Heading West Pt. 02


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Jack was nearing completion himself. From the corner of her eye, Lauri saw his heavy balls starting to spasm under Mary's sucking mouth and his cock head swelled even more in her own. She knew he was seconds away. "Help me, Mary." She whispered. She pulled back and Jack let out a despairing cry. Lauri grabbed Mary's head and pushed her mouth down on his cock. Mary understood instantly. She sucked him as deep as she could then pulled off. Immediately, Lauri sucked him hard. Back and forth, swapping places they brought him to orgasm. He arched his hips high and cried out, almost in agony as his girls sent him over the edge. Mary took the first massive blast down her throat and Lauri the second. They each moved to the sides of his cock and agile tongues licked his swollen, spurting cock, sharing his cum as he grunted in pleasure. Both women worshiped his massive tool as he soaked them with his essence.

"Oh, holy shit!" He cried out. "Agh, fuck you are amazing!" The girls giggled and continued servicing him until he was wrung completely dry. He fell back limply and heaved a big breath. "Are you alive, Ty?"

"Barely. Our women are incredible. I haven't felt this good in ages." He groaned out. Flattery got the men everywhere. After the boys were licked clean, Mary and Lauri snuggled up to Jack, and Julie with Ty. Lsa covered them all with blankets and kissed everyone soundly, then dressed for guard duty. The boys were sleeping before Lsa's retreating backside cleared the firelight.

Ty awoke to someone tugging on his toe. He peered up to see Lauri's smiling face. "Hey, Stud. Wanna watch a sunrise with me?" She held up a steaming cup of coffee and wriggled her eyebrows.

"Of course, Sweetheart. Let me get up."

"Oh no, just sit up for me." He disentangled himself from Julie and sat up. Lauri squeezed in behind him and propped herself on his saddle. She pulled him back into her so he was using her slight frame as a backrest, her knees spread wide with his ribcage between them.

"Ah, much better." She whispered in his ear. She handed him his coffee and they quietly enjoyed watching the sunrise. She took in his rugged good looks and thick, naked chest. He was heartbreakingly handsome, she thought, as

she stroked his curls and kissed his head. "Did you sleep well, Handsome?"

"Like the dead. I don't know who sucked the life out of me last night but I owe them a huge favor. Damn it, that was so good."

"You'll never know." She giggled softly.

"Are you better today, Sweetness?" He asked with concern in his voice.

"Oh yes, so much better. You're a sweetheart to ask." She pulled her shirt open and cradled his head between her full breasts. He sighed deeply and turned to kiss each nipple in turn.

"Don't ever let a man tell you there's a better place in this world than between the breasts of his lover. There's no place I'd rather be than here." Her heart swelled and she rocked him in her arms. Jack roused himself, then he and Ty went to the creek and they yelped and hollered in the cool water as they washed the fuzzy fumes of too much wine from their heads. The girls watched them fondly as they played. Rejuvenated, they cracked the whip on the group and they all headed east. Lsa took Mary under her wing and had her riding the smallest horse and banging away with a rifle in no time. Julie volunteered to drive the outlaws wagon which she and Mary had claimed as their own.

As they broke for lunch, Lsa and Mary rode in. "We have slight problem but we've found a solution!" She declared.

"And what's that?" Ty asked.

"Well, our Mary can't shoot a rifle for shit!" Mary giggled, blushed, and kicked a dirt clod as she looked at the ground. "She can however manage to stay right side up on her horse and she is apparently a natural hand with a bow and arrow. I believe there's hope for her to be a kick ass traveling companion!"

Everyone laughed, Mary included. "Lsa. Can we find the right kind of wood to fashion her a bow and a few arrows? If she's good at it, we'll encourage it and it may pay off in the long run, you never know." Jack said.

Lsa thought for a minute. "Well, there's not much of the proper wood around here, but maybe a few hours ride north of our route there's a village I know with friendlies in it. I can buy or trade and get her fixed right up, no problems."

"Lauri, I know we keep dragging our feet on our journey, but can we spend a day getting Mary outfitted with some genuine gear?" Jack asked.

"But of course. I loved visiting that other village awhile back! Can we all go, please?"

"Well, it'll take longer because of the wagons, but it's your timeline. We can all go if it's ok with you." Lsa had a broad smile and Mary was hopping with excitement.

"Let's go! Let's go!" She danced around and made such a scene that everyone laughed along with her.

"We might as well head that way today and camp, then we'll arrive sometime tomorrow afternoon. Hopefully we can overnight in the village, then continue on our way." Lsa said. A new excitement gripped the companions as they headed north.

Lsa rode up next to Jack and deftly hopped over on his horse and landed facing him, on the horses withers.

"Hey Big Fella."

"Well hello, Beautiful Lady. What a pleasant surprise." He kissed her and squeezed her ass affectionately. "What can I help you with?"

"Well, we have another problem. You see, last night, four tiny little pussies went to bed dripping wet and unsatisfied. Then they saw you and Ty bathing this morning and I swear at least one of them is soaking wet again. So, Big Fella. Is there something you and Ty can do to help us out? Tomorrow night may not work as we'll be in the village." She reached down and caressed the thick bulge in his buckskins, snuggled in close and licked his neck. "Your ladies beg your attentions, my Prince."

She wriggled her eyebrows and giggled. Her nimble fingers deftly unlaced him and pulled his cock out of hiding. "Mmmm, there he is. So soft, yet can break a woman open so easily. And I badly need broken, so badly." She whispered in his ear. He kissed her harshly and she mewed in his mouth, sucking his tongue into hers. She broke away suddenly and hopped back on her horse, leaving him with a hard cock and a surprised expression. "Catch me tonight, if you can!" She winked, and was off like a shot back towards the wagons.

"Well shit!" He muttered, and painfully tucked himself away. After a few minutes of riding and thinking about his women, his cock refused to cooperate.

Cursing a blue streak, he dismounted and ripping his pants off, donned his loincloth. Naked but for that and his moccasins, he continued on.

About half an hour later he heard hoof beats behind him and saw Mary headed his way, wearing only her loincloth and Ty's shirt. It blew open occasionally yielding a flash of delicate breasts and pink nipples. She pulled in close to him. "Mr Jack. May I ride with you please?"

"Of course. On the condition that you call me Jack, or any other endearment. Mr is a bit too proper."

"Ok. Sweetheart, may I ride with you, please?"

"Much better." He growled. He reached over, snatched her up and plopped her down in front of him. She shrieked with laughter as she flew through the air. Jack stoppered her laugh with a deep kiss.

"Oh my! I need to visit you more often!" She gasped.

"So, Sweet lady. What can I do for you today?"

"Well, you see. Since last night when I helped make a certain man very happy, I've had this funny feeling in my little pussy. It had almost gone away until I saw that certain man and Ty this morning. Then it came back all over again. Can you look at it and see what the cause may be, pretty please with sugar?"

He was starting to see a pattern here. One he was really looking forward to. "Hmmm, I'm no doctor but I know a thing or two about little pussies." He halted his horse and leaned her back over its withers and neck. She flipped her loincloth up and spread her pussy open with her fingers.

"Can you see it?" Does it look ok?" She was giggling like crazy.

If he'd ever seen a smaller, smoother, more beautiful pussy in his life, he didn't know when. She literally took his breath away. "Oh it looks more than ok. It looks wonderful." He croaked out, mesmerized as her little clit swelled under his hot gaze. His cock was hard as a poker and jutting skyward. She ran a slender hand down and stroked him. He was amazed. Her tiny hand didn't even fit halfway around his thickness.

"My goodness!" She sat up and looked down at him. "You could hurt a girl with that beast. In fact, I know a little girl who you hurt so nicely with it. She wants hurt again. Even more next time!" In a flash she bailed off his horse and onto hers. "Thanks for checking me out, Dr Jack! I'm glad I'm ok!" She wheeled and rode off towards Lsa's distant figure.

"Well fuck me running." Jack muttered, while looking down at his neglected cock. Finally, he just laughed and shook his head. He expected two more visitors soon.

He had barely deflated when Lauri showed up. He was chuckling before she rode up to him.

"Got room for an extra?" She asked with a sexy smile.

"For you? Anytime Sweetness." She swung over to land behind him. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed his sweaty back.

"Ah, yes. There's my Stud." She murmured. They rode in silence for awhile. She caressed his thick pecs and abs as sweat trickled down them. She licked his back, loving his salty man taste. She slowly moved her hands down and found his cock. Gently she petted it with the lightest of touches. He purred under her clever fingers. She cupped his balls and stroked him lightly with her other hand. When he was hard as steel, she ran a sharp fingernail almost painfully from under his balls to the slit in his dripping cock head.

"Oh fuck, Lauri! The things you do to me!" He panted. He felt her smile on his back. She petted him and soothed his balls with a soft palm. Just when she felt him relax, she ran another fingernail over the same path, but harder. At the same time she squeezed his balls firmly.

"Ugh, fuck Lauri!" He almost shouted. She smiled again and giggled. "I almost shot my wad!" He groaned. "If you hadn't squeezed my damn balls so hard I would have."

"I know you big ninny. That's why I did it!" She lifted her hand and licked his juice from it. "Mmm, you are so delicious. I could just eat you up every day."

"Well, I'll feed you every day if you like, but know this. If you ever torture me like that again I'll spank your pretty little ass until you beg for mercy!"

"Maybe I need a good spanking anyway. Have you ever thought of that?" Quick as a striking rattler, she pinched the head of his leaking cock, then leapt on her horse and galloped away.

"Son of a bitch!" He cursed. His poor cock was still leaking from his reddened head and her fingernail marks were still on it. "You just wait you little minx!" He muttered. Right on time, he heard hoof beats. He turned expecting Julie, but it was Ty cantering towards him. "Am I almost glad to see you! Have you been having visitors today? Jack asked.

"Yes, damn it. From three different she-devils. All of whom tortured me and then left me with blue balls!" Ty complained.

"Me too. And one of them is getting a sound spanking tonight. That little vixen." He gingerly rubbed his sore cock.

"She got you too? She's in for it now! Those sneaky wenches are gonna pay!" Ty said with a laugh.

"That's what they want. To get us all riled up and fuck them silly. Well, that's what they'll get. I can't blame them really. They spoiled us rotten last night. I reckon we can return the favor. I felt bad for falling asleep on them."

"Me too, but they did such a damn good job relaxing us. We should ask them to do that now and then. I've never felt anything like it." Ty replied.

"Let's at least have a sort of plan to deal with them. Fair warning on Mary though. She is ridiculously tight. I might need to open her up a few more times before you take her."

Ty sighed resignedly. "The story of my life, shit."

"By the way, did Julie visit you too?"

"Nope, as far as I know she rode in the back of the wagon all day. I hope she's ok."

About 4:00 in the afternoon, Jack came across a small pond. He tested the water and it seemed to be good, at least to bathe in. He rode back south until he found the wagons and guided them in. When they all arrived, Jack immediately went to see Julie. "Hello, Beautiful. How are you doing today? I heard you stayed in the back of the wagon, you're not sick are you?" They hadn't been too close together since her rescue and she was still intimidated by him.

She looked up shyly. "No Sir. I'm not sick. I just had some stuff I'm working on." It sounded a bit suspicious to him but after the way his afternoon went, he wasn't too worried.

"May I hug you, Julie?"

"Of course you may, Sir." He gathered her in and squeezed her tightly.

"Good. I was worried about you. Will you promise to tell me if you need anything?"

"Yes Sir, I will." He smiled gently at her and let her go.

"Well, I'm off to start dinner." He stated.

She almost leapt at him. "Oh please, no! I already have plans for that, do you mind?" She looked at him with big doe eyes.

"Of course. You can do anything you want around here." He thought she would take off but she stood looking at him mutely. She was waiting for something. He finally remembered what Ty had told him about her personality. He stepped closer to her so she was looking nearly straight up at him. Huge and half naked, he was an imposing figure. She was almost shivering in place. He didn't know it but her pussy was tingling and leaking juice down her thigh.

"Julie, go make our dinner. Now."

"Yes, Master." She whispered and left him, befuddled. He couldn't quite believe what he'd heard her call him.

"Lsa! Lauri!" He called.

"Yes, Jack!" Simultaneously. He loved his girls.

They trotted up to him, smiling. "We need a little talk." The girls glanced at each other quickly. "You're not in trouble. Just listen. I meant to tell you earlier, Ty found out when he was with Julie that she has a thing for male authority figures. She needs to be ordered around. She wanted him to be pretty aggressive when they were having sex. She had him put her on her knees on the wood floor, pull her hair and fuck her throat with what Ty judged was a bit too much force. She's a grown woman, but I'd bet she's just finding her way. If you see me or Ty acting out of character with her that's the reason. We want to help her explore herself though. It would do her a disservice not to. What do you two think? Should we even go there? I mean she just called me Master!" He shook his head in confusion.

"Yeesh. That's a dilemma." Lauri exclaimed. "Maybe try to ease into it? Don't push her just so what she asks?"

"If she'll ask." Lsa piped in. "It sounds like she needs the men to take the reins and lead her, so to say."

"That's what Ty inferred. How about we ease into it but make sure we initiate for her. Give her a few orders, see how it goes. Do you girls think you should do it too?" He asked.

"No." They answered together. "You men need to be the only authority figures in this camp. We girls don't want a pecking order." Lsa added.

Jack hugged them both tightly and kissed them thoroughly. "Thank you ladies. Now after dinner, prepare to pay for the days sins you've committed." He swatted their pert asses and they danced away giggling and rubbing their stinging cheeks. Julie called them to dinner. She was an excellent cook and the men made sure to compliment her. She blushed and quietly cleaned up after them.

"Boys, we girls are gonna go wash up. When we get back I suggest you do the same. Take at least an hour before you come back. Us girls need a little time.

"Yes ma'am. Mistress Lsa." Ty chuckled. She tossed him a sexy wink and all the women headed to the pond.

"Lauri!" Jack called out. "Rifle!"

"Oh shit!" The men heard Lauri's muttered curse.

"You're itching for a spanking young lady." He growled as she skipped past, just dodging the hard palm aimed at her perky ass.

She looked back and smiled but he didn't return it. "Shit, I've stepped in it now." She thought ruefully. Neither Jack nor Ty took kindly to shirked duties, and camp security was one of the most important.

She grabbed her and Lsa's rifles and slid behind Jack and Ty. She kissed their necks and hugged them both. "Can you save our ass chewing until tomorrow, please? I really don't want our plans ruined tonight." She looked at them with her beautiful eyes that were already begging for forgiveness.

Ty pulled her into his lap and kissed her soundly. "Of course, Sweetheart. Put it from your mind. Try to enjoy yourself."

"Oh thank you. You men must really love us to put up with all our crap."

Jack slapped her ass. "Begone, she-devil, before we change our minds!" The men sipped whiskey until their freshly scrubbed ladies returned, wrapped in towels and carrying their dirty clothes. Their skin shown in the fading light and wet hair hung around their shoulders. Both men were stunned by their natural beauty.

"Ok boys." Lsa called out. "Soap's by the pond on a rock. Remember, at least an hour!" Ty picked up the bottle of whiskey and they ambled off to clean up. They were puffing and blowing water as they scrubbed their hair and didn't see Lauri show up until they caught her backside heading back to camp. Jack knew something was up or she would have got their attention. He looked around and his face fell. His and Ty's rifles were leaned against a rock. They'd forgotten them and Lauri had brought them down and chose to not call them out in front of the other ladies.

"Oh boy, I feel like shit." He groaned.

"You're telling me, damn it." Ty rejoined. "That girl is something special." She could've made us look like fools."

"Well, we are fools, and we'll pay the price just like they would. Hell, I was ready to spank her ass good. We'll think of something. Rules are rules." Jack shook his head in disgust with himself. The men soaked in the pond and stewed on their stupidity until a shrill whistle came from camp. They obediently answered the call of their women and made their way back, wrapped in their towels.

They walked into a veritable ambush of beautiful women. They were all standing in suggestive poses on thick blankets. Their hair was brushed out and shining. The men's shirts had been tailored and fitted their lithe bodies tightly. They were unbuttoned to the girls' cute belly buttons and firm tits press against the tight material. The sleeves were rolled up to their elbows and the tails were cut short and ended just above short, flowered skirts that fell just below their cute little asses. They all matched perfectly. As the men got closer they noticed that their faces looked slightly different. They were positively glowing. The boys couldn't stop staring at them. The change in them was jaw dropping.

"Cat got your tongue, boys?" Lsa chirped, and pulled a pirouette.

"I'm speechless." Sputtered Jack.

"Likewise." Ty managed to get out.

"Where did you beautiful ladies find all these clothes?" Ty asked in amazement.

"Julie took two shirts from each of you and scrubbed them clean, then she measured us and tailored them. She made our skirts from an old dress of hers and she ran shy of material. We hope you don't mind that they're so short." She winked at them and smiled.

"When did you do this, Julie? However did you find the time?" Jack said in disbelief.

"In the wagon for the last two days. Sir. I'm quite good at sewing."

"Well it's fantastic work. The clothes fit each one of you like gloves. Very well done, Julie." The girls clapped and smiled at Julie, who blushed and stared at the ground.

"Come here, Julie."

"Yes Sir"
