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"Is that what it is?" I sound hysterical. Leo and I bicker all the time but we have yet to have a full on fight. I am usually much more cool and collected and he matches my mood. I just can't imagine that he would want to live in a world where Jake did not exist. There would just be an empty hole in his subconscious and he would never be able to fill it no matter what he did. "Are you thinking of erasing your thoughts if Jake," His eyes tighten at the mention of him "Because you think if you don't hurt him with your magic the Rebels will?"

He turns to put his things away. "If the Rebels ever got word that any of us had a soul mate, especially a weak mortal, they would find them and use them as leverage without a doubt."

I feel myself stumble back against the chair. "But how would they find out?" I can feel the color draining from my face.

"You think we're the only ones keeping tabs here?" After he has everything packed he walks to me and places a hand on my shoulder. "Granted, they are keeping a closer eye on us than any other coven. If you're going to keep seeing her, you have to be careful."



Finals are two weeks away which means I am stressing out.

As if that wasn't bad enough I could not get Hazel out of my head. Ever since the last night she came over two things have happened: the first is the unexpected drop bys. I will randomly be thinking about her and yearning to be near her and she would appear. Sometimes I would be in the library and she would come up to me with a cup of coffee. Other times I would be on the couch watching a movie and she would appear out of thin air. She somehow always knew when Juliet was nearby and would come through the door when she was. Juliet was used to seeing her more often than not now and she has even stayed the night.

The second thing that has changed is the amount of times she has touched me. I expected her to shower me with kisses and hugs but ever since out first kiss she has kept her distance. She only touches me in places where my skin is not exposed and kisses the top of my head. I often complain but she always changes the subject. She doesn't like to talk about it and I don't like to see her upset so I just take comfort in her company. There have been times when I see her eyeing me, ready to take me to bed but no matter how persuasive I try to be, she sticks to her guns. I don't understand, how can she go from wanting to be with me, to just being okay with our friendship? I want more.

Jake and I finally stopped pretending we wanted to be together. I thought that was what Hazel wanted but even after she found out, she didn't dare kiss me again. She has been giving me more time alone so I can focus on studying but even if she is not with me I am constantly thinking about her. Jake is probably more miserable than I am. Because of his injury he is out for the rest of the season. He hasn't seen Leo since that night and it has been bothering him more than he wants to admit. I get lucky enough to steal some alone time with Hazel, meanwhile Jake has been trying to get over his feelings for Leo by having random one night stands. I try to be here for him but he doesn't like to talk about it. The one time Juliet mentioned Leo in passing he all but threw a temper tantrum. We avoid saying his name nowadays.

"There's a party tonight at Zach's! I told him we would be there, you need to relax before you get gray hairs." Juliet wiggles her hips. She gets up to go to the kitchen.

"I have plans with Hazel." I lie. I don't feel like going out. I still have studying to do and a presentation I have to prep for.

"I already invited her too. She's meeting us there."

I groan. "Well if I'm going, Jake has to go too." I can't fight the excitement of getting to see Hazel tonight. I can feel myself getting hot at the image of seeing her after last night. I got really close to getting her to kiss me while we snuggled in my bed. I was practically begging in her arms and just when I thought she would lean in to kiss me she disappeared, replaced by a short letter apologizing for her abrupt departure. I bet tonight I could probably get one out of her.

"I'm sure Jake will be down to go. Isn't he with what's her face from that sorority?" She walks back into the living room with shot glasses and vodka. "Let's pregame and get ready together."

"I'm not sure if they're still a thing. I think he's with that other girl with the boob job." I close my book. "And if you want me to make it out tonight I suggest we start pregaming after we're dressed up."

She pours two shots. "Can you get Hazel to invite Leo? I haven't seen him since Jake's injury. Is he as hot as I remember or was my mind playing tricks?"

We take the shots and I resist gagging. "Leo is not looking for something new." I tell her again. Juliet still has her booty calls but I am getting worried she might set her eyes on Leo for good and then all of this will blow up. Plus I am not sure Leo or Jake would appreciate me telling anyone anything about their weird somewhat non existent relationship.

"I just want to have fun tonight! Leo looks like he would be a good time." She pours another shot.

"He already likes someone." I try to deter her sights.

She shrugs and hands me my shot glass. Her blue eyes have a spark in them.

"I'm sure he can forget her for one night."

I want to tell her he might not be into girls but again that is not my secret to tell. "I am trying to get Hazel to...kiss me." I blurt out. Maybe this distraction will be enough for her.

She looks really confused. "You mean you guys aren't all over each other when she's in your room?"

I shake my head and feel my cheeks blush. Leo owes me.

"Oh, tonight is going to be great." She holds out her hand and pulls me up so we can start getting ready.



Amelia is trying to kill me.

She is wearing a short, black flowy skirt with fishnet stockings. Her heels make her legs look unbelievable and her tight burgundy long sleeve blouse is leaving little to the imagination. I feel the blood rushing to my ears as I think of myself tasting her body. Licking my way down her belly. She's next to Juliet who is wearing a moss green short dress with long boots. A lot of guys are looking at both of them, which is getting on my nerves. She hasn't seen me yet but she's looking for me.

"He's here. I'll meet you back at your place." Leo shouts over the music.

He is here on business. Apparently some Rebels were seen lurking around campus today and the Roderick Coven are all around trying to anticipate their next move. They are all invisible to humans though. I have been keeping an eye on Amelia all day long and finally feel like I can breathe now that we are in the same room. I promised Leo I would also look out for Jake tonight. My goal is to get them to come back to my place so we can be sure nothing will happen to them tonight. No Rebel would be stupid enough to try and wreak havoc at an actual coven's territory. I need to get them to my place soon.

I sneak in behind Amelia and bury my nose into her neck. She leans into my touch, her body recognizing my own. "Hi." I kiss her head.

She turns and wraps her arms around me, somewhat shyly. I need to work on getting her more comfortable around me. "Hi." I hang on to that little breathless word. If only she knew how much power she has over me.

Juliet beams up at me, she looks slightly drunk. Her blue eyes try to focus on me. "Hey!" She hugs me and I chuckle, trying to keep her upright. "Is Leo with you?"

Jake is coming up to us just as she asks this.

His eyes scan the crowd, probably looking for him, but he turns to me last. "Hey."

I nod at him and try to ignore the sorority girl hanging off his arm. She ignores me too. "Leo is not here. How about we head back to my place? I got us plenty of booze." I can't make myself sound excited but I am starting to feel a bigger magical power in the building and need to get them out very soon. That is not a good thing at all. I need to keep my cool.

"Will Leo be there?" Juliet asks loud enough for Jake to hear.

I look at both of them and try to gauge what answer will get both of them to come through their own accord. I nod; hoping Jake secretly wants to see him as much as Leo does.

Juliet and Amelia look at each other and nod. Jake hesitates and looks at the girl on his arm. She gives him a sexy smile and kisses him, open-mouthed. I want to gag but I look away instead.

She whispers in his ear.

"I think I'm going to take Rachel back to her place." He wraps his arm around her waist. She looks like she won a million bucks. She turns to look at Amelia and gives her a smug look.

"You don't have to stay long." I need Jake to come with me. There is no way I can let him out of my sight. This Rachel girl, though, has two seconds to get out of my sight.

"I'm taking Rachel home." He says more forcefully.

I grab his arm and pull him aside. "Jake, Leo is out here tonight trying to find the Rebels that showed up to the bowling alley. He's not going to be back at my place, but I need you to come with me so I make sure nothing happens to you."

His dark brown face has a slight pink shade at on his cheeks. "He's here?" His eyes search the crowd again.

"You won't be able to see him." I grab his shoulders. "But he won't be able to focus if he knows you're out here tonight."

He sighs and nods his head. "Fine, but Rachel has to come with us too. I can't leave her out here knowing there's danger lurking by."

I nod. " Okay, we'll pass by dropping her off first, the Rebels are more likely to stay around here. Just make sure she stops throwing Amelia dirty looks, or it'll be me she has me to deal with."

Amelia interrupts our chat and brings her lips to my ear. I shiver at the contact she usually isn't so forward. "Can you come to the bathroom with me real quick? I need help with something." She sounds really out of breath. I pull back and notice her cheeks are flushed. I wonder just how much her and Juliet have had to drink tonight.

I nod. "But we have to hurry."

She takes me by the hand and pulls me up the stairs. We pass drunk people making out or rapping to whatever song is blasting through the speakers. It's a tight fit but people make way for us. One look from me has them scurrying out of our way. I know there has to be a bathroom on the first floor but follow her upstairs anyway. I just need to make sure we are out in less than 5 minutes. She opens the first door on the right and stumbles in the room, pulling me with her.

"How much have you had to drink?" I try to be stern but there is a slight smile on my lips. Last time she was drunk she kissed me. I know I can't risk kissing her now though.

Ignoring my question, she turns on the light and closes the door behind me.

This is definitely not a bathroom it is a bedroom. The room is not too small but it feels crowded. Whoever lives in here decided an old loveseat would fit just fine against the wall but in reality it makes the place looks cluttered, especially with all the clothes and shoes scattered all over the place. The bed on the other side of the room has a bunch of stuff on top of it. A guy definitely lives here.

"I think we have the wrong-" I begin to say but stop dead in my tracks. Amelia walks over to the couch and looks back at me through hooded lids. She nervously bites her bottom lip and stands next to the couch.

"I seem to have ripped my stockings earlier and I was wondering if you could do some type of witchy magic thing to fix it." I can tell she is nervous, her heart is fluttering, but I feel myself getting turned on. If my eyes weren't all over her ass right now I would be laughing at her use of 'witchy magic thing'.

I feel my pulse quicken and my mouth dries. I give her a quick nod. I can easily fix her stockings.

She stumbles a bit and basically falls into the couch. I bite my lip to keep from laughing. I don't want to hurt her feelings. My smile quickly disappears when she sits straight and begins to pull her skirt up. My eyes pop open and my jaw drops. What is she doing?

"I tore it in a really unfortunate spot." She stops rolling her skirt up right at the edge of what I am dying to see. "Do...Do you want a closer look?" She points to a spot on the inside of her thigh. It is in an innocent enough spot but her flushed cheeks and labored breathing let me know she's just as turned on as I am.

I slowly nod and make my way to her. Once I am in front of her I fall to my knees until my face is inches away from the little inconsistent hole in her stockings. I hold my breath I have to control myself. Being so close to her, smelling her mouthwatering scent. I can feel her eyes on me but I can't help. I run my finger along the tear and feel a jolt right down to my own pussy when my finger makes contact with her smooth skin. I feel my juices soak my underwear. Fuck.

Amelia whimpers and I am bewildered. It is the sweetest sound I have ever heard. I shake my head and try to think clearly. "I can fix it for you and then we have to leave."

"Wait-" She presses her thighs together, trapping my hand in between her thighs. Her breathing becomes harsher. "Can I ask for one more favor? And then I promise I'll stop bothering you." Her thick eyebrows are pulled in together, making her look really concerned. She twists one of her curls between two fingers.

I contemplate her words. "You never bother me." I refuse to look at her. My eyes are stuck on my hand between her thighs. The warmth is radiating of my hands, probably sending waves of pleasure through her body. I feel her heartbeat inconsistently. My powers are on the verge of spilling, my lust becoming uncontrollable.

"Can you kiss me, just once."

I sit back against my heels, defeated. "I can't." I want nothing more than to kiss her until her lips are bruised and she is just dying to make love, but in reality I would be putting her in so much danger. I can't do that to her. I shouldn't even be in the same room as her right now. I push Professor's Sinclaire's warning out of my head. I am keeping her safe tonight.

I hear a small sniffle. "Amelia," I sound desperate. I meet her bright green eyes. She's looking down at me, her eyes begging me. If she starts crying I don't know what I'll do.

"Do you not like me anymore?" She sniffles again.

Oh, God. How did I get myself into this mess? I want to comfort her and show her just how much I like her but how can I ignore my powers barely being held at bay. I bet my eyes are glowing bright too. I need to warn her, and yet I don't want to scare her away. I place my hand on her ankle and try to calm her down. It has the complete opposite reaction and before I know it the hunger in the pit of my stomach is too great to ignore. It feels as if I am taking on her needs as well, we're sharing the same desire. She whimpers again and arches her back so her breast pushes up against her tight shirt and her hips flare out, getting my hand dangerously close in between her legs. I lose control.

I moan and run my free hand up her thigh. Her own hands tug at her skirt until it is bunched up to her belly button. It takes me a second to process that I am greeted to her bare pussy lips. The only thing covering, and it's not even doing a good job at that is the fishnet stockings. Her dark lips are glistening and soaking parts of the stocking that make contact with her tight, wet hole. I see a small black patch of hair peeking through the top of her pubic bone. Her sweet center is as pink as a rose and it takes all of my power not to dive right in. I have never been with a girl, I have never even really messed around, but my body seemed to know what to do next.

"One kiss," I say tightly. "But, it won't be on your face."

She gasps and whimpers again.

I grab the stocking between my hands, right above her pubic bone, and pull down until the fabric gives away easily. I tear it open until there is nothing between my face and her wet pussy. "Scoot to the edge of the seat." I instruct.

"Oh-" She sounds nervous and turned on at the same time.

"If you feel anything that doesn't feel good, please let me know. I don't want to hurt you." That sentence is almost enough to stop me but the raw smell in the air is too great, my mouth waters. My nails are digging into her thighs. I need to stay in control.

I kiss each of her thighs and trail my way up until I can finally taste what I have been yearning for. I moan when I taste her, it is an addictive taste. My tongue explores every inch of her dripping center. I slowly make love to her sweet pussy and she her pants accelerate. Her delicious nectar coats my lips, cheeks, and chin.

"Hazel," Amelia moans my name and pulls my face forward so I am almost drowning in her. I moan again. Hearing my name on her lips is enough to push me to the edge. I refrain from touching myself this is all about her.

I lick and taste, avoiding her sweet clit until she is almost sobbing.

"Hazel, please." Her breathing is alarmingly rushed and I try to hurry so that I don't risk this any further.

My tongue flutters against her clit and she squeaks and tries to pull away from me. I pull her close enough that my nose is buried in thick curls.

Her orgasm begins to hit and her whole body beings to convulse. I suck on her small pearl and feel her gush in my mouth. We moan over and over again and I hope the music down stairs is loud enough to drown out her incoherent pleas.

With one last gasp her body goes limp.



My eyes slowly flutter open and I am slightly disoriented.

Hazel's concerned brown eyes hold mine and I focus on her face. We continue to stare at each other for a few more moments before I find my voice.

I sigh and smile. "Am I in heaven?" My body is on cloud 9. There is a fuzzy feeling deep in my gut that has my blood humming in my veins. There is a slight breeze on my hot center and I feel the slickness between my legs. There is a light feeling on my chest that makes me feel invincible.

Hazel seems to be holding her breath and doesn't say anything. She runs her hand through my hair and cups my face. "Are you okay?"

I smile even bigger. "I'm...amazing." I want her to smile but she looks torn. "What's wrong?" I try to move to get a good look at her face but her arm around my waist holds me into place.

"You fainted." Her tone is full of remorse.

I ball my hands into fist and for the first time since we came into this room I feel unsure about what just happened. Everything went according to Juliet's plan. It actually went a lot better than I ever expected. Does Hazel feel like I tricked her though? Does she think I took advantage of her? How can I get her to stop frowning?

"Oh, are you okay?" My voice is small.

"You're the one who fainted." She's handling me like I am really expensive china, barely touching me, only lightly running her hand over my cheek. Nothing like a couple of moments ago, where she had me begging over and over again. Her beautiful mouth looks pale. A small tear runs down her cheek and I suck in a breath.

"Hazel what's wrong?" I am more alert now. This is not how any of this is suppose to happen.

She wipes the tear away and quickly stands, making sure I can stand on my own wobbly legs before releasing me. "We need to go. We've already wasted too much time."

I want to fall back against the couch. What did I do wrong? She's not supposed to be mad at me.

"Let's go." She opens the door and leads me out.


Once everyone is out side of the house Hazel gives Jake her address but he insists on just following her if she follows him to Rachel's place first. I think it's weird that he wants to drop her off but he promises to see her tomorrow morning so she's content. She keeps hanging onto his arm trying to throw me dirty looks, probably thinking I am insane for breaking things off with him but I couldn't care less. Right now I just want Hazel to look at me and tell me everything's okay. She is distant and it takes all of my power to keep my tears at bay. This is probably the last time I will see her. I just ruined everything.
