All Comments on 'Heather Falls in Love Pt. 02'

by LimeyLady

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

One quick comment to LimeyLady's feedback for Jenorma 'Hey up pet'. That some very Yorkshire. Reminds me of Compo in Last of Summer Wine

D Ellerbeck

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Ingrids lie dampened my enthusiasm

Seems a shame to have Ingrid lie about her sexual relationship with Rachel when Heather is being so open and honest about everything, AND keeping her promise to Ingrid. It made Ingrid sound like a phony, a fraud,and a liar unworthy of Heathers love or trust.

LimeyLadyLimeyLadyabout 8 years agoAuthor
Feedback for Jenorma

Thank you for the comments.

Ingrid was still a "virgin" when she turned down Hev's advance at Christmas and past the time Hev first went with Rachael (just before Easter). She only took the plunge with Rachael in April, no long before setting off around the world with Hev. In other words, although she was bi-curious, she really was still a scaredy-cat.

Sorry about "pet" and "mistress". "Pet" is actually used in my part of the world as an affectionate term (confusingly, men and women use it for both men and women. If you go in a shop the man/woman behind the counter is likely to say, "Hey up, pet, what can I get you?" regardless of your sex or orientation). The way I've used it in Pt. 02 isn't good, though, and it's not the sort of thing Hev would say. I do quite like the word "mistress" but again, Hev wouldn't have used it in that particular way. Ill be more careful in future.

jenorma2012jenorma2012about 8 years ago
hey there

sorry I did not get to write sooner, however I read this on the bus heading to school, at first I thought why did Ingrid blow off Hev's adv at the party from the first story, saying she was a cowardly but then admitting to having sex with Racheal, also when I asked you about Hev and Rachael in the dark part of the campus you would explain it in this chapter, I though you would put it at the start of this, but I found it towards the end of page 2 but there was not much details about it, oh well I guess I was expecting more, hope the 3rd one is just as good, only thing I ask is leave out the words "Pet" and "Mistress" in my opinion it takes away from the story looking forward to part 3

LimeyLadyLimeyLadyabout 8 years agoAuthor
Feedback for Gwanji16

I'm glad you are enjoying the series. Pt. 03 will follow in a few days' time.

Gwanji16Gwanji16about 8 years ago
Great story

Wonderful detail, exciting build up. Of course, I have a thing for Brit girls, so I love your characters. Looking forward to the next chapter!

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