He Longed to Share His Wife Ch. 02


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'There are a couple of what I suppose you'd call 'friends with benefits'. One is a girl who is bi and who has a lesbian partner but occasionally wants a man. Her partner knows and is happy with it as long as it's simply a case of satisfying her 'straight' needs. The other is a girl who's reluctant to get into a serious relationship at the moment. We're great mates, though, and occasionally it slips over into fucking. In each case it suits me and it suits her. Neither of them wants a committed relationship and they know how I feel.'

'It seems very odd for me to say this, given the situation,' Linda said, 'but I feel slightly jealous. Would I be just another 'friend with benefits'? And would you want to go on having 'benefits' with them too?'

'Let me deal with the second question first because that might answer the first one too. Yes, I would – if or when the occasion arises. I see our relationship as being very special but it can't ever be exclusive. It wouldn't really be fair, would it, if you were to have Alan while expecting me to be celibate when you weren't around?'

'I suppose not, if you put it like that. It's just hard not to be a bit jealous.'

'You said yesterday that you'd realised you could love two men at the same time but in different ways. Surely the same goes for me too. Should I be jealous of Alan? After all, I have a feeling that, if it's not already happening, all of this is likely to lead to an improvement in your sex life with him. Should I be jealous of that?'

Linda's response was to reach across and take hold of my cock.

'Would you prefer it if I told you what Alan and I get up to?' she asked. 'Would it excite you to hear about it?'

'No, that's something you should keep between the two of you.'

I had no doubt that it was part of their deal that, when Linda had sex with me on our own, she had to tell Alan all the details afterwards, but I had absolutely no desire to know anything about their love life.

Linda paused for a moment or two as if deciding whether to go ahead with what she'd thought about saying.

'I'm serious, you know, about wanting to watch you with another woman, seeing it all happen. Apart from anything, maybe it'll help me understand better what Alan gets from watching me with you. Would you, one day, maybe?'

'It might not be all that easy to find a woman who was willing to be watched by another woman.' I wasn't absolutely sure that I wanted to commit myself that far so I tried to be off-putting. 'If she was straight, she might wonder what it might lead to.'

'What about your bi friend?'

'Her partner wouldn't be happy about her being in a situation involving another woman, even if it was just watching. She accepts that Mandy is bi and needs straight sex once in a while – it's part of their deal – but anything else is with her alone. Let's think about it and see if we can come up with any ideas.'

With the warmth of the afternoon sun, Linda's hand lingering on my cock, and her body looking so appealing, I was fairly certain that a session of at least languid sex was about to take place but suddenly, there was the sound of tyres on the gravel at the front of the house and a car horn gave a toot.

Linda leapt up. She beckoned for me to get inside the house and ran to the side gate, from where she could peek through a gap to check on the visitor. She came rushing through the house after me and grabbed the bathrobe as she dashed through the kitchen.

'It's my friend Kath. Typical of her to turn up at the most awkward moment. She'll expect to stay for at least a coffee – or two or three. She's a nosy cow and she's definitely not discreet, so be careful. Stay upstairs for a while – as if you're packing to leave tomorrow – and then, if you want to come down and join us, you'd better be wearing a decent pair of trousers and a shirt. I don't want her getting any ideas. Quickly!'

I hurried up the stairs to my room while Linda put on her bathrobe and answered the knock at the front door. She welcomed Kath inside and the two of them exchanged hugs in the hall before they went through to the kitchen. Linda put the coffee on to brew and then they went out onto the patio.

The windows of my room overlooked the garden and were wide open to disperse the afternoon heat so their conversation drifted up to me. It suddenly occurred to me that if Kath realised that Linda was wearing nothing other than the bathrobe when there was a guest in the house, it might fire up her imagination. Fortunately, the same thing must have occurred to Linda because, once the coffee was ready, she excused herself for a few moments, saying that she'd been in the midst of changing when Kath arrived. When she returned she was dressed in a blouse and a pair of shorts.

Kath seemed to want to know everything about everything and was unwilling to give away too much about herself. The first question was, of course, about Alan's absence, which Linda which was able to deal with swiftly, followed by a series of questions about her forthcoming holiday.

Whatever the direction the conversation took, Kath had more questions lined up to keep Linda talking. I know it's polite to show an interest in other people but this went far beyond politeness. Kath positively exploited the readiness of people to talk about themselves. In the first fifteen minutes of their conversation, Kath had revealed absolutely nothing of herself – except that she, too, liked the Greek islands – while Linda had become unbelievably voluble. It was when the conversation began to turn in my direction – 'So who's your guest then? Tell me all about him.' – that I decided it was time to put in an appearance.

By the time I arrived on the scene, Linda had explained a bit about my background, filling in with a good few 'I don't knows' and 'I've no ideas' when Kath was clearly pushing to find out how well she'd got to know me. I took a seat that made sure I wasn't next to Linda – instead, I put Kath between Linda and me. That not only avoided any impression that Linda and I were together but it also forced Kath to turn her head from side to side as she quizzed us, helping to disrupt her focus.

While she was looking at Linda, I was able to take a close but surreptitious look Kath. She was short and slender, to the point of being skinny – she probably had to buy teen-sized clothes. That made it difficult to judge how old she was but I'd have guessed at late forties or early fifties. Her features were sharp and angular which, with her steely-blue eyes, made her look almost hawk-like.

I filled her in a little more on my background, without giving too much away. I have to admit to being very mischievous. Quite a bit of what I told her was pure invention. I do love teasing and misleading nosy people and, before long, she was totally confused as to what I did for a living, how well off I was, and even whether I was straight, bi, or gay. At one point though, I thought that Linda was about to give the game away by bursting into a fit of giggles but she pulled herself together and flashed me a stern look as a warning not to overdo it.

In the end, I decided to make Kath reveal more of herself.

'So what brought you to this part of the country?'

She explained how her husband had had the opportunity of moving into the job of regional director for his company. It meant leaving the centre of things in London but with one eye to retirement – and hopefully early retirement – it didn't seem a bad move to make and the company paid for them to sell their house and their removal costs. They hadn't regretted it.

'I've always been wary of regional management jobs', I admitted, not without a bit of devilment. 'When a company wants to save money, it's all too easy to reorganise and merge some of its regions.'

'Yes,' she replied, 'John and I can see that happening. As long as the redundancy cheque is big enough and John's pension gets paid straight away, it'll suit us quite nicely.'

Interesting, I thought. Either they were very greedy or they weren't as well off as she'd have liked us to think. Despite selling a house in London and downsizing to the cheaper countryside, they were relying on the redundancy payment and the pension. Maybe their London house had been mortgaged up to the hilt or maybe they'd invested any profit on the sale unwisely. I was about to delve further when Kath realised that the conversation had shifted to her talking about herself and she started to look uncomfortable. In the end, she decided to turn on Linda again.

'You seem to be remarkably happier than I've known you for a long time', she said. 'Are things looking up for you?'

I could see the direction this might head in.

'Oh, you know, the summer season's always very tiring. It's good to know it's all over for another year with a relaxing couple of weeks to look forward to.'

I knew that wasn't going to satisfy Kath.

'Nothing else?' she added. 'In my experience, that sort of change often comes from a sudden upturn in someone's sex life. Maybe you've been put on HRT and Alan's discovered the power of Viagra, but I somehow doubt it. So, are you two fucking each other?'

She was as blunt as I'd expected her to be. When gentle wheedling didn't work, the point-blank question was bound to follow. I was ready with a 'spontaneous' outburst of laughter to draw her attention in case Linda should turn bright red.

'What's funny?' Kath demanded to know, clearly disconcerted.

'Well, for a start I've only been here for a few days and, while I'd like to think that my abilities in that direction are pretty good, I'm not sure even I could make a dramatic change to someone's life in a matter of days. But thanks for the vote of confidence – and, of course, if you ever need someone to bring a smile to your face...'

I beamed at her, making it clear that my offer might not be intended as an idle one. I wanted her to think that I was unlikely to make it if there was something going on between me and Linda. Not that I could imagine her taking me up on it – I found it hard to imagine her ever putting herself in a situation which might make her the centre of gossip.

I hoped that Linda would resist the temptation to add 'And, in any case, Alan's been around', lest it should give Kath extra food for thought. If the tales I'd heard about Alan in the pub were widely known, it might have caused her to wonder. Fortunately, the line I'd taken seemed to have killed that line of conversation stone dead.

There was silence for a few moments before Kath finally broke it.

'I was hoping you might be out here sunbathing. I put my bikini on under these things just in case.'

'I'd been thinking about it,' Linda replied – she cast an obvious glance in my direction to suggest to Kath that sunbathing alone with a guest wasn't on – 'but now that all three of us are here, why not? I'll go and change.'

I was disappointed. I had rather hoped that Kath wouldn't stay long so that Linda and I could make the best use of what little time we had left but I supposed she'd reasoned that if Kath was going to stay anyway, we might as well make the most of the afternoon.

While Linda was upstairs, Kath peeled off her blouse and slacks, revealing a tiny pink bikini. Its tininess, however, merely reflected that it had very little to hide. Her breasts were pretty well non-existent, as was her waist. Her shoulders and hips were quite bony. The only part of her that wasn't tiny was the substantial mound between her legs that the thin fabric of her bikini bottoms did little to mask.

I took off my shirt, leaving just my shorts. I say 'just', but as they reached down to my knees, they were hardly revealing.

'Don't you have any swimming things?' Kath asked. 'You're making me feel under-dressed in just this.'

'I've just packed them away', I explained.

'Perhaps you thought you wouldn't need them – except that I turned up', Kath came back at me. 'I know you're fucking Linda – it's just so obvious. The two of you are so easily familiar with each other – even if it is less than a week.'

'Kath – you really mustn't jump to conclusions like that. Linda's your friend. You can't go saying things like that about her.'

'If you insist', she replied.

There was another silence and I kept hoping that Linda would return quickly.

'I've never been in a threesome', she suddenly stated quite blithely. 'I've often wondered what it must be like.'

I had to give it to the woman; she was persistent, damnably persistent. She wasn't going to give up until she'd extracted an admission from us.

'That makes two of us then', I replied, hoping to snub out the discussion before it started.

I thought back to the session on the yacht and hoped that Kath couldn't tell that I was lying. It must have occurred to her that if there was something going between me and Linda – to the extent she was convinced it was – Alan had to be in on it. Maybe shehad heard the local rumours.

Fortunately, at that moment Linda did return. She was wearing a none-too-skimpy but nevertheless attractive bikini and carrying a bottle of chilled white wine and three glasses. She poured us each a drink and passed them round.

'Would you mind if I sunbathed topless?' Kath asked. 'I've been trying all summer to get an even tan. It's been hard work – I'm so fair-skinned I have to take it very steadily.'

'No, go ahead', Linda replied. 'I'm sure Mike won't mind.'

Kath reached behind her back and undid the clasp of her bikini top. It fell forwards off her shoulders and into her lap. She picked it up and tossed it onto the table. Rather curiously, given that she had almost nothing to jut out, she thrust her chest forwards. It was only her nipples that differentiated her chest from that of a young boy and, although they were pronounced, their light pink colour didn't make them stand out.

'Is it only me then? I'm sure it wouldn't be the first time Mike's seen yours, Linda.'

'Kath!' I growled at her. 'Enough.'

'As a matter of fact, he hasn't, but as I normally go topless on the beach and on the yacht, I don't see why I should make a distinction now.'

With that, she, too, reached behind her back and unfastened her top. I smiled at her, trying to give the impression that this was the first time I'd seen her breasts naked. Kath was clearly getting to Linda and that worried me. If she allowed Kath to rile her, she was at risk of letting something out of the bag.

'Right, your turn', Kath said to me. 'If you think you're wearing those baggy shorts while we're just in skimpy bikinis, you've got another thought coming. I assume you're wearing something under them.'

I gave in. Fortunately, I was wearing a pair of very discreet trunks which revealed a lot less than a pair of Speedos would have done. Their striped pattern helped to mask the outline of their contents too.

Linda spread sun lotion on her chest and legs before passing the bottle to Kath. I couldn't help noticing that whereas Linda was brisk about spreading it on herself, Kath allowed her hands to linger as she did so, especially around her nipples and on the insides of her thighs. Her fingers trailed up from her knees towards the crotch of her bikini bottoms. If anything, she was more swollen there than she had been just a short while earlier. Suddenly, she hooked her fingers into the waistband of her bikini and slid them down and off her feet, leaving herself completely naked.

'I'm sure Mike's seen a naked woman before, even if he hasn't seen you naked. And if he isn't fucking you, I hope you won't mind if he fucks me. Believe me, I need it.'

I wasn't sure what she was up to. Was she trying to force Linda to admit that we were sleeping together and say that, no, it wasn't alright for me to fuck her?

'Well that's rather up to Mike, isn't it? Why should I mind? But if you're going to fuck him in my house, I get to watch. I've never seen anyone having sex before.'

Kath nodded and turned to Linda. 'Ok, but you must promise, you must swear that Dave will never get to hear about this. You're not even to tell Alan.'

She stood up and turned to face me. The rest of her body might have been tiny but between her legs, her outer labia parted around what were undoubtedly one of the larger sets of inner lips and clit I'd ever seen. The contrast between the waif-like body and the prominence of her sex was astounding.

She stood with her legs slightly parted.

'Touch it', she said.

I reached out and cupped it in my hand.

She groaned. 'I haven't been touched there for ages.'

I took hold of her inner lips between my fingers and rubbed them together. I could feel wetness seeping out between them. She had clearly been getting very aroused for some while. I looked up into her face and our eyes locked as I felt for her clit and began to roll its shaft between my fingertips, feeling it swell and harden as I did so. Even so, her eyes never flickered; she simply held my gaze.

I was aware that Linda had moved beside us. After looking up and down Kath's body, she knelt down so as to be able to see more closely what I was doing to her. I parted her little lips and ran a fingertip between them. It emerged coated in her juices and I couldn't resist raising it to my mouth and sucking it. I slipped it back between her legs and explored for her hole. It was obviously very ready but, like the rest of her body, the opening itself was small and tight.

Apart from the initial groan when I touched her, she had been almost completely silent. Even when I leant forward and caressed her lips and clit with the tip of my tongue, she stalwartly resisted any urge to make a sound despite her mounting arousal.

'Can we go upstairs?' she just about managed to utter.

I took her hand in mine and led the way indoors and up the stairs to my room. Linda followed. As soon as we got inside, I peeled off my trunks and Kath reached out for my cock, taking it gently in her hand, exploring and fondling it as if weighing up the thing that would soon be forcing its way into her tight little cunt. Needless to say, this had me fully erect very quickly and she knelt in front of me and slipped her lips over the head of my cock. Her mouth was small, of course, and there was no way she was going to be able to take much of me within it, but she worked expertly at me with her lips, mouth, and tongue. After a spell of that, she let my cock slip out of her mouth and began licking the length of my shaft.

Then, she nodded to me, as if to say that it was time, and she eased herself back on the bed. I went round to the other side of the bed and turned Kath on her side, facing away from me and towards Linda. I moved right up behind Kath, my tummy nestling against her behind, spoon-like. I lifted her upper leg and moved into position, offering up my cock to her opening. I let her reach down and rub its head up and down her slit, gathering its wetness and exciting her further. Then, with one hand, she spread her lips, and with the other, she placed my cock against the entrance to her hole. I thrust, penetrated, and sank into her.

She was indeed very tight and I had to ease myself slowly and gently into her belly. Linda, who was perched on the far side of the bed by now, watching what was happening, let out a gasp.

'Oh god, you're stretching her so much. I'd never realised how much... It's...'

She was clearly lost for words. I had wondered how she might find it, watching an act of totally dispassionate sex. Stripped down to its basics, sex isn't always an attractive sight – the insertion of one body part into another. It's the accompanying lust and passion that turns it into a great deal more, whether you're participating or watching.

This was something Linda had said she'd wanted but I'm not sure either of us had really expected it might happen. To have it happen in such circumstances was a complete surprise and I did wonder how much Linda liked it, now that it was actually happening. I wasn't sure whether she was experiencing the necessary lust and passion.