Hannah's Mum Wants Help Too


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Fortunately neither of the groups we were with overlapped with our families, or our social circle back in the village. I'd only known my mates through work and, as far as I could recall, they'd not met Angela. And Kathy's group were old hockey friends, who she only very occasionally caught up with. No-one there was connected with our usual close knit groups from home. So, whilst they may (in fact probably were) thinking we werevery close to each other, they were unlikely to report back on this to Ted or Angela.

After several higher tempo songs a slow number came on. Pulling me to her, Kathy insisted we danced together. We were both reserved enough (just about) to not ram our tongues down each others throats, as we may have done 30 years before. But we were still in a very tight embrace. One that I'm sure neither of our spouses would have approved of. Kathy's tits were pressed against my chest. And our groins were in close contact. So much so that as Kathy ground against me she could feel - and was in fact rubbing against - my erection.

Taking advantage of the cover afforded by the music, my arousal was enhanced by the sweet (or more accurately dirty) talk we were engaging in.

"Oh my God Jack, I love how turned on you are," Kathy breathed huskily into my ear. "It's turning me on too to feel your hard cock pressing against me. Have you been thinking about me and what you'd like to do to me? And what you'd likeme to do toyou? I bet you have."

"God, yes," I assured her. "Of course I have. I've been attracted to you from the moment we met. And the longer it's gone on, the more I've wanted to fuck you. And especially so over the last few months."

"I can feel how much you want to do that," Kathy continued, now grinding herself even more strongly against my hard dick. Causing it to twitch against her.

"What about you?" I asked. "Have you been thinking about me?"

"I have," she agreed. "I'm probably a bit of a narcissist. But seeing that desire for me in your eyes has made me imagine what it would be like to fuck you."

To make ourselves heard above the bass heavy music in the club, this dialogue was delivered by us speaking/breathing deeply into each other's ears. Which meant, of course, we had the excuse to getvery close. As Kathy finished telling me that she'd thought about fucking me, she blew softly into my ear, before very gently nibbling an earlobe. That's always been an erogenous zone for me. And I shivered in arousal as she did this, before returning the favour and doing the same to her. It appeared that in this regard (and possibly several others) we were kindred spirits.

Over the next hour, thinking that nuzzling her neck and earlobes was a little less obvious and more "mature" than ramming my tongue down Kathy's throat (much as I was desperate to do that) I spent quite some time arousing her in this way.

I was pleased to discover that Kathy, much like myself, delighted in articulating her sexual predilections and desires. So, even when we moved off the dance floor into a quiet corner she was insistent in hearing, in detail, about how much I'd been thinking about her. And, similarly, relaying her own fantasies to me.

But we began with Kathy confirming to me that she was unfilled at home.

"Jesus Jack, you've no idea how good it is to feel desired again. Ted just doesn't seem interested in me nowadays," she confided. "I see lots of other men lusting after me, especially you," she laughed, "so I don't understand why he doesn't? Anyway, sod him. Let me hear from you how much you want me," she sniggered.

We were virtually glued together, with Kathy draped around me as she bombarded me with questions.

"What do you imagine us doing when we fuck? What positions do you envision us in? Are you a tit man, or a leg man? Will we have a lot of oral? I hope so, I'm desperate to get my pussy licked."

"Bloody hell," I laughed, "that's a lot of questions. First of all, are you sure we are going to fuck?"

"Oh God yes," she replied, surreptitiously stroking my dick over my trousers. "I'm absolutely gagging for it. And it seems like you are too."

"Well, I'm certainly aroused," I conceded. "But what if my morals are so strong that I'd never countenance cheating on my wife? Or, even worse, fucking the wife of one of my friends?"

Once again, reaching up to speak directly into my ear so I could hear above the din of the club, Kathy gave her view on this.

"I can read people well. As I've said before, you are an incorrigible rogue. And you, I'm absolutely certain, are as keen to fuck me as I am to fuck you. And this is certainly not a gun in your pocket," she chuckled, as she rubbed my cock once more.

"You've got me bang to rights, guvnor," I laughed in response. "Come on, let's make a move shortly and get home."

Whilst I'd not been too concerned about our friends reporting back I think we'd both tried to be discreet in our leering and pawing at each other. Though clearly not discreet enough. As the evening was drawing to a close I let my mates know I was baling out and "going home with my friend". Which was the cue for further ribald commentary about my actions and my motives. All of which I tried to play down. Though, I suspect, with limited success.

It was a cold Winter's evening. So as we stepped outside Kathy cuddled up tightly against me. Wrapping my arms around her had a dual benefit. It helped us both retain heat. But, most of all, it allowed me to continue feeling her up.

We hurried to the taxi rank. Or as much as we could hurry as Kathy tottered on her stilettos. But despite the cold, before we got to the taxis, Kathy pulled me into an alley between a few shops.

"Come here," she demanded, "I'm desperate for a proper, full on, snog," as she drew me to her and did just that. God, she really was a fantastic kisser. Particularly as it was coupled with her continuing to grind against my dick.

Finally breaking from it, we made our way to taxi rank and were lucky to find one free immediately. We told the taxi driver where we were heading and cuddled up in the back seat. Kathy immediately wrapped herself around me. She threw one leg over mine, had an arm around my shoulder and was nuzzling into my neck.

I'm sure the taxi driver was used to such sights. But from horny students, not from expensively dressed "middle aged types" like us. I caught the driver's gaze in the rear view mirror. But he had the good sense to say nothing.

As we left the town centre and headed onto the dual carriageway, Kathy stopped nibbling my earlobes and twisted my head towards her, pulling me in for another deep, passionate, kiss. The kisses we'd shared in the club had been stolen and very brief. As we were both fearful of being "caught". And even those in the bus station and alley had been relatively short lived. But now we could give free rein to our passions.

I was quite prepared to continue (and was indeed enjoying) the kiss in isolation. But Kathy was clearly determined to introduce more to our embrace. Dropping her hand (which had been caressing the back of my head) into my lap, she started to feel my dick through my chinos.

"Mmmm," she murmured, between kisses. "You're lovely and hard again. Now, feel how turned on you've got me too."

Taking one of my hands she placed it between her legs. Though mindful of the gaze of the taxi driver I was now far to caught up in the excitement of the situation to pause. So, after initially stroking her stocking clad lower legs, I worked my hand under the hem of her dress onto her upper thigh.

From the way she was writhing against me it was clear Kathy wanted - if not expected - me to go further. So I moved up to her silky (and I was sure expensive) knickers. Pulling them to one side I inserted a finger inside them and felt, immediately, the moistness of her pussy. Causing her to gasp and shudder.

As I was doing this, Kathy was still kissing me passionately, whilst continuing to grope my cock, albeit over my trousers. I was largely relieved, but just a little disappointed, that she didn't unzip me and pull it out in the back of the cab.

At this time of night it only took about 15 mins to drive home. Recognising, out of the corner of my eye, that we were now close to home I disentangled myself from fingering Kathy. Looking up, I directed the taxi driver to stop at the end of our estate. And not drop us at our houses.

"We'll walk from here, the fresh air will do us good," I told him, as I gave him a hefty tip. Though, I'm sure, if he had any voyeuristic tendencies, our little make out session in his back seat might have been reward enough. I suspect he probably did as he wound the window down as we walked off and shouted a cheery, "enjoy the rest of your evening!"

"I thought we'd go up through the path in the trees, " I let Kathy know. "We can have a little more "alone" time before we get home."

"God yes, great idea," Kathy agreed. "But let's not rush back too soon. You've got me so turned on tonight. Somehow or other I really need you to get me off."

The path I'd suggested was parallel to the road into our estate and was sheltered and out of sight of passing cars or pedestrians. As unlikely as either would be late on a cold January evening.

Once we were well onto it, away from the road, I pulled Kathy back towards me and we began kissing again. It was cold, dark and we were fully clothed and standing up. So it really wasn't the ideal "make out" conditions. But the two of us, Kathy particularly, had a burning passion that needed sating.

Opening her coat, I reached down and began pawing at her tits over her dress. I'd fantasised about them for so long. Not least wondering how they compared to Hannah's. So I needed to see and feel them.

It was a little difficult to access them. But Kathy's dress was so low cut I was able to reach in and extract her breasts, albeit bra clad. Reaching behind her, rather awkwardly, Kathy unclipped her bra. So I could now peel the cups back and access her tits.

There was just a little light from the stars and a street lamp, filtering through the trees. But my eyes were becoming accustomed to the darkness. By no means could I completely appreciate the beauty of Kathy's tits. But I could see - and feel - enough to confirm that they were something special.

I dipped my head down and began gently sucking one of her tits. At the same time, my hand was between her legs repeating the journey it had made in the car. Up her stocking clad thighs and onto her pussy.

As erotic as it was, it was also uncomfortable. So I stood up. But retained my hand on Kathy's pussy.

"Come on Jack," she implored, "start frigging me again. I need to come so badly. You've got me so horny I doubt it will take long."

I really wasn't certain that standing like this, in the cold and dark, I'd be able to bring Kathy to orgasm. But I was determined to give it a really good go. And knew we'd have a lot of fun trying.

But it seemed my concerns were unfounded, as I'd underestimated quite how horny and desperate Kathy was.

"Oh fucking hell, YESSS," she hissed in the darkness, "that's so good. Jab a couple of fingers up me and play with my clit too," she urged.

I certainly wasn't planning on "jabbing", but I worked two fingers rapidly into her pussy with one hand. Whilst also, a little awkwardly, reaching down and frigging her clit with my other hand.

"God yes, keep going," she gasped in encouragement, "I'm so close. Suck my tits whilst you play with my clit."

This was now a more comfortable position. I was leaning down to suck her tits, had removed my hand from her pussy and was, quite rapidly, frigging her clit.

Kathy's breathing was coming thick and fast and I could feel her start to tremor against my finger.

"Nnnnnngh, nnnghhh, nnghhhh, YESSSSS!!" she hissed in the darkness as an obviously much needed orgasm hit her.

"Oh my God, hold me," she urged, as I felt her legs shake against me.

"Wow," she laughed, "thanks for keeping me upright. God, I needed that. Do you want me to take care of you too?"

"For absolute definite," I agreed. Already unzipping my chinos and dropping my boxers to unleash my erect dick.

Once again, it wasn't the most comfortable of situations. And I'd have preferred a fuck or a blow-job. But a hand job would certainly suffice.

Kathy stood beside me and started, very expertly I must say, wanking me. Unlike some women who grip too hard or go to fast she knew exactly the pace and pressure to apply.

It was cold, dark and a little uncomfortable. But, like Kathy, I was so worked up from the illicit nature of what we'd done (plus the months of build up to this) that I was certain she'd be able to make me spunk pretty quickly.

The likelihood of this increased significantly as she started talking dirty to me. With her hand wrapped around my cock she leaned into my shoulder and began, once again, nuzzling my neck and ears. Which she combined with whispering a filthy commentary.

"Oh my God, that was wonderful. I need much more of that. And I'm desperate for you to go down on me. Ted never does that any more" she confirmed.

"Jesus Jack," she continued, "I love the feel of your hard cock in my hand. But I can't wait to feel it in my pussy. Or even in my throat," she purred, whilst maintaining an exquisite grip on my dick.

"You can fuck me any which way you want," she continued breathlessly. "I want your hot jizz in me. But I also want some of it on me. In fact, I bet you'd really love a soapy tit wank one day," she suggested. With that intoxicating idea the final trigger for me to come.

"Oh fuck, YESSSSSSSS!!" I gasped in the darkness, arching my back as I fired several jets of spunk onto the path in front of me.

In a final display of lust, Kathy ran her fingers around the head of my dick to mop up some residual sperm, which she then proceeded to lick off her fingers.

"Mmm, I can't wait to get a proper mouthful of that," she proclaimed.

I zipped myself up and we made ourselves presentable as we walked up the path to our houses.

"That was wonderful, but it's just whetted my appetite for more. When can we get together for the main course? Kathy asked. "Though next time in the warm and dry," she chuckled.

"Well, I'm working from home on Tuesday, and Angela is away all day. Could you sneak home for an hour or so in the day?" I suggested.

"Oh my God yes," Kathy agreed immediately. "Though I don't know how I'll wait until then. I'll check my dairy. But I reckon I can get to you late morning."

So, with a big hug, we departed to our (thankfully) sleeping spouses. And, certainly in my case, scooted up to bed and drifted off myself, with eager anticipation of our next meeting in a few days time.


On Tuesday morning, just after 9am my phone beeped as a text came through. It was from Kathy. Remembering some of the photos Hannah had initially sent me I was a little hesitant in opening it. Thankfully she had the sense not to send a "beaver shot" (as welcome as that might have been). But the sentiment was remarkably similar to that expressed by her daughter several months ago.

"I've just got to work and had to go the toilet to play with myself. I'm so fucking horny. But I deliberately didn't make myself come. I want you to do that with your tongue later. I'm going to leap on you as soon as I see you. Kathy xxxxx"

Swiftly deleting the message (I had practice now in the subterfuge of clandestine hook-ups) I text her back.

"My tongue (and my cock) are waiting for you. See you at 1130. xxx"

Before I immediately deleted this sent message too.

Like Kathy, I was also feeling very horny. The sexual tension between us had been smouldering for months, if not years. With Friday night's activities the final spark we needed. And, advisably or not, we were about to be see it ignite.

I did think about checking some porn sites on my personal computer. But, if I was to free up enough time to really enjoy my time with Kathy, I needed to attend to my "day job". So, I powered through my work, ensuring that when Kathy arrived I could devote as much time as possible to our mutual pleasure.

I got another text around 11am to confirm she was en route. Then, right on cue, just after 1130, I saw Kathy's car pull up into her drive opposite.

Seeing her leaping out of the car and trotting over the road towards our house I had another sense of deja vu. She wasn't dressed in hot pants and a tight vest as Hannah had often been. But I could see, even through the heavy sweater that Kathy was wearing, her tits jiggling, just as Hannah's did, as she hurried over. Add in the stylish blonde bob and, from a distance, they might have been sisters.

Seeing her coming I went downstairs from my study and met Kathy at the back door. Immediately after I'd closed the door behind her she did, as she'd promised, and leapt on me.

Actually leaping may be overstating. But pouncing would certainly be accurate. Wrapping her arms around me she pulled me to her, grasped my head with both hands and drew me in for a passionate kiss. The first of many we were to share in the next hour. And, indeed, over the next several months.

As her tongue was buried in my throat she was reaching between us and grabbing my cock through my trousers. Finding it already hardening in her grasp she unwrapped herself from me.

"Fucking hell Jack, I'm on fire. Or my pussy is anyway," she reported. "You got me so worked up on Friday in the club and on our way home in the taxi and in the woods. All I've been able to think about since then is your tongue on my clit and your dick in my pussy. In that order," she concluded with a laugh.

Dragging me upstairs she started shedding her clothing as we climbed. As we reached the landing at the top she paused and asked.

"Where do you want to go? Your room, or one of the kids?"

In my only real display of conscience I steered her towards Matt's room. Which was now, in effect, more of a guest room.

"I think Matt would approve?" I suggested, with a grin. "I always thought that he, like me, had a soft spot for you."

"More like a hard spot," Kathy sniggered, as she grabbed my cock once again, which was now tenting my trousers.

"Oooh, that's a kinky idea. But funny you should say that," she pondered. "I often thought that I was not the only woman in our family who found you attractive. I'm sure Hannah always thought you were quite dashing."

At which point, once again, I blanched. So, to hide my embarrassment, I pulled Kathy to me for another clinch. She was now clad only in a satin top and her tight, suit style, trousers. I was pawing at her tits and kneading her arse cheeks, as she ground against me.

I was desperate to see those tits properly, in daylight. Whilst Kathy meanwhile, was just desperate. She was already almost panting and, much as I tried to be sensual, all she seemed to want was vigorous, almost rough, sex. Though, as she'd articulated previously - and did once again - she wanted her pussy licked, before it got fucked.

"Jack, I need your cock inside me. But you have to go down on me first. I promise I'll return the favour."

Tearing off her top and slipping out of her trousers, Kathy stood in front of me in obviously expensive, incredibly sexy, lingerie. Dark red and satiny. With her tits spilling out of the half cup bra and the knickers brief and high cut, showcasing some impressively athletic legs.

"Oh my God, you look fantastic, you've got an absolutely killer body," I let her know. And she really did. It was more womanly and less toned that Hannah's. But she was the embodiment of the buxom blonde that so many of us men love.

Tearing off my own clothes my dick sprang free as I dropped my boxers. As I did this, Kathy reached behind and unclipped her bra, unleashing the tits that I'd fantasized so much about. In fact I'd regularly had to try hard not to drool at her cleavage as it had been on display at so many events and parties.