Hellacious Hospitality Ch. 04


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He quickly started to disrobe.

"Wait, what are you doing?" She asked, wide-eyed with surprise.

"Sticking it to my hot boss," he said, with the cheesiest grin he could manage without bursting into laughter. Facing the moonlit window, he could be seen clearly, and his hope was that the sudden shift in attitude would put her off guard. That her face relaxed and tongue began to loll, panting; the way her slick thighs pressed together in anticipation; the way her eyes showed no emotion other than pure, unrealized lust told him he had succeeded.

He leaned over her deeply, holding her firmly against the desk. Her green eyes quivered with excitement, eager to experience everything he was about to do to her. His cock was already fully erect. Elena's erotic show had seen to that matter most readily. He ground his rigid length her moist slit, teasing her searing lips. His hands slid smoothly up her sides, inching up her ribcage, toward her fantastically round and perky bosom. Suddenly, she tensed up.

"Wait. Please don't judge." Her body relaxed again, slumping against the desk top, but her expression was still somewhat hesitant. He continued up towards her supple breasts, and gave them a firm squeeze. He quickly realized what she was concerned about, but she needn't have worried. She was beautiful regardless.

"You've had them done?"

"Y-yeah. They're the only part of me I couldn't just exercise into shape. I'd heard that girls with bigger boobs often had more confidence, and I needed some of that before starting this job. So I made the choice to go under the knife. It feels childish and naive, now. They didn't help me at all."

He moved to unclasp her lacy bra, a front-hook, and her artificially-enhanced bust sprang free, bouncing invitingly, in a way that just begged for them to be suckled. She acted ashamed of them, but she needn't be. They were expertly and tastefully done. They hung quite naturally on her chest, instead of pushed up obscenely like on some porn stars. Aside from their firm feel, the only way to tell their inauthenticity was in how they still stood proudly erect as she lay on her back, maintaining their cleavage, instead of falling outwards and flattening. With stiff nipples crowning them, they looked like delicious dumplings, laid out on an equally mouth-watering platter, as their profound roundness gleamed in the moonlight.

"You second-guess yourself too much. They look beautiful on you." Because of her self-consciousness, he lavished extra attention on the firm, supple mounds, so that maybe she would grow to love that part of herself. He squeezed them, kneaded them, and rolled the hard nipples under his fingers, making them puff up even further, more obscenely. She buried her face in her arms, not wanting him to see her face, so distorted with pleasure.

Inspired by her earlier showing, he took her right breast into his mouth and suckled the teat firmly, alternately swirling his tongue around the hardened nub for good measure. She hissed with excitement. For a few more minutes, he continued this way, alternating breasts so that she didn't get bored. He felt her body steadily tense, begging for release. Once she seemed near her limit, he bit down gently on her succulent nipple, which was like opening a floodgate to the pleasure centers of her brain. She squealed loudly, her body bucking in pleasure, her legs kicking and flailing. Pressed up against her vagina, his crotch became drenched in her juices.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god! I've n-never come from just my breasts before. That was in...intense!" She panted.

"We're not done yet," he smirked.

"Wait! Please, let me rest!"

"You're the one who asked for punishment, aren't you? You don't get a say in the matter."

She started to voice an objection, but caught herself, instead biting her lip with a voracious look in her eye.

That was all the permission he needed, and he scooped her panting, heaving body up off the desk, carrying her over to the window.

Suddenly grasping a sense of his plan, she hugged her body tight against him, fearfully. "No, no, please, no. Don't make me! That's too much!" Even as she protested, she grew ever wetter, her juices dribbling onto his arm as he carried her.

"The first step to being happy with yourself is to stop denying yourself. You say no, but you really want this, don't you?"

She was unable to look him in the eyes to answer, but she nodded, tentatively.

"Then here we go."

He let her down, and got her to stand with her back against the window. With shoulders and buttocks pressed against the cold glass, she hissed.

"How does it feel, to think you might be seen?" There was actually little risk of that. They were too many floors above the ground, and the neighboring buildings were all dark. But it was just that slim chance that made all the difference.

With the pale moonlight haloing her face, he could tell that she was blushing profusely. She continued to stand there, of her own volition. He backed away from her, leaning casually against her desk, giving her all the space she needed. She could have ducked away, or even bolted, if she felt unsafe. But she stayed. "I-it feels amazing. I'm shivering, but my body's on fire. I want it. I want more. I want you. Inside me..."

With her consent, he leapt against her, pressing her hard into the glass. He navigated his steeled member into her sopping, hungry folds, and drove himself inside in one quick thrust. She squealed blissfully at his insertion. He paused briefly, to hook his arms under her knees and lift her, bracing her weight against the window. Held in this position, she had no control, and had no choice but to follow his lead. She willingly draped her arms around his neck, pulling his chest tightly against hers.

It was difficult to move in that position, but he managed long, hard, deep thrusts. She was so hot, so tight around him. Her chin resting on his shoulder, she whimpered into his ear, her body shuddering with pleasure. Each time he thrust up into her, the window pane behind her rattled a bit. There was zero chance of the tempered glass breaking but the way she let out a tiny squeak with each stroke, that visceral sense of danger was really playing havoc on her libido. Her loins tightened extra hard around him every time it happened.

That was a difficult position to maintain for very long, so he quickly let her down. He didn't give her any time to relax and recover, however, spinning her around. She turned her head to face him with an expression of horror, as she realized what he was about to make her do.

Having sex with her back pressed up against the window, while lewd, wasn't particularly revealing. But facing the other way, with gorgeous breasts obscenely pressed against the glass and face plain to see, there was nothing she could do to hide. She was on display to the world, in all her vulgar, licentious glory, for any who was lucky to see. Even though, deep in her mind, she knew she was protected, the dark glass acting as a mirror, the fact that she could see out into the world herself while being displayed so brazenly made her indecent imagination feel closer to the reality in the moment.

The cold glass biting at her sensitive, engorged nipples, and sending her inflamed passions to never-before-seen highs, her desperate loins squeezed down harder on Benson's steely member than they had ever squeezed before. Her knees weakened in the effort, but he was holding her by the hips as well, as he thrust rapidly and vigorously into her molten depths, his weight pressed against her tight, sculpted ass cheeks. The rapid undulations caused her bouncing breasts to sway, smacking lightly but rhythmically into the hard glass. They started to sting, a bit, but the pain mixed inexorably with the pleasure.

She watched with detached fascination, at the faint reflection staring wantonly back at her. Was that how she looked? The other her seemed so... happy, lost in her own little world of pleasure, instead of the drama that still ate at the recesses of her mind even now. But maybe Benson was right. Would it be okay to lose herself to that passion, instead of bottling it up? That wouldn't make her a slut. It'd just make her a person comfortable enough with herself to take what she wanted, when she wanted it. With a whimsical thought, she planted her lips on the glass and kissed her other self deeply, fully embracing that aspect of herself, if only for the time being.

She heard Benson grunt, as he neared his limits. It was risky to have gone without the use of a condom, but the strength of her need had surpassed reason. The slight hitch in pace now had brought with it a brief moment of clarity. She hastily pulled herself off him, even as her quivering pussy lips protested. She knelt before him, quickly taking the beginnings of his eight inches into her mouth, not wanting him to grow "cold". She was surprised at the taste. She'd sampled herself once, out of curiosity, and didn't much care for it. But somehow, mixed with his own salty, manly flavor, her bitter juices that coated his rod tasted like sweet ambrosia. Then, lost in that experience, his length hit the back of her throat and her eyes watered and she coughed and sputtered. Porn made this look so easy.

Also, unlike porn, he was gentle with her in this final act. When he realized what she was doing, he didn't grab the back of her head and force her onto himself, like they always did in the videos. He just lightly caressed her cheeks, and let her find her own pace. In the end, she just lightly sucked at the tip of his burning cock, tongue lightly dancing around the soft head. He was almost finished, anyways. She barely needed to do anything, but her enthusiasm was mesmeric. He was happy because she seemed to be enjoying herself in that exploration.

His cock twitched suddenly, violently, and she was unprepared. He sprang free from her lips, and sprayed his white hot load onto her face, and over her beautiful breasts. Her face reflexively crinkled, eyes screwed shut, and she sputtered a bit, the viscous liquid upon her ruby lips.

"Sorry, I couldn't stop myself."

She wiped her face clear, and blinked tentatively, making sure that none of the goopy stuff had gotten in her eyes. "No, it's my fault. Blame my inexperience. You were my first, after all."


"Well, being honest Benson, if you had the fantasy of deflowering a hot young virgin, I probably spoiled that for you. The last ten years of my life have been... lonely. But you're the first man I've ever been with, intimately. Thank you for making it a memorable experience for me."

"Jesus, Elena. A little intense for your first time, wasn't it? You don't have to make everything difficult for yourself."

"Yeah, well, my life is more than just a little fucked up, I think I've already made clear."

As she spoke, she absently played with her breasts, smearing the hot cum all over them. She sniffed at the stuff, but the thought of the slimy liquid crawling down her throat didn't seem appealing, so she contentedly sat there on the ground and let the weird, gross, sexy feeling suffuse her skin.

"You're looking rather pleased with yourself, but you're not done yet."

"What do you mean? You can't possibly still have the stamina to go again." Her eyes were wide with curiosity and apprehension.

He looked down to his rapidly deflating penis. Whatever magic he had shared with Caeli was apparently not working for him now, but that was not his intent.

"You didn't get to finish, did you?"

"Oh no, please, it's alright, I already -- aagh!" Her body seized up again, as he ignored her pleas to kneel down and thrust his palm firmly against her quivering, wet snatch. He felt the hardened nub of her clitoris press into the ball of his thumb, and he ground against it purposefully, while driving two fingers up into her moistened slit.

"Oh god, please, stop.... No. Don't stop! Aiieee!" She screamed and wailed, while he dexterously plumbed her depths, in search of her G-spot. It was something that Caeli had taught him to do, which her pridefulness had probably regretted, as it had let him reclaim the top score at one point in their marathon sex session, while his hips recovered. Elena stood no chance. Her folds clamped down on his fingers when he neared the target, and already primed and sensitive, it only took a few quick strokes, alternating between her innermost weakpoint, and her cute pink bud, before she orgasmed yet again, She fell forward, against him for support, body tremoring, nails digging into his shoulder, with liquids spilling onto the ground. It was much lighter this time, her body running on empty.

She slumped back against the window, fully exhausted and body aglow with epicurean bliss. With the remains of her flagging energy, she leaned over quickly, to give him a light, sticky peck on the cheek, after which she leaned back again, smiling weakly, but contentedly.

"I don't know who this girl is that has your attention, but she's amazingly fortunate to have you."

"I've been told as such."

"So humble."

"I used to be, I thought, until she started getting in my head. I don't know what I am anymore."

"Huh. The way you've been talking to me, I thought you had everything figured out."

"Only getting started."

"Then Benson?"

"Yes, Elena?"

"Do you think, maybe... she'd mind if I came along for that journey, too? I can learn through you, if she doesn't want to put up with me. And I don't mind playing second-fiddle to her, if that's what it takes. I just don't want this to be the end. Even when spiraling totally out of control, I've never felt more certain of myself than today. I owe that all to you, and your mystery girl."

He held Elena's hand tightly, comfortingly. He wasn't sure how Caeli would react to this development, but somehow, he imagined she'd be proud. He couldn't count the ways that he'd been blessed by her in just the short span of knowing her. Even in proxy, her radiance was apparent. He now more ready than ever to tackle life's challenges, with her guiding light leading the way.



No monster girl action in a monster girl story. Weird, huh? Sorry about that. I really hope this chapter gave a good feel about how this story is going to go, though. I do like the "harem" genre from a broad strokes perspective. Writing cute, sexy girls is way more fun than drab, stoic guys. But I really wanted to do better than "milquetoast dude drowns in all the pussy he can get through little effort of his own" as per the anime standard. So I really set out to give Benson's character more "bite", and the ladies enough personality that they all have their reasons for wanting to be with him, instead of the magic destiny McGuffin just making it so.

For that to happen, I needed Benson to spend some time away from the magic, so that he has some time to develop his own motivations, instead of falling face-first or being lead by the nose into every situation. And I wanted that to happen early, so that his future relationships feel earned, rather than handed to him.


Yikes, I was super surprised at how long this chapter turned out. When I envisioned it, I only had about five short scenes that I wanted to get through. But filling out the dialogue and the logic really ballooned it. I'm hoping not in a bad way.


Really sorry about the vampires, for you aficionados out there. I thought a semi-grounded approach to the Monster Girl genre would be a fun spin on things (which, I found out somewhere in the middle of writing Chapter 2, turns out to be the premise of the manga/anime Interviews with Monster Girls/Demi-chan wa Kataritai, so not as original as I had hoped. C'est la vie. I wound up borrowing the "demi" nomenclature from there, because it sounded cute, putting my own twist on it. Utltimately, an entirely different approach itself, so that saved me from feeling too derivative), and I just couldn't make vampires fit within that vision. Too much has to bend around them to make them work. Otherwise, they'd have gotten too neutered to be particularly interesting or useful for the story premise, so I had a bit of a laugh at their expense instead. No hard feelings?

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Sl33pingforestSl33pingforestalmost 2 years ago

So first of I've really been enjoying the ride so far. Second Elena is a surprisingly interesting twist on a monster girl story. Finally I've seen demi used in some other stuff so I really wouldn't stress it seems like it's the defacto pc term for monsters.

PurplefizzPurplefizzalmost 2 years ago

Firstly, awesome story, you’re a bit guilty of the “Hapless Girl” trope re the garage scene, but you’re forgiven because she fired the old fossil so don’t worry, however the rest of Elenas character is just a joy, a complex person that’ll make working alongside Caeli & Co further down the line interesting and hopefully a bit unpredictable!

Many thanks for writing and posting, cheers Ppfzz

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I really like Benson getting with oher humans, too. I like Elena, and it was really hot scene. I really like the way the story is going.

SorchakSorchakalmost 2 years ago

Just one thing: quit apologizing for how long the chapters are!! Personally, more story is better. I read at 500+ words per minute, so short stories are *annoying*. (750 word ones only take me 90 seconds to read.) People who complain stories are 'too long' obviously don't like to read, especially if they're only 6 to 8 Lit pages long. If your chapters balloon up to 8 or 10 pages, I'm perfectly good with that.

DruggoDruggoalmost 2 years ago

Love the pace and love the character development.

Well done and thanks for sharing your tales

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

It just keeps getting more enjoyable with each chapter. This is a special story that has physical intimacy in it. Thank you for this!

bhojobhojoabout 2 years ago

Even if there is similar Prior art if it's discovered independently it should not be assumed to be a derivative work. The use of the caretaker role definitely points to Annabelle's work but it would be fun to think if the hotel and the house were actually part of the same world and having similar world mechanics.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 2 years ago

11/10 'Vettes!!!!!

Nighthawk2000Nighthawk2000about 2 years ago

I adore your characters and the world you’re building around them. Your writing also is beautiful, even lyrical, not to mention grammatically correct, all of which are delightful changes to much of what’s available on Literotica.

With that said, I do have one itty-bitty, teeny weeny, tiny polka-dot-bikini sort of editor’s note to offer ….

In the paragraph that begins “There was a certain situational irony there,” you use the word “tact” when it should be “tack.”

Besides being the name for a small nail, tack can mean “a change of direction.” That meaning stems from sailing; when sailing against or into the wind, a sailboat will zigzag, much like a child zigzagging up a steep hill on a bicycle. The act of change directions and the new direction the ship (or bicycle, I suppose) takes are both referred to as a tack. It applies equally well when someone takes a conversation or a nascent relationship in a new direction.

I hope you’ll forgive my pedantry. I spent 15 years as a newspaper reporter and editor, and now I teach graduate-level communications. Unfortunately, the editor in me never sleeps. ;-)

I hope you can accep this in the spirit in which it was offered, and will believe me when I tell you that if I didn’t love your story, I wouldn’t take the time to annoy you with this little note. ;-) I look forward to following you for a long time as the world around Caeli and Benson continues to bloom and grow.

Sextus_PropertiusSextus_Propertiusabout 2 years ago

Very nice! Your character development is working. Some writers forget to add a bit of soul and depth to their main protagonist, keep up the good work. As to length, do not worry about that, my firsts were only one or two pages long, hardly enough time to set the scene, let alone develop any depth to my characters. Just let it flow and be happy with what 'you' want to say/write. Only you know where each chapter ends. I am loving it so far.

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