat back on the couch and turned up the TV - the noise from the Halloween party in the apartment right below me was pretty loud, louder even than usual parties. I don't really mind noise, but all the laughter and drunken singing was pretty hard to deal with in my current state of mind.

Man, why did she have to leave me right before Halloween? Now I'd always associate pumpkin lattes, jack o' lanterns and people dressed up as monsters with getting my heart broken. Well, not just broken but torn out and stepped on in front of me and a bunch of other people.

I cracked open another beer from the six-pack on the coffee table in front of me. At least now I was single I had all this free time to sit and worry about everything. I tried to care about what I was watching but the dumb Halloween comedy special just made me more depressed. When one of the 'comedians', wearing a pumpkin on his head with a coifed blonde comb-over, strode into the already fucking dumb scene to canned laughter and started talking about building a 'yuuuge' wall to keep all the ghouls and ghosts out, I fought back nausea and scrambled for the remote and gave that crap the sweet oblivion of death it so richly deserved.

Maybe playing some vidya would cheer me up. I grabbed my phone and started up Genshin Impact but in the middle of waiting for the resources to download there was a knock at the door.

It was a loud knock, easily heard over the pumping music from downstairs.

Just my luck. It had to be another party guest who'd come up to the wrong floor. I'd already had to tell a bunch of sexy monsters they had the wrong apartment. What would it be this time? Another mummy in a bandage bikini? A sexy ghost? Why did the god of Halloween have to rub it in like this?

Who was the god of Halloween, anyway? The Great Pumpkin? The Devil?

The knocking returned, louder and more insistent, so I had to push away these important philosophical musings. I tossed aside my phone and reluctantly went to the door.

"Just a minute!" I shouted. "Hey!"

I opened the door slowly. My apartment wasn't in the best part of town and you've got be careful on nights like tonight when more than just the spirits of the dead are about.

As soon as the door was open a crack I knew I'd guessed right. She was wearing furry dark-brown gloves and boots on and not much else - apart from the stressed denim shorts and a white crop-top which contrasted nicely with her warmly-tanned skin. I'd only seen a thin slice of her and already I knew, with a sinking feeling, that when I saw her face she'd be cute as fuck and I'd want to kill myself.

I opened the door completely and god dammit, I was right - she was cute. Despite the revealing costume her face was surprisingly free of that garish make-up girls seem to wear as part of their Halloween costume - round and somewhat childish with large green eyes - contacts, obviously, since no-one had eyes that green! - and a snub nose above a wide, bright, toothy grin. Her hair was thick and shaggy and she was wearing wolf-ears.

Yup. A sexy werewolf. Tick that one off the list!

She waved a hand - a paw, rather - through the air jauntily and that big toothy smile grew even larger.

"Yo!" she said.

"Uh," I replied. "Hey."

"Hey," she replied, valiantly grinning despite my obvious lack of enthusiasm.

"Um," I started. "I think you've got the wrong apartment, sorry."

The werewolf frowned and her ears flopped downwards. Wow. Halloween costumes were getting pretty sophisticated. Then she leaned over and blinked at the number on the door and her ears perked up again, along with her toothy smile.

"Nope!" she said. "This is the right apartment. Em said it was number eight, and that's what it is!"

I blinked at her. "But the party's on in number seix," I said. Em. So that was my noisy neighbour's name.

"Oh, that's what all that noise is," she said. Then, without being invited, she nonchalantly walked right past me and into my apartment. "I guess I'm the first one here, then."

"Uh," I replied. I really needed to stop saying 'Uh' so much.

"I really like your apartment," murmured the werewolf, her fluffy tail swishing back and forth from the butt of her shorts as she looked around. Her tail!

Must be one of those Halloween costumes Japanese cosplayers wear. Probably cost a bundle.

The hypnotic swaying of that tail and her dangerously curvy hips and butt was more than distracting. I coughed. "So you said your friend was called Em?"

"Uh huh," replied the werewolf with a nod of her head. "And my name's Louvi. Pleased to meet you!" She suddenly stopped at my bookshelf and inspected it. "Wow. These are those book things, right?"

"Uh, yeah they are," I replied. "Look, I'm pretty sure there's some mistake. I don't think I know anyone called Em."

But was that really true? Em... Em... the name certainly sounded strangely familiar. I had a sudden flash of a memory of once having had a long, deep, hilarious conversation with a pretty girl called Em.

Strange. If this was the same Em Louvi was talking about, and she was really that pretty and funny, how had I forgotten her?

Louvi stopped in the middle of pulling out one of my books and turned to me. "Oh, that's right. Em said you might not remember her all that well. But she certainly remembers you, anon!" She used my name.

So it wasn't a mistake. This strange girl, dressed as a werewolf, and currently sniffing and pawing at the book she was holding as if she'd never seen one before in her life, knew who I was.

I realised then that I'd very likely just let a dangerous, unhinged individual into my apartment. Or maybe she was just high. I hoped she was just high. I took a couple of steps back toward my couch, where I'd stupidly left my phone. Maybe if I could grab it without startling her and call for help...

Louvi's struggle to put the book back properly with those big paws of hers gave me the opportunity I needed. I retreated to the couch and glanced about for my phone. Goddammit! It must have slipped behind a cushion somewhere. Shit, why did I have to buy such a huge couch?

As nonchalantly as I could manage I slid down onto the couch and started rummaging around. Where the hell was it?

But Louvi had managed to put the book back and was looking right at me. She gasped and with sudden violence bounded towards me.

Okay bro, I thought. This is it. This is where she slips a knife out of those tiny shorts of hers and stabs you and you end up an internet meme or a spooky greentext.

She threw herself over the backrest onto the couch beside me, but instead of stabbing me she just scooped up the can of half-drunk beer on the coffee table.

"Beer!" she cried. She levelled glistening green puppy-dog eyes at me and said, "Aw, can I have some? Can I have some? You've finished it, right? That's why you stopped drinking it, right?"

I'd only taken a sip but there was no way I was going to tell this insane girl she couldn't drink my beer so I just nodded like a fool while I kept up my increasingly desperate quest for my phone.

She beamed widely and then she chugged the whole beer. Usually girls try and mask the sound of drinking, but Louvi didn't. She drank with gusto and at the end she pulled the can away and gasped with obvious delight. Even despite my rising panic I found the sight of that pretty girl enjoying herself totally adorable.

"Aah!" she gasped out. "I like beer!"

"Er, I have... more beer," I said, suddenly getting an idea. "There's another six-pack in the fridge. You can have it if -"

Louvi didn't need any more coaxing. As quickly as she had bounced onto the sofa she bounced off again and with a happy cry she bounded away into the kitchen. I heard the fridge door thrown open and the sound of rummaging.

"Hey!" she cried out. "There's steak here, too. Can I have some?"

"Help yourself," I cried back. Where the hell was my phone!?

Ah! There it was! I pulled it out of its hiding-place and quickly hit the three numbers which would get me out of this situation. But then I hesitated. What was I going to tell the cops? That there was a girl dressed as a werewolf in my apartment who was threatening me? Had she even threatened me? They'd laugh in my face!

Or maybe this was all being filmed. Maybe she was a Youtuber with one of those prank channels. Fuck. I really was pretty dumb. Of course that's what it was.

And maybe... well, just maybe there was something else going on. It'd been a while since I'd had a girl in this apartment and Louvi was certainly very cute. Extremely odd but cute. Maybe I just needed to man-up and handle the situation better.

So I slipped my phone back in my pocket. Louvi came back out of the kitchen carry a six-pack in one hand and the steak in her mouth. A whole damn steak! And raw as well.

She tossed the six-pack on the coffee table, plopped herself down next to me on the couch and in two bites she wolfed down the entire steak.

She gave a happy gasp and grinned at me widely, licking her juice-stained lips.

"Yum," she said. "I like steak!"

I started to regret not phoning the cops.

"Beer goes great with steak," she continued, and she snapped off two beers from the six-pack and handed me one. "Em is right. You're a great guy. Steak and beer!"

She popped the tab but hesitated before drinking with a frown.

"You're not going to have one?"

Well, why the hell not? I popped mine open too.

"Cheers!" she said, lifting the can. She scooshed closer and I was quickly aware of how warm her body was. Well, she was wearing fur - er, in places.

"Cheers!" I said.

Then Louvi chugged the whole can in one go, tossed it aside and cracked open another one.

"So," I said. God, it really had been ages since I'd had a girl here. Some girls smell of perfume or soap or whatever else but this Louvi - well, she had a wild smell about her, not a bad smell. No, not a bad smell at all. It was a deeply feral, sexy smell, like a woman's natural smell - fresh perspiration and clean skin and hair. Purely natural, without a single artificial smell. So I guess Louvi was one of those organic girls - well, not a vegetarian one at least. But the smell roiling off her was making me dizzy. Hell, even if this was all just a prank for a Youtube channel it was still a million times better than the shitty Halloween I'd expected.

"So how's the whole werewolf thing working out?"

Louvi stopped mid-drink - she was drinking a little more slowly now, but still gulping, only smaller gulps - and smiled. 'Oh, you know. Okay I guess." Then she sighed and flopped back on the couch. "Actually, things are hard, I guess you could say."

The beer had made me relax and so I decided to play along. "Trouble with monster hunters?"

She sighed. "Oh, I wish! I haven't mauled anyone since forever."


Louvi chuckled and took another long drink of her beer. "Oh, vampires! They can be a..." She frowned and pricked her ears up as if she was listening. Her voice when she continued was softer. "They can be a bit of a pain. So fussy and stuck-up!" She sighed. "But no, not vampires. It's this whole world domination thing."

"Right. World domination."

Louvi sat forward and nodded. "Well, when I was a puppy, things were much simpler. Back then monsters were still all about scaring humans. But now humans don't scare so easily."

I chuckled. "The news is scary enough."

Louvi nodded. "I know, right? And so we've got this new plan, but that's not going all that well either. It's called the L.E.W.D Project."

"Wait. The Lewd Project?"

"L. E. W. D. It's an acronym." She pronounced it 'acronime'. "Lewdness to Effect World Domination."

"Um, I don't know if you can actually use the word the acronym spells out in the... uh, never mind."

"It was the succubuses' idea," Louvi explained. "They said that if we couldn't scare humans into submission, maybe we could lewd them instead."

"That's a very interesting plan." I could get behind a plan like that. Pity it wasn't real. "So what's gone wrong?"

Louvi sighed. "People are so uptight and worried about everything that even sex isn't helping!"

"I get that. But how is sex supposed to fix everything?"

"Well," said Louvi. "Everyone - monsters and humans - likes the same stuff, right? Beer, raw meat, sex -"

"That's mostly true."

"- and if everyone had enough of what they like, no one would want to fight anymore!"

"Checks out," I replied. World peace through sex? It was a pretty naïve plan, but it was worth a shot.

I glanced about the room. I wondered if Louvi had slipped a camera somewhere while she'd been wandering around. Probably on my bookshelf. Messing around with that book had been classic distraction.

Louvi finished the final mouth-full of the beer, leant across to get another and missed. The momentum sent her to the floor with a bump.


"Are you alright?"

"Hehe," she said, getting slowly up again. "I think I may have overdone things a bit. I love beer, but it makes me a little sleepy." She stood up, wincing. "Ow. I think I bruised my butt."

Her tail was flopping straight down, now. "It's pretty amazing," I said, without thinking.

Louvi blinked. "What's amazing?"

"Your costume."

She blinked. "My costume?"

"Yeah. Your tail, especially. How does it work?"

"My tail?" Louvi lifted the floppy thing up with her paws. "Well, it just kinda does what it likes, I guess. When I'm happy, it wags. When I'm sad or something's painful, it kinda flops down like this. And when I'm excited it sticks right up in the air!"

I chuckled. She really was selling the part of being a werewolf pretty well. "No, I mean, how does it work? Is there like a little motor or something at its base? To make it move?"

"A motor?" She let go of her tail and it started wagging again. "I think my butt muscles make it work, but I'm not really an expert on stuff like that."

"C'mon," I said. "It's not a really tail. I mean, it's really realistic, but-"

Louvi gasped. "You think my tail's not real? That it's fake?"

I nodded. "I know it's fake."

For the first time Louvi's face took on a look of annoyance. "Are people saying I wear a fake tail?" She crossed her arms. "Well, that's a terrible thing to say!" Her face softened a little. "But I suppose a lot of people are envious of this tail - I mean, it is awesomely fluffy. But it's 100% real. No fooling! Look!"

She turned around and quickly unbuttoned the front of her shorts while I goggled at her. Then she slipped down them, taking her underwear with them, just enough to show how her tail was actually fitting through a little hole in both. Louvi grabbed her now bent tail and pulled it through the hole until it popped out.

"See? 100% real fluffy tail!" she said, wagging it back and forth in my face.

Two things made me stop breathing at that moment. One was the fact that with her shorts pulled down, the cute upper peach-valley of her butt had been revealed- surprisingly pale compared to the rest of her tan skin. The other was that her tail was most definitely attached to her body, and not to her pants.

And so I was still staring in amazement at her butt and tail when she turned her head around to see why I'd gone so quiet.

"It is real!" I managed to say.

Louvi wasn't offended by my staring - in fact, she looked extremely pleased.

"So you like my tail?"

"It's magnificent," I said. Fuck. If people had lied to me about monsters and they were real all this time, then what else had they been lying to me about? Seeing that real, actual werewolf tail was about the greatest thing that had ever happened to me in my life.

But it was swept from my view as Louvi turned around and clambered closer to me on all-fours. Her tail, as she had explained, was wagging now. I noticed she hadn't bothered to button or zip up the front of her shorts and they were hanging loosely from her hips. Also, this angle gave me an unrestricted view down the front of her crop top and I noticed then that she obviously didn't sunbake topless. No, that beautiful deep cleavage was as creamy-pale as her butt had been.

Her big green eyes met mine and she smiled. "See? My tail's like me - it always tells the truth. Or maybe I'm just like my tail?" With her so close to me I was enveloped in that gorgeous scent again, but somehow she smelled even wilder now.

She butted her head up against me.

"Hey, what are you -?"

"I guess you want to check if my ears are real too," murmured Louvi.

"That's not really-"

But then she grabbed my hand in her paw - now I felt the fur and soft pads against my skin there was no denying how real that paw was - and lifted it to an ear. I've got to admit, I wanted to feel that ear, too, more than anything and so I didn't hesitate. I ran my fingers down it, just like you would petting a real dog. Louvi shivered and murmured in delight as my fingers slipped down to her hair.

No mistaking it. That ear was part of her as much as her tail was!

Louvi nuzzled up against my hand. "Mmmm. That feels good! You're very gentle."

She closed her eyes and whimpered and placed her head in my lap. I was done for now. There was no way she wouldn't notice the raging erection I had. I guess in times of extreme surprise humans have more than just a fight or flight reflex!

Louvi muttered and then gave a great yawn, after which she turned over and opened her eyes.

"Sorry," she said. "I think I ate too much steak. It always makes me sleepy." She grinned sheepishly. "Horny, too." She lifted her head, then, still looking at me, but the grin had turned hotter. "Do you really enjoy petting me that much?"


"It's just I can feel how hard you've gotten." She turned around again and started to mouth at my crotch. Even through my pants I could feel the wet heat of her mouth through the material.

"Uh, Louvi, what are you-?"

"I'm still hungry," she said. "Sorry. I guess I'm just a big, bad, greedy wolf at heart. But you smell delicious and I think I need to eat you up!"

She unzipped my pants and then began fumbling at the button. It seemed like her big paws were not really that adept at fine motor tasks, even though she hadn't had any trouble when she'd unbuttoned her own shorts. She continued struggling valiantly with the button but I just left her to it, even though I desperately needed to be free of those constraining pants. For I remembered some advice my dad had once given me:

"Don't ever get in a woman's way when she wants to give you a blowjob."

Goddam it, that button!

Louvi muttered and growled and then she pulled - hard! The button flew off and I quickly had a wild werewolf stripping my pants down my legs. I squirmed and twisted as much as I could to help her because her patience had worn thin and she was chafing my skin pretty bad. But finally they were off - I never wear shoes inside, so at least I wasn't going to have my feet popped out of their sockets by a horny werewolf!

Louvi tossed my pants aside with a growl and then bounded on top of me. She sniffed me all around my face and neck and began licking me with her hot tongue which set me laughing.

She stopped suddenly at my laughter and cocked her head.

"Sorry," I said. "I'm really ticklish."

Louvi said nothing. Maybe when she got especially wolfish she lost her ability to talk. She mouthed the buttons of my shirt then, and gave them a testing pat with a paw and for a moment I was worried that she'd want to try and take my shirt of and I'd be torn apart in the process. But luckily she quickly gave up. She grasped the waistband of my now ludicrously peaked underwear with both paws and I lifted my butt so she could pull them down.
