Hard and Soft


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With that he was gone. I went to the reception desk and was sent on a circuitous route through the hospital maze to collect the wheelchair and bedpan. I was pleased that the bedpan came in a sealed paper bag. I put it in the tray under the wheelchair and re-threaded my way back to Diana.

It wasn't easy to transfer her from trolley to wheelchair. It was harder still to get her from the wheelchair into my car and worst to get her out of the car. I could feel her holding back a scream as I lifted her out.

We used the lift to get to her flat. Once she was on the bed she looked at me.

"You aren't really my boyfriend, Andy, are you? So why?"

"Because you need someone and I was the only one around. I may not be your boyfriend but I AM a friend."

"Now what do I do?" She asked.

"Lie back and relax?" I suggested.

"I would but..."

I thought of the bedpan. I retrieved it and opened the paper bag.

"Want this?"

Diana blushed. I had never seen her blush before. She nodded.

I eased off her climbing trousers and panties. She winced with every movement. I lifted her on to the bedpan. She leaned against me. I looked over her shoulder at the bedroom wall as she let go. Neither of us had thought about toilet paper. I left her awkwardly perched as I ran to the toilet and returned. She hung on to me as I slid the bedpan out. Holding it carefully in one hand I lowered her back to the bed.

I had to lay her on her back with her pussy in full view before I could leave her. After emptying the bedpan I thought I would find that she had covered herself. She hadn't. As I came back into her bedroom her pussy drew my eyes. Diana's eyes were closed. She opened them as I stood by the bed.

"I couldn't move," she said in a frightened voice. "I couldn't slide myself up the bed."

"Don't worry," I replied. "I'll sort you out. What have you got to wear in bed that is easy to get on?"

"A large T-shirt I use as a nightie. It's under the pillow."

It was. I stripped her upper body trying not to look too obviously. Even so I appreciated Diana's breasts and the tone of her body. There were signs of reddening where she had been bruised. Once the T-shirt was on her I eased the duvet from underneath her body and covered her to the neck.

"I want to be propped up so that I can see," she protested. "There's a rolled sleeping bag over there. Please put it behind my shoulders."

I did, though I could see that the movement hurt her.

"Now what would you like?" I asked.

"A drink? Coffee?"

"Can do. What about the salve?"

"Coffee first please. I want to talk to you."

"OK. But I'm not leaving until you have been anointed. If then."

I made the coffee and brought both mugs to the bedside. I had to hold Diana's mug while she sipped. Her hands wouldn't hold the mug steady. She was obviously irritated by her own incapacity.

"I haven't broken anything," she complained. "Why am I so helpless?"

"You may not have broken a limb but you have wrenched and bruised all of them. You need rest while they recover."

"But I can't just lie here!"

"Why not?" I retorted.


"Because I'll have to do everything for you? Is there anyone else you would prefer? Your real boyfriend perhaps?"

"I haven't got one!" Diana snapped. "I meant someone female. Amanda perhaps?"

"She's away. She'll be back in about three weeks. Anyone else until then?"

Diana started to cry. I wrapped her gently in my arms and held her against my shoulder as lightly as I could.

When she stopped crying she lifted her head from my shoulder.

"You will look after me?" It was a question.

"Yes, Diana. Until you can look after yourself, and that won't be long, I'll look after you."

"And you won't..."

"Take advantage of you? No. You'd scream the block down if I tried. You are in too much pain. Later perhaps when you have recovered it might be interesting but who would be taking advantage of whom might be an interesting debate. All you have to do is get better. Then, when you are independent again, we'll see."

I slept on her settee within call that night and the following nights. I ran my business from Diana's flat for the whole of the next week. With a mobile phone and my laptop connected to the net I managed reasonably well. I wish I could say I managed Diana as well. She was a difficult patient always pushing herself further than she should. By Friday when I took her to her doctor's surgery her bruising was spectacularly hued.

I knew every inch of Diana's body by then. For the first three days I had been tenderly smoothing the salve over her bruised skin every six hours. After then I did it morning and evening. At first I could feel Diana tense as the pain hit. By the Wednesday she was almost purring under my hands.

By the Thursday Diana was able to get up and move about cautiously. The bedpan was no longer necessary. My promise not to take advantage of her was tormenting me. Twice a day I was stroking a very attractive naked female body and rubbing ointment everywhere. Diana was not helping. As I stroked she wriggled and moaned in apparent ecstasy. I knew that she was teasing me. It didn't make my restraint any easier.

After the visit to the doctor Diana told me that she should be able to dispense with my services tomorrow. She could now do virtually everything for herself except apply that salve.

I spent my last night on her settee. I dreamed of Diana's naked body writhing sensuously under me. On the Saturday morning I woke in a wet patch.

As I began to apply the ointment Diana looked carefully at me.

"You know that I am beginning to enjoy this, Andy, don't you?"

"Are you?" I asked, as casually as I could.

"Yes." Diana's body began to respond to my touch, pushing back against my hands.

"I promised not to take advantage," I said sternly.

"So you did. I release you from that promise. Now. What are you going to do?"

I slapped Diana on an unbruised area.

"Brute!" she said. "How did you know I like a bit of slapping?"

"I didn't."

"I do. I want more."

"Are you sure?"

A hand reached for my groin, grasped and squeezed gently.

"Yes. If you don't..."

The hand squeezed harder. I pulled it away, rolled her face down and slapped her unbruised buttock hard.

Diana moaned into the pillow. I slapped again. She rolled over and caught my hands.

"This isn't fair. You are fully dressed. Come on. Strip!"

I looked hard at her. Did she really mean it? Her eyes gave me the answer. I began to strip my upper body. Her hands stroked my torso,

"More!" She ordered. I kicked off my shoes, pulled off my socks, lowered my trousers and pants and stepped out of them.

Diana reached for me and drew me down to her body. I rested myself on my knees and elbows. I knew she would be in pain under my body's weight. Her hands stroked my back.

"I want a ride," she announced. "I think I can. If I can't then I could stop. If I were underneath you..."

I got the message. I lay down beside her. She rolled over gingerly and a slim leg slid across mine. Her breasts pressed against my chest as she arranged herself carefully. My sex was resting against her pussy's lips. Her hand eased between us and directed as she slowly impaled herself.

There was very little movement of our bodies as her pussy tensed and relaxed around me. She teased me unmercifully. I knew I couldn't thrust hard without causing her pain. Holding back to let her make the pace was one of the most difficult things to do. At last she slid down to wholly engulf me and clamp tightly. Her hands stroked my face as I arched my back and came into her.

We lay like that for a long time. I felt as exhausted as if I had pounded away. Her head rested beside my chin, her lips pressing my neck.

I was back in Diana's flat every night that week. Our lovemaking became more physical as Diana recovered. She wanted me to take the lead and be dominant. She loved being overpowered and held down before the climax. As she became stronger I knew I would eventually lose. I wouldn't be able to control a fully fit Diana or even make a reasonable pretence at it. She was too strong for me.

In retrospect we were surprised how long our relationship lasted. Diana was pretending to surrender to me. I was pretending to overpower and master her. We knew that we were playing roles we were temperamentally unsuited to maintain. As Valentine's Day approached and Amanda's return was imminent I was unhappy about what Diana and I were doing. Eventually in bed at night after another session when I had only just 'won' I admitted that I had asked Amanda to the Valentine Dinner Dance. I expected an explosion from Diana. It didn't happen.

"I like you, Andy." Diana said after a long silence. "I'm more grateful to you for what you did for me while I was incapable than I can express. But I don't love you. And you don't love me either, do you?"

"No, Diana. I like you. I have enjoyed making love to you..."

My mouth was stopped with her lips. When we had finished kissing she rested her head on my shoulder.

"We should end it now. When is Amanda back?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, about three o'clock. Why?"

"I think we should have settled our future relationship before then. Do you agree?

I nodded, not quite sure what Diana meant.

"When will you be back from work?"

"About six. Why?"

"I'll invite Amanda in for coffee. If you come here too I'll make sure that Amanda is ready for you."

"How? What do you mean?"

"Trust me, please, Andy. You want Amanda. I'm sure she wants you. What we have had doesn't change that. We can still be friends but after tonight not lovers in any sense. That wouldn't be fair to either of us, would it?"

"I suppose not. It was nice..."

"...while it lasted but all good things have to come to an end. Very soon you wouldn't win if I really fought against you..."

"...I'm not sure I can now."

"Perhaps not. I like pretending to fight and lose before I make love. Maybe I'll find someone..."

"I'm sure you will," I replied. Where? Anyone who could really overpower a fully-fit Diana would have to be a professional wrestler. I was the one with bruises now.

The next morning we made love for the last time. Diana pretended to surrender. I pretended to force her. Our hearts weren't in it.

As Diana had asked I arrived at her flat to meet Amanda. As I rang the doorbell I could hear them talking. Amanda opened the door. She looked as feminine as usual. I would have noticed how she was dressed if she hadn't dragged me through the door and wrapped me in a passionate kiss.

I was aware that I had woman wrapped around me. Unlike Diana's hard muscles I felt a soft yielding. I didn't feel much else because I was losing myself in Amanda's kiss. It was affecting me far more than anything Diana and I had done. My heart was pounding, my head was spinning and the reaction between my legs was immediate.

When we paused for breath I felt Amanda's skirt brush against me. Skirt? I don't think Diana owned one.

Amanda's long perfumed hair trailed over her shoulders. Diana's hair was clean but short and efficiently cut not to impede her sporting activities.

Amanda's hand gently pulled me from the hallway into the sitting room. She pushed me so that I sat on the settee. She sat down on my lap and wrapped her arms around my head for another kiss. This time I was below her. Her hair swung either side of my face cutting me off from everything except Amanda's closeness.

Diana broke up our passionate embrace.

"Coffee anyone?"

Our embrace? I was the one being embraced. I didn't have much to do except enjoy Amanda's attentions.

We broke for coffee and small talk until Diana spoke to me bluntly.

"I've told Amanda about everything. She's forgiven me – and you. There are a few loose ends to tie up. Could you take the wheelchair back to the hospital, and the bedpan?"

I blinked. If Amanda knew about 'everything' before she kissed me I was obviously forgiven. Then I remembered something.

"The bedpan is disposable," I said. "It just gets thrown away when you don't need it any more. Of course I'll take the wheelchair back."

"Can you throw the bedpan away for me?" Diana asked. "It's a long way to the waste chute."

I nodded. Diana was nearly back to normal but if she wanted me to throw the bedpan away I'd do it.

"I have something for you, Andy," Diana continued. "You can collect it and the wheelchair from my bedroom. Come on."

Amanda climbed off my lap and held out her hand. I took it. She wrapped my arm round my waist as we went into Diana's very familiar bedroom. The wheelchair was folded against the wall. Diana nodded to Amanda who stood in front of me. I was standing with my back to Diana's bed.

"This is a present for Andy," said Diana. "Please shut your eyes, Andy, while I get it."

Amanda smiled at me. She was standing in front of me as I closed my eyes. I heard some soft sounds that lasted a few seconds.

"You can open your eyes now, Andy." This time it was Amanda.

I looked at Amanda. She had stripped off her outer clothing and was wearing a bright red satin bra and panties. As I admired her cleavage she suddenly pushed at my chest and fell back to sit on to the edge of the bed. Diana's hands came from behind and pulled me backward. Amanda lifted my legs as I tumbled. She threw herself across me, flattening me to the bed. The air was pushed out of my lungs by the impact. Her satin covered breasts slid up my chest.

"I'll leave you two for a while, Andy," announced Diana. "Amanda has decided that she is your present. I'm giving you to her. You are too soft for me. I need someone much harder than you could ever be. Amanda prefers her men to be soft and malleable. She thinks you'll do so we've decided that you are to be hers."

I was to be Amanda's? That's what I wanted, wasn't it? Perhaps I wouldn't have expected to get Amanda as overtly as this, flattened underneath her partly covered body, yet Amanda's kisses and touch were already arousing me in a way Diana never had.

Amanda helped me to strip. I enjoyed relieving her of her bra and panties. When I tried to mount her she didn't fight me as Diana would have done. She just persuaded me with kisses and caresses that I would enjoy being underneath more than on top. Once we had made love we held each other for a long time before dressing.

Diana was sitting down watching television when we came into the sitting room.

"Haven't you forgotten something, Andy?" she asked with a grin.

I looked down to see whether I was exposed. Diana and Amanda laughed with me when I realised that was not what Diana meant.

"The wheelchair," Diana added.

I went back to the bedroom, loaded the bedpan underneath, and pushed the chair out. Diana gave me a farewell kiss and hug. I'm not sure whether her eyes were just bright or as damp as mine were. I had enjoyed most of my time with Diana. We knew it couldn't last. Had she hesitated before giving me to Amanda? I'll never know.

Diana and I persuaded Amanda to sit in the chair.

"He's very experienced," Diana said.

I wasn't sure whether she meant as a chair pusher or something else.

"He'll have to show me," replied Amanda as Diana opened the door for us.

"I'm sure he will," Diana replied.

Her hand slid down my back and squeezed as I bent to push.

Once in Amanda's flat we were slightly embarrassed. We weren't sure just how much we were to each other. For a while we just sat together on the settee wrapped around each other. A few kisses later we knew that the embarrassment was unnecessary. Once we had admitted we had wanted each other for some time we let ourselves relax. Despite the unusual start, in retrospect, I enjoyed that evening and night and often relive it.

Unlike Diana's coiled and dangerous muscles Amanda's body was soft, silky and wonderfully sensuous. She stroked it against me, slid it around me, wrapped me in it, and overwhelmed me with it. Eventually I slept peacefully with my head resting between her breasts.

When the Valentine's Dinner Dance evening came, Amanda and I were inseparable. We danced as if we were glued together. I had dressed up in black tie and monkey jacket. She wore a ball gown that emphasised her cleavage. We shared a table with Diana and her new escort. She didn't say exactly what her man-mountain Brad did for a living. Whatever he did, he looked as if he could take care of himself. Diana seemed delicate beside him. That takes some man. I hoped he would be hard enough for her. Amanda is soft enough for me and I am soft enough for Amanda.

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JuicyplayJuicyplay6 months ago

I love this theme of hard and soft, and the way you explore how these terms apply to BOTH genders and can shift and flex in myriads of ways.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Very, very good

I also missed the original version ... apparently by 13 years. This one is a keeper, though. Thank you!

PickeringPickeringabout 7 years ago

Story. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Your demonstrations get better

Thank you Ogg.


MunachiMunachiabout 17 years ago
very nice...

haven't read the original version so can't say anything to that, but this revised version is very nice in any case, i enjoyed reading it!

oggbashanoggbashanover 19 years agoAuthor
Deleted with thanks

I have deleted all the public comments on this story because they refer to the original unrevised version.

The story now has a changed ending and the hero has the same name throughout.

Thank you to those who commented and sent feedback pointing out what a mess I had made of the original version. Your remarks have modified the story into what it now is.

This shows that some authors do actually take notice of criticism, especially when it was well deserved.

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