He Wanted My Wife


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And still I Watched. And still I cried. I watched as he moved off her. I watched as she turned around and started licking their juices off his dick and sucked it into her mouth. I watched as they lay side by side. And I listened.

"Have you taken any of his calls?"

"Fuck no. I have no idea what to say to him. How about you?"

"I wouldn't even if I could. I will have to see him day after tomorrow, though. That's when we meet with the attorney's."

"Do you think he will fight it?"

"I just don't know. He got Janet pregnant. I don't know what he could possibly say in his defense." I saw Todd turn his head and look away. "I can't forgive him having an affair so I certainly can't forgive him for that." A long pause. "But then I look at me doing what he has done and I can't seem to justify it. Especially since I'm pregnant...thanks to you."

"This is different. You wouldn't be here with me if he hadn't fucked around first. And I'm glad you're having my baby."

"Oh, Todd. I just don't know."

And they continued to talk. And I continued to cry.

I finally just fell asleep from exhaustion and slept all night. When I awoke I headed for the shower. I do a lot of thinking there. Some good and some bad. I decided that I hated both of them. Him for lying about me and her for believing him. The void in my life I have felt since this whole thing started is huge. My two best friends are gone and I never had very many friends to begin with.

I was sitting in my office trying to eat a bagel with cream cheese and sipping on coffee when Judy called. I answered.

"Judy, I can't talk to you until I know the restraining order has been lifted.'

"It has been."

"You have lied to me before so I'll just wait until my attorney tells me it's okay." I ended the call. If Marcus knew I had talked to her even this much he would be really pissed.

I called Arthur. "I'm ready to come home."

"Pack up and get here." I told the staff and went to my apartment to pack.

I had just gotten in my car to drive home when Marcus called. "The restraining order has officially been lifted. You can come home."

"I'm on my way. I'll call you when I get there." I thought long and hard about going right to my house and possibly interrupting Todd and Judy, but decided that I wouldn't. About half way home, I remembered the audio tapes the investigator sent. I had forgotten to listen to them. So I rummaged around and found them and started the first one.

"Hi, sweetie. How did it go?"

"He counter filed and he knows I'm pregnant."

"Oh, shit. How did he find out?"

"I don't know."

"Does he know it's mine?"

"I don't know that either."

"What are you going to do?"

"What am I going to do? Don't you mean 'what are WE going to do?"

"Uh, oh, yeah, right."

"Todd. He said that you and Janet are lying."

"Uh, come on, sweetie. Who are you going to believe?"

"I don't know anymore. He seemed so sure of himself."

"That's because he's a good liar. Trust me, Judy. Why don't we have dinner at my place and have some nice hot sex afterwards?"

"I think I will just go home and think."

"Come on. What's there to think about? He's a scumbag. He cheated. He disappointed both of us and we consoled each other. What's the big deal? Come over to my place and let's fuck."

"I'm beginning to get the feeling that that's all I am to you. A fuck. Is Janet just a fuck too?"

"What do you mean?"

"Lee said that if she is pregnant, you are probably the father."




"Have you ever fucked her?"

"What difference does it make? I love you."

"You love me or my pussy?"

"Aren't they the same?"

More silence

"Listen, Judy, come on over. We'll make love and talk about it."

"You lied to me. Didn't you?"

"Judy, I..."

"Tell me, god damn it. Tell me you lied to me!"

"Alright...I lied to you. I wanted you and I lied to get you. Satisfied?"

"You motherfucker. You destroyed a lifelong friendship for a piece of pussy? That is the most pathetic thing I have ever heard. I hate you you miserable son of a bitch."

And she ended the call.

I had listened with what you might call a calm and dispassionate air. At least that's what I thought until I looked and saw my speed was slightly over 100 miles per hour. I almost slammed on my brakes to slow down and get control of both my speed and my emotions.

I pulled in to a rest area and sat there for a long time trying to decide what to do. Murder was almost out of the question.

My phone rang.

"Hello, Judy."

"Lee, I have to talk to you. The restraining order has been lifted please believe me."

"I heard. My attorney told me. What do you want to talk about?"

"He lied to me, Lee. Todd lied to me. I know you didn't have sex with Janet. Oh, God. I am so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Did you say, Oh, God?"

"Yes, why?"

"The last time I heard you say that you were on your hands and knees on our bed with Todd's dick in you."

"Wha...wha...what are you talking about?"

"Last night I watched a video of you fucking Todd and you weren't asking for forgiveness you were asking for more of his dick."

"Where... oh, God, er...Fuck... where did you see that?"

"It doesn't matter where I saw it."

"I asked if you could forgive me. Can you?"

"Let me see. You kicked me out of the house after accusing me of getting another woman pregnant and you never gave me an opportunity to even deny it. You just assumed that I was guilty and in retaliation you fucked my lying accuser and got pregnant with his baby. You file for divorce and want 85% of everything we have plus the house. Did I miss anything?"

"Lee, you have to understan..."

"I do understand. I understand that there is no way on earth that I will forgive you. I also understand that I will be moving back in to the house and you will be moving out. I also understand that you will sign my version of the divorce petition within 24 hours or the two videos I have of you and your baby daddy will be all over the internet." Then I ended the call.

After several more hours of driving, I checked into a motel for the night. I drove most of the next day and that evening I pulled in my driveway and was surprised to find that my garage door opener still worked. Judy's car was there. I went in. She was sitting in the living room. She stood when I walked in.

"I thought I told you to..."

"I have no place to go."

"And just exactly where did I have to go when you kicked me out? You seem to have spent a lot of time at Todd's place. Why don't you move in with him? That way you could fuck him all the time."

"God damn it, Lee. I don't want to fuck him! He lied to me and I believed him and it cost me."

"Cost you? What about me? What do you think my life has been like these last few months? Living in a fucking apartment 1000 miles from home and knowing my wife is fucking some lying cocksucker? I saw it, Judy. I saw the tenderness and the affection the two of you shared. I saw you fuck him and beg for more. You have his baby inside you right now. You can't expect me to pretend it never happened. You can't unfuck him and you can't get unpregnant and I can't unsee the images of you with him so I don't want to hear about what it cost you. Fuck you. I lost my two best friends, my wife and my reason for living. God damn you! God damn you to hell!!"

"You haven't lost me, Lee. I'm on my knees" she was almost yelling and had actually dropped to her knees "begging you to forgive me. I fucked up. Please." Much softer now "Please. Forgive me."

"Oh, get up. The last time I saw you on your knees you had Todd's dick in your mouth." I walked toward the window. I stood there and stared out. Several minutes went by and I heard a noise I recognized as the garage door. I watched through the window as her car backed out of the garage and moved slowly down the street.

The next morning I received a phone call from Judy's father. I was never close to them so we rarely talked. Occasionally, I would go with Judy when she went to visit them. "Hello, Mr. Landry. What can I do for you?"

"Lee, Judy is in the hospital. She tried to commit suicide by OD'ing on her mother's sleeping pills. Fortunately we found her in time."

"That's too bad. Well, I have to mow the lawn. See you some time."

"That's it? That's all you have to say?"

"What do you expect? She lied, she cheated and she's pregnant with another man's baby. Why don't you call him? Because I couldn't care less about your daughter. Please don't call me anymore if you want to talk about her."

She recovered well enough to sign the divorce papers. She got 25% of everything except the house. I got 100% of that. I heard at work that both she and Todd had been fired. Arthur confirmed it. I couldn't care fucking less.

The months went by. Todd had disappeared. I occasionally saw his sister but we never discussed him. I never heard from Judy or her family. Like Todd's sister, occasionally I would see a member of her family around town, but I never saw her. And my life was not too bad. My job was fine and my investment portfolio had increased in value by 7% so all in all I was a pretty happy camper except for a couple of things. My heart had a big hole in it and my soul was gone.

The few friends I had stopped associating with me. My co-workers stopped mentioning their occasional nights out after work. They still had them but I was no longer invited to participate. My family associated with me only rarely. That I had become a grouchy old bear was something I heard most every day from somebody. I had tried dating, but rarely dated the same girl twice. That grouchy old bear thing kept rearing its ugly head.

Then the inevitable happened. I was in the mall and came face to face with Judy. She was pushing a baby stroller. We were both shocked. I turned and started away.

"Lee." I stopped and turned to face her. "Do you have a minute to talk?" I took a deep breath. "Or do you have to mow the lawn?" A reference to the comment I had made to her father months ago.

"Go to hell." And I started to storm off.

"I'm sorry." I stopped "It seems I am always apologizing to you."

That's because you always do stupid shit, I thought, but didn't verbalize.

"What do you want, Judy?"

"Let's walk." And we did. Side by side behind the baby stroller. "How have you been?" It was either say something snide or stay silent. I chose silent. We walked a bit more and I decided to answer her.

"As well as could be expected, I suppose. You?"

"Okay, I guess. Teresa keeps me pretty busy."

"Who's Teresa?" She stopped walking and just looked at me. Then she looked down at the stroller.


She started walking again. We got to the end of the mall, turned and started back. Neither had spoken for some time. Enough was enough. "Look, Judy, I have to..." Just then Teresa started to cry. We stopped, Judy picked her up and I saw her for the first time. All the memories of Judy and Todd fucking were back in an instant. Judy tried to calm her as I rushed to the nearest trash can and threw up. I never looked back as I headed for the nearest exit.

The next morning I walked in to Arthur's office. "Any chance for a permanent transfer to St Louis?"

He looked at me. "Not getting any better?"

"Worse, if anything." Then I told him about seeing Judy and the baby.

"Christ, Lee. You had to know it was going to happen sooner or later."

"I did. But it doesn't have to happen again. How about that transfer?"

"I can do that but you might want to think about it first."


"Because Todd is there."

"You've got to be kidding."

"I'm not. Last week he tried to get hired by our office there. They didn't hire him, but there is no reason to believe that he isn't still in the area."

"Well, kiss my ass."

"There is an engineering position in New Orleans I could see about slotting you in, but I would hate to lose you."

"Arthur, you have been a tremendous help to me and I am grateful beyond words, but I have to get out of this city."

"I understand and I will try to make it happen."

I went back to my office and accomplished absolutely nothing the rest of the day.

It took two days for my transfer to become official. I had two weeks to get to New Orleans. The first thing I did was put the house up for sale. Less than two days after the For Sale sign appeared on the front lawn, the real estate agent called and said I had an offer.

"What are you talking about? You haven't even shown it to anyone."

"It doesn't matter. The offer is $10,000.00 above the asking price if you include all of the furniture including bedding, linen, towels, silverware, pictures, etc. you take only your clothing and personal items. How does that sound?"

"It sounds like somebody is crazy, but I'll do it. It will save me a lot of trouble. Who is the buyer?"

"I have no idea. We're dealing with an attorney."

"When can we close?"

"Next week too soon?"

"Hell, no. I'll be in New Orleans, but you can handle the closing, can't you?"

"Of course. Get your stuff out and I will get a cleaning service in there. I'll get the paperwork to you and let you know when we close."

The next week I was in New Orleans looking for a house when my agent called and told me it was over. The house now belonged to someone else.

Less than 24 hours later I received a call from Judy's father. He told me that Judy was successful this time. She brought Teresa to her parent's house, told them that she had bought a house and was going to close on it and asked if they could watch Teresa for a few hours. Four hours later her real estate agent stopped by the house with a house warming gift. The door was open and she went in. She found Judy dead on the bed in the master bedroom. The gun was lying beside her.

A note on the pillow said; "Lee. I realize now you will never forgive me. I also realize that I can never forgive myself. I am so sorry, my love. So very sorry."

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Ridiculous69Ridiculous692 months ago

Good story and an emotional one. Not sure you can feel too sorry for the wife character. She destroyed her partner with no real evidence and did it in a big way. As they said she made her bed and had to lie in it. Any woman would be delusional to think a real man would take her back with what she had done.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I actually find this quite unsatisfactory. Judy cheated with Todd but she never loved him and she did it because she was hurt and lashing out. When she found out what had really happened she immediately ended things with Todd.

Todd deserved to get burned, and burned badly. I can see the husband not wanting Judy back but I think maybe some forgiveness should have eventually come. And Judy left her daughter all alone, Todd's sure not going to take care of her.

fredbrownfredbrown3 months ago

Damn, you gotta check out potential mates before getting too involved. As gullible, dumb, and foggy in the head as Judy proved to be, you coulda/shoulda weeded her out of your mating pool ......

Earthmover65Earthmover657 months ago

I liked this story as much as any I have ever read on Literotica. It had betrayal, good mental visions of illicit sex,revenge,and a wild ending. Well Done!

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Awful. Poor Theresa.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Too damn sad.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Pathetic nonsense

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

stupid bitch deserved it

fredbrownfredbrown11 months ago

It's a 4-star to me but that's a rather unsatisfactory way out, she should have stayed alive to face her stupidity every time she saw the ill-gotten child. That would be my ending but since I have no input, - It's TaTa Judy, Lee sends his regrets ...

Alvares1414Alvares141411 months ago

I'm with Ruttweiler. Horrible

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