Hell's Belles


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"I...knew that I was different. I never fit in with boys my age, but I didn't mingle with girls either. I was kinda caught in between. If I didn't go to church, I doubt I'd have friends. And even then, it's the kind of friendships that end the moment one of steps out of this shitty town to go do something with their lives. But I couldn't ask. When I asked, I got chewed out. Told I was making stuff up, or being a deviant. And I didn't want to be a freak, so I stopped asking." He took a breath, blinking away the slight moisture that had built up at the side of his eyes. "So what if my soul is...that way. Even if that were true, there's nothing I can do about it."

"On the contrary. Like I said, a human being born with Sight is a rarity. Having it naturally means you have incredible power stored within you, chained up under your current flesh. A nephilim bloodline, perhaps. Or an eldritch seed. Whatever it is, I could bring it out. It wouldn't be easy, but it could make your body into something beautiful."

"My body would change?" Ross asked.

Lilith nodded. "Of that I'm almost certain. Heaven put shackles on you the same as us, keeping body and soul entwined until death. To unleash one is to irreversibly change the other. Your form would become an expression of your very essence, indistinguishable from one another. But," she held up her hands, imitating a scale, "On other other hand, it would be you. Who you've felt like you are your whole life."

Ross clutched his cross once more. He thought back to all the times he'd turned to faith for solace. The idea that he was chosen by God had brought him comfort in dark times. But...God had never answered his prayers. There was no divine revelation telling him why he hated his body. Angels didn't lower themselves to explain why he hated the compliments he got on his looks, or why he felt a pull to one side of the clothing aisle over the other.

But here was a demon, a literally spawn of Hell, giving him answers. And they didn't sound like the comforting lies of a trickster. They sounded like the truth. And the truth is messy, and complicated, and surely this might be something he'd regret. But he was real fucking sick of being coddled and lied to. And boy oh boy did he hate Witnessing.

With a snap, he yanked the cross off his neck and tossed it to the floor.

"Do it," he said, his voice full of cold resolve. Ross stiffened himself, waiting for the lightning to come and strike me down. When it didn't, he gave a tiny nod to the voice in his head. Maybe this might work out.

The demoness nodded once, then closed the distance between them. He braced himself for another magical attack, but instead, he felt the press of lips against his. He reciprocated. Not a virgin, he was still unused to a woman taking the lead. But he had to admit, it felt good. Her mouth opened, as did his, and the kiss leapt the Pyrenees directly into French territory. As their tongues touched, he could feel something pull at his body. Gently, at first. There was a resistance inside him, some kind of tensile strength that strained against her pull. The kiss continued, and he tried to relax. Nevertheless, the twinges of doubt made themselves known. Was he making some great mistake?

He felt something snap inside him. Ross stumbled backwards, clutching his chest.

"Don't fight it. I broke the tether. Your soul should take its natural form any moment!" Lilith said with glee.

Ross' heart hammered in his ears. Something was happening alright. He clutched his ears as a thousand noises from within battled to be heard. Bones creaked, muscles tensed and snapped and reformed even stronger. His fingers felt his ears grow to points, then felt at the bumps on his forehead as they blossomed outwards into a pair of goatlike horns. His clothes pulled apart, the cheap fabric peeling at the seams. He was soon naked, but that was the least of his worries.

"Amazing," Lilith said, neck craning to see every detail of the transformation, "You're growing feet in height! With the increase in size, I should say you're powerful indeed. Maybe related to one of the Princesses...a scion perhaps?"

Ross had no idea what that meant. His whole world revolved around his body and the warping it was undergoing. He looked down, watching his chest expat outward. Two ovoid protrusions pushed outward, and for the first time in his life he had breasts. A feeling of great relief washed over him at that knowledge. Less so the sight of his cock vanish into his nethers. He didn't mind his dick, all told. But it was a small price to pay, and he marvelled as his hips bowed outward. His skin turned a pale lavender, but his limbs didn't stop at a mere colour change. They darkened, hardened, forming into an armour-like carapace. He should have been horrified, but watching his legs and arms turn into weapons made him feel...powerful.

"What is this strength," Ross said, his voice a husky growl, "What am I becoming?"

Lilith's excitement turned to apprehension as the changes continued. "I...I don't understand. You should be stopping now. A mere demoness. Where is all this energy coming from?"

Ross tossed billowing crimson hair from his sight. He felt his shoulder blades itch, but he couldn't reach them. Kneeling, he felt around his back. Fleshy nodules popped out on either side of his spine. New bones within split the sac, emerging as a multi-jointed limb that grew exponentially outward. He could feel them growing, expanding, membranous flesh filling in the spaces between a trio of spiked digits. Wings. He was growing large wings the likes of which didn't belong on Earth or heaven. A cross between a bat and a nightmare, they spread outward until they reached either end of the living room.

"Father Below," Lilith whispered, fear growing on her face, "You're not related to a Princess of Hell. You ARE one."

He looked down at his hands, each finger now ending it sharp talon-like claws, the chitinous armour stretching up to the elbow. No longer human. He closed his eyes. His old identity sloughed away like molted skin. No longer human. No longer Ross. But who?


The name had a solid, rumbling sound to it when thought of. It weighed heavy in the mind, like it was an item of import not to be used frivolously. It arose, bidden simply by the question of what name the entity that had once been Ross would take. The name settled into the recess where Ross had been, but it wasn't quite right. It was an old name, spoken in reverence for millennia. But this was a new world. It could be better.

Ash opened her eyes for the first time. She could see everything. The electromagnetic spectrum, the heat coming off of Lilith's body and the lighting fixtures. If she looked close enough, she could see the True Names of things, the words she could speak to give herself power over those objects. The glamour Lilith had could be dispatched with a blink. Doing so, Ash realized that for all the initial foreboding of her appearance had overwhelmed her human self, the demon looked a lot smaller now.

Lilith backed up, nearly tripping over the loveseat. "Ashmedai...Princess...I beg your forgiveness. I didn't know you were within that human form. I didn't know!"

The Princess of Hell stretched her wings, then let them close to keep from destroying the furniture. She knelt down, smiling like her pet had just performed an amusing trick. "No apologies necessary, Lilith. I should be thanking you for freeing me from that prison."

"A-and Ross?" she asked.

"I am Ross. Or Ross was me. The form that encased him is gone, however. Ash is his true being, the one in his soul. Ashmedai. Shidonai. Ashma Deva. One of Seven, Seven of One. And it feels..." She looked down at her body, and the part that had been Ross rejoiced, "It feels so good~"

Lilith nodded. "I'm glad! I'm glad to be of service."

Ash left something prickle at her awareness. It took her a moment to realize it was a scent in the air. She inhaled deep, picking up the traces of what could only be-

"Lust," she said, eyes locking onto the demon below her, "I can smell lust."

"O-of course! You're Asmodeus. You reign over...over lust," Lilith explained, her voice trailing off at the end. "But that's easily explained. I sucked some of the sexual energy from that human earlier. His essence is still in the air."

Ash sniffed further. "No. This is fresh, recent..." Her clawed finger reached under Lilith's skirt, prodding her exposed slit. Once withdrawn, the evidence of arousal glistened on her dark talon. "Your lust, in fact."

Lilith backed up more, toward the rest of the house. "Who wouldn't be aroused by you, oh powerful Ash. Your strength, your will...it's intoxicating!" Her face had flushed, revealing that it was more than passing fancy. Ash's smile turned predatory.

"I think I'll use your first. As reward for freeing me from my cage," she said like a merciful monarch. She reached out to Lilith and pulled. The threads of attraction that bind almost every life were Ash's to play with. With the briefest magical brush, Lilith's pupils dilated. She exhaled, caught by the sudden rush of need in her body. Helpless, she stuffed three fingers inside herself and went to town. Even falling on the floor didn't stop her. She splayed her legs out, showing off her holes, and furiously frigged herself with wild abandon.

"Ngh...I...oh fuck I can't take it..." she cried pathetically. The creature of lust was no match for a Princess of Hell, after all. Ash felt her power rejuvenate with the display of carnality, but she would need so much more than that. But how to extract it?

Since her form had been so malleable before, she tried it again. Her pussy was gorgeous and fit her perfectly, but she wanted an object of force to take Lilith. With a singular, concentrated will, she poured her energy into her clit. It expanded outward, shifting shape until it became a facsimile of a human penis. But Ash wasn't done. She grew it until it was ten inches, impossibly thick, and already drooling with piping hot seed. Thick ridges along the head gave it a sinister, almost bestial appearance, and it visibly throbbed with sheer desire. A perfect tool with which to take her first prize.

Lilith offered no resistance. On the contrary, she spread her legs as wide as they would go to accommodate Ash's massive weapon. One hard thrust into her sopping wet slit was all it took for Lilith to tip over and squirt her senses out, little jets of feminine juices spattering Ash in liquid submission. But the Princess of Lust only took that as further invitation, and got to work.

Pistoning slowly at first, the new organ shot off all kinds of nerve endings in Ash's new body. Pleasures undreamed of flowed through her cock, and she could feel the lusty energies flow from every hard piston into Lilith's pussy. Rather than fatigue her, strong fucking energised her. Gave her strength. She lifted up Lilith's legs and mating pressed the lower demon into the carpeted floor, whatever discomfort there may have been overwhelmed by the battering ram of perverse bliss at being so thoroughly taken. The ridges and bumps on Ash's cock dragged Lilith's interior, sending mini shockwaves. The submissive succubus could only offer moans and pleading for more, which Ash was only happy to provide.

When she reached her own climax, however, it was not the end of things. Merely the first act, so to speak, of a larger tale. Hot gouts of seed flooded into Lilith's clenching depths; a perverse christening of the woman as one of Ash's claimed servants. The thick cum ran out of space, but the girth of her dick blocked it from going anywhere else. So her stomach visibly bloated up with the release. By the time Ash was done, she looked several months pregnant already.

"Good girl," Ash offered before flipping her onto her stomach, Lilith's bloated belly holding her up when her limbs failed, "But we have two more holes to cram full of cock. And I won't be satisfied until everyone will see how full a cum dump you can truly be." She pressed the rigid tip to Lilith's ass, and the previously dominant demon whimpered. "And after that...I have a party to attend. One I've been looking forward to all day."


"Where is he?" Pastor Dan asked. Michael looked over the waist-high chain link fence around the pool, down the street from whence he came. Still no Ross.

"I don't know," he said for the sixth time. He didn't remember a whole lot of what happened after the strange blonde with the nice rack opened the door. There was some talking, Ross said somethings...there might have been lemonade...

"This is why we go in pairs," Dan reiterated, beating a dead horse with a broken record, "If he's not around by 5 we go looking for him. Kid's totally helpless on his own."

Michael looked past the woman approaching the property, believing her to be someone out for a walk. But she continued her approach, stepping into Pastor Dan's yard with a confident stroll. Scarlet hair billowed in the light breeze. Sunglasses framed her gorgeous features in a way that evoked some Hollywood starlet trying to remain incognito, but whose beauty could not be denied. He tried to keep his eyes from her red tank top and black shorts, but her curvy body made that almost impossible.

"Excuse me, ma'am?" Dan said, "This is a private party. Do you-"

She turned to him, dipping down the edge of her sunglasses. Ruby eyes bored into his, and his words died on his lips. Michael didn't move either, but kept his faculties. Pastor Dan, however, stood stock still...frozen. For a moment, Mike thought he recognised the strange woman. But no, she moved totally unlike anyone he'd ever met. She approached Jenny, who like everyone else was captivated by this stranger. The redhaired woman put a thumb on Jenny's chin, lifting it up.

"Hello Jenny," the stranger said, her voice like silky, "What do you say we take this somewhere quieter. Your place, perhaps?"

Jenny sputtered, unable to reply to this brazen proposition. But the next thing the party saw was Jenny's lips planted firmly onto the redhead's mouth, her eyes closed in breathless passion.

"Hey!" Michael shouted, gathering some of the hubris he'd been robbed of, "We don't allow that kinda pervert stuff around here."

The stranger laughed. A pair of horns burned into visibility, and Michael realized what a mistake he'd just made.

"Maybe not yet," she said with a sinister grin, "But you will, soon enough~"

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LatexZashaLatexZashaalmost 2 years ago

Sequel. How Jenny is handling it

LiterKnightLiterKnightover 2 years ago

Reading the comments yesterday made my brain have an idea for a sequel: the penitents are under new leadership and they're now going door to door to show that they're now *extremely* penitent.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Without a sequel I can only give it a 4, but its promising.

ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 3 years ago

Dreadie... pretty sure this one has a sequel in it. Pretty sure.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Hell of a story

Like how it's from typical 'summon a succubus and get transformed into one'. World build was interesting and sets up further parts or stories. Struggled to visulize Ash's height with no detail how tall she was. Lily's was looking up and Ash grew in feet, but was concerned about stretching wings and damaging the living room. Wouldn't her head have be touching the ceiling. Or if Lily is really a giant wouldn't Ash's be larger and go though the ceiling. Love to see another part with Jenny and Michael being turned into succubus and incubus servants as a reward.

MashuganaMashuganaalmost 4 years ago

How can Disney be wasting money in crappy remakes when they have a perfectly wonderful princess story right here ripe for cinematic adaptation.

tarthearttartheartalmost 4 years ago

personally, I want to hear what happens to Jenny & the rest of the members of this cult.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Great story! I hope plan on continuing this amazing story!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great stuff!

More please and thank you!

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