Heart of a Lion Ch. 02

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Scott's transformation is complete, but what of his siblings.
3.6k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/28/2012
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I can't believe how well received chap 1 was, considering it was my first try ever! Any feedback is appreciated, I'm only winging it here. Enjoy

Ella hadn't even made it out the driveway. She didn't know how Scott had found her, but he had, and he'd tossed her out on her arse without a word. She sulked in her room all day, refusing to open the door, and stayed there fully intending upon keeping it locked.

She was half asleep late that night when she heard Scott's car pull up, and him slam his way through the house. For a moment, she was tempted to go confront him about where he'd been, then she decided against it, rolling over and drifting off to sleep.

Scott moved as though he was in a dream. He had spent the day up on the mountain where they'd taken their fateful hike, just restlessly pacing through the trees, driven by a strange need. He was unaware of his wild state, his hair full of sticks and clothes filthy and ripped from the trees. He wandered the kitchen, not sure what he was looking for, edgy and confused.

He stormed to his room, pushing the door semi-way shut. Pulling his filthy clothes off, he noticed with amusement his semi-hard cock, tenting the front of his boxers. A small part of him knew it had been like that all day, as he searched for something to satiate the desire. He stared at it, palming it gently through the material, watching it jerk and stiffen at his attentions. His eyes, normally dark and shadowed, slowly begun to change as his arousal grew, flashing into a deep gold.

He spun wildly, and strode to his window, pushing it open, longing for the brown haired woman to appear. The urge to fuck was upon him, and he was hardly aware that he stood by the window, boxers around his ankles, stroking frantically up his throbbing member.

The cool chill of the air bothered him, and he left his exposed position before being sighted, not that many people were out this early in the morning, moving to the bed and bracing against it, as he thrust into his hand, his thumb rubbing the head gently.

He could feel his body struggling to react to the arousal, in ways it never had before. He had always been a considerate lover to the girls he lay with, gentle and sedate in the ways he brought them pleasure. But as he imagined the brown haired woman and her wild snarls, her hungry teeth, and her golden eyes, he longed to take a girl forcefully, to feel the way he thrust inside her as she screamed as though he was ripping her in two.

He moved to his wardrobe and pushed open the door, his head beginning to throb and his body shaking. There was a full length mirror on the back of the door, and for the first time, he hungrily watched himself take pleasure in his body, watching with a detached sense of calm as his skin begun to ripple.

He imagined he could see fur moving under his skin, and opened his mouth and pictured the dull teeth as razored canines. He longed to see the pathetic, round ears he had grow longer, and stand at sharp points. He wriggled his hips slightly, swinging his erect cock, and imagined a tail growing from the base of his spine, groaning with the desire to feel his body really change, not this half-hearted attempt.

He wanted to be a wolf, he wanted to become the creatures he had spent the last week fantasying about. He didn't question where the idea had come from, but he knew, without a doubt, that the power was in him, he just needed a way to break it out.

He felt a cool breeze rush across his hot and sweaty skin, and he turned his head, still stroking, to see the brown-haired woman from the other night, standing in his room. She was naked, and the sight of her breasts and curves drove him insane, he swung to leap on her and force his memberinto her.

She hardly moved, just bared her teeth and arched her back, and he dropped to the floor, ashamed but still horny. Whining, he crouched, almost subconsciously rubbing himself against the floor. All he knew was that he must listen to this woman, she was the one who would give him everything he desired.

"Please," he moaned. "Please fuck me, I need it." She smiled, her teeth still bared as a warning, and snarled at him, but he heard the words in her animal cry.

"You won't get what you need from mating with me," she told him. "You can't change into what you desire without a mate of your own, you are nothing but a fledgling to me, I cannot mate with you how you want." She moved to him, cupping his chin in her hand, and stroking his face. He moaned under her, her fingers tracing lines of liquid desire on his skin. He longed to submit to her, to crouch by her feet and do anything she asked of him.

He felt crushed by her words. He needed this, now. He couldn't wait another night. He didn't even know why he'd fought so hard, his memories of his family being pushed further and further away from his mind. "I'll do anything," he moaned. "Anything, to hunt beside you tonight."

She regarded him with eyes of golden fire. Stared deeply into his eyes, seeing his soul. She was pleased with the changes in him already, she could see the wolf under the surface, but he was strong and was using his love for his siblings to hold back the change, even as he hungered for it. She knew that once his eyes had changed to her colour of gold, he was hers, and there was barely a shade of his once deep brown left in them. There was no turning back, he was theirs.

But she knew as much as they could twist him into their creature, he would always be drawn back to his family, unless she could shatter the familial bonds. She knew that the first mate a newly born wolf created would never be a true wolf, but a subservient lesser, with a mind only to please the one who had created it. Nothing but a bitch who would be used for relieving sexual tension, and if she was comely enough, for breeding. It was the wolves that Scott would create later, when he was in control of his powers, that would become powerful members of the Pack.

Until he gained his own eyes, he was her creature. And she knew the perfect way to make a mockery of the way he'd fought their control. She glided over to him, leaning down and dipping her tongue in his mouth, exciting all of his senses, making sure it was the wolf in control of his mind, and not the caring brother, and told him exactly what to do. Yes, this would suit her Pack perfectly.

Ella awoke from a nightmare with a shriek, dazed and scared. She wasn't sure what had left her so unsettled, but her body shook with fear and exhaustion. She slumped, her body, curling in on itself, shivering.

Her door was suddenly pushed open, startling her as she was sure it had been locked, and the familiar silhouette of her brother appeared. "Ella, are you ok?" he cried, his voice strained but deep. She assumed she'd woken him from a deep sleep, and felt a shred of guilt.

"Sorry," she whispered. "It was a nightmare." He moved until he was at the bed, sitting next to her and gathering her into his arms, pulling her tight. She snuggled close, memories of being held like this by him when she was younger and scared from a bad dream making her feel bad about how mad they'd been with him lately.

"Shh, it'l be OK," he murmured into her hair, stroking her back. She felt safe again, curled in his arms.

She felt herself drifting off to sleep again, when he shifted against her, tilting her head back so he could gaze into her eyes. They were half closed, and she smiled at him sleepily. A car drove past outside and for a moment, the light of the headlights caught his eyes, making them glow golden. She blinked, and opened her mouth to mention something, wondering if she was seeing things, and in that moment, he gently met her mouth with his, in a soft, wonderful kiss.

His lips were soft and giving against hers, and she was stunned for a moment, before coming to her senses. She tried to pull away, but his arms held her tight, and she was forced deeper into the kiss, his tongue pushing at her, trying to slip between her tightly closed lips.

What the hell, she thought frantically. Was she still dreaming? Was her brother really trying to make out with her?

She felt his hand slip down her top, stroking the skin of her back, and she involuntarily opened her mouth to protest, but she was gagged by his tongue darting in. She contemplated biting it, but it seemed to grow, taking up her whole mouth and licking along the roof, almost choking her. It was horrible, and she thrashed against him, trying to both escape and take a breath, on the verge of panic.

She felt his teeth push against her as his tongue continued exploring and filling her mouth, and she tasted blood as the suddenly sharp points nicked her lower lip. The taste of blood seemed to excite him, and he pushed her back against the wall, awkwardly twisted around her, his hand shifting from her back to her front, cupping one of her tits under the shirt, thumb teasing the nipple. To her horror, she felt it harden, and she stared into his eyes, outraged.

His saliva mingled from the blood in her lip as he tasted her, as he felt the wolf fully coming to the fore. In a sudden swift movement, he was on top of her, one hand bracing him against the bed and the other still playing with her tit. He pushed his hips down, between her legs, inwardly snarling that he had put boxers back on before visiting her. He saw her suddenly become aware of the rock hard cock he was pushing against her, and the shudder of fear that went through her.

He started to pull his tongue out of her mouth, revelling in the long, lupine feel to it, when suddenly, he felt her go still under him. Afraid he'd choked her, he froze and met her eyes, not quite sure what to expect.

What he didn't expect was for her to suddenly arch into him, rubbing her crotch against his dick, as suddenly she was reacting to his kiss, eyes glazed.

Ella wasn't sure at what point she suddenly wasn't scared anymore. She met his eyes as he pushed that solid cock against her, and she realized that this wasn't wrong. She saw love and something else in his eyes, and suddenly she understood the hunger that consumed him, as it begun to burn in her as well. The musky smell of wolf was in her nose and her mouth and it made her hunger to be fucked.

Separated by only his thin, silk boxers, and her skimpy panties, she could feel the head of his cock against her, and it was turning her on hard. She wondered in a dazed fashion, why they'd never done this before.

Her hands slid over his chest, exploring him, and one ran through his hair, tugging it, pulling him against her, as she rocked her hips against him, sucking on his long tongue. He lapped at her with it, feeling the change beginning to take hold. He knew now it wouldn't kick in completely until she was completely his, but the parts of him that were most in contact with her were reacting fasted.

He decided to test this, and pulling his tongue from her mouth with a slurp, leaving her gasping, he faked being overcome and slumped against her, leaving his neck curved temptingly near her mouth. She took the bait, and he felt her shift and begin to kiss and nibble up his neck. He felt his cock jerking as she sucked on his skin, and he groaned, slipping the hand from her tit and moving it to down to her pantyline, rubbing the skin on her hips. She stopped for a moment as he touched there and moaned loudly, thrusting hard against him.

This was so right, she thought to herself. There was nothing more right than this, feeling her brother's hard, hungry, cock against her as he pleased himself. She knew right then that she would have that cock inside her, filling her with his delicious semen, as he pushed deeper and deeper and made her his. "Yes, Scott," she moaned. "More."

Their breathing was harsh and uneven, and Scott was glad that the brown haired woman, his Queen, had agreed to make sure Aaron wouldn't spoil their fun. His lips turned back in a snarl as he imagined a rival cock in the room, and he knew he would tear Aaron's throat out right there, while sheathing himself in his twin, rather than risk losing his mate.

His train of thought was derailed as her lips found his ear, nibbling and teasing around the rim, before sucking on the lobe, and he cried out as his hips bucked against her. This was no time for careful mating, he realized. His cock wanted her now.

Even as he thought this, he felt his ears beginning to shift between her lips. She hardly noticed, too far gone as she was, as they lengthed against his head. He cried out again, in triumph this time, and arched his back, feeling the hair on his skin slowly becoming bristly and longer.

He pulled away for a moment, ripping her shirt off, and marvelling in her clear, sweaty skin, and the way she curved so he could get maximum enjoyment out of the sight of her B-cup tits. The nipples were large and darker, and he leant and lapped at them for a second, watching her skin twitch beneath his tongue.

He didn't even notice her hand as it slipped down, and pulled his boxers off of him, but suddenly he felt a hand gripping him, and stroking, fast, and hard. She pushed her hips up as she stroked, rubbing her pussy against the head of his cock at the end of every stroke.

"Feel how fucking wet you make me," she moaned. "You did this Scott, feel what you've done." He reached a hand down and inside her panties, rubbing it along her folds, feeling the juices on it. He slipped a finger into her and snarled at her throat.

"Mine," he growled, moving it inside her, feeling the nail becoming a claw. His cock was changing too, becoming larger and longer, not from arousal, but from the strength of the change. It was slightly thinner as well, but he grinned with sharp canines, knowing that he could make up for that.

She was shaking under him, as his claw explored within her. She had never been this aroused before, this insanely overcome with sexual desire. No longer the reticent virgin, her hand pulled at his dick, as she whined and begun to plead with him to satisfy her. "Fuck me, now, oh god, please, yes," she moaned. "Scott, I want your cock in me, now, I need it, Brother."

Scott felt something brushing against his legs and he knew it was a tail. Without needing to look at it, he raised it high, curving over his back with glee, as he pulled his claw out of her dripping pussy with a slight sucking noise, and scooped her up with both hands by her arse.

Cupping both of her pert buttcheeks, he pulled her away from the bed, and pushed her against the wall, his cock rigid between them. She fought him, trying to pull him close to her again, but he enjoyed making her beg for him.

One of his claws snaked near her pussy, and he sliced into her panties with it, watching the slight tuft of closely cut hair become visible. He didn't like that she had partly shaved it, he wanted to feel her covered with bristly fur as he mounted her.

Now that he could reach, he pinned her arms back, making her growl with frustration, and pushed his dick against her. He didn't let it go in, not yet, just rubbed her opening with it, panting with longing. He watched it as it pushed near and then pulled away, grinning with a mouth that was too full of teeth as he saw pre-cum and her juices coating the end. He was going to enjoy making her his, filling her with his essence.

She was shuddering under him, and he knew she couldn't take much more. Tail held high, he slammed her back, mouth reaching for her neck as he kissed and sucked on that, as he finally pushed hard into her.

He felt a slight resistance and she cried out for a moment, and then he was in. He pushed in, fighting her tight walls that squeezed down on his cock, nearly making him cum straight away, sliding out a bit and pausing to catch his breath. He looked at his arms, and was delighted to see the dark fur covering them.

Pure, animalistic desire rushed through him, and he begun thrusting, harder and faster, as her cries became wild under him. He could feel her pussy clenching on his cock, and he knew he was going to fill her. "Cum for me," he snarled, his voice more of a howl, as she screamed her assent under him, arching back against the wall and thrusting herself hard on his dick, until he was shaft deep in her.

He howled with her, as he felt his cock spraying hot, gushes of sperm in her. He imagined it oozing into her, changing her and making her his, and the thought was enough to make the pleasure seem unsurmountable. He tried to keep thrusting, but he couldn't move, he was still gushing into her and she was limp in his arms, moaning with exhaustion. He could feel himself going limper, but didn't pull out. He knew that he needed to make sure that only he mounted her for the time being, it was his duty as her mate.

As though it heard his command, he felt his cock swelling, pushing her walls apart, as she whined with pain. Hating how weak she was, he snarled and shoved harder, pushing it in a few more millimetres, feeling the knot catch and create a barrier.

He knew from experience that she would be insensible for a while now, and he stayed sheathed in her, occasionally running his paw-like hands over her tits and down to play with the parts of her pussy he could reach. He owned all of her now, and the thought of always having this hot little vixen at his beck and call almost got him hard again inside her.

The door opened, and his brown furred Queen slipped in, taking the form of a wolf bitch. She bared her teeth in a wolfish smile at the sight of Scott, half-way between man and beast, embedded in his sister's pussy. "She is yours now, Pup. Now we can hunt."

He pulled out of her, watching a small trickle of sperm pool under her, and went to stand up. Suddenly a storm of feelings struck him, and he fell to the ground, onto his hands and knees. His body begun to shift, and as his bones rearranged in the final part of the transformation, he felt no pain. Instead, what felt like the second most incredible orgasm of his life took over him, and he knew if he was capable, he would have sprayed his pleasure onto the floor.

He felt so powerful and lean, on four paws, still the height of a man if he stood on two. Massive and strong, with a coat of dark fur and eyes of gold-striped green, he shook his fur and marvelled in how light the coat felt. Staring around the room with new eyes, his senses were assailed by the reek of sex and female, and he turned to look at his former sibling, now mate. She was crumpled on the floor, legs apart, eyes shut and chest heaving.

He moved closer and sniffed at her wet pussy, groaning with delight at the smell of his sex on her, before lapping at the mess with a long tongue. She hardly even felt him, and he promised himself he would try this the next time he visited her.

Facing the window and freedom, he knew that now was the time to hunt and indulge in a different kind of pleasure. But he would be back for his mate, and he knew that although she wouldn't openly remember him visiting her room to, night, her body would and every night until he returned, she would take pleasure in his memory, climaxing to the sound of his howls.

He streaked out, landing gracefully, and his Queen followed him. She turned her head slightly to look at the peaceful house as they sprinted away, and grinned again to herself. This family was delicious. The youngest was too small to be any good to them for years yet, it would be better to let her mature. But the twins, she may have gifted the female to her new Pup, but the young male, still so innocent, he was all hers.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I enjoyed your story and gave it 5-stars. I hope you will continue it with the female werewolf turning Arron. well I see as usual, another unfinished story in the nonhuman section. That is my biggest complaint with the Errotic Horror and Nonhuman sections, the high number of unfinished stories.

animaluver40animaluver40almost 11 years ago
awesome and great story

Please write the next chpt. Maybe in the next chapt.have the mates female and the twins get more mature & have them go camping at that little river or stream where they set up camp and while they're setting up scott is watching them with his friend

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Please write more...

...I check back all the time to see if you've added another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
who cares?

Incest or not this story is amazing. Dont change anything. Keep the technical incest in. It works and I can see hopefully some conflict comeing because of it later on when Scott regains his senses. Also for those who cant handle it gtfo. Its the authors story. he shouldnt have to change anything.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Just don't

Ok, I normally don't comment on stories, even the ones I like so you can take this to heart. Don't change, the direction. Granted, I'm not a fan of the incest thing BUT you did mention the whole adopted thing. Also, if people don't like it tough shit. This website has a bunch of stories for a bunch of different tastes and this little bit of "incest" isn't that major. So, the story I thought was great, it was hot, it had a good transformation description, and it had werewolves. In my opinion, that leads to a good story that I look forward to reading. Keep up the good work

BikiloveBikiloveover 12 years ago

I completely missed the adoptive brother part in the first chapter.....its still a little weird, but not as much.... Oh and dont rewrite it, its your story dont be discouraged .....youre doing great

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Keep going!

blackduchessblackduchessover 12 years ago

don'tknow where you're taking the story but would love to stick around to find out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Btw Scott was adopted soo there's no incest there ....let the haters hate keep up the good work m8

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Kinda wierd but I remembered Scott was adopted. So he wasn't her biological brother.

FamejerkiesFamejerkiesover 12 years agoAuthor
pleased with the feedback

I can be weird about incest as well :P Even writing him as her adopted brother felt weird, I can promise nothing will happen between the twins and Anna won't be in this at all in that way. If people would like, I can write an alternate chap 2 and onwards where Scott doesnt seduce Ella, depending on peoples tastes

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
I agree

The incest thing is just creepy, and appeared without any warning. Not hot at all.

BikiloveBikiloveover 12 years ago

Nice writing but extremely creepy....its hard for me personally to read stories like this so I may be a little hesistant to read chapter 3. If only you could've left the incest out of the story .....made up a different character... I dont know but you do write good! So next story, NO INCEST! :)

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I just wanted to say I was intrigued by your first chapter and now I'm completely disgusted by the direction you are trying to take this in.

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