Help from Brother Ch. 01

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A sister asks her brother to come visit her and her wife.
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Sitting at the small L-shaped desk tucked into a corner of my bedroom, I heard a ringing tone from my laptop speakers. A live feed of my sister's petite face and dark hair filled a tall rectangular window in the middle of the screen. We looked alike, with the same electric-green eyes and dark auburn hair; only hers was longer. My friends, when coming across her picture in the house or meeting her on the few occasions she visited, didn't miss an opportunity to tease me about how "hot" she was. I knew she was considered pretty, but I figured they were just a bunch of horny assholes.

I couldn't remember the last time she had called me. She knew that I wasn't one to talk on the phone. So, if she, for some reason, thought she needed to get a hold of me, usually, it was through text. When I rolled my eyes at the thought of interacting with her face-to-face, I was grateful she couldn't see me yet. I took a deep breath and clicked on the green icon resembling an old phone's handset.

"Hey, Hannah," I tried to say without sounding uncomfortable.

"Hey, Creep." I could swear she was allergic to calling me by my actual name. "Graduation's right around the corner, huh? Excited yet?"

"Yeah, I can't wait. I'm ready to become a hermit."

"I thought you were moving out here to go to college?" she asked quizzically.

"Not for a few months. Until then, I don't think I'm leaving this room if I don't have to. I just wish I didn't have to live in the dorms. Too many people."

"So you don't want to come out early for a visit with your favorite sister and sister-in-law?" She paused before continuing, "We'll send you a ticket."

She thwarted the excuse I was going to make. I wanted to tell her I couldn't afford a ticket there. I sat silently for a moment before she broke it with a revelation.

"Alright, I'll just tell you." She sounded frustrated at my lack of enthusiasm. "Genna got us, all three of us, tickets to go see Disturbed in a few weeks. Still your favorite band?"

Suddenly, I found myself excited and blurted out an emphatic yes.

"Good. Mom already has your train ticket."

Since she is ten years older, she moved out when I was still young, and we didn't really keep in touch like some siblings do. We had limited our interactions to an as-needed basis. Despite the lack of a sibling relationship, she knew how much I liked riding the train. I could sit for hours near the window and watch the scenery fly by. There was something serene about it. With five states between me and the almost tropical coastal town she lived in, there would be plenty of time for that. If the scenery got boring, one of my hobbies was people-watching. While I wasn't a fan of interacting with most people, I loved to observe them. How people behaved, especially in public when they thought no one was watching, was fascinating. If all other forms of entertainment on the train failed, I could use the wifi and my laptop to keep me occupied.

She suddenly interjected, "I've got a doctor's appointment I gotta get to. I'll see you the week after graduation. Love ya, Lawrence." She hung up abruptly, her face blinking from existence on my screen. It took almost five minutes before I realized she had actually used my real name for the first time in what seemed like forever.


The Train Ride There

Geared up for a 24-hour trip, I stashed my luggage in my tiny sleeper compartment. Inside the six-foot-by-six-foot room, a seat, the color of dried blood, resembling a loveseat but more bench-y and less comfortable, lined the left and right walls. A small table with peeling fake woodgrain was attached to the wall opposite the door and under the window. It looked as if it would fold against the lower section of the wall. Above the window, a fold-down twin-size bed hung. The view out the window was hindered by a darker tint meant to minimize sunlight for people trying to sleep during the day and for the occupant's privacy. Since I couldn't have a good view out of the window, I locked the door and laid claim to a booth in the dining car next to a window.

The train station platform stretched out in both directions. People bustled in all directions to either board a train or leave one to their final destination. Sporadically throughout the crowd, friends, couples, and families were saying their goodbyes to one another.

A young man, probably about 20, passionately held and kissed a girl at least a couple years younger than him. They were both attractive people. His bulky muscles strained at the sleeves of his t-shirt and clung to pecs that any superhero would be jealous of. Though she looked like an athlete with a firm physique, the woman in his arms looked tiny compared to his six-and-a-half feet of height. She couldn't have been more than five feet and a few inches tall, weighing at most 120 pounds, though I figured probably a little less. When she broke his embrace, she grabbed the hand of a shorter, slightly chubbier girl, about the same age as her, standing next to them. The two rushed towards the door of the train.

The engineer sounded the horn, and with a slight jerk, the train station outside slowly slid backward as if trying to nonchalantly escape the train. I was off on the first leg of the trip. According to the train schedule, it would be about an hour until the next stop. The scenery moved faster and faster. The colors next to the window blurred into a palette of greens, yellows, blues, and whites. Scenery further back raced in and out of view.

Just when the train reached full speed, movement in the aisle enticed me to look. A blonde girl about my age, the girl from the platform, was walking towards me. She wore a thin, white spaghetti-strap tank top she had modified into a crop top hanging loosely below her modest-sized breasts. The bottom band of a sports bra sat lower than the shirt on her abdomen. Her stomach was flat and well-defined. I followed the lines of muscles down to the edge of a pair of royal blue spandex shorts that clung so tightly that it created a graphic outline of the folds of her lips. I tried not to move my head as I stared, entranced. As she walked by, I was straining my eyes to the side to catch a view of her ass. I was rewarded with two firm, round bubbles, about the size of large grapefruits, filling out the back of the shorts.

I felt my jeans start to tighten as blood flooded to my crotch. I couldn't help myself. Safe from her line of sight, turning my head, I tried following her movements as she traversed the rest of the car. The back of the seat behind me blocked my view, so I leaned out into the aisle. As my head protruded, something hit the back of it, violently sending it forward.

A startled yip came from behind my head. Turning around, a thigh covered in ripped jeans was inches from my face. The slightly chubby girl, wearing a snug orange t-shirt, stood over me. She looked down with an expression that was a mixture of shock, apology, and pity. She probably weighed only a little more than her friend, but she was not athletically built. The few extra pounds added a softness to her stomach and ample extra padding to her chest. I apologized and slid my head out of the pathway.

Hoping to hide the growing bulge, I laid my arms across my lap. When the phone in my pocket started to vibrate, my sensitive shaft jumped. Pulling the phone out, I noticed a text from Hannah.

Have a great trip.

A picture loaded below the text of her and Genna. The two women were on a beach. With their index fingers, pinkies, and thumbs extended, both flashed the sign language hand signal for 'I love you.'

Hannah wore a pale green bikini. Her tanned skin glistened with sweat. I finally realized why my friends thought she was attractive. Hannah was a couple inches shorter than me, about 5'10. She hadn't gained weight since leaving home, probably still weighing about 115 pounds. Though not fit like the girl that had just walked by me on the train, her stomach remained flat.

Genna was right next to her. She was petite, 6 inches shorter, and 20 or 30 pounds lighter. Despite her slight size, her breasts remained a healthy B-cup, sitting high and perky on her chest. She, too, was well-tanned. A microscopic, bright pink bikini struggled to cover sensitive areas on her body. A slight hint of her right areola stuck out from the edge of the top.

They were the perfect pair. Hannah was a photographer, and Genna was a model. They had met on a photoshoot in Bermuda or someplace like that. We had no clue Hannah was dating someone until months later when she surprised everyone by bringing Genna home.

At first, I was shocked that Russian model Genna Gavrilova was standing in front of me. This was the girl whose image I had masturbated to thousands of times. A poster of the blonde goddess in a g-string, her hands covering her bare breasts, hung on my bedroom wall, which she autographed during their visit.

We had all gone to a restaurant to eat that night. In the middle of the meal, Hannah and Genna announced their engagement. When I realized she and my sister were getting married, the shock caused my heart to skip. Seeing her was not going to be a one-time event. I was actually going to get to know her and spend more time with her.

The vision of Genna pushed my already painful erection to full size. I stood and covered the strain in my pants the best I could with my hands. I tried to look nonchalant as I headed toward my sleeper compartment.

Just before I reached my room, I saw the athletic girl that had passed me earlier. Her back was turned to me as she talked to the girl I tripped with my head. The sight of her round, muscular butt caused my heart rate to skyrocket even more. My eyes followed her curves from ankles to neck. Saliva flooded my mouth, and I craved to touch her.

A sudden side-to-side jolt of the train made me release the coverage of my painful erection and brace my hands against the sides of the hallway. I thought I was not the only one caught off guard by the jostle because the athletic girl had fallen into her friend when I looked up. It wasn't until the athletic girl's hand slid under her friend's t-shirt that I realized the train's movement didn't bring them together.

Her hand groped at her friend's more substantial chest. It looked like she was trying to pull her bra down to free the flesh. While their tongues danced in each other's mouths, the chubbier girl glanced up and saw me. She gently pushed the athletic girl backward and pointed at me. They both turned to face me, and the girl in orange fixed her breasts back into her bra. After a moment, they looked down at the protrusion from my lap. Their eyes went wide.

"S...s...sorry," I stammered. "Just going to my bunk." I point at the door a foot away from me. I opened the door to my compartment and rushed through the entrance. I waited a few moments before sticking my head back into the hallway. It was just in time to see the girls step around the corner into an alcove.

I crept silently down the hallway until I could see through the opening to the alcove. The girls were making out again. This time, the athletic girl's shirt was off, her black sports bra up far enough that the bottom lobe of her breasts was exposed. The friend's shirt was pulled so that orange ringed under her armpits and around her neck. Her breasts spilled free from the black lacy bra and smushed against the athletic girl's sports bra. After a few moments, the athletic girl kissed down her friend's neck and continued down her nipple. She playfully sucked on and flicked the nipple with her tongue.

My hand instinctively rubbed the jeans over my erection.

The chubbier girl moaned, "Ooooh, Sarah."

Suddenly, they stopped, and the friend pulled her shirt down. I ducked back, hoping they didn't see me. Then I heard the door between cars next to them open. Somebody stepped through the door. A voice down the hall said something, and I took it as a sign to return to my compartment.

Sitting on the loveseat, I unbuckled my pants and unzipped my fly. Pulling my pants and boxers to my ankles, my erection sprang free. After zooming the picture on my phone until Hannah was no longer on the screen, I wrapped my right hand around the stiff flesh. It glided up and down the entire length, shifting the skin with it. My eyes were transfixed on Genna's breasts and the part of her dark areola that stuck out. I closed my eyes and imagined what it would be like to kiss those breasts, suck on her nipples, fuck them. My hand bobbed faster. In between my visualizations, images of the athletic girl's butt kept popping into my brain.

The door to my compartment slid open. I tried to grab something to cover myself, but nothing was within reach. I pulled my t-shirt down over myself and held it there. The athletic girl and her friend rushed in, slamming the door shut behind them.

Both facing the door, the Sarah girl, wearing just her shorts and a sports bra, had her shirt in her hand. One of the girls said, "Sorry, but we don't have a sleeping compartment, and they were just about to catch us."

I couldn't respond. I just sat there, holding my shirt over my erection, staring at Sarah's ass. Then the girls turned around.

"Candice, what do we have here?" Sarah, the athletic one, asked.

"Oh...," was all that Candice could say.

"You know what?" Sarah continued.

"Uh?" Candice asked, sounding confused.

"He was spying on us. Wouldn't it only be fair if we spied on him?" Sarah asked Candice as she tugged my shirt upwards.

I tried to hold onto the hem of my shirt, but she yanked it out of my hand. In one smooth move, Sarah exposed me to herself and Candice. Both girls' eyes went wide. I quickly grabbed my dick to try and hide it in my grip.

"Hmmm," Sarah sighed, sounding disappointed. "It's not very long. What would you say, Candice? Six, six and a half inches long?" Candice didn't say anything in return, just lightly nodding and looking uncomfortable as she stared.

"But, HOLY SHIT is it thick," Sarah said, now sounding filled with admiration. "That thing could split a girl wide open." Still, Candice said nothing. Sarah took Candice by the hand and led her to the bench across from me. They sat facing me. "So continue what you were doing. Pretend we're not here," Sarah said nonchalantly.

I just sat there holding myself. Candice sat there staring at the flesh grasped in my hands. Sarah leaned over and whispered something into Candice's ear.

"I think he needs some encouragement," Sarah said toward me. She reached over and rubbed Candice through her shirt. I just sat there. "Oh, that's not doing it for you?" She pulled the bottom hem of Candice's shirt up. Since I had entered my compartment, Candice was no longer wearing her bra. Her c-cup breasts hung low to her upper abdomen. Large, light-pink areolas, each topped with a pert nipple, adorned the lower edge of each mound. Sarah leaned forward, lifted Candice's left breast, and sucked a nipple into her mouth. Candice moaned softly. Sarah sucked on the nipple while she messaged Candice's other breast.

Removing her mouth from the nipple, Sarah looked at me and asked, "You like these big ole tits?" I nodded. "Good, but these are my tits, and if you want to keep seeing them, you better start stroking that fat monster of yours."

Repositioning my grip, I started stroking up and down again. I stared as Sarah jiggled Candice's breasts for me to see before starting to pleasure her again. Candice reached down, unbuttoned her jeans, and slid them and her panties off. Sarah's hand immediately slid down Candice's stomach and snaked between her legs. Opening her legs wide, Candice revealed her hairless center with Sarah's index finger sliding between the puffy lips.

Quicker, my hand rubbed pleasure into me. I felt the pressure build in my thighs and at the base of my dick. Sarah kept glancing from her task to me. She must have known I was getting close because she demanded, "Stop stroking. I'm not ready for this to be over yet." I obeyed, releasing the grip I had on myself.

Sarah removed her lips from the nipple and her finger from between Candice's lips and stood up. She peeled the sports bra over her head. Her breasts were considerably smaller than Candice's but didn't hang down. They defied gravity, swooping straight outward into a kind of a point. Her areolas were puffy and covered the entire end of each breast. Wiggling her hips back and forth, Sarah peeled the spandex shorts down. She had been commando underneath the fabric. Her pussy was so smooth it looked like she wasn't able to grow hair there. The folds of her lips were as tight and firm as the rest of her.

As Sarah kneeled down between my knees, Candice slid her own finger over her clit, rubbing it in a lazy circle. Sarah leaned forward, examining my erect flesh. I could feel her warm breath caressing me. I clenched my muscles, trying not to finish from that little stimulation.

"It really is impressively thick," Sarah spoke.

"Uh-huh," Candice moaned in agreement as her finger quickened its movement. Her eyes were closed, and her face was totally flushed. Her breasts started to jiggle with the more rapid movement of her arm. Using her free hand, she groped at her breasts and pinched her nipples. With mouth wide open and eyes clenched tight, her upper body leaned slightly forward as her muscles stiffened. A small, quiet, yet powerful moan escaped her.

"Fuck," Sarah exclaimed. I was too busy looking at this dick that I missed her cumming." Sarah stood up. Standing in front of Candice's body, which was now starting to relax, Sarah bent at the waist with her legs spread wide. I could see her pussy begin to spread open slightly. As she bent over, she started licking the glisten from between Candice's legs. Each time her tongue ran over Candice's clit, Candice's body convulsed in a short spasm. "Umm." Sarah moaned. "Continue, boy."

I didn't ask if her command meant what I thought it did. I wrapped my hand around my aching dick and pumped quickly. Sarah reached her hand between her legs and rubbed the length of her slit. After rubbing it a couple times, she lowered that hand to Candice. Two of her finger parted Candice's lip and entered deep inside her pussy. Candice's eyes rolled back as her friend entered her body. Seconds later, Sarah withdrew her fingers and reached back between her own legs. She inserted the same two fingers into herself. Both girls watched the look on my face as I watched Sarah's fingers slowly probe into herself, stretching her entrance. She moaned. "God, that feels good,"

Witnessing her fingers inside her and hearing her moan was more than I could handle. Crashing over the brink into orgasm, creamy white cum jettisoned out the end of my spasming member. I watched as the glob flew through the air and across the compartment. Sarah jumped slightly as it splattered on her probing hand. Sarah's body began to shake, and she screamed out in pleasure.

I opened my eyes to an empty compartment. My hand still grasped my softening member. White goo ran from the head of my still spasming flesh and down my hand. Using paper towel that was in my compartment, I wiped the spilt cum from me. Reaching down, I pulled my boxers and jeans up, buckling them into place. When I returned to the same booth in the dining car, it was only thirty more minutes until the train's first stop of the trip.

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AnonymousAnonymous27 days ago

I really enjoyed the story. I would like it to continue exactly as you had planned.

Dale_Dean_JrDale_Dean_Jr28 days agoAuthor

Thank you everyone for the comments. @Havoc100, you are right, it was a fantasy. At this point, I know it's unclear why it is titled or categorized as it is. This was just an introduction to our main character. Lawrence has plenty of life to live yet, he is only 18. Trust me, all will become clear as our story progresses. Go ahead and follow so you can find Chapter 2 when it comes out.

cageysea9725cageysea972528 days ago

By the way, a 5' 4" woman who weighs 85 pounds (115 - 30) is severely underweight, and there is absolutely nothing even close to attractive about that, let alone being a super model. She needs help, and anyone looking at her would know that.

Angel_AzraelAngel_Azrael28 days ago

Calm down, everybody. This is just Chapter 1, it's just starting. Give it time, or move to something else. There's plenty of stories to read here.

zooliciouszoolicious28 days ago

Hmmm. Bring some more but toss in the incest, won’t you?

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